Digimon Frontier Fest 2022
And that’s a wrap!
Thank you all so much for participating and celebrating Digimon Frontier together. It was amazing to see all your thoughts, creativity, and excitement on a tv show that’s been here for 20 years.
Cheers to you
@animegenork​ @crestofenlightenment​ @demonoflight​
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@digitalgate02​ @earlgreymon​ @evide​
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@jumper-zuzu​ @justmakeleftturns​ @kiebs​
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@kouichikimura​ @ominous-meme​ @shihalyfie​
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@speedsketch​ @statixwhy​ @takatofan​
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@tomfoolerytime​ @twilitfox​ @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan​
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@windfighter​ @zephyrwindspirit​ @xnochillx101​
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At your humble service, your hosts @citrus-cactus​ and @rockthistowninsideout​
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Frontier’s relationship with Super Sentai
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Frontier is well-known – and by well-known, I mean the staff has literally admitted it – to be based off of Toei’s tokusatsu series Super Sentai. But what is Super Sentai, anyway? If anything, most people in the West probably know it as the original basis for Power Rangers (and Power Rangers will probably be their only real understanding of non-kaiju tokusatsu). But that doesn’t really have a lot in common with Frontier, does it? Well, you might be surprised.
Let’s take a look at Super Sentai as it’s known in Japan, and its relationship to Frontier and Digimon as a whole!
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Digimon Frontier Fest 2022
This is my personal thank you as a host to all the participants in Frontierfest! It was my first time organizing and moderating such an event. What a wild ride it was!
I also want to thank my co-mod @citrus-cactus​ who had the idea in the first place and helped me navigate what it means to host a good event for everyone.
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(I’m as happy as the three celestial digimon about how things turned out!)
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FrontierFest, Day 21
Free Day!
First, I wanted to thank to everyone who participated in this event, but especially my amazing and talented co-mod @rockthistowninsideout for not only agreeing to do this with me, but making the event blog and all the beautiful graphics to boot!
Second, doujinshi! I have a handful of Frontier doujinshi from Back In The Day (though technically I didn’t acquire them back in the day; I went on a kick a few years ago because generally I find them interesting, and also I like pretty pictures! Most are Gen, a few are very mild Takuya x Kouji).
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Anyway, this is my absolute favorite Frontier doujinshi cover, front and back! Love the image of Izumi protecting Junpei from a giant robot and Kouji wielding twin Iron Pipes of Doom(tm), not to mention the stark shading and the colors. Such pulp, very B-movie, much wow! The inside is, perhaps, not quite as interesting as the outside, but in a perfect world, high-quality prints of these would exist so I could hang them on my wall, because to me they are Art.
Finally, and without saying too much about it, I believe there are tentative plans for another English-language, fan-led Frontier project near the end of the calendar year. It IS still quite tentative at this stage, but stay tuned, because if it happens I will definitely be blogging excitedly about it!
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Frontier Fest Day 21 (LAST DAY)
APRIL 27: Free Day [talk about something we didn’t cover!]
Be warned I’m getting emotional on this post
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FrontierFest - Day 21
(Full prompt list here)
Free Day
I thought about rambling some more about how much I adore Tomoki and how proud I am of this sweet baby, but I think I did that enough this month lol.
Sooooo hey let’s do a morbid shoutout to something we haven’t talked about all that much this month: Stairs-kun! 
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Yes, Stairs-kun, for all your isekai needs! Much safer and less painful than Truck-kun! If you can’t catch the Trailmon to the Digital World, Stairs-kun will do just fine. *thumbs up*
…sorry I’ll see myself out.
But more seriously, I’d really like to thank @citrus-cactus and @rockthistowninsideout​ for organizing this fun event! This really gave me an opportunity to look back at Digimon Frontier and think of all the things I love about it, these messy kids I like so much, all the times I watched it - the first time, the first timed dubbed, when I rewatched it with a bunch of people I still call my good friends to this day… It’s one of my favorite entries in the Digimon franchise and I love pouring all my affection and appreciation at it. Thank you for the opportunity! I hope I can give Frontier more and more love this year to continue celebrating its 20th anniversary with all my energy.
Let’s fly to that future beyond the trashcan!
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Day 21: Free Day
Okay, can I talk about how on point the headgear was in this series?
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Even though Takuya didn't wear his goggles a lot, the hat balanced that out?? It also gave him something unique to be remembered for, and boy do I remember it.
AND THE BANDANA! Kouji's bandana is not complete without Kouji and vice versa. Gave him even MORE of the loner edge, and I LOVED it.
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Zoe is a queen and I take no criticism. LOOK AT THAT HAT. It's so fitting. She is so stylish. Have I mentioned yet how much I love her? Also, the ears. Absolutely adorable.
