Qin to Han Dynasties
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Date: 221 BCE - 220 AD 
Fashion Period: Qin to Han Dynasty 
In this time period the image above  show a female wearing a dress style  in the Qin and Han dynasties. The clothes is a one-piece garment was the main formal wear for a women.  Qin Shihuang, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, established many social systems, including one for uniforms to distinguish people's ranks and social positions.Qin Shihuang base your clothes style on wealth.  Your wealth will determine how many layers you will wear. If you were in the high class, you will wear three layers: an inner garment, middle layer and outerwear. It was a must that you color coordinated to match the outer layers.
Sources: Information: https://chinafashion.weebly.com/detailed-histories-of-dynasties.html
Photo: http://m.chinadaily.com.cn/en/2015-01/13/content_19306511.htm
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Wei and Jin Dynasties
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Date: 220-420 AD
Fashion Period: Wei and Jin Dynasties 
Wei and Jin Dynasty clothes experience a rapid development in Chinese history. Before 265, the culture and esthetic views of people's in the north and south China merged because of the moves initiated by frequent wars. This influenced both peoples lives and the conceptions of clothing design. The clothing design during this period were mainly large and loose. Women no longer wore one- piece garments. The outer garments was gathered at the waist with a wide belt, revealing more skin around the neck. The sleeves and the hemline were still wide. 
Sources: Information: http://m.chinadaily.com.cn/en/2015-01/13/content_19306511.htm
Photo: http://m.chinadaily.com.cn/en/2015-01/13/content_19306511.htm
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Tang Dynasty
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Date: 618-907 AD 
Fashion Period: Tang Dynasty 
The first image is a women during the Tang Dynasty fashion period wearing a traditional style dress. The second image is a women during the Tang fashion but in the mid-late of the Tang Dynasty. Their fashion began to develop during the period of the ancients China. During this period it was mostly open to foreign who had influenced and other nation influenced their fashion. For example Japanese kimono adopted the elites of the dresses for the Tang Dynasty in terms of colors. Their dresses were famous for their softness and lightness which were made out of silk. It is in the Tang Dynasty is when women began to decorate their faces with painted patterns. Around the Mid-Late Tang is when women began to plucked their eyebrows to a rounder shape. 
Sources: Information: https://chinafashion.weebly.com/detailed-histories-of-dynasties.
Photos: http://m.chinadaily.com.cn/en/2015-01/13/content_19306511.htm
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Song Dynasty
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Date: 960-1279 AD
Fashion Period: Song Dynasty 
The image above show a painting of a women dress style in the Song Dynasty period. During this fashion period their clothes were simple and had many features of the Tang Dynasty. Some of the features were it still included blouses, jackets, coats, skirts, robes, short gowns and long coasts. Some of the design on their garments included patterns of peony, camellia, plum blossom, and lilly on the collar and sleeve edges. During the other fashion period their clothing will represent their rank. In Song Dynasty fashion period it was distinguished according to different combinations. These combinations were formal robes had an oblique collar, big sleeves and a leather waistband. The color was use to distinguish the ranks of the civil officials. For example , the color use of green was above the seventh grade , and above the seventh grade was red, and above the fifth grade was purple. 
Sources: Information: https://chinafashion.weebly.com/detailed-histories-of-dynasties.html
Photo: http://m.chinadaily.com.cn/en/2015-01/13/content_19306511.htm
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Yuan Dynasty
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Date: 1271-1368 AD
Fashion Period: Yuan Dynasty
 Fashion period for the Yuan Dynasty ranges from 1279 to 1368. During this time period it was know for the amalgamation age of ethnic groups in China's history. Yuan Emperor Yingzong formulated in the 1312 and had dress code which combined the garments characteristics of the Han people and Mongol ethnic minority. One of the dress code were a upper and lower garments were pieced together; folds were added to the waistline, and big beads were hung on the shoulders and the back. These type of garments were wore by all ranks of emperors and officials. Base upon the quality of the clothes it will determined the rank of the officials. During the Yuan Dynasty fashion a popular women's garments include fur coats and fur caps. Another common clothes for women will be a Ruqun (upper jacket and a lower skirt ) and Banbei (half sleeves). The men clothes during this time had some similarities to the Ruqun and Banbi. Their garment had a jacket with short sleeves was wore over the casual garment. 
Source: Information: https://chinafashion.weebly.com/detailed-histories-of-dynasties.html
Photo: http://m.chinadaily.com.cn/en/2015-01/13/content_19306511.htm
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Ming Dynasty
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Date: 1368-1644 AD 
Fashion Period : Ming Dynasty 
Clothing in the Ming Dynasty was based on traditional style from 1368 to 1644. During this time the Chinese would will garments. These garments had different characteristics when it came to men's and women's clothing. Men garments were characterized by the use of circular collars and wide sleeves. It was common to see a men wearing a tunics that were usually knee length and with short sleeves. On the other hand women garments had narrow sleeves and three collars , together with pleated skirts. During the early part of the period female will wear a light shaded garments and occasionally wore intricately embroidered capes over their shoulders. Many of Ming garments were thin, padded over jackets were wore during the cold months. When the garments was made out silk it will represent wealth. 
Sources: Information: http://themingdynasty.org/ming-dynasty-clothing.html
Photo: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=h6MEpz9d&id=553A36F1562277422AF8A7AA2A078E2D
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