An evaluation of a digital communication strategy for the entity Greenpeace
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The use of social media has changed the way business’ engage their audiences. The term ‘ you can’t always believe what you see on the internet’ is often referred to, hence the implementation of social credibility. Credibility is a serious aspect of a business as it can impact the company either positively or negatively depending on the strategy in use. Recently, Kim hosted a national study to reveal four ways to gain social credibility; personable interaction, expertise, invitational rhetoric and trustworthiness (2016).
Personable interaction refers to communicating with audiences in an individual sense. Kim recaps the original purpose for social media; to connect individuals to individuals, thus the need for personable interaction. She adds that businesses need to facilitate for personable interaction and the failure to do so can impact the companies credibility negatively (2016). An effective example of personable interaction is the popular beverage company, Boost Juice. Their Facebook page constantly provides comedic comments to users which creates a positive impact on the business.
When advertising a product, elaborating on expertise influences the credibility greatly. Skincare products demonstrate this strategy often by incorporating before and after footage. However, if the company was to implement photos, rather than raw footage, the credibility may be negatively affected by photoshop rumours. Illustration of a business’s competencies reveals that they are a genuine leader in the field (2016). 
Invitational rhetoric is to deliberately craft a maintain a two-way conversation with the intent to listen and respond (Kim 2016). Every individual has been the victim of an unanswered email. How does that impact on emotions? Upholding invitational rhetoric conversations is essential in the perception of a brands credibility. 
Lastly, trustworthiness. Kim argues that ‘trust is a determining factor in whether key stakeholders will have a continued, long-term relationship with an organisation’ (2016). If a company is honest and reliable, the business will turn viewers into permanent customers. Kim believes that campaigns should demonstrate kept promises and met obligations to increase credibility (2016). 
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WEEK 8 - Evaluate LinkedIn
As mentioned in a previous post, the social media platform, LinkedIn is considered to be the professionals’ version of Facebook. LinkedIn was preliminarily developed for employers to contact potential employees, however, LinkedIn has grown into a platform that is ideal for building and maintaining business relationships.
Unlike other popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, LinkedIn relies on a selective connection rather than a large follower count. LinkedIn offers the ability to search for others in similar industries which allows insight into direct competitors offerings which can lead to increased rivalry.
Sisson recommends using connection requests strategically in order to engage and build relationships with target customers and influences in the market space (2013). A connection between companies and consumers can be developed through LinkedIn. Doing so can grow brand identity. Participate and employ feedback to target potential customers. Feedback from prospective clients carves a direct line to their requirements and desires.
Many companies employ LinkedIn for advertisement purposes, however engaging in discussion topics can further enhance a business’s position in the market. Creating a discussion topic will gain feedback and insight, but more importantly, will value the opinion of current customers. Additionally, being active on LinkedIn is an advantage as becoming a trusted source in the industry is conceivable (Sisson 2013). 
LinkedIn is a powerful online platform for connecting like-minded professionals as well as potential customer bases. There aren’t any disadvantages to implementing a LinkedIn profile. Ensure to optimise and update a LinkedIn account to guarantee the sourcing of opportunities effectively. 
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The use of social media has changed the way business’ engage their audiences. The term ‘ you can’t always believe what you see on the internet’ is often referred to, hence the implementation of social credibility. Credibility is a serious aspect of a business as it can impact the company either positively or negatively depending on the strategy in use. Recently, Kim hosted a national study to reveal four ways to gain social credibility; personable interaction, expertise, invitational rhetoric and trustworthiness (2016).
Personable interaction refers to communicating with audiences in an individual sense. Kim recaps the original purpose for social media; to connect individuals to individuals, thus the need for personable interaction. She adds that businesses need to facilitate for personable interaction and the failure to do so can impact the companies credibility negatively (2016). An effective example of personable interaction is the popular beverage company, Boost Juice. Their Facebook page constantly provides comedic comments to users which creates a positive impact on the business.
When advertising a product, elaborating on expertise influences the credibility greatly. Skincare products demonstrate this strategy often by incorporating before and after footage. However, if the company was to implement photos, rather than raw footage, the credibility may be negatively affected by photoshop rumours. Illustration of a business’s competencies reveals that they are a genuine leader in the field (2016). 
Invitational rhetoric is to deliberately craft a maintain a two-way conversation with the intent to listen and respond (Kim 2016). Every individual has been the victim of an unanswered email. How does that impact on emotions? Upholding invitational rhetoric conversations is essential in the perception of a brands credibility. 