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Idk what's going on with this kiddo's hat, but he's also not right without it? The magic of Digimon I guess-
Anyway, love Tommy and his hat.
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Even the three Celestial Digimon agree, these hats are top tier. Thanks for listening.
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Frontier Fest Day 21 - Free Day!
Well, here it is: excerpts from my undergraduate thesis that discuss Digimon Frontier! Shout out to @citrus-cactus​ who was REALLY excited to read this when I mentioned it some time ago!
For context, the thesis itself looked at the theory of Carnival - a medieval European festival which temporarily overturned ordinary hierarchies and allowed a period of freedom and laughter amidst official seriousness and restrictions - and how carnivalesque elements of Japanese pop culture (including manga, anime, and music) demonstrated the way theories travel through time and places.
Screenshots under the cut! If you’re on mobile, please tap on the images for better quality!
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FrontierFest, Day 20
Frontier fanartist/author recommendations? [you can recommend yourself!]
I don't know anyone who exclusively draws Frontier fanart, but I have been a fan of @koucholate's art for a long time. They have an adorable style, and draw the absolute CUTEST Koujis. Here is my #1 favorite; Kouji babysitting Tomoki and Shinya is amazing and 100% deserves to happen.
@raynef-art is mostly on Twitter these days, but has posted some great Frontier art (as well as other Digimon seasons) on Tumblr. I really admire her lineart and coloring skills!
As for fic, I haven't read any Frontier fanfic in years, so these recommendations are from me-several-years-ago and not necessarily me-from-today, but I'm mentioning them because they did leave quite an impression on me at the time:
The Spirits Within by SilvorMoon checks ALL the boxes for what I'd love to see in a Frontier sequel (except it is, sadly, unfinished). But it's still a very enjoyable ride! A new quest in the Digital World, a struggle with new evolutions, and a very sympathetic villain in Witchmon! As soon as I'm caught up with all the OTHER fanfic I'm behind on, I think I'll give this a reread, and yearn(tm).
Whiteout, also by SilvorMoon, is a cute Junzumi fic, and is probably the first and (until recently) only place I had seen Junpei associated with model trains, which does seem like a natural fit as a hobby he would have later in life!
Issues with Younger Brothers by Higuchimon scratches that itch of human characters who never interacted in the show having a scene together, in this case Takuya and Yutaka (pre-series!)
And hey, I might as well plug the scant Frontier art I've posted on my other blogs, and my one (silly) fanfic that offers a slightly different take on the ending of episode 15. The only other Frontier fic I ever made any progress toward writing was going to serve as gap-filler for the time that Takuya spent in the real world and focused on a Kouji + Tomoki interaction and (slight) character development... but sadly, that has been stalled as a partial draft for many, MANY years. This event has given me a few other plot bunnies though, so I've been toying with the idea of writing a little scene of Kouji going back to pick up those flowers from the florist, and MAYBE a fic based on something that was mentioned in the Blu-ray audio drama (and has involved researching a lot of operas!). Will I actually start, much less finish either of those? Doubtful, but I can dream! :P
However, since 2022 IS the Year of Frontier, I am motivated to draw more art at the very least!!
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Digimon Frontier Fest 2022: Days 7-20
Woops life got away from me, so have a bunch of answers at once!
Day 12: Which one of the 10 Legendary Spirit elements would you want to be partnered with, and why?
My first thought is Darkness. To be honest my reason doesn’t have much to do with the show. I find Darkness to be a neutral element. I also feel like a warrior of Darkness is more likely to hang back in a fight for just a moment to observe the battle, and then attack accordingly.
I also would want Fire. Because Agunimon is awesome and I like his design.
And then Water. Because I’ve always had an affinity for water, I suppose.(I absolutely was that child pretending to be a waterbender in the shower or while swimming XD)
Day 13: Favorite episode/moment
I love the episode “My Brother In Spirit.” Kouji’s complete and utter distress about discovering he has a twin brother who’s being used by Cherubimon- we don’t really see Kouji break down like that, and it’s heart-wrenching to see.
Follow-up to that, is Takuya trying to give advice to Kouji about how to be a brother in the next episode. It was a very nice little scene, and I enjoyed seeing these two on the same page. Also, Kouji showing vulnerability and asking-without-asking Takuya how to be a brother.
And follow up to THAT is Patamon giving Kouichi a bit of a pep talk. It was really sweet. And it also shows how the concept of Darkness in this series is different than how it was in the previous seasons.
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Day 14: Favorite supplemental media
I’m a fake fan, guys. I haven’t seen or read to anything outside the main series. Although I do plan on watching the movie eventually. (…There IS only one, right…?)
Day 15: Favorite detail from the Blu-Ray Drama CD (”A Train Named Hope”)
See above.
