digimon-fr · 2 years
Cancelling DMFR: Reasons and What Now...
TLDR: I’m extremely burnt out with this story due to my own hubris, and would like to close this chapter of my life. Read below for more details. Hello everyone...
I apologize for leaving you all in the dark for so long. This was a bandage I was extremely reluctant to rip off because of the love people had for this little fan project. But it’s something I must address all the same. You’ve probably noticed that updates to DMFR have gradually petered out over time and have basically come to a complete stop. This is because as time went on, I started to fall out of love with Digimon, the fandom, and consequentially, this big-little story I’ve had knocking around in my brain since 2008 (ie. Since I was a young teenager). While my relationship with the Digimon franchise is starting to gradually be repaired with the love being put into the new Ghost Game anime, the beautifully nostalgic art in the new card game, and the immense fun that is the Vital Bracelet series, I do find my self struggling to come back to the fandom, and more importantly this story.
I have changed so much since I first started posting this story in 2014, and even more so since thinking about it in 2008. There is still plenty to love about it, but also a lot I’d probably would have done very differently. My ability to pace myself and plan out a story of multiple character arcs has improved so much, and my past self did not do a very good job of laying down the tracks for my future self. I should have made chapter outlines, I should have given myself a schedule instead of posting when ever, I should have given myself breaks when I needed them. But I didn’t and the immense pressure from the standards I set for myself began to weigh so much that any spark I had left was entirely snuffed out. All this is to say that I am very burnt out with this story. I’m no longer excited to work on it, I’m kicking myself for making it so difficult to work on in the first place, and my drive to finish it is gone because of how poorly I handled it for myself.
I hope that writing this out, anyone else who is hoping to make a grand epic series can learn from my mistakes. Inspiration is POWERFUL in making art, but a massive piece of art like this can not live off of inspiration alone. You need to pace yourself and take care of yourself so you don’t come to dislike what you are making in time. Because it’s never fun to fall out of love with something that used to bring you so much joy, and I would never wish that on anyone.
So now what?
I am going to try and take better care of myself, and continue to pursue passion projects that still bring me joy. You are welcome to join me, but I also completely understand if you do not want to. Regardless, thank you for all your support in the past, please take care of yourself, and may your spirit stay strong.
Sincerely, AK-Illustrate
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digimon-fr · 3 years
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[In the meeting hall of the Castle of the Three Great Angels, the digimon affected by the Demon Lord attack stand quietly to hear what the angels have to say. Strabimon and Reflectmon, who tend to take on much of the brunt of leadership in the group, stand in the front. Strabimon looking upward towards these strange powerful digimon with cautious curiosity, while Reflectmon looks down at the floor, avoiding any eye contact with any digimon in the room.
To the right of them stands the newcomer, Tromon, who is with the stern looking rabbit guard, Lekismon, as well as the now very anxious friends of Sprocket City, Koraimon and Talpidmon. Both of whom seem to be conflicted in why they are here, uncomfortably shuffling and making an effort to not look at one another.
To the left and just out of eyeshot of the de facto leaders are Lamnimon and Flitmon, the later worriedly looking from face to face, trying to glean what condition all of their friends are is, while the former seems stuck in their own level of discomfort and puzzlement over what just happened to them. What were those strange visions? Those nightmarish memories?
Behind them, toward the back, is the group from Fortune town. Bastemon and MailPidgemon stand at the forefront of the group, while Flamedramon holds onto and tends to the Kudamon siblings. MailPidgemon looks especially stern about the information they are about to receive, while Bastemon simply appears to be here searching for answers as well as to why their friend Aegiomon was killed.
Sirenmon and Gullymon are not present.
Nachtmon also does not appear to be present.
Who is present, however, is Pengimon, who is waiting by the entrance patiently for their friend Flamon to retrieve their cat friend from the resting area.]
Fla: [Rushes in with Geopardmon in hand, talking in a hushed tone.] Pengimon! Hey.
Pengi: Ah! There you two are. [Hops up onto Flamon’s shoulder.]
Fla: What did we miss?
Pengi: Not much. I think we’re just starting...
Ophani: -I know you all probably have a lot of questions. And we will do what we can to answer them.
But for now we humbly ask you to be patient with us. As there is much to explain.
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Oh you best believe there is much to explain…! I can’t believe thou art asking me to be patient right now.
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One of my best friends is DEAD. And I have no idea WHY! So forgive me if I’m a little IMPATIENT…!
[The three angles are at first shocked at the outburst, but then look away sadly. Those of the Fortune Town crew also look away in pain, hurt from the loss of their friend, and the suffering of their leader.]
Flit: … F...Flecky…
Lamni: ...
Strabi: [Gently touches Reflectmon’s arm]
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Reflect: … [Looks away from them.]
