I assume you already know my normal/roleplay blog is
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Chris and Noobie are dating in this AU.
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Name: Angelic Fur
Fur's Bio:
She likes to hunt creatures but can release and let them be free, She teaches Fur how to speak. She likes to eat and teach cats creatures and people, She likes to fly and smile a lot.
Age: 1 month old
Birthday: September 7
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Name: Fur
Fur's Bio:
She can't speak, She likes to hang out with Angelic. She is learning speaking lessons and speaking classes from Angelic to hopefully make herself speak, She likes to hunt and honestly.. kills any edible creatures unless she feels bad or sad about them.
Age: 3 months old
Birthday: April 3
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"I love you SideKit!"
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"Aww I love you too~"
Kit and SideKit are dating here too.
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