Day 16: Favorite relationship in the series
Takuya and Kouji’s rivalry turned friendship is one I actually like more than the Tai/Matt and TK/Davis ones from the original two series. Not really sure why, seeing as they all have a similar rivalry setup that anime tends to follow. I feel like Kouji and Takuya, as I’ve mentioned in an earlier post, both make good points when arguing and so neither feels “whiny” or anything. I also find it believable that they’re friends- the burger episode is my first thought lol- rivals for a silly thing? Nah, they’re just both competitive and having fun trying to one-up the other.
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I also like Tommy and Takuya’s friendship and wish we could have seen more of it. Tommy definitely reminds Takuya a bit of his own younger brother, and it’s nice to see Takuya step into that role.
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Day 17: Any (romantic) ships?
Oddly enough, no. I ship many, many ships from the first two series but Frontier? Nada. I think partially due to the lack of focus and further character development of Zoe, JP, Tommy, and Kouichi. Also I genuinely just love Kouji and Takuya as friendly rivals that I don’t really want them to be a couple. The dynamic would change and I like them as they are.
Day 18: What aspect of the series would you like to have been more developed?
Oh boy.
Obviously, more character development and Fusion evolutions for Zoe, JP, Tommy, and Kouichi.
Kouichi interacting with other characters besides Kouji. (Kouichi has so much potential!!! And they didn’t use it!!! I love him anyway.)
As much as I didn’t like the four kids who stayed behind (sorry, I’m blanking on their names), I would have liked to see them get the other four spirit warriors. Even if it ended up them splitting off from the main group to have their own fighting adventures (I mean, the main group did that often enough anyway).
More about the original Legendary Warriors. I still headcanon that those digimon are still conscious and share the digivolution with the kids, so I would have liked to maybe see that kind of interaction like in the kids’ heads kinda thing.
I also would have liked a tiny bit more focus on the kids’ families. Not as much involvement as in the original series (although that did work great!) but more of a way to help our characters develop more. Also i just want Shinya to be in the digital world and be friends with Tommy. I love Shinya. I blame fanfiction for that.
Day 19: Any headcanons or AUs you’d like to share?
Oh boy, do I ever!
1) A semi-popular headcanon I’ve seen around (at least, I saw it several years ago) is that beast spirit evolving is painful. I personally headcanon this, and that it’s because evolving human-to-”human” is a lot easier on the kids’ bodies than evolving human-to-beast.
2) I’ve touched upon this in an earlier post and earlier in this post as well, but I headcanon that when evolved, the kids and the digimon they’ve digivolved into are sort of a fusion. I see it as the kids being in control, but maybe the digimon assist with powers, etc. I think this can be somewhat back up (as mentioned in an earlier post) when Takuya first ‘meets’ Agunimon- the latter seems to send Takuya a vision of what to do. This could be further supported since the kids have trouble controlling their beast spirits- implying that the digimon are still alive, in a sense.
3) I know it’s not true and would never actually happen but I absolutely love the idea of the Frontier gang being the original kids in the Digital World prior to the Digimon Adventure series. Before Digimon: Tri, they totally could have been! They might have just had to have been called back to the Digital World to defeat Apocalymon. I just really love this AU.
Day 20: Frontier fanartist/author recommendations?
I don’t really follow anyone specifically for this, however- I’d like to recommend my favorite Digimon Frontier fanfic instead:
Spark, fire, inferno by Verse on A03
Thank you for Frontier Fest 2022! This was fun, even if I did have to answer most of it in one post XD
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Digimon Frontier Fest 2022
Day 21 - Free Day [talk about something we didn’t cover!]
Some of you have talked about the soundtrack before, I have mentioned the title track already in day one, but I’d like to take the opportunity to expand a little on the songs of the German dub. This is something the people responsible for the dub have always nailed, no matter the season (contrary to the show, I do like the Tamers soundtrack).
Digimon sountracks distinguish themselves with an exceptional amount of life lessons and motivational lyrics, and Frontier is no difference. Here’s a little excerpt of Fire/Wenn das Feuer in dir brennt (When the fire burns inside you) that illustrates this perfectly.
Fahr bis zum Horizont, (Drive up to the horizon) Immer weiter, bleib niemals stehen. (further and further, never stop going.) Denn alle Grenzen (Because all frontiers) Kannst du überwinden. (you can overcome) Das Feuer brennt in dir (The fire burns inside you) Und du kannst dein Ziel schon sehen, (and you can already see your destination) Denn du fühlst grenzenlos, (because you feel infinitely) Du kannst die Antwort finden!  (You can find the answer!)
Or here we have Die Hyper-Spirit-Digitation (please direct me to the Japanese original!)
