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21.19.2020 This discussion focuses on the feedback from the target audience, children ages 6-11 and a self critique of the Alice in wonderland animation produced.
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20.8.2020 The following discussion looks at the traditional and modern ways of animation. It also looks at the purpose of animation and how it can be used in other creative industries
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18.8.2020 After receiving feedback about the first rendered animation I decided to make changes. I changed the voice of Alice. It was voiced by a 7 year old as opposed to the other animation that was voiced by a 19 year old. This voice change suited the animation more. The background music for this animation was a royalty free song without lyrics. It was not as distracting as the first animation and it was more suited for the target audience. The animation was first rendered in Maya using maya hardware where it converted the animation to images. It was then imported into after effects where the images were compiled to create the animation. The text and colour tools were also used to create a short intro for the animation. Sound effects were also used throughout the animation.
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17.8.2020 this was the first animation that I rendered out. However after getting feedback from several persons it was noted that the audio and voice used did not suit the chosen target audience. This resulted in time being wasted due to not enough careful consideration.
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2.8.2020 this rig is the previously done version of Alice. However while doing the rig I realized that it may not appeal to the target audience as much as the other Alice character. There were several issues that occurred while creating this rig as well. Such as the inability to correctly get the right portions. There was also a very square look to the legs. Hence I decided not to use this rig as the official Alice character.
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5.8.2020 the following pictures show the jpg form of the table and plant. These people ere drawn in illustrator and later modeled in maya. These two objects were the most detailed and therefore had to be drawn whereas other objects like the rug and door were not as detailed and were modeled off hand in maya
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4.8.2020 This is the official rendered animated rig. The black background makes it a bit difficult to see the animation. It still shows the ability of the rig to function when animated. It shows Alice running and turning. It was rendered out in maya using maya hardware and then compiled in after effects and rendered out
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4.8.2020 This playblasted version of the rig shows a few movements done by Alice to prove that the rig works. This is not the official animated rig as the official one had to be rendered out and compiled.
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4.8.2020 This turnaround sheet was done for the character Alice, from Alice in wonderland in Autodesk Maya. The images show the front, side and back views of the character. The first image shows the drawing done of Alice to import into maya to be able to model. When creating this character several shapes and tools were used. The cube was used to create the entire gift and dress of Alice. Spheres were used for the eyes and ears and die the bow, cones were used. The duplicate special tool was used to get accurate symmetry of the character. This version of Alice was made to look like a doll as the target audience was 6-11 year old children.
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7.29.20 A puppet was made out of two cubes, one as the head and a compressed one as the mouth. An audio file was then chosen for the puppet to lipsync to. Using the rotate too for the mouth, to open and close, the mouths opened at appropriate times to match the audio being used.
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7/29/2020. This exercise was done in Maya. using 3 spheres we created three faces. One face showed a smile, the other was sad and the other face was plain, it didnt have any emotion. The shape editor tool was used to move the plain face from one extreme (happy) to another extreme (sad). The above video shows the sphere to the extreme right changing emotions. These are called Blendshapes.
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7/21/2020 the video above shows the animated rig of the previously fine character. The character was moved into different positions and keyed on the timeline to create movement. A nurb circle was placed to the base of the rig for main control.
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7/21/2020 This exercise was done using Maya. A rig was built in order to be animated. Different shapes were used to represent each part of the body. Pivot points were then allocated to each body part. The body parts were then “parent Chiled” to make moving certain parts of the body easier. After creating the rig, it was tested to see if it could properly be used. My rig was made to look as though the character was falling
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7.14.2020 This bunny animation was created in Maya. Images were imported into the front and side camera to be able to have a full view to model the bunny. A cube was used to model the bunny’s stomach and head. The duplicate special tool was also used to create symmetry for the animation. Other tools used were the extrude tool and move tool.
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7.22.2020 The purpose of this exercise in Maya was to create a squash and stretch effect using a ball. Using the sphere shape to represent the ball, it was moved from one position to a next and keyed on the timeline to move the ball. The scale and rotate tools were also used to create a more realistic look for when the ball hits the ground. The scale tool was used to stretch the ball when it’s about to hit the ground while the rotate tool was used to show the direction that the ball was heading.
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7.7.2020 This exercise was done in autodesk Maya. Several shapes were used to create a snowman. The tools used to assist in altering the shapes to suit were the move tool, scale tool and rotate tool. In order to accurately build the snowman, all four camera views were utilized. The front, side, top and perspective camera. The shapes used to create the snowman were: a sphere, cone, and cylinder. When combined it created the snowman
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1.7.2020 For this exercise, several pictures had to be taken in order to create the illusion as if it were moving. The images were all imported into Adobe after effects and compiled to create this stop motion animation. The video shows the colorful play dough balls hopping over one another.
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