Lastly, trustworthiness. Kim argues that ‘trust is a determining factor in whether key stakeholders will have a continued, long-term relationship with an organisation’ (2016). If a company is honest and reliable, the business will turn viewers into permanent customers. Kim believes that campaigns should demonstrate kept promises and met obligations to increase credibility (2016). 
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WEEK 7 - Google Analytics
The Google Analytics for Beginners course is a free program that provides database analysis demonstrations in order to assist in the growth of your business. 
Certificate PDF
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WEEK 6 - Digital Communication Jobs
The rapid growth in technology use had developed a whole new set of job opportunities. Digital communication between business and the customer is extremely important in maintaining a healthy relationship and maximise customer loyalty. The following positions are pertinent to digital communications management:
Media Manager A media manager is an essential role in digital communications. Kathi Kruse states that the ultimate goal is to turn fans into customers and customers into advocates (2019). The position establishes brand development by identifying the target customers, setting clear objectives for the business and implementing strategies in order to reach those objectives.  Additionally, the media manager approves all digital content to be released and analyses whether or not the content will reach or expand the target market. It is essential for the media manager to be a confident communicator as the position responds to all client-based quires. The above proves how critical a media manager is, in regards to digital communications, as this position overseas many aspects including the outcome of the following jobs.
Marketing and Communications Coordinator Similarly to the media manager, the marketing and communications coordinator must also have excellent language and communication skills. Again, this position works closely with the client in order to create a clear overarching communication goal for the business. Once settled, the marketing and communications coordinator commences customer research by analysing databases. On completion, a communication strategy is put into place and is transferred to production teams.
Social Media Manager 10 years ago, the social media manager was non-existent but with the growth of online platforms, this position has become an essential part of any company.
Social media managers are in charge or representing a company across social channels as the sole voice of the brand. They respond to comments, compile campaigns and create content. These experts provide organisations with the guidance needed to enhance their online presence. (Sproutsocial n.d.)
An efficient social media manager is knowledgeable about how to communicate a business’s values positively and how to develop content in order to do so. The social media manager is often given goals such as to enhance brand awareness or increase overall website traffic (Sproutsocial n.d.). In order to reach their goals, social media managers utilise the channels Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest to communicate their message.
Digital Content Manager The digital content manager works alongside the social media manager, however, specialises in website and mobile applications. The management behind a webpage is immense from confirming content as bug-free, accessible for all users across multiple platforms as well as ensuring the relevance of content (Marketing-Schools.org n.d.). Mainly, the digital content manager publishes content online and sustains the relevance of the content. Ensuring that online content is functioning correctly is imperative for consumers, hence the importance of the digital content manager.
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WEEK 5 - Generate a QR code
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WEEK 5 - WeChat Infographic
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‘WeChat User Statistics’ by Dragon Social available at https://www.dragonsocial.net/blog/wechat-behavior-infographic/
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WEEK 4 - Social Media Comparative Reviews
‘Technology internet work’ by Patrick Foto ;) available at https://www.flickr.com/photos/patrick_foto/35996371120/
Facebook vs WeChat
Due to the applications Chinese based audience, Americanised countries are unfamiliar with the WeChat application.
It is similarly compared to Facebook’s messenger, however, WeChat contains much more than a simple messaging platform. User’s no longer have to download multiple apps to make payments or hail a ride. Kharpal labels the WeChat application as a “super app” as it combines all the above services and features (2019).
When compared to Facebook, WeChat offers all the same features such as photo sharing, and engaging with friends, however, is popular due to Facebook being blocked in Chine (SDC 2019). 
Pinterest vs Instagram
Both Pinterest and Instagram are predominantly used as a photo-sharing form of social media. The similarities end there as to how these two sites utilise images as it is vastly different.
Pinterest is all about creating a ‘pinboard’ with an overarching theme to generate ideas or save important items. Combining existing images with a user’s own is common practice on the Pinterest platform.
Instagram encourages user’s to take their own photographs and allows editing within the application. Also, Instagram incorporates chat features as well as stories to personalise and give followers a real-time aspect. 
Flickr vs DeviantArt
An artist’s online heaven can be found within Flickr and DeviantArt. Flickr could be considered the specialists' version of Instagram as it promotes the sharing of professional photography. Users can gain insight into their photographs as well as tips, tricks and feedback from other budding photographers. Flickr is a free platform and encourages beginners and well-known photographers to utilise the site. 
However, if versatility is what you are looking for, look no further than DeviantArt. DeviantArt encourages emerging and established artists to exhibit, promote and share their work amongst users. The platform is inclusive of all art types from paintings, sculpture, digital art, films and anime (DeviantArt 2019).
Both platforms allow for creative souls to engage with one another as well as gain knowledge and feedback for artistic projects.
