crystal-soba · 4 years
Susie x reader
. Susie's life hasn't been the same without you. She missed you every moment she spent in the realm of the entity. Sure she had her best friends with her, and she did have fun. But still she felt something missing from her life, she never told anyone for fear they'd think of her as weak. They'd tell her to move on and forget about you. And to some degree it made sense, if you were here that would mean that she would have to... No, she wouldn't. She could never hurt you. She needed you with her, she could feel her sanity draining with every moment of slashing and killing. If you were here it wouldn't matter to her. The group must have noticed her not so bright and cheerful mood lately. She sat on the edge of the broken railing for the balcony holding her knife and staring down at the snow. Alone. With no one around. The others were probably busy.
.You walked around with posters of your missing friends, Susie, Julie, Frank, and Joey. Other people assumed that they ran away, but you knew that they wouldn't leave you behind. Especially Susie, you missed her the most. The past few weeks were emotionally draining without her by your side. You weren't able to get an hour of sleep, you've missed days of school. The pain and nervousness caused you to throw up, you often get caught up in overthinking making the whole situation worse. It never stopped, what if they were dead. They might of been too reckless and crashed. Your panic came back, you needed a break.
.You sat on the bench Infront of the block busters. Your song came on. Well it was Susie's and your song, the song you were playing when you bumped into her. You couldn't help but remember the place you would meet her. The ski resort... The ski resort? You hadn't checked on it in a few weeks now, maybe she was there waiting for you. Although you never got a text back from the countless calls and messages you sent her, they might be at the abandoned resort.
.You ran to the resort, not stopping for a second to catch your breath. Your legs and arms begged you to take a break, but you didn't listen. As your lungs burned from the cold air you noticed the feeling of a strange aura coming from the area. The building felt stranger... empty. It looked the same, but it felt odd. The air felt off, not it's usual fresh self. You looked around the outside for any clues, nothing. And when you went inside you couldn't remember weather or not the building always looked this messed up... sure they got a little rough with some of the furniture, but now everything looked more frantic and speraticly thrown around. Maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you. You needed to rest, calm down for a second and have time to really think. Plus, maybe they'll come back at some point. Nothing wrong with trying. You started a fire with the small fireplace, luckily there was still a small box of matches on the mantle. No footprints, no sign of anyone being here, dust covered the box of matches you used to light the fire. It was unlikely they had been here.
.You stared Into the bright flame while over thinking again. All the horrible possibilities and explanations for the missing group. Susie would usually be able tell when you started to get like this, she'd calm you down no matter how hard or bad the anxiety got. Your not sure how long you could really make it through life without her. At this point she was the only person who cared about you. You relaid the moment of crashing into her in your head, closing your eyes. She was beautiful, her pink hair and wide smile. Eyes teal, pure and angelic. She was wearing her silver nose piercing and black choker with her nails painted black. It made your stomach fill with butterflies when she held her hand to you, when you accepted it she only widened her smile and showed her silver braces. And you probably looked like a stuttering mess the whole time. It was a nice few hours of ice skating with her on the pond a block away. Eventually you were introduced to her friends and they tolerated you. More and more hangouts and movie nights lead to the both of you to start dating. She's the beam of light through the dark night, your knight in shining armor.
.You slowly drifted off to sleep, the fire added to the only bit of comfort you had with thinking about Susie and the others. But your eyes got heavy and you felt tired, you couldn't stop the overwhelming exhaustion. Instead of fighting it, you let it take you. Hopefully bring you a few hours of sleep.
.Of course waking up in a wooden shack was not expected. You didn't understand who or what brought you to the rickety old wooden shack, but it wasn't good. You stood up and looked to see a basement next to you. You slowly walked down the creaking wood floor boards to figure an explanation. You peeked around the corner to see four meat hooks. Blood everywhere and the sound of screams coming from nowhere. Needles to say you ran out of the shack. You were still at the resort. Only it was darker, a brick snow covered wall surounded the area, and strangely placed walls with windows were put in strange spots. More meat hooks could be found scattered around the outside of the resort. Walking into the resort blood smears on the floor boards and strange pallets didn't exactly sit well with you. You ran outside past the locker room, in search of an exit.
.All you found was a large metal gate with a electric switch. You pulled the switch as hard as possible, it didn't budge. You sighed and started to look for a new exit. You did take the possibility of somehow climbing up the tall brick wall, but your thoughts were cut off from you when you heard something running towards you, your heart rate shot up with no explanation for why it's so loud. You of course booked it, not knowing where it is your running to but just running. Whoever it was, they were gaining on you.
."(Y/n)!?" The voice made you stop dead in your tracks. You whipped around to look back. "Susie?" A mask made of gaps of wire and nails, pink smooth hair, and a dirty Fairview hoodie with -1996- printed on. Definitely Susie no doubt. You both ran to each other, you knew your eyes were starting to water. She jumped into your arms as you caught her hips. She ripped of her mask and let it drop to the side, after weeks of not seeing her it almost felt like a dream to see her again. She seemed to agree as she leaned into a kiss. It felt like every burden you carried was lifted from your shoulder, every worry and guilt you've been feeling was cleansed.
.When you two stoped you both took a second to look at each other a second time. Her expected scent of her usual perfume had faded and instead smelt faintly like dried blood. You gave her a worried look when you saw the sleeves of her hoodie had blood stains. She gave you a soft smile and cupped hand to your cheek to show she was okay. Neither of you said anything as you walked into the resort. Of course the place looked about the same from when you you feel asleep, except for the occasional blood smear on the wall or floor. "...What...What happened." You were almost scared to ask.
.You both sat at the bar next to each other, most of the chairs were broken with either legs missing to be used for fire wood. "We all woke up here in the lodge together, but things felt different... We started to hear things. We started to see things. It's like a supernatural being called the Entity... It asked us to complete certain things, almost like a game. We weren't alone, another group called ''Survivors'' were there... Well we listened to what the entity told us to and..." She looked down at the floor, avoiding your gaze. She didn't have to say anything more about it for you to understand what happens next. You pulled her into a hug, letting her cling onto you.
."How is the rest of the group?" She took a second to think. "Well they're fine. It's like there's nothing wrong. The only thing wrong is when they don't do enough for the entity and it gets displeased with us. But they're fine." You nodded, you grabbed her hands to hold them in yours. They were cold and scratched up. "You look a bit tired. Do you ever sleep?" She had faint dark circles under her eyes, not makeup of course. She nodded "sometimes, I've been problems sleeping lately...I can't sleep unless your next to me..." Pink blush spread through her cheeks, the both of you cuddled but neither of you slept with each other. Your face also changed in hue, you weren't going to say no.
.You followed her up the stairs with broken pieces of railing and let her lead you to a private room. It wasn't much, but you can't expect a fully furnished room from this place. An old hotel bed with knife carvings covering the frame and a broken lamp. The lights didn't work and the walls wallpaper was starting to peel off. You guessed Frank or Joey must have punched a hole in the wall at some point, and graffiti covered one side of the room. "This is it. The only other place to sleep on is the couch downstairs." You nodded while starting to settle down with her in the bed. It dipped in the middle and the springs made it uncomfortable, the mattress could be compared to sleeping on the hardwood floor. But either way, it was a bed. You stared at the back of the door for a second, the word legion carved over and over again into the wood.
.It sent butterflies to be holding her as both of your breathing patterns synced together. You held her close to you, holding her waist with your legs tangled together. She had her face near your chest listening to your heart beat slowly beating to a march. Everything felt right, like nothing mattered more than the two of you. You didn't care if the group came back to see the both of you in such a soft moment. Everyone was safe, and really that's all that matters to you. You both felt the warm embrace of sleep follow as you played with each others hair silently. Before you went to sleep you could hear the faintest "I love you" slip from her mouth before she also fell asleep, it may have been the best nights sleep you have ever had. All the worry and anxiety left when you had each others company, everything would be alright as long as she was by your side.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Yandere Killers x reader
I kind of wanted to make some yandere stuff.
. Legion (Frank)
.He didn't think you could run that fast, you took any chance to stop him and run away. You hated him, he knew that. But when you bit his hand and booked it, he hurt a little. He just wanted a life with you, to spend his life with you. You spoke the right words, you both had similar opinions and reasons for being here.
.It only took a few rounds of chasing you to fall in love, he would sit close to a generator just to listen to your conversations. You had such determination to survive it was impressive. He wanted to talk to you all the time, to hear your voice for only a few minutes was worth losing survivors in chases.
.He was still tracking you, trying to listen for heavy breathing and footsteps. He can't just ignore the fact you ran from him, you left him. He wouldn't stop looking for you he couldn't give up on you.
.He looked at the muddy footprints following them, you were hiding. Hiding where? He would study you during trials, learning your behaviors. You were probably hiding in the darkest place you could blend into. He looked around finding a stack of boxes, he looked around the boxes finding nothing. Were you in the boxes?