Cherubi: We understand that you are hurting right now… And I wish we could give you the solace you deserve… But... We can’t...
Seraphi: However, we can give you answers…
The ones who attacked you back in the forest belong to a group known as the demon lords. We’ve been in a quiet war with them for several years now. Trying to hold them back without causing panic across the digital world while they attempt to infect this world’s data with a terrible illness that causes Digimon to give in to their most damaging and hurtful desires.
Fla: … Infect the world’s data… You don’t think… That weird circle back in Breezy Village…
Geopard: …?
Fla: Right. I guess you were uh… Unconscious for that part…
Ophani: When the Demon Lords began using their powers to cause this influence amongst digimon, we decided to call upon the Ten Legendary Warrior Spirits to help us nip the issue in the bud before things got out of hand…
However, something unexpected happened. Because of the strain the spirits had faced in the past, the Spirit of Darkness split in two, and the Ten Legendary Warrior Spirits were shot across the Digital World. Furthermore, once we were able to find one of them, the Spirit of Wood, we found out that the spirits, in their turbulent return… Changed form…
Cherubi: … It came as a shock to us. And it will likely be a shock to you, but…
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digimon-fr · 3 years
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Fla: How are you?! Are you ok?!
Geopard: I-I’m fine! But St-Strabimon. They-
Fla: Strabimon is alright.
[Sighs in relief]
Oh thank the stars… I heard what happened after we all separated.
Geopard: Y-...Yeah…
[Looks around]
Where… W-Where are we?
Fla: We’re in the Castle of the Three Great Angels!
Geopard: Th-Three Great Angels?
Fla: Yeah, they’re like… These three super powerful digimon? They’re apparently really important…
Augh, beans! Speaking of, they actually called us for a meeting!
Geopard: Meeting???
Fla: Yeah! Technically you were excused but I wanted to get you anyway! It sounded super important.
[Grabs Geopy’s paw]
C’mon. Before we’re too late!
Geopard: Ah- O-ok…!
[The two run off]
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digimon-fr · 3 years
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Nacht: You know… They told me I was never meant to exist. That my data is made from a side of darkness that feels only hatred and anger.
They told me that in order to keep existing, I had to defeat the half of darkness that exists in the calm. That I had to destroy you… But... If I was never meant to exist in the first place, then…
Geopard: …
Nacht: ...
You hear the voice too right? You see the ghost that comes with it? I wish I knew what it was…
Maybe it knows what I’m supposed to do… What we are supposed to do…
My entire existence… And the existence of Darkness itself… It can’t just be to destroy… Right?
... Right?
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digimon-fr · 3 years
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Ophani: So the reports were true… There really are two Warriors of Darkness now…
Seraphi: … Hmm… That unfortunately makes sense. Our past lifes’ meddling put a lot of stress on the Spirit of Darkness in particular…
Cherubi: … Please don’t say “our” as if it wasn’t only one of us. It only makes me feel more uncomfortable.
Seraphi: Ah-... S… Sorry…
Strabimon: [Struggling to stay conscious while being healed by a swarm of cutemon]
Who… Who are you digimon…?
Cherubi: Friends, hopefully… Though...
[Looks over the rest of the group, who are in various stages of injury and mourning.]
I fear that with what we plan to tell you, the feeling will not be mutual…
Strabi: … I’ll... try not to shoot the messenger.... ... [Passes out]
Cherubi: [Sighs] Right…
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Everyone! Make sure our guests are cared for, healed, and rested.
I’m sure you all have a lot of questions about what happened today, and we intend to answer them. But first let us some time to re-gather ourselves…
... And to mourn as needed…
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It will all become clear soon…
Ophani: [Rests a hand on Cherubimon’s shoulder] Well said…
Cherubi: ... Thanks...
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digimon-fr · 4 years
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digimon-fr · 4 years
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digimon-fr · 4 years
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digimon-fr · 4 years
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digimon-fr · 4 years
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Tsukai: The method used to destroy Lucemon will be removed. The demon lords will take one giant step closer to victory. We will win…
Why am I so sad…
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[Lightning cracks across the sky, and it begins to rain. Geopardmon and Nachtmon glare at each other in a heated battle deciding which of them gets to live. Lamnimon trembles silently in Flitmon’s arms while Flit watches in horror with the Fortune Town Folk, as their dear friend turned demon, Reflectmon, fights their overpowering opponent with such uncharacteristic savageness and force, it’s hard to turn away. In the forest, Talpidmon cowers away from their friend, KoRaimon, with terrible visions of being blasted away by what seems to be them. All while Tromon, Flamon, and Pengimon try to approach the two cautiously, Tromon being the only one who truly understands what’s going on.]
[And the rain pours on…]
Tsukai: ... Why don’t I want this to happen…?
