diligence110 · 8 months
This is a One shot on Sayo Hikawa and Hina Hikawa from my all time favourite anime Bang Dream!
Sayo returns home after a tiring day in the student council. As she was halfway home, it suddenly started to rain heavily. Sayo immediately regretted not bringing an umbrella in the morning.
-Earlier this morning-
"Oni-Channn!" cried Hina as she saw Sayo leaving for school. She ran to the front door to pass an umbrella to her beloved sister, saying, "The news said it will rain today, so please keep an umbrella on you, Oni-chan!"
Sayo, frustrated with Hina since their argument about love the previous night, responded harshly, "I don't need it! Leave me alone! I wish you weren't a part of my life!"
Hina, hurt by Sayo's words, dropped the umbrella, tears filling her eyes. "Oni-chan... I... *sobs* love you..."
"Shut up, you little brat!" yelled Sayo as she walked out, slamming the front door in Hina's face.
-Fast forward to the present-
Sayo has been feeling guilty the whole day in the student council, to the extent of not being able to get her reports done. "Hghhhg," sighed Sayo. "I should not have done that," she thought to herself.
Sayo recognizes that Hina loves her, but all she ever received from this was annoyance and feelings of inferiority. The frustrations of wanting to apologize and wanting to hold fast to one's pride and ego is crippling. Sayo is grappling with the weight of her harsh words.
Sayo has been jealous of Hina for years, ever since her parents started praising her more than Sayo. Hina was naturally talented and didn't need to strive, whereas Sayo never had it easy, striving her whole life to surpass Hina and not feel inferior. "I want to die," Sayo whispered.
-Time Skip to when Sayo returns home-
Sayo opens the house door, muttering, "I'm home." It took a minute, but something was off. Hina... she would usually rush downstairs with questions, but today there was no sign of her. Sayo felt relieved for once in her life, not having to deal with her sister. Proceeding upstairs for a bath and guitar practice, she noticed Hina's room door completely shut, a rare occurrence. Her room was always left ajar. Intrigued and not hearing a sound, Sayo, burdened with the weight of apology in her heart, decided to knock on Hina's door. As sayo reached to open the door and enter she heard whimpers of "Help... help..." Sayo busted open Hina's door at once only to find her suspended in the middle of her room Infront of her bed. As Sayo shifted her gaze upwards she notices a rope attached to the fan and she soon realises what was happening. "Hina!!! Hina!!"Screamed Sayo in horror. "You dont need me anymore... oni - chan. I'm sorry for the trouble my exis xis-tance has Caused..." Hina then takes her final breathe. "Oni-Chan. *Voice dies out*. I... Lo-ve~ you..." "Hina! no!... I... Still" Sayo whispers as she runs to hug Hina in in attempt to lift her body weight off to stop the choking but it was too late.
*Hina dies*
Sayo remained quiet in shock and horror her hand's covering her mouth. She hurries to bring down the body and places Hina in her lap. Sayo was crying at this point not Some thing which she has done since she was a Child. As She adjusts Hina to check for a pulse she notices writtings in her palm. The writings In the palm of Hina's hand reads: "Onii-Chan... I'm Sorry for all the pain I caused. I hate myself so much, I didn't know how much you had to strive because of me. I Love you not because of your music or guitar, I love you because your my Oni-chan!... Please don't feel sad when I'm gone. Live the rests of your days ahead of you in the most boppin'! way you can! Just knowing that you are happy makes me happy. Bye bye Oni-chann..."
Sayo after reading what Hina wrote was devastated and started crying into Hina's head whilst holding her gently in her lap. "Hina!... Don't go! I'm sorry for what I said! I never hated you! This is all my fucking fault!!!" Sayo cries in pain. Sayo kept on crying whilst holding her late sister in her embrace. Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling of guilt came upon Sayo as she realises that she didn't get to resolve their prior argument and apologise properly. Anger and frustration not towards Hina but towards herself drove her to whack her own head against the walll. She kept on hitting her head against the wall till it was bloody red. Blood and tears fell from Sayo's face. Hina was Sayo's number one motivation and now that she is gone there is nothing left. Sayo never said it but Hina was the most important person in her life.
-Fast forward to after Hina's body was taken away by the ambulance, and Sayo is left alone in the kitchen-
The pain was too much an Sayo's leg gave way as she was in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. She fell to the floor along with the glass that shattered all over the kitchen. Sayo, remained lying on the floor hopelessly. She was lost. Few minutes passed and Sayo lifted her gaze to their apartment window. She saw how freely the birds flew pass without a care in the world, "hah, how nice it must be" she muttered. Sayo, then stood up still trembling from the pain she inflicted upon herself physically and emotionally. She opened their apartment window and without hesitation placed one leg out unto the ledge. "Hina can I come with you?" Sayo was losing all rationality and the voices in her head began to take preeminence. "Oni-Chan!!! Where are you!" said one of the voices in Sayo's head. "Hina!? HINA!!! I'M COMING!" Sayo was elated with joy they she unintentionally jerked her feet which was on the ledge leading her to lose her balanced and as her feet slipped there on Sayo's face was a big a joyful smile. "ah, this is it." Said sayo as the view of inside her apartment suddenly shifted to the view of the clouds as she falls. "Hina. Please wait for me I promise we will be together side by side," Sayo mutter's her last words as she heard a loud crack sound and her vision turns black.
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diligence110 · 2 years
Hahaha, this is epic!
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diligence110 · 2 years
Oh man... So true...
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diligence110 · 2 years
the alien spacemetal music they had in jedi: fallen order reblog if you agree
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diligence110 · 2 years
Is Star Wars Legends worth getting into?
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diligence110 · 2 years
Just imagining how it would play out if Trilla had manage to got away.
Cal: Trilla! It's not too late.
Trilla: I've failed... avenge us... (Vader proceeds to strike Trilla down. Her eyes closed as She prepares for her undoing)
Cal in desperation manages to force push Vader back a few feet, causing the Sith to miss His strike. A shocking feat from Cal.
Trilla: (confused) looks around.
Cal: Run!
Cere: follow me!
Trilla, mustering up her strength; runs out of vaders proximity. Following Cere... Vader was caught off guard, not expecting such a powerful force push from a Padawan... as he recovered and sent a glance upwards he was greeted by no one.
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