.He lifted the lid to one you were crying curled up in the box. He picked you up and started to carry you back to the resort, you again tried your best to fight him. He walked inside back into the basement. This time he wouldn't make the same mistake. He grabbed the rope, slamming you back into a chair. You tried to slam yourself into him only to be thrown back into the chair. He tied you into the chair wrapping your hands on both arm sides and your legs to the chair legs.
. you were beautiful, tied up into the chair with no way of escaping. He watched you struggle, "Did you have to tie me to the chair?" You stopped struggling. "Absolutely sweetheart. You ran away from me." He shook his head in disappointment. "So what? We both know your faster than me." Your hands shaked and you tried to hold back tears.
.He walked up to you, wiping away your small tears."And sense you tried to run away... I have to punish you." You shook your head in terror. He took of the mask and leaned into you, putting you into a deep kiss. You fought back every second, "Your disgusting." He only smiled and got up. "Trust me. You'll see 'disgusting' later tonight. I'll see you in a bit sweetheart." And with that he walked away upstairs.
You couldn't stop now, not after that. You would struggle for hours if you needed. You would eventually get away from the sick, twisted, disgusting thing called a 'human'.
.The doctor
.He had met you before appearing in the realm, you both worked together along with... 'Good doctor' he hated him, he watched you fall in love with the good doctor. You were an assistant, helping with handing tools and supplies. When you first started you could tell Carter was unhappy with the set of rules. But to be fair this was just a challenge.
.Carter wanted to change everything, it was hard for him to get anything when he can only he at them. He had brilliant ideas of how to get them to talk. While you were getting a few more supplies to help Good and Bad doctor get information Carter slammed a wood board onto his partners head. Watching the blood spill everywhere, his classmates watching in horror Good doctor wasn't dead. But he will wish he was.
.He put Good doctor to a table strapping him down for now. He had to find you, maybe he could work with you. You were the only person who listened to him speak about his ideas. And you nodded, saying they could work but only if it was allowed. Well now it was, he watched you gather things and put them in a basket. You turned around to be surprised by him. You let out a surprised scream, how he loved to hear that scream.
.He raised the wood board again, slamming into your head, much softer than what he did to good doctor. He strapped you to a different area, a metal bed. Heavy and impossible for you to move. After he laid you down he had a sudden rush of excitement and hunger fill him. A good way to make good doctor suffer would be to take away his precious teammate.
.He made his classmate suffer in pain and agony, going with his deepest desires of experiments throughout the day. He wanted for good doctor to awake. He had multiple TV monitors surrounding him, with toothpicks holding his eyes open. The cameras that were showing the video had you on it. Tied to a bed by a chain.
.It took awhile for you to wake up. He watched you with a clip board and pen, sitting a few feet away from you. "Carmen...What....What am I doing... Here?" The pen was fast, as he wrote down something. "My dear we have had a few changes to the challenge." He was still writing. "Change....Changes?" It hurt to think and speak. He only nodded glancing up at you. "Where....Is...The...The other doctor?.. he chuckled. "I'm afraid he is... Gone for a few days. It's just you and me." He gave you a look you had never seen before.
.You tried getting up only for the metal changes to restrain you. "Why am I chained to the bed?" He laughed. "Well darling. We can't have you run away, now can we?" You were horrified. "You... You killed him... Didn't you?". Your body shaked uncontrollably. He stood up and walked towards you. He yanked your chains towards him, pulling you towards his face. He whispered lowly "Let's just say, we don't have to worrie about anyone stopping us." You cried. Before he left he put his index and middle finger to his lips, then to yours. He left, locking the door behind him before getting back to his experiments.
.You woke up, still chained to the bed. A table sat next to you, a tray with surgery tools and wires were organized neatly. "What are you going to do to me?" He chuckled "Everything."
. Electrical surges pulsed through your body, making you spaz and shake. He loved watching every bit of your suffering. He took notes on everything, the amount, the time of dosages, your reactions, the cries to stop, and the look of hopelessness you would give him. He would go to good doctor who was forced to watch every bit of your suffering to mock him. Good doctor always liked you, you both would grab a coffee together by the end of the day. When he walked in he looked pissed, he only glanced up at him a few times
."Your a monster" Carter chuckled "you are talking this too far. And for what?" Carter walked up to him. "My friend, let's just say that limits are ment to be broken. How can you learn when your forced by rules." Good doctor didn't say anything after that, only watching you on the monitors. "How long are you going to do this to them?" He didn't look away from you "don't you think that you've done enough to them?" Carter realized this was about you. When would carter stop? He never thought about it, can he stop? He didn't want to, this was all for the name of pushing the limits in order to learn.
.He walked away still thinking. Maybe he could use you, use you as a partner. He sat at a desk covered in papers. When he thought about it, it all made sense. You may hate him but this can change. Maybe he can convince you he was the good guy, maybe. You can be his personal assistant, take notes for him. You can save him time by helping him. But how?
.He sat in the chair clicking the pen non stop. It was hard to think of a way to get you on his side. He could 'save' you, let you go and convince you that he was helping you. He got up and started walking towards you. He calmly unlocked your restraints, you slumped down falling. He caught you before you could hit the tiles. You were extremely weak, you can't walk or run away. Perfect.
."What...What are you doing." He leaned into you brushing away your stray hairs. "My dear, I'm sorry." You were so confused "S.. Sorry? Your eyes squinted while you tried to pay attention to him. "They made me do it. I can't do it any longer." He had a mask on, he looked broken and guilty but on the inside he was playing you. Using you as a pawn. "They...made you...do..it?" Carter nodded still holding you. "We need to get you out of here." You nodded still believing him.
.He walked you out of the building and put you in the backseat. "Stay here. Don't go anywhere, Im going to distracted them." You nodded before he ran into the building. He got you. He knows you believe him, so naive and so beautiful. He can feel himself slowly falling for you, he didn't want to but at the same time he felt a strong pull towards you.
.He walked in to good doctors room. "What are you doing? I don't believe you are being so merciful towards y/n." Carter smiled "Don't worry about y/n. I believe they'll be quite happy by my side." His eyes widened with fear. "You. They don't love you! They never loved you!" Carter laughed in his face. "Really? Want to bet? I'll prove it, I can show you." Carter left still laughing grabbing a few security cameras and ran out the door.
.You saw Carter running with cameras in his arms "The cameras have out little conversation on tape. No evidence left behind." You nodded, you thought he was cruel, heartless man but in reality... He wanted you to be safe. You thought about your friend was he part of the group that was using you as an experiment? You didn't know, all that matters was that you and Carter were okay.
.His house was a little... Bland. You looked around while sitting on the couch. "Let me fix up our room." You blushed "our room?" He nodded and smiled "I don't have a guest room... Unless you want me to sleep on the couch." He winked at you before going to the room
.You thought he was cleaning something, he was really just installing cameras in his room. Hiding them in book cases and corners of the room. The cameras were being recorded to the survalince room. he walked back out to you "All done, how about I make some dinner." You nodded as he walked away.
.He walked you to the bed, laying you down gently. "Herman..?" He looked at you with soft eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me?" He smiled softly grabbing your chin and tilting it up just a little, he gave you a small yet firm kiss on the lips. "I can't just watch the person I love be tortured, especially when I'm the one who is forced to do it." Your eyes sparkled as he sat on the bed unbuttoning his shirt. "Can you... Help me..?" You felt the blush creep in. He smirked and slowly unbuttoned your shirt his rough fingers ghosted your back and shoulders.
.He got a good look at your body, your back was exposed to him with emotions at a high. The smirk remained as he got under the covers with you.
.As you slept you felt two large arms wrap around your body, you absently moved into the warm embrace mumbling something in your sleep. Carter looked into one of the cameras and smirked winking at it smugly. He had you in an invisible cage, you felt like you had freedom but in reality you were held by a rope chained to him. The mind games were only begining.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Happy Halloween here's some Halloween stuff
. Ghost face
.you were hardcore when it came to Halloween. your yard was covered in decorations and fun music. You knew this year your house was best in town. Your neighbor and you had an unspoken challenge, whoever has the best house wins this year's bragging rights.
.You dumped a handful of candy into kids bags, and got back to watching your spooky movie. The night was crawling to a stop, you had your popcorn and movie candy on the coffee table. Enjoying your movie, well until the phone rang. You got up and answered the phone "hello?" All you heard was some breathing. Pranksters. You hung up and walked back to your movie.
.The phone rang again, you sighed and walked to it again. "Hello?" Before you hung up you finally got an answer. " Hello y/n." The voice was a tad bit raspy and gravely. "Do I know you?" You sat back down on the couch "Well I hope so, I at least remember you. Do you remember me y/n?" You had no clue as to who's voice belonged to an old friend. "Can I get a few hints?" He chuckled. "Sure, we met in the seventh grade, I know everything about you, and I've been watching you for the past few weeks."
