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The worlds tiniest guitar 😁😄🎸🎸🎸
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This is bullshit and in no way is this democracy, just a pure and literal sham designed to fool the masses that they have some say
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My little brothers 😊 always very loving and cute. I've always thought of them as cute fat cats because that's what they look and behave like at times 🐈
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My cute fluff ball of my younger brother Habib 😊 he was always a jerk and a bit of an a***hole at times when we were kids, and recently he told me that he feels like crap coz he took a bag of coins from me that I had saved up when we were barely 10. Seeing him like that feeling all guilty just looks so cute and it made me appreciate him as a brother and a friend even more 😂😂😂
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Hand made breakfast by yours truly 😁👍🏻👏🏻
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The late great actor Paul Walker - a true inspiration someone I genuinely looked up to and wanted to be like, RIP you are truly missed
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This made my day and no matter what the adversity I have faced I've kept this attitude and pulled through. As I was driving home for lunch today, I mistakenly happened to take a different route home and when I got close to home, I saw traffic backed up real bad, but just because I took a different route I ended up avoiding all that backup altogether 😁😝😂😄 I guess things really do work out for the best 👍🏻👏🏻
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