Vimeo vs YouTube
In addition to both Flickr and DeviantArt, Vimeo is another artist focused platform but mainly for creating video.
But why not upload to YouTube? With over 3 billion views per day, Youtube caters for all video genres, from vloggers, tutorials and showing video gaming talent (Rutnik 2019). The competition is fierce and may be difficult to pinpoint a user’s work within the crowd. 
Vimeo has a significantly smaller viewing rate which can be a positive as well as a negative depending on the user. However, Vimeo is distinct from Youtube due to its specific creative artistry. Due to this audience type, the community is more appreciative of the content and the comment section leads to useful feedback and discussion. Unfortunately, Vimeo does limit the user to a maximum of 50gb worth of uploads per year unless the user becomes a premium member at a price. 
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WEEK 2 - Free Website Building Services
Square Space
Square Space has recently made an appearance predominately advertised through popular YouTube personalities. Square Space offers full customisation with easy drag and drop options in order to create a webpage with ease. The themes Square Space offers are all simple, stunning and effective for the user’s needs. However, Square Space isn’t free of charge and offers a 14-day trial period before investigating in a website permanently. 
WIX is one of the most popular free to use website builders. Similarly to Square Space, WIX also utilises drag and drop features to create a webpage effortlessly. Due to WIX’s ease of use, it has the highest public recommendation in regards to website building services.
On the downside, WIX is free, hence advertisements will be incorporated throughout their websites unless a monthly fee is paid. Additionally, once a website is live, the option to switch themes is disabled.
Wordpress is the most popular free website building service as it hosts 74.6 million active websites. Wordpress contains similar features as the above services such as drag and drop and minimal use of code and PHP which leads to faster loading times. There are hundreds of themes to from and can be changed once the site is live. The option to pay a monthly fee is available in order to access premium themes.
Tumblr is another popular blogging platform that allows for full website customisation. There are hundreds of themes to choose from that are all free and do not offer any paid services. However, select themes will require some minor coding thus, website knowledge is an advantage. A feature that other website building services don’t offer is the ability to schedule posts, which is desirable for freelancers and business owners with busy schedules.
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WEEK 1 - Social Media Reviews
The increasing use of social media has influenced how people communicate with one another. Due to social media’s rapid growth, business owners and organisations alike need to implement an online presence in order to reach a specific target audience. However, with all the different forms of social media which application best suits your business?
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter are recognised as some of the most popular social media platforms. The following is a brief overview of each of the said platforms.
With 2.23 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the largest social media platform to date (Lua 2019). Initially, Facebook was created for individuals to keep in touch or reconnect with friends, however, it quickly became a hub for businesses as it allowed close-knit communication to a specific target audience (Nations 2019). 
Sign up is free and users can begin sharing photos, video, feelings and status posts. Due to Facebook's simple usability, it has become a regular daily stop for many users and business owners alike.
Similarly to Facebook, Instagram generates a profile and newsfeed tailored to the individual, however, Instagram is primarily image-based. Comparable to other forms of social media, Instagram allows the user to interact with others by following them, commenting, liking, tagging and private messaging. Additionally, Instagram provides in-app editing features, such filters to their photography as well as adding hashtags (Moreau 2019). Hashtags allow users the capability to search by topic which is desirable for businesses in order to market their product to s specific audience.
Facebook, but for business professionals. ‘LinkedIn is a valuable resource for career and business professionals to network; obtain resources and support; and build relationships with potential customers, clients, and partners. It’s ideal for home-based business owners, freelancers, and telecommuters, as it can help build their business and career, as well as stay connected to the outside world’ (Duermyer 2019).
Unfortunately, LinkedIn isn’t entirely free. A subscription to additional features such as InMail credits which allow messages to professionals who are not connected to you. However, a basic free membership with LinkedIn is sufficient for many employees and home business owners.
Pinterest is equivalent to an online pinboard or bulletin board. It could appear to be a bookmarking tool but incorporating an organisational functionality. Users can ‘pin’ images, videos and link URLs to their ‘boards’ which can then be followed by other individuals. Additionally, Pinterest provides a specific business account which can be created from scratch or converted from a standard account (Newberry 2018). A business account allows users to access handy features such as analytics and the ability to utilise Pinterest advertising.
Twitter is most popular for its maximum 280 character count. Designed to be scan-friendly, Twitter allows users to track a plethora of interesting users and read their content at a glance. In addition to sharing individual content, Twitter shares real-time major events through their trending hashtags (Gil 2019). Tailored to the user, trending hashtags allow individuals to hear information when it happens. Hashtags are beneficial for businesses to reach a specific target market through advertisements.
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