Wozu kämpfen wir? (What are we fighting for?) Es gibt so viele Gründe (There are so many reasons) Wir jagen immer unserm Traum hinterher (Hunting down our dream) Es ist der Traum von dir (It’s your dream) Der uns für immer bindet (that binds us forever) Aus Eis und Wind wird plötzlich Feuer! (Ice and wind suddenly turn into fire) (…) Wir bleiben nur unseren Träumen treu (We stay true to our dreams) Die Zukunft gehört der Gerechtigkeit (The future is made of justice) Wir sind bereit (We are ready) Und schreiben die Zukunft neu! (To rewrite the future!)
There is one little thing, though, that always struck as a little odd. The recurring instrumental of Santa Esmeralda’s Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood. There were never lyrics, only the music of this disco rendition of a Nina Simone classic, popularized by The Animals; as far as I remember sometimes in the strangest situation. I wonder if that was in the Japanes original. Any thoughts on that?
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FrontierFest [20/20]
Day 20 • Frontier fanartist/author recommendations?
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Hmm… I feel a bit wary recommending artists I don’t know much, and most the ones I knew they did Frontier fanart (and had a bond with me) or left the fanbase or barely draw Frontier stuff anymore ._. Also most of the recommendations in the tag are all I could recommend tho…
I don’t know if this counts, but from time-to-time I doodle some crossover stuff including Takuya. And I also write 02-based stuff with some Frontier mon species in them.
For those art i recommend going to these tags: /kanbara-takuya & /Digimon-Frontier
And for the fics, i’d point out these two which featured Frontier mon species in them: Kamen Chef & Hinode drabbles (i personally like the former because it’s funny and i loved to write it ;v; )
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Frontier Fest Days 15 - 19
Entries for April 21-26 under the cut!
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FrontierFest - Day 20
(Full prompt list here)
Frontier fanartist/author recommendations?
Don’t ask me about fanfiction, I barely read Digimon fanfics anymore (I have very narrow interests that aren’t being met in that regard). But I can absolutely recommend some great Frontier art!
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koujidf draws almost exclusively Frontier art, and is particularly fond of Kouji (as the username suggests). They so do a lot of Frontier rewatches and post about that as well!
digiyuzu also draws Frontier art almost exclusively, with lots of group shots and twins bonding. It seems they’ve taken it upon themselves to do a weekly illustration to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Frontier, roughly corresponding to the episode that aired 20 years ago that week. They’re up to episode 4 as of this writing.
Gordon usually draws fantastic 02 and Kizuna fanart, but she’s been influenced by a friend to expend into Frontier fanart and does that beautifully as well!
Also, uh, I guess I draw Frontier art sometimes? Here’s art I did to celebrate the 20th anniversary, and here’s art I did of the Frontier kids eating gelato in Rome in 2010, and there’s art I did of the twins as toddlers, and art of Takuya and beanpole Tomoki on the train… there’s a little more if you go further back in my art tag. I should probably draw more…
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Day 20: Frontier fanartist/author recommendations?
I'm sure by the time this is posted either @earlgreymon or @tangledupblue will have fussed up to that amazing Takuya/Izumi drabble I loved and am too lazy to look for. In general, I love them as writers, so they are worth the looksie for sure.
There's another author who participated in Takari Week 2020, @digitaldreams0801 , who has a Frontier series going that I should really check out, but I love their work too!
Otherwise, I am sorely lacking in my Frontier fancontent knowledge, haha.
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Digimon Frontier Fest 2022
Day 20 - Frontier fanartist/author recommendations?
I take the opportunity to list my own Frontier fics, ehem (even though there are not a lot), mostly because I have lost track of all the awesome Frontier/Digimon fics I have read in my life. Please excuse me for that. But you can always throw fic recs my way!
The Smell Of Friendship Is That Of Bolognese Sauce!
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Digimon OTP Week: Crossover
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Frontier Fest 2022 - day 20
APRIL 26: Frontier fanartist/author recommendations? [you can recommend yourself!]
I DO write Frontier fanfics (I did 15 years ago and I'm doing it again now that I've fallen back into this obsession), but uh... recommending myself feels iffy :P
I'm not very good at noticing specific authors when I read fanfics but I can recommend a couple of stories
Our Savior: PANCAKES! by The Disposable Villain - I'm recommending this not because it's the most well-written thing or because of its deepness, but because it was one of the stories that helped form my headcanon about Kouji and Kouichi's sleeping habits. Also because it's hilarious :3
Shadow of Light by Higuchimon - Duskmon kidnaps Kouji while Takuya disappears to the human world. I love this story (it features hurt!Kouji how could I not?) and it has lived in my head since yeah sure, let's go with 2013 when it was published. It's a nice companion-piece to canon and fills in some question-marks left by the series
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