dinawantstoread · 3 years
RTS loki
Also you guys can not have it both ways. Tom as EP does have veto on a lot of decisions that get made in the show. You people can’t just create the “poor Tom is being enslaved” narrative.
After hearing him speak yesterday he is quite proud of the show and considers it a major accomplishment. It’s taken me some time but i think i understand that the Tom that TS painted in getaway car is exactly what his personality is like which is exactly why he loves playing *this* Loki so much because he’s as much a snivelling, pick-me as he himself is in real life and it’s a low effort no acting required constant pay check. 
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dinawantstoread · 3 years
Kate Herron really is a special kind of idiot though. I have never seen anyone bulls*it the way she does. The best is when they ask her a question she is FAR from prepared for and she cooks up something on the spot and it’s.... incoherent, senseless and just all over the place. 
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dinawantstoread · 3 years
RTS Loki
Went to the RTS event yesterday because my bff didn’t want to go alone and it’s been YEARS since i’ve sat and thought about this but Tom Hiddleston is kind of pathetic.
I wasn’t even seated so close but his hairline is just terrible and it’s either genetics or age but he clearly has the means to fix it but chooses not to and it’s one of the signs that his age is clearly showing when then he’s waxing poetic about how it’s all temporary (him being Loki)  and i can’t help but roll my eyes because..... my dude you’ve been playing Loki since 2011!!!!!!!! HOW IS THAT A TEMPORARY POSITION??????
And he also does this false modesty thing when people praise him which is so transparent. 
I met Tom when he was filming High-Rise way back when- the person he was then and the person he is today are so different they do not feel the same AT ALL. 
Also from the way he spoke it sounded like s2 might be his last hurrah but i could honestly say the same for entire s1 press tour and look how that turned out.....
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