dietmoonfairy · 7 months
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dietmoonfairy · 1 year
Sometimes, this be how it is. I had the worst hemorrhage of my life last week (over 2L loss), one of the worst FHR strips which truly made me question at points whether it was worth fighting for that SVD… and then my first day off, catching up on class work and had the exam cut out on me. Having to have my professor proctor me at 8pm so I can finish my exam was the highlight of my school career, or so I hope. After those 4 days, I’m not looking forward to the next work day.
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@rebelcircusquotes_ you are my spirit animal. ❤️ #snarkynurses
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dietmoonfairy · 2 years
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Ah Yes. Leliana’s song. Yes. Just as I remember it.
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dietmoonfairy · 2 years
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Ugh. 😩 #snarkynurses
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dietmoonfairy · 2 years
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new meme format just dropped
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
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DOCTOR WHO ▹ Army of Ghosts
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
All so well said, and I’m here for aaaaaall of it!
Thank you so much for mentioning Rose's grief over losing the Doctor. Yes, Tentoo is the Doctor, too. No arguments from me. But still, sometimes it feels that the pieces of the puzzle slotted too fast and too perfect, and I'm always confused, and I think that Rose was confused, too, just as Tentoo was. So, thank you a lot for mentioning that stage of their lives! Tentoo had a lot of things to grieve about, too, and they needed to have some time to process the events of the days before the final time at Bad Wolf Bay.
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Hello, love!
I think Rose was forced into a decision that she didn't have enough time to think through fully? Like, yes, logically, this makes sense, but Rose has always followed her heart, and she wasn't given the chance to let her heart work out how she felt about the whole situation. She made a rash decision, I think based almost entirely on hearing the love of her life (ish) tell her he loved her over the love of her life telling her he never fully could. Once Ten disappears, she's left with that decision now, and, actually, she realises she's now stuck.
That's not to say she doesn't love Tentoo!! But the concept of clones is extremely difficult to get your head around, and I can't imagine what it would feel like to be in love and end up with their clone. Is it him?? Well, yes, same DNA and memories. But physically... the love of her life is travelling alone in another universe.
Rose also didn't want to settle down. She never wanted to, and I think that's brushed over, too. Rose came back for the Doctor because she loved travelling with him and seeing the universe, so to now be trapped again without being able to travel around time and space must have been so hard for her. She'd been working for years to get back to where she once was, and now she's right back to square one.
Tentoo absolutely confuses her for a while. She won't be able to look at him without feeling the most painful concoction of feelings. Is she happy? Sad? She's looking at a man who looks identical to the man she loves except he's human, and that makes him... not the man she loves. The hand she held, the thousands of hugs were all physically shared with another man. But yet... he looks like this one. She must be so confused!
And then there's Tentoo. And I absolutely believe he doesn't let on to how much he's struggling. Rose knows, of course she does, and it makes it so much worse because she knows he's just lost everything. But he's not about to pile all of his problems on her, he's going to take everything on himself — he's lost the TARDIS, his home, Donna and all of his friends. He'll never see Martha again, he'll never see everyone he knows and has loved ever again. All those alien planets, all those bonds he had formed over the near-thousand years, gone. He's just as alone as she is... only more, because he hasn't had a few years in this universe building his own life. He's walking into Rose's life now, all her friends, her life she's had over the past few years and he's even more alien than ever.
He can't tell Rose that, and she can't tell him how conflicted she is to see his face. Those first few months would have been so hard for the two of them. Their kisses would have been awkward, their hugs not quite right, hesitating before taking the other's hand and it feels a bit weird because it's not his hand and he feels weird because he knows she's thinking that.
But what do they do? Take time apart? Become their own people so that they can love each other? Because both of them have changed. Rose isn't the Rose the Doctor knew, and the Doctor isn't the Doctor Rose knew. They'll be learning to love each other all over again, only this time, they have the pressure of knowing this was forced on both of them.
They'll get there in the end, and they'll both get there quite soon. After all, it's his eyes that look back at her when he asks about her day, and it's her nose scrunching when she disagrees with something. They love each other, always will and always have, it just takes a bit of time.
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
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where would you journey, if you could?
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
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Brendan Fraser as Rick O’Connell in The Mummy (1999) dir. Stephen Sommers
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
Can’t sleep (hello, #nightshiftproblems) so here I am, snuggled on the couch with a cat, listening to Edge of Seventeen with my honey ginseng tea and Star Wars fanfiction. This is some sort of mood but hell if I can define it!
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
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Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
I found my Tumblr app again (how did I manage to lose it on my phone…? A question for another time).
Honestly, the older I get, the more challenged by technology I feel. Reaching out to someone for mod support on Discord yesterday, I had all these feelings that harkened back to unsure middle school student (“will I be called out for not understanding the medium? I hope I appropriately send all the correct data the correct way…”). Even though we use Discord for DnD, it’d predominantly driven by my husband; I’ve barely explored it. I’ve long felt like Twitter went just a smidge over my head. Now I lost Tumblr… sheesh. Just wait, I’ll be shouting for everyone to get off my lawn soon. I wonder, if I spent more time looking at a computer screen (I mean… technically, I do at work, but I’m looking at a fetal heart strip, it isn’t exactly the same), would I feel less separate from some of these things?
I have no idea what I’m talking about at this point.
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dietmoonfairy · 3 years
Obi-Wan wears like 53 layer of robes so everyone assumes he’s kinda soft especially compared to his ‘in the prime of his youth’ former Padawan but then one day he goes shirtless to spar and he’s shredded, he has an 8 pack. Clones and Jedi alike are choking on drinks and tripping into walls. Ahsoka is covering her eyes and screaming because that’s basically her grandpa. Anakin has to throw a robe over Obi-Wan like The Birth of Venus. 
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dietmoonfairy · 4 years
A few months back, I reported an OB I work with for unprofessional behavior. During the shift in question, he called my opinion and work ethic into question, at one point in front of our patient, and failed to communicate clearly what our plan of care was despite my asking him to repeatedly (it was a somewhat precarious situation, and I needed answers so I could call in the appropriate extra staff).
I’m a pretty calm, collected, and overall chill person. This was my first negative, direct experience with one of our doctors, and I wrote him up rather than confronting him because if I had been a younger nurse, I would have felt intimidated. I felt intimidated (not to mention furious) as the nurse I was that day, but I knew enough to do things appropriately without his feedback. Had I been a newer nurse, which we constantly have orienting to nights, things could have looked very different.
So fast forward to Monday morning, he was asked to formally apologize to me for the situation (after I’m sure he was spanked by the upper management). And he did, and I do think he was genuine, but this leads to my bigger question: what is it with men, especially those in power, asking women to police their behavior? He basically said “look, if I’m being an ass, call me on it.” And sure, I can do that with my husband or my brother, but one of my doctors who I have a strictly professional working relationship with? How about you recognize you’re being a jerk and change your own behavior? Seriously. Take responsibility for yourself.
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