.You froze ''Sorry... I...I don't know who your talking about." He chuckled again "Where are you?" You could here him chuckle again. "It's not where I'm at. Its what room im in. And I must say your freezing cold."
.You looked around the living room about to walk In the bathroom "colder." You felt like you needed a weapon, you started walking towards the kitchen. "A little bit warmer but not quite enough. You pulled out the sharp knife from the wood block and stared down the hallway. You slowly walked down the hallway. "Warmer just a smidge. Warmer your getting the frost off of you. Warmer your next to a campfire. Hot. Your burning." You kicked the doors open holding the knife. He went quite, only three rooms left. The bathroom was a flat out dumb place to be in. Then there were two, your bedroom and the storage room.
.Both rooms had windows, you wouldn't care if you broke your legs if it got you away from this creep. This wasn't some prank you knew it. Storage it is. You didn't make a sound as you shuffled through the piles of box's. "Bingo." You screamed trying to kick him away from you. He wouldn't budge instead of pushing him away he grabbed your leg and pulled you towards him.
.He wrapped your leg around his waist, spun you around and slammed your back into the wall. He put a single, cold finger to your mouth to shush you. You didn't listen, you tried to toss and turn out of his harsh grip. He only slammed you harsher into the wall. You still had one leg forcefully wrapped around him and your hands pinned up above your head. "Who the fuck are you?"
.He kept staring at you. He didn't want to stop, he couldn't. He loved the look of fear on you, god you were the most interesting thing he's seen in months. He didn't remember how amazing you looked and sounded. It took him everything for him to not slam you into a bed and take you away from here, but why would he do that? He wanted the feelings to be mutual. Maybe you would like him.
."Your old friend. Danny" he whispered in your ear, you shivered you hadn't heard that name in years. He had a major crush on you since the fourth grade, he moved away and you hadn't heard from him in years. He constantly left heart shaped notes in your locker, you never knew who was leaving them until he moved away.
."D...Danny what are you... Doing?'' your legs shaked and your hands trembled, he loved it. You however wanted it to stop. It was all too uncomfortable. You felt his heart beat and sharp breathing on your neck. "Did you ever read them y/n?" What was he talking about? "My letters and notes. When your friends read them they laughed and ridiculed my letters. But you, well I never knew." You gulped. You did remember your friends laughing at the notes he left. But you never did, you loved the notes from your secret admirer.
."Ahhh you did. How were they? I mean they were kind of cheesy but I did put all of my heart into them." The other hand that was holding your wist moved to the side of your face. His knife was on the floor he didn't need to pick it up. "You know... I came here to kill you... I wanted your walls to be painted red. I mean, how long would it be before anyone found you... But now... Maybe I shouldn't, how can I hurt my little, oblivious, perfect y/n..?" ... perfect?
."I'm going to give you a chance to either come with me without a fight or I can knock you out and take you by force. Your pick." He slowly let go of you but kept a tight grip on your hand.
.You had no choice, either way you wouldn't be able to out run him. He yanked you along with him "I think we'll make an adorable little couple. Sitting together in our cosey little home with children running around and the best part is, nobody will find you." With that he slammed the door of the van and drove off.
.Your friends and family looked everywhere, no trace left besides a photo of you pinned against the wall and him smothering you. They gave up on you. The case was closed off as unsolvable as to where your body was left to rot you saw all of it on the news, Danny siting next to you stoking your hair.
.They didn't care enough to find you, your parents have given up and moved away, your friends have barely been phased by your 'death'. You wept into his lap, you felt broken and forgotten, left behind. "Shhhh it's okay y/n. It just goes to show how much they cared about you." He lifted your chin up "But that doesn't matter. You still have me. And I promise, I will never leave." You held onto his back clinging for human love.
.He did it. He had you all to himself, no one would ever touch you but him. He wanted to show you how much he loved you tonight, he could already imagine you with a ring and a comfortable life with him by your side. "Please don't leave me..." You wanted him to stay, it was almost too easy. "Never." He carried you to the bed that was now shared.
.He would make sure that you wouldn't leave. He was the only one you had left, well for now at least. Hammer the idea that you love him into your brain permanently. It would take time but it would be worth it
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crystal-soba · 4 years
hihi i hope you’re having a wonderful day filled with sunshine n rainbows !! 🌷✨ could you pls write dbd ghostface/danny johnson with daughter ! reader ? perhaps where he’s the killer in the reader’s trial ? ooo or maybe where she finds out what he does n she gets scared ? 🥺💛
Heck yeah
.Danny found you in an alleyway, no stereotypical basket and blanket. Just a crying baby on the cold hard ground, cold and sick. You must have been abandoned there was no way a decent human being could allow you to rot in a cold alleyway. Screw work today, he felt a pull. Some sort of connection to you, he didn't know why. He wasn't one for children or kids in general.
.When he picked you up your crying didn't stop but it did quite down. How long have you been here? You felt cold, too cold. He took off his jacket and wrapped you in it. You must be hungry and afraid. He started to run to his house, he would have to call his boss later.
.When he opens the door to the house you were still whining, he walked to the kitchen and stared at the fridge trying to find something for you to eat. He sighed and opened his flip phone and called his boss, his boss had a son so he probably had an idea of what to do.
.He was getting ready to go to the store, a big list of supplies needed to give a three month old baby a decent life and you still being carried by him. He realized just how much he was unprepared, no clothes, you were covered in dirt and horrible smells and still starving. He sighed as he poured you a small bath in the sink. He scrubbed all of the mess off of you, he made a make shift swaddle for you made of one of his old shirts.
.As he walked through the Walmart he noticed all the strange looks people were giving you. He was doing his best, he didn't really know where these maternal instincts came from but they felt like something in his life was going to change for the better. He would eventually sort out all of the papers and certificates later but for now he was focused of making you a bit more comfortable. He wouldn't say it but looking for cute clothes for you was fun. He didn't care what other parents said or looked at you, he was going to make your life amazing no matter what.
.Six years have passed from then. He had gotten a different job, working as a journalist. You were his sunshine, his everything. The first victim of his was your real parents. He wanted to show them their mistakes and wrongs, he mad sure their deaths were painful and slow. After that he found it made great headlines for stories. Killing had become a side job.
.You were his main attention at all times, he would make sure you never found out about his job. The things he did were never going to be found out by anyone, especially you. You moved to different states constantly, never being able to have friends. You didn't have any other family, no grandparents, or uncles or aunt's, just you and daddy.
.your new house was smaller than the last one, you had a small room you were driving you and dad while watching a movie. He sat with you for a bit before going to his office. His office was where he wrote newspapers and did his job. You weren't allowed in the room, you didn't know why but you didn't want to fight with your dad.
.Danny sat in his office gearing up to start the next job, he grabbed his camera, knives, and suit throwing them in a duffle bag. He walked to you "y/n sweetie, daddy has to go to work. There's MacDonald's on the table and remember. Bed is at 7:00. I'll be back in a few hours." He grabbed his keys and left after you nodded.
.As he was stalking a couple holding hands he took mental notes. It had been a few hours of walking around their house until now. He was stalking them back to their house. Then he would kill them, just a simple quick few stabs then run.
.After he killed them he took a photo. Before he was going to leave he felt a cold chill as black mist flowed from the doors of the house. When he looked up he heard running and saw blood covering the forset floors.
.It was a week. A week without your dad, he said he'd be back later. When was later? You started to pack a bag full of snacks. You knew he was either lost or missing. You could find him, you looked at the map and tried to follow the streets, it felt like a maze of building and houses. You looked back and forth between the map and the forest. Maybe he went in to write about some animals?
.As you walked deeper and deeper into the woods you ft colder and colder. A dark fog made it hard to see where you were. "Now why is their a child in my domain?" The voice was dark and creepy. You couldn't see anything Infront of you. "I'm...I'm looking for my dad." You were scared "Ahhh. And who is your father?" You scratched your head "His name is Danny and he has black hair with blue eyes." The person chuckled "My child are you sure you want to see him? Where he is a dark place, no one is allowed to leave." You clutched your bag and nodded. "Very well."
.You woke up in a forest your head hurt a little before standing up. "Daddy!?" You called out as loud as you could. You started walking around the forest. You bumped into someone, you looked up "Daddy?" The old man standing there was surprised when he saw a child. "Can you help me find my daddy?" Bill didn't know what to do, this was no place for a child "What does he look like him?" You pulled out the drawing "He's my dad. He has short black hair, blue eyes, uhhhhh he likes to write stories." Bills sat down, maybe Dwight? "Does he have glasses?" You shook your head.
.Bill walked with you while holding your hand, he doesn't know what to do. He can't leave you alone with that maniac running around.
.That maniac he was talking about was walking towards him, he told you to hide behind the tree. The man had a black robe and a dropping ghost face. You watched Bill, The man also had a sharp bloody knife trying to stab your new friend.
.Bill tried to fight him off. Successfully ripping of his mask, Bill stoped. It was exactly how you described your father. He was shocked.
.It was daddy! Be was here. You got up to see him walking out of your hiding spot. Just before you ran to him Bill was stabbed in the chest. You watched as Bill's blood hushed out of his chest, daddy sat up and wiped the blood off of the knife.
"Y/n?" Your eyes were giant as you breath had quickened. "Y/n what are you doing here?" You were scared no horrified. You watched your father kill Bill. Tears filled your eyes and slipped down. "Y/n it's.... Init what it looks...looks like." You started to run away still crying.
.Danny watched you run away from him. He fucked up to whole new level. How would he convince you he was still alright. He had to stop you before you hurt yourself. He ran after you, he can still hear the crying coming from you. He started to cry, you were scared of him. And it was his own fault.
.You tripped over a big rock tabling down. Danny caught up to you, he picked you up. Your face was dirty and scratched your nose bleeding. He hugged you tight not letting you go. "Y/n please. Daddy had to do it, don't be scared daddy won't hurt you." He was still crying. "Why....Why did you have to..." You cried stuttering. "Because if I don't, I don't get him I would be punished. And I won't get to see you again. Don't worry he'll come back. It's like tag." You wiped away tears. "Tag?" He nodded fast. "Yeah I have to get the other people so I don't get in trouble."
.It took a while for you to stop crying. "Why are you here." He shrugged "I don't know." He picked you up rocking you. You held onto him. "Is he...okay?" He had shakey breaths and nodded. "Can we go home?" He was unsure as of what to say "I...I don't know sweetheart. But it's okay, don't worry." You nodded holding onto him tight.
.You both walked through the woods calming down "promise me you won't hurt anyone." He nodded "promise." He would have to do it when you weren't around the trials. Wipe the blood off his suit and possibly have someone taking care of you while he was busy... Oh well everything would be okay as long as you were safe. He knew life wouldn't be the same here but he was fine with it. You would be fine without certain things like tv or movies.
.He let you sleep on him, not being able to run or chase after survivors with you in his arms was impossible. He'd have to let most of them go this time. He watched you breathe, you were so peaceful. He can't let anyone or anything hurt you. That was finnal. step up his game and work harder for you. he smiled while looking up at the moon, he looked at the drawing close to him.
.You were everything to him, his little ray of sunshine. He's going to do everything he can to make you happy. Even if he has to somethings he will regret. It's all for you, the one good thing he's ever done right by.
So how was this? I really hope you like it. Sorry if it took a while, my first request and I want to do more so hit me with em
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Dang, is anyone else getting this crazy snow? It's not even Halloween yet.
Also my Halloween costume this year! My camera sucks
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Bubba x reader soulmates
Flower Au: any injury or wound you get, your soulmate will grow flowers from. Example: you get a cut on your wrist, your soulmate will grow Flowers where that cut is on their body.
.You were pretty good at staying away from trouble. You rarely got scratches or bruise's, but your soulmate... You would wake up with flowers on your arms, legs, or torso. Most people threw away their flowers but you, you would keep them. Tear them out and dry them. You hoped that they were okay, maybe they were some sort of hero. Taking hits for somebody, saving lives. You hoped that they didn't hurt.
.When you first arrived in the realm of the entitey you were scared. Scared that you would die before getting to know your soulmate. Scared you would be alone.
.Now you were able to do gens, help your team, help people. You still wanted to meet the love of your life, to hold them and tell them all of your innermost secrets and problems.
.You patiently waited for one of your team members to help you with this gen, you were always pretty calm and positive. Or at least you tried to be, while doing the gen you heard heavy footsteps behind you, possibly David or Bill. You felt something drop behind you, when you picked it up it was a bracelet, made of string and fake teeth. "You dropped this. Also nice bracelet." You handed it to him while still busy on the gen.
.He didn't want to hurt you, you were being so nice to him. You gave him the bracelet he dropped and complemented him. But... At the same time you haven't turned around to look at him. Look at the face many call disgusting and ugly. He was angry, he knew that when you would turn around you would scream and run. He raised his hammer into the air.
.As you turned around to look at him you saw the hammer about to collide with your back. You didn't have time to run or do anything but scream. As you fell to the hard ground you cried out in pain.
.Thomas could feel the small flowers growing on him, it was shocking for him. he had to make sure they were actually flowers and not his mind playing tricks on him. when he felt them he looked back towards you, the open wound bleeding. What did he just do?
. He started to freak out. He just hurt his soulmate, and he didn't even know your name yet. He needed to save you, he needed you period. He was constantly scared, constantly scared of the entitey would punish him for not doing good enough. But if he had you... He wouldn't be so scared if he had you.
He ran with you in his arms, huffing and feeling exhausted. He looked for a survivor, maybe they could help you. He ran towards Bill looking at his med kit. When Bill saw Thomas he booked it, dropping his med kit in the process. Thomas was tired, he can't keep up with you in his arms. He had to find a different way to help you, he sat against a wall, still holding you.
.He looked at where Bill dropped the med kit, he could try but he wouldn't be good at it. You were looking a bit pale, blood smeared his apron. He was out of options, he grabbed it and opened it. He recognized the band-aids but everything else was new to him. No instructions no notes. He sighed and grabbed a brown container with hydrogen peroxide and slowly read the labels. He lifted your shirt and pourd the liquid on your wound, you hissed when it stung trying to arch your back. At least you were still awake.
.Over all be was doing good, he tried to clean and patch you up painlessly. You tried to look at who was healing you, 'Thomas' who was thomas? Was he a fellow survivor, maybe he saved you. You wanted to look at him, but the strong grip holding you down was hard to do anything. He eventually stopped, you assumed he was done as the strong grip loosened. You tried your hardest to get up, immediately falling down. This worried him, he rushed to pick you up again.
.He held you to his chest softly. You felt as if ever was going to be alright, it was a warm hug. The kind you didn't want to let go of. He hasn't spoken a word to you yet, you felt like you both could be like this for ever. He put a soft touch to your wound it stung just a little. He then took your hand and put it to his back, you felt soft flowers. You softly plucked one to examine it, a beautiful daisy small and bright.
.When you looked at him, you could tell it was him. The one that would be by your side forever, he started to cry a little. You wiped away his tears "It's okay, we'll make it out of here together." He nodded, he didn't want you to know what he did, he watched you do a generator pretending to look for the killer. Every now and then he'd walk off to secretly chase a survivor while you were distracted. Soon enough you had done the gens, you were worried about your teammate's. Half of them had died, meanwhile you and Thomas were trying to stay alive. When you were around him you felt like the killer couldn't touch you, let alone harm you.
. You were opening the gate Thomas walked off again for a while. As you opened it you waited for him to get back. When you saw him running towards you you pulled the switch and ran out assuming he was behind you.
.You walked through the campfire waiting for him. What if he somehow got caught or hurt. No, you didn't have flowers. You sat around the campfire slowly falling asleep. By the time you had woken up from your sleep you were in a completely knew area, you felt comfortable a soft cushion next to you was Thomas holding you. At least you knew he was safe, you'd ask him later what happened. But for now you snuggled deeper into his hold.
.Thomas knew that you would eventually find out, especially if you were in a trial together. For now he would ask the entitey a few favours, retuning with more suffering and pain for the survivors. He felt you shift little, it was calming to feel your chest rise and fall slowly. He watched you sleep comfortably thinking of how lucky he was to have someone like you in his life.
Jeez that took a while sorry for the wait. I hope you liked this and it wasn't too much.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Deathslinger x reader
In the middle of a gun fight you and caleb are caught over gunfire. They escape to cover. when Caleb turns to your leaning against the wall clutching your side.
.You were his number one. You've stayed by his side for years. You both meet in a bar, having a few drinks and making bets that would lead you to fighting by his side. After that night, you became partners in crime.
.After a year of your partnership you realized you loved him, weather he felt the same you didn't know. You suppressed these feelings just to have them explode when you were alone. This fight wasn't looking good.
.You were under fire currently, looking for a quick cover spot of some sort of place to hide. Caleb was fighting back pretty hard. You tried to tell over the defining sounds of gun shots. "Caleb! We need to take cover to the right!" He gave a quick nod and you both started to run. As you were running you felt time stop as you felt bullets fly by you, in slow motion you saw a bullet you couldn't dodge. All that matters is that you got to cover. You felt the the bullet entere your side just above your right hip, traversing diagonally upward, and lodging itself just below tbe left rib cage. Instead of pain, there was a burning, aggravating sensation in your stomach area.
.You both made it to cover, you leaned against the wall next to you. You were holding your ribcage as you slowly slumped down the wall. Caleb ran to your side holding you in his arms. He was muttering like a mad man. You knew you were about to go unconscious soon. You grabbed the side of his face, "anybody tell you you have beautiful eyes Caleb?" He took a double take. "Damnit Y/n. Come on, nows not the time." He was crying more. "Nows perfect Caleb. I love you darlin." Your eyes closed. He wiped away his tears, you still had a pulse but it was slowing down. He picked you up and started running.
.When you woke up you were in a white bed, Caleb sitting next to you. His hat on the bed post next to you. You tried sitting up, bad mistake. You groaned at the pain. That woke up Caleb. He layed you back down on the bed. He shushed you softly, sitting down again. "I thought I lost ya." Those damn tears entered his eyes again. You grabbed his hand, "Y/n... When you said you loved me. Did you." You nodded."I knew I was about to die, I couldn't live with not telling you... I wanted to tell you sooner but." You got quiet again.
.You looked away, waiting for him to laugh at you and walk away. He oh smiled at you with a gentle touch he moved your face to look at him. He gave you a deep kiss and let you go. You had stars in your eyes you smiled too. You knew you would be fine, all the pressure and guilt left you. He sat next to you for the remainder of the time in the med bay next to you.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Pig (Amanda Young) x reader
The child (k/n)=Childs name
. Amanda always has always been fascinated by you. Your behavior, your scent and styles. She studied everything she could about you, she would make deals with the entitey. And it worked. But what she was most curious of was why you had a chd with you.
.The kid was about four years old, probably wasn't related to you. She was positive, even here in the realm of hate and torture she had a smile. You were very protective of her, and she listened to you every time you told her to run or hide.
. Amanda wanted to be part of your world, she knew that much. She wanted to hold you and tell you everything was going to be okay. When she meet you for the first time she shrugged it off, right before she was going to attack you she saw the child behind you. She stopped right in her tracks almost falling over. Something stopped her, not the entitey it was her inner self telling her she shouldn't kill you.
.She had to somehow get your attention, prove to you that you can trust her, befriend you, and confess. That should be easy. That's what she thought at least. She was wrong. She eventually just decided to start with the kid.
.She scraped random things from the meat plant, pens, papers, scissors. She would wait till you were distracted with a gen, she waited for (k/n) to see her. She put a finger on her snoot and quietly "shhhh" she gave k/n the paper and pen. (K/n) smiled and nodded, Amanda walked off watching from a distance.
.You turned around, (k/n) was drawing a picture. You tried to remember weather or not you gave her anything to draw with. Oh well as long as she's happy. You smiled down at her and crouched down to her. "Watcha drawing?" She smiled and showed you her art work.
.You recognized you and her, you both were holding hands in a forest. What you didn't know was the figure in the corner of the drawing. "Who's this?" You pointed to the figure. "Piggy." You racked your brain for answers. Maybe some sort of show? An imaginary friend? You shrugged the imagination of a kid is wild.
.You got back to business, still wondering who "piggy" is. (K/n) shot up "Piggy!" You jumped at the sudden yell. You looked back seeing nothing but hearing a few twigs snap. You got up, and started walking towards the sound.
. Amanda was freaking out now. She didn't think the kid liked her that much, it did make her smile underneath the mask. She also didn't suspect that you would tackle her. She fell to the ground, you on top of her. Her stomach had butterflies and her face turned red.
.You looked at "Piggy". You silently freaked out, this was probably a killer here to get you. You had a bit of a strange curiosity. Wanting to lift up what you assumed was a mask. You bit the bullet, pulling up the mask. It reviled to be a female about your age, she had beautiful black hair and gorgeous eyes. You must have been staring at each other for a while now. Noticing every detail of each others face.
.(k/n) giggled "Piggy!" She must have assumed you were hugging. She joined the hug too. Something felt... Good. You knew she wasn't just a survivor, she was probably a killer. When (k/n) got up so did you. Brushing yourself off quickly. The killer was breathing heavily.
.Amanda was frozen still, what of she screwed everything up? You held a hand out to her. She grabbed your hand as you walked with her. "So your piggy?" You chuckled. She nodded, playing with her hair. "I'm y/n. You probably already (k/n)." She nodded again.
.You both walked for a while now, slowly getting her out of her shell. She stared talking slowly. you both felt a connection, you even talked about it. Amanda knew that the entitey was going to be displeased with this, but she didn't care. She took off her mask and kissed you. You were surprised but eventually kissed back.
.You were cuddled up together under a tree, (k/n) between you both. For the first time, Amanda felt she had a real family now. she couldn't care what the entitey thoughts were, as long as she had you she was happy.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Dbd x pregnant reader
.He didn't know why you always held your stomach so tightly. He never understood what pregnancy was or what it did to a person.
.You did everything you could to protect the unborn child growing in you. You would run until you there up or hide in a looker for what felt like hours.
.Now you were hiding from him, you hoped he would glance over you and not notice you. But the killer was curious especially about you. He looked everywhere for you, in lockers, cars, around the buildings. He glanced at a pile of tiers, as he limped towards you he could here sniffles. When he looked down at you you were again, holding your stomach. He picked you up, you screamed, cried, and kicked every second. He put you down on a box while scratching his head.
.He pointed towards your stomach while giving you a confused gurgle. You glanced back to him and your baby. Did he not know what a child is. You wanted to explain to him but how? You pointed at your stomach again, "There's a baby in there." Maybe not that way, he looked even more confused. You grabbed his hand and shoved it onto your stomach red faced. "There like a mini me in there growing.
.It all klicked for him within seconds. He made faces you never seen on him. He looked at you and the bump. He suddenly got flooded with emotions, what if it got hurt? Would you ever hurt it? Why do you have a baby? How did you get the baby? He didn't know why but he felt the need to protect you and the kid.
.He started panicking, you hushed him. "Hey, hey. It's okay. It's just fragile. They can't get hurt or else." He nodded, picking you up. This time you didn't fight back, you wanted to see where he was taking you. He sat you on top of the hatch. You looked up at him smiling. "Thank you." You mouthed. You leaned towards him and kisses him. He put one last hand on your stomach before leaving. You sat there, stress leaving you knowing you'd be safe with him. You rubbed your stomach trying to think of some names.
The shape:
.He didn't know the motives of the entitey as it brought a very pregnant person to the equivalent of hell. You were scared, clutching your stomach trying to calm yourself. He watched you every round some reason wanting to know more.
.You didn't know him or anything about him, except that he murders sacrifices people to some sort of 'spirt'. You tried your best to remain calm trying to settle down your child. Before you got up you felt yourself getting lifted off of the ground. You wiggled trying to break free. The strange man pinned you to the wall. This was it, the last few moments.
.You hadn't expected him to put a cold hand on your stomach. The child kicked when they felt the sudden movement. The stranger was fascinated by this, so was the baby. It somehow felt like a connection, a bond between you three. He slowly let go of you, but you didn't move. The hand stayed there for a few minutes. The baby still kicking.
.you let out a bit off a pained groan as you crunched into a ball on the ground. This upset him, maybe he hurt you. He knelt down in a bit of a panic. You held yourself together after you felt a contraction. "Were fine, just a bit of a cramp." He let a sigh of relief.
.Why was he happy watching you from a far? He never laid a rough hand on you, only soft touches. You started catching on when he was stalking you, you would let him catch up to you. He was like your protector, he wouldn't let anyone touch you or the child. The baby would get excited anytime they felt his touch. He started talking to you, starting with small grunts and nodding to one word conversations.
.You felt happy to have someone to check on you and protect the child. You didn't know why you felt the need to put your lips on his but it happened, he held you in his arms protecting you both no matter what.
. The first to find out was Susie, she over heard your conversation with Claudette. A child? Here? She couldn't hurt you, she became your secret guard. She had to tell the others.
When Julie was told the news she was as shocked as Susie. They both agreed to help you, they would leave small things around the map in an obvious spot. Usually things they found in the cabin like blankets or cups.
.When Joey was told about the baby he hid his emotions pretty well, shrugging and walking away from the girls. Really on the inside he was squealing. He found you to be cute, he made Sure you didn't get hurt accidentally. When you fell he would come out of nowhere and pick you up. This always surprised you that he didn't take the opportunity to get you. Then he'd walk away, just to confirm you were fine he'd check on you every now and then.
Frank felt torn, at one half he secretly liked you. At the other he knew that you were scared if him. He wanted to befriend you, but you would run away. He never knew the reason was because of a baby, now that he knew he changed his entire plan. He would slowly show you he wasn't a threat. He used his knife to carve a wooden animals. You were surprised when he gave it to you, you took it as a peace treaty. A true sign of safety. He didn't expect you to immediately like him, when you tackled him into a hug he giggled. You were on top of him, slowly he lifted his head and gave you a peck before running off.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Btw I am open to requests
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Dbd x reader
Legion meeting his significant other from before the entitey.
.you were so confused, you were trying to find your boyfriend and his friends after they went missing for over a month. You were searching around the abandoned ormond resort. He would take you there to teach you how to spray paint and to let go of your face in a place with no draw back or consequences. It felt numb to be in a place without him, it just wasn't right. You kept thinking about the possibilities of what happened. Maybe he ran away, maybe he offed himself, maybe he just didn't need you anymore.
. those thoughts troubled you each night, some of the kids made fun of you at school "Even Frank didn't want to be with you." He always defended your place, often getting into fights. Maybe they were right.
.you were tired. Tiers of being made fun of. Tried of being called names, Tired of living. Maybe he ran away with Julie, you and Julie clashed heads. She hated that Frank was into you and not her. You rubbed your eyes you felt tired and numb. You sat on the ground pulling your knees into your chest crying. Maybe the cold will take you.
.You were freezing in the cold, no warmth, no comfort except for the hard ground. When you rubbed your eyes and looked up you saw a strange looking machine, a generator of some sort. Was that there before? You got up to inspect it, so strange. What was it for? Maybe light or power? You felt something when you looked at it, something telling you to work on it. You shrugged that off, remember what your here for. You thought with determination.
. You were walking around the resort, what were these maze like walls? What are these terrifying hook things set up everywhere? You felt uneasy about something. Your hands and feet were getting numb from the cold again. You pressed onwards further into the cold.
.You heard laughter. Familiar laughter, one set of laughter was bright and giggly. The next was sort of deep and care free. The next was a snarky laughter. And the last one, the last one was the loudest it was comforting and happy. But it still had a bit of an odd sound.
.You found them. You started running to the sounds of laughter, for the first time in a month you were smiling.
Legions povs:
Frank stopped without a beat. Everyone was still laughing untill they noticed he was silent. "You okay Frank?" Julie asked.
"someone's here. I can here running." He grabbed the knife and started to sprint to the sounds of huffing.
Back to you:
.You saw someone sprinting towards you through the icy fog, you squinted trying to see who it was. You kept running towards them, you stopped infront of them landing on your bottom when you noticed the knife that was going to be in your skull.
.You flinched and looked up at the person who still had the knife in there hands raised. They had a familiar mask and hoodie, but the mask and hoodie sleeves were covers in blood. You started crying, Frank dropped the knife onto the snow ground and dive bombed into you.
.The others watched In confusion as you two rolled around in the snow hugging and crying and laughing. He lifted his mask up letting you see his face, and tattoo. He cupped your face and pulled you into a deep kiss. The others were still watching and waiting to see who it was.
mask back on he helped you up. When Susie and Joey looked at you they gasped and ran to you pulling you into a hug. Julie was the only one that stayed still. They let go of you, "We thought we would never see you again." Frank said while hugging you. "I looked for a month. Why did you guys leave?" You said.
."It's a long story. Hey your freezing cold." He said grabbing your hands again. "Yeah, but we can warm up when. We get to my house." You said smiling. They looked a bit uncomfortable as you said that. Frank grabbed your hands, “We can’t go y/n. I’m sorry.” he looked down not wanting to leave him. “of cores we can go. its just a few miles to the town.” you knew they were uncomfortable. “No we physically cant  y/n. were stuck here.”  your eyes started to water. “I’m not leaving you all here, I’m sure we can leave.” you tugged on his bloody sleeve. 
.’Why are you all bloody? What happened here.” looked at them and they looked like children that had been caught doing something they shouldn't. “I-’’ he aw cut off by Julie. “We’ve killed y/n.” your eyes widened, “No. No. no you wouldn't kill.” Franks eyes were watery, you looked at him and knw she wasn't lying. ‘’Frank I-” you started crying “Why? how could you.” he tried to grab your hand, you yanked it back. “We were forced y/n! Please don’t leave me.” He was crying still, you knew he wasn't telling the truth when he said forced. “Don’t lie to me Frank. So what? are you going to kill me too knw that I know your dirty little secret.” you seethed angrily. ‘N-no y/n. No pleases understand-” you backed away again.  They looked hurt, you were hurt. “Understand what frank?!” you were a few feet away from them in a defensive pose. “Understand that I love you! I’ve allways loved you. Fuck y/n, I knew I was meant for you the day you said hello to me. You are one of the only thing good around us. Please don't hate us.” he pulled you to him hugging you, afraid you would run away from him.
.You gave up. You cant hate him or the others, you needed him. you both cried not letting go of each other. “Frank.” Julie was going to continue “What.” he was angry at her. “y/n has to go. we cant have them suffer here. If they stay then you know what we have to do.” he understood Julie was right, if you stayed here sooner or later he’d have to kill you. he sniffed and wiped his nose. “No. I’m not going anywhere.” he shook his head. “No I don't care if I have to be killed. I’m not budging.” He gave you a sad smile. the others ran to you joining in on the hug. “Fine. Just so you know, sooner or later your going to get hurt y/n.”
.You didn't give a damn about what she said, as long as you had Frank you were fine. He kissed your lips, both of you crying and shaking. Frank had carried you into the big resort building, Joey and Susie following you. You sat next to Frank on the broken couch as Joey started a fire with Susie. You all sat on the couch together telling jokes and stories. You were happy again.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Dbd x reader
Passing out in the middle of a trial
.Max Thompson (Hillbilly)
.He didn't understand why you passed out during a chase. He poked you gently with the chainsaw, did you die? He knelt down and put his hand on your chest while blushing. You were fine but why did you pass out?
. He can't just let you lay on the ground, he looked around. He didn't want to hook you, but why? He never understood his emotions towards towards you. He never asked the others what he was feeling, but he had to do something. He eventually just picked you up and took you inside his barn.
.Nurse explained what bleeding did to a person if they didn't stop bleeding a few days ago. What did she say? "If you lose too much blood you will most likely pass out and die. This made him nervous, why didn't he want you to die? If it was any other survivor passed out he would have killed them without hesitation. So why were you special to him?
.If you were bleeding really bad, than he'd have to stop it. He examined your limp body, finding no signs of bleeding. What if it was under your clothes? He blushed as he poked around your clothes. Nothing.
You felt someone poking around your face, when you opened your eyes you saw Max. When he looked at your face he smiled. Something you've never seen him do. He then attempted to make some form of communication by gurgling. He lifted you up without a problem and squeezed your body on his. He didn't know why he did it. But it felt right. You were shaking, he noticed that when he put you down.
. Did he like you? Why hasn't he put you on the hook, you knew bits and pieces of his childhood from just looking around the barn and the basement that was hidden from plane sight. You knew that he lived in a basement with no human interaction. He's never had a hug, or a kiss, or pretty much any human affection. You felt bad, maybe he just needs some love.
. You stepped towards him, and slowly wrapped your hands around his body. Your breath and and body shaked. "It's okay, I'm here." He started to shake now. He'd never heard those words come from somebody before. Tears fell down on you, you got on your toes to lean towards his face. You gave him a small kiss on the lips. After he tilted his head asking what you did. "It's a kiss. You kiss people you love." He gave you an supprised face then smiling as he realized what you meant. He picked you up and held you up to home wanting more, you giggled as he tried to mimick your kiss.
.When he put you down he felt alive, he finnaly had someone that 'loved' him and accepted him. He gave you a satisfied gurgle, you grabbed his hand and you both happily walked out of the barn to the exit gate.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Michael x reader
Hide and seek~
.He was constantly watching you, seater you knew about it he didn't know. Even outside of the trials he watched you. He knew about everything you did and all your normal habits. How you reacted to him chasing you.
.He was chasing you through the houses, you entered one and locked the door behind you. He locked eyes with you through the window, sensing how terrified if him you were. He wanted to see more.
.You ran upstairs as he kicked the door down, he gave you a few seconds of a head start before coming upstairs. Many of your chases were like a game of hide and seek between you two. He loved the horror and fear of your face when he found you.
.You picked a good spot, still trying to find you but the game had just begun. He hears your footsteps thumping loudly through the house, he stops for a second to listen to your heavy breathing.
.You ran into a bedroom and closed the door again, he knocked on the door before walking in. He looked around the room trying to figure out where you hid. You both had a feeling that the game was about to end.
He came closer to you, looking under your bed. You weren't there he wondered if you were in the closet. He opened the door finding you, he lifted you up and carried you to the basement. He didn't hang you he just watched you as you laid on the ground.
.He watched you lay their bleeding out. He picks you up sitting you in his lap. He lifted his mask and and kissed you. He carried you to the gate, dropping you down again. He watched as you crawled away. Anticipating when the next moment you two could play again, seeing who would win.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Ghostface x reader
Watching you on the cameras while trying to figure out what is going on.
.You were in Gideon Meat plant. No clue why you haven't seen the killer. Two were already dead, the round wasn't looking to good. You were praying that Claudette was almost done doing a gen. This came to a stop as you heard a scream, that's it maybe you can find a hatch after you unhook her.
Still no sign of the killer as Claudette ran way, not letting you heal her. You shrugged and started looking for the hatch. You didn't find it yet, you don't know if you'll be able to find it before the killer gets Claudette again. You heard another sharp scream followed by her getting hooked and killed.
.you were running around the map looking for the hatch. No sign, you heard the coms click. As you stopped a song to listen for a second. Tonight you belong to me my by Patience and prudence.
. Your heat started to race trying to figure out what kind of mind game this was. You started to run again a voice singing to the song entered "Although, were apart your part of my heart. And tonight you belong to me.~" the voice was gravely and course. You gulped. You heard soft foot steps coming towards you.
.when you turned a corner, you ran into him. He grabbed your back pulling you into him, his other hand garbed yours. He danced with you toying with you. You tried to fight back but he only pressed you against him harder. The song echoing through the bloody halls, felt haunting.
. When the song finished you were standing next to the hatch before he let you go he pinned you to the wall and carved his name into your stomach. "You will come back to me." Putting emphasis on will. You nodded out of fear and jumped into the hatch.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Dbd and others x child reader
How they found you
Before you meet them (flashback)
.It was Halloween, you and your mother were trick or treating. Mom had made you a Magician costume and she was your rabbit in a hat. Your pillow case was half full already, you held your mom's hand as you both walked down the street.
When you looked back towards your mom she looked stressed. Her eyes were big and she was sweating. "Money are you okay?" You asked concerned. She gulped "Mommy's fine sweetheart. Just a bit tired." You nodded. She whispered "Sweetie, I need you to listen carefully. Hide. And don't look back." She was serious you nodded getting nervous. Your mom started running and you parted, hiding behind a trash can.
You peeked out from your hiding spot, swing Mommy and daddy. You watched them not knowing what they were saying. Daddy pushed mommy to the ground, you covered your eyes. When you opened them mommy was still on the ground, you ran into the forest with tears covering your vision. You blacked out while running.
You woke up in a foggy forest looking around you didn't recognize anything a giant tree surrounded by rocks. You sat under the giant willow tree waiting for mommy to come get you.
Dwight's pov:
I think I lost them. I looped the pretty good. I needed to find a place to hide. I'll go to the center of the map and look for a gen. I ran to the rest of the way there. As I got there I heard silent crying, as I went to check it out I didn't see anyone. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.
I did another look around, not finding anyone he shrugged but still head crying. As I did a gen to 50 percent of so the crying stopped, this put me on edge.
Back to you
I started crying, what if mommy can't find me? I should find help, you got up and walked around the strange forest. You heard a strange noise, like a machine noise. You followed the sound, there was a man with pizza delivery clothes on. You walked behind him and pulled on his shirt to get his attention.
The man screamed causing you to scream. He calmed down and adjusted his glasses. As you wiped away your tears. "Can you help me? Im lost and I need to find mommy.
would the entitey really have a kid around? He didn't really doubt it. What should he say to a kid?
He sighed and looked at you. "I'm Dwight what's your name?" He smiled. "Y/n, I need help finding mom." "How old are you y/n?" I'm turning 6 In a month." He nodded.
"Alright Y/n I'll try to help you but first we need to do a few things." You nodded. He had a tool box open, he'd ask for certain tools and you'd hand them to him. "Why are you doing this?" You asked while handing him a wrench. "well we need to do five before we can leave." "Why" you tilted your head. He shrugged.
The machine lit up and Dwight picked you up. And walked with you on his hip."how many do you have left?" He thought for a second. "Maybe two or three." You nodded. Dwight walked past one already, maybe he didn't see it or maybe he wants to do a different one. "are we going to do another?" You asked as he shifted you onto his other side. "First we are going to find one of my friends." "K".
Eventually Dwight found someone. You were standing behind him while he talked to a man taller than him, the man had a buzz cut with a tattoo of a flower on his head. "What do you mean there's a kid?" He had a funny accent. You peeked out from behind Dwight, the man had a shocked expression. He knelt down to you, "hello there little one. And your y/n?" You nodded. He stood up again and looked at Dwight "what do we do about em? We can't just leave them here alone." Dwight nodded, "well I suppose we'll take turns watching them. Maybe we should stick together?" The man nodded. Dwight picked you up and put you on the other man's shoulder. You were up high, you giggled and held onto him. "Names David." You nodded smiling.
You sat on the ground while David and Dwight worked on a machine together. You got up and David followed you "oi were are you goin?" There's another person nearby I heard them. "Hmm" he picked you up and carried you around. You looked around, you spotted an old man with a hat. "Look there they are!" David turned around as the old man looked around for the young voice. David walked towards him. Wen the old man looked up at the young child on David's shoulders he gave him a look. "It's a bit of a story. This is y/n, y/n meet Bill." "Hi." Bill shook his head, "this is no place for a child." David nodded "I agree. Or priority is to get them out of here." Bill walked behind you two , you slowed your pace to match his walk. "So y/n you have a family?" You sighed, "kind of. Mommy and Daddy fight, and Grandpa and Grandma don't talk to us anymore. Mommy told me to run away before daddy showed up." Bill put a hand on your shoulder, how about when we get ya out of here I'll be your new Grandpa?" You looked at him with hope. "Really?" He nodded.
When you got back to the machine Dwight worked on he was gone. "You think she found him?" Bill nodded. "only a matter of time before we see him or he gets caught." Caught? What does caught mean? Bill and David were working on the machine while keeping an eye on you. You heard a beautiful humming coming from the forest. You guessed Bill and David were busy with the machine, you started walking towards the music.
Anna's pov
This round was something. She found Dwight first but he got away. She at least killed one person. She found Dwight again in a gen, she hit him with an hatchet and walked off to get more. She could swear she heard the sound of small feet running.
Back to you
You looked for the singing lady, you thought you heard her getting close to you
She was watching you, almost unable to contain her excitement of find a child. The entitey had blessed her good work with an reward. A small yet strong healthy child. Now she just had to figure out how to get her to come to her.
The humming stoped earlier you looked around confused. Your head snapped when you heard twigs snap. "Hello?" You saw a tall woman infront of you with two axe's attached to her hip. As you looked up at her face you saw the white bunny mask. "Mommy!" You tackled her in a hug
Anna was taken aback. Every child cried and screamed at her. Maybe you are perfect for her. Meanwhile the other survivors jaws dropped as you called the ruthless killer "mom". "Mommy they helped me find you." You pointed towards there directions. They panicked. Anna was trying to figure out if she should kill them or not, when she looked at your face your eyes twinkled at them. She let out a sigh and headed to the gate. She snakes the gate, causing it to open automatically. She put you down. "You go with them. I will find you." Mom had a funny accent. She looked at David, Grandpa, and Dwight. "You bring her to me, or else." They nodded. While you all left.
Grandpa and uncle David and Dwight brought you to the edge of the camp where mom was. Grandpa hugged you and Uncle David and Uncle Dwight waved goodbye for now. Grandpa tipped his hat to you both before leaving.
After that mom took you inside and mad food for you.
During trials was weird. Weather the survivors or others got to you first. No one dared harm you, anna made sure of that. If any of your friends like grandpa found you he wod have you help him with things like gens or giving band-aids to people. If mom or her friends found you she would usually put you on a gen "If anyone tries to fix the machine, yell." You nodded, she would ruffle your hair and go off. If somebody came close to you you'd give them a warning, "mom says if you touch the machine I'll scream. They'd sigh and beg you to let them but you wouldn't budge.
Either way, you were happy by the end of the day, with your mom tucking you in and singing a lullaby.
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Dbd and others x reader
A reader that is very affectionate and touchy.
.He likes the physical attention, he'll let you hold his hand and face anytime. Hugs are always a yes with him
.During the start of the relationship it will take a few days before you two would be comfortable with holding hands.
. It takes a little getting used to it for him, he is very touch starved. After a few weeks he's ready to let you hold his hand and glomp him.
. You've always been careful when touching his shoulders carefully avoiding hurting him. He does the same with you, careful not to break you while hugging.
.She adores you affectionate hugs and kisses. Her favorite way you show affection is the little butterfly kisses across he checks
. immediately into the relationship she's okay with small pecks and affectionate hugs.
He was a giant, it's hard to hug or kiss him being that your smaller than him. He likes picking you up and letting you kiss his forehead and nose.
.At first you have to persuade him into letting you touch him, he soon finds that your gentle touch calms him down and let's you do it more often.
.Steve likes it when you grab onto his arms, and when you play with his hare. He looked for affection from you often, especially when he's had a bad round.
.At the beginning it was just simple leaning on him and putting your head next to his. After a week or so he moved onto hugs, hand holding, and small kisses.
.He's like a puppy. You never knew why it didn't hurt you but it likes to hang around you. Following you every where. He likes pets and affectionate hugs.
. Again him suddenly liking you was kind of out of the blue. But he loved your affection so.
.you both liked singing together and cuddling
.Jane first liked you strong confidence and determination. You both would sit next to each other at the fire with you arm around her shoulder.