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digimon-fr · 4 years
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[As the now fallen angel-like Reflectmon clashes with the ever more powerful Demon Lord Barbamon, Strabimon begins to regain consciousness near the site of the battling Geopardmon and Nachtmon… Their head spinning.]
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digimon-fr · 4 years
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Fla: Uhh... Hey. You alright, weird guy?
Tro: ... These visions.
Time's seer has broken the truth!
Fla: ... uhhh...? [Looks at Pengimon.]
Pengi: [Shrugs.] I got nothing for that one.
Tro: Quickly, you two! We must regather our comrades and soon! [Runs off.]
Fla: Hey! I thought that's what we were already doing!!!
Slow down!!!!!
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digimon-fr · 5 years
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Lam: [Collapses-]
Flit: L... Lamnimon! H-hey! What's wrong with you! What's going on?!
Lam: Y-... you...
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digimon-fr · 5 years
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Aegio: Hey Bucket head! You leave them alone!
KnightChess: ???
[Aegiomon proceeds to zap at KnightChessmon with their electricity, getting them to back off from their fallen friend who has now shifted from their Reppamon form back into their small Kudamon form, still unconscious from injury.
Darting around and taking swift kicks to the enemy KnightChessmon, Aegiomon seemed to be overpowering their opponent in speed, taking advantage of KnightChessmon’s larger armored form. The distraction bought Jokermon just enough time to break free from the Evilmon holding them down by devolving into their own Kudamon form. Immediately, they went to their fallen sibling]
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Hnng... What happened....?
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Come on! We’re getting outta here!
[With their two friends free, all seemed to be going in Aegiomon’s favor when suddenly, their speedy maneuver when horribly, horribly wrong…]
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No… No, Aegiomon, no!!!
[Aegiomon had gotten too cocky. Too busy zipping around and dodging KnightChessmon’s kicks and hooved strikes, they did not notice the Javelin hurdling right toward them, until it was much too late…]
[Without even a shrug or a sigh, KnightChessmon flung the now limp Aegiomon to the side, bits of data already chipping off of them as their form started to give way. Sirenmon, heart full of shock and despair, blast through the enemies that were holding them in place and ran desperately to their fallen love…]
[The other’s all stop, in the small moment, their comrade has fallen. Watching in horror as they begin to cease...]
Siren: Aegie… No… Please… Please don’t leave me
Aegio: Si… [They reach up and gently wipe away Sirenmon’s tears, smiling] I’ll never leave you… I’ll always… Be right… Here… …
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digimon-fr · 5 years
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KnightChess: I see you’re relying on the same tricks. Did you really think they’d work the second time around?
Reflect: ...
KnightChess: What? No quips? No jokes? I’m disappointed.
Kuu: Hng-Gahhh!!
Jokes: Let them go! Let them go!!!
Relflect: [Gasps and turns to see their friend Kuu, in their evolved Reppamon form, being violently pinned down by the other KnightChessmon, the rim of their armored fist ripping deep into the other’s furry side. Kuu’s sibling, Jokes, struggled fruitlessly against several Evilmon who have taken the clown Digimon’s scythe away and were holding them in the air, kicking and screaming.]
KnightChess: Ah ah ah…
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digimon-fr · 5 years
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Tro: Hurry, Sparking Flame and Flurried Bird. We must find the other stars before time runs out!
Fla: Would you slow down for one second!
Tro: Time is a ticking clock! It stops for no mon!
Fla: … You can like. Turn off a clock.
Pen: I uh… Think what they mean is.... There’s no time to explain? I think.
Tro: Explanation carries many burdens, burdens too heavy with the ticking clock! The only burden we should carry is aligning the stars once more!
Fla: Would you just! Listen! For a second! We don’t even know if we can trust you! These…. Stars, you keep calling us. Of course we’re… Unaligned…! We don’t even know who you are!
Tro: I am Tromon. Soldier of Plants and Trees. I am also one of the lost stars.
Fla: Again with the stars.
Pen: Wait. Ok so like… Are you saying we are all part of the same group?
Tro: Yes. We are the Lost Stars. The Fallen Colors. The Little Spirits Ten…
Fla: … “Little Spirits Ten”...? You can’t mean…
Nacht: Hyyyyaugh!!!
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digimon-fr · 5 years
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Aegio: Stars, this jerk gives me the creeps...
Lam: What’re they spouting on about? A “Spirit of Steel”?
Flit: No idea.
Gulley: [Flies up to Pidgemon, exhausted.] I found some mons, Pidge. I did it-! … Pidge…?
Pidge: I can’t believe it… It can’t be…
Reflect: What doth thou want with a group of performers, may I ask? Have we angered thee? Hurt thee? Perhaps there is some sort of misunderstanding we can talk through-
???: Hah!!! Hah hah haaaa…
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