The Plague:
.She let you touch her infected side without hesitation, she has to lean down for you to do it but oh well. She likes it when you grab her hand without hesitation or fear.
.She was self conscious about her look. You reminded her that she was beautiful on both sides. You kissed her infected side and she fell instantly.
.He likes quite reading time next to the fire with your hand in his and cuddling together
.He liked
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crystal-soba · 4 years
Dbd x reader
Saving you from the hook
. Dwight:
You were against the trapper, being slower than usual to make sure you hadn't stepped on a trap. He was obviously mad at you, never being able to find you and resetting his traps. It was like a game of cat and mouse but the cat doesn't hesitate and kills brutal killer with a score to settle with you.
He hasn't caught up to you yet, you were working on a gen with only two more to go. Dwight was on the team this round, you watched him run around the map distracting the killer when necessary. You admired him, his leadership skills, his careing nature towards his friends, and his gorgeous eyes and face... You were distracted by just thinking about him. You didn't see the wires fizz out and explode startling you.
You got up and started to run as you hear your heart rate spike.he was a couple of feet behind you on your trail. You looked back every now and again seeing his terrifying mask and weapon. You looked back to see where he was, steeping into a trap and screaming.
Tears filled your eyes and you tried to get out of your death, of course he got to you first. Picking you up and carrying you into the killer shack. You knew he was taking you to the basement, only one more gen to be done . If it gave your team enough time to get the last one so be it.
The sharp hook pierced through your shoulder, blood dropped down to the ground and tears mixed with blood. You heard running and heavy breathing getting closer to you. When you looked up you saw Dwight. He got you off the hook and slightly panicked as the beating heart got louder.
He grabbed your hand and jumped into a locker pulling you in with him. The locker was cramped and being so close to him made you blush. The trapper looked around, opening the two lockers at the start of the basement. Your breath quickend as a panic attack crept in. You looked at Dwight and mouthed "I'm scared." He nodded knowing that you were about to probably panic. Trying to think of a way to calm you down was hard when he was pressed against you.
He looked into your eyes and went for it. Tears pouring down your face while he put his moth on yours. He wanted to stay like this forever. But when the trapper gave up and left you had a need for air. When you exited you looked at him blushing, he grabbed your hand again and you both ran for the exit gate.
You both sat next to the fire smiling at each other while holding hands. You stared into the fire feeling peaceful for once in this hell hole. As long as he was here you knew you'd be safe.
You both made a pretty good team together. You both became natural friends by having similar problems at home. You stayed next to him when you both at trials, protecting each other at all costs.
The other survivors thought you two were a couple, often teasing you and asking when you would be married. You both blushed any time the brought it up. You blushed because you wanted it to be true, you couldn't tell if Jake was blushing out of embarrassment or not.
You were in a trial together, you could sense that by the sound of hooks hitting the ground. You tried to find him while doing gens around the map. The killer was the nurse. Her screeching filling the silence. It was tough fighting her she could be a cross the map within seconds it seemed.
You had already been hooked before not wanting a repeat of another hook you delt with the pain for now. You prayed jake would magically appear next to you to help you continued to do a gen.
She was getting close to you. She was patrolling this gen heavily knowing someone was around doing it. You never really knew when she was going to show up. As your gen popped you tried to hid behind a tree. She teleported behind you. Making your heart jump as you ran, she was playing with you as she teleported back and forth Making it almost impossible to do anything.
She teleported infront of you hitting you and causing you to fall. She cared you to a nearby hook and watched as you screamed and cried. She teleported away and you waited to be rescued. You heard running and looked up to see Jake even though you were in extreme pain you smiled a bit as he carried you to a safe spot.
He tried to patch you up silently steeling glances at your beautiful eyes. You did your best to suppress the pain and to stop crying. When he was done you still sat there looking at each other. He hugged you with you still in his lap. "It's okay you did good. I don't think she's near us." As soon as he said that you huffed out a few breaths of pain. He stood up and lifted you up helping you walk. You both walked to a gen and worked on it together. "I'm lucky you came to rescue me. For a second I thought I was a goner." You continued to work on the gen. "Y/n. As long as your around I promise I will never let you die on one of those hooks....I can't watch the person I love die....." You stopped working on the gen with stunned silence as he nervously looked at you. You "I- Jake do you actually like me?" He nodded, blushing again. "Well then let's make it this round. I'm not leaving your side.
At the camp you leaned on his shoulder sleeping peacefully. The other survivors giving you both a look. "You did good jake. I take it she liked you too." He nodded as you both cuddled together.
Ace was an interesting person... At first you stayed away from him not liking the whole gambling bit. But after a few trials together you both warmed up to each other.
This round was not looking good, the doctor was such a terrifying and ruthless killer. It was almost impossible to do anything with the feeling of madness creep slowly into you.
The gens were going pretty slow hearing the laughing of the mad man sent chills down you spine. You had been hooked once scared of your third you were hiding in a corner trying to snap out of the lingering madness. You couldn't tell if the laughing or running was real anymore.
He was really however. He nocked you down and picked to up, carrying you to the hook. You cried and wheezed while fighting off the entity. You heard quiet footsteps coming for you. You got picked off the hook by Ace, you both limped together holding on to each other as support. You both limped to a hiding spot.
He did his best to heal you like you healed him. You still felt insane not knowing if the heart beat was real or not. You had to figure out a way to snap out of insanity. Holding onto Ace for comfort. He whispered to you to calm you down, "It's okay. Im here. Your safe." He took of his hat and sunglasses putting them on you. His scents were so familiar, he gave his lucky items to you? You looked up feeling safe and secure. "Thank you." You tried to steady your breath. He shrugged "No probablem y/n." He was so soft and warm. You leaned to him not knowing what you were doing. He smiles gently tilting your head up and gave you a short sweet kiss. You let out a relaxed sigh and got up with Ace ready to face the doctor together.
You two weren't at the campfire with the others infact, you two were playing together in the woods.
David tend to get into a lot of trouble. In the realm and in his life. Constantly getting into bar fights and brawls. He told you stories of his fights and how he always won match. You smiled when he did this, just liking the sound of his voice.
You were in a match against the Shape. The stalker watched you from afar, you were his obsession this match. You were paranoid of him sneaking behind you and grabbing you.
He had killed one survivor already, with another hooked earlier. You were doing a gen waiting for something to go wrong. He was silent as a mouse, not a single heart beat warned you about him coming. When he grabbed you you let out a surprised yelp. Struggling as hard as you could.
When he hooked you he did it slowly adding more pain to Your suffering. When david came to your rescue, the shape was making his way to you both. He turned around and unhooked you when he looked back at the shape he aimed the flashlight at his eyes temporarily blinding him as you ran away.
He tore off a sleeve of hi shirt, wrapping it around your wounds. You smiled at him and he smirked at you. When the shape rounded the corner grabbing you David spring up. It was like slow motion as David got up and decked Micheal in the face and grabbed you.
You grinned at him while running to the gate. You had your head in his lap resting peacefully as David told the group how he saved you. When he finished you gave him a peck on the cheek as he put on a grin.
You were still on a hook. You had been there for a while now, fighting off the entitey slowly losing hope. Was no one coming for you? Will they just let you die here? Alone and scared. You at least tried to help the group, you did two gens by yourself at least.
You thought about giving up and letting the entitey take you away. You were tired and weak. The clown came by every now and then to see if anyone was going to grab you. He felt kinda bad that nobody was getting you yet. But oh well, he'd shrugged and walked away. Tears fell down your face, so this is it huh? Shows what the other survivors car about you.
Just as you decided you were going to let yourself die, Tapp came by. He scooped you up, put you on his shoulder and started running. Your face was emotionless as he set you down. "Why did no one come for me earlier." You said monotone. "I don't know y/n. I'm sorry you had to sit there for so long." You shrugged, "oh well. It's over now so that's that." He looked concerned as he helped you. "Y/n I want you to know that I care about you, Im sorry I wasn't there sooner but I'm here now. And I'm not leaving until you are safe." He put a hand on your shoulder as you let a few years fall. You nodded and got up running together. As you you powered the gate you could se the clown coming towards you two. You started panicking. If he caught you you were done for. Tapp stepped behind you to protect you as you were almost done. The gate ring as the door opened, you turned around to see the clown had stabbed Tapp. You ran into his side almost nocking him down. As he lost his balance you grabbed Tapps hand and ran out.
At the fire you both looked at each other on opposite sides telling bad jokes and laughing together.
You two were pretty close together, most of the time talking about his and your experiences at teaching and helping you figure out where you were and what you are supposed to be doing.
You had first arrived in the 'fog' about four days ago, you were still learning what to do. Adam was currently teaching you how to do 'generators' the things you had to do to get out. You relied on him to survive, you followed him, listened to him, watched him. You pretty much did everything together, you liked it.
He told you when to hide and when to run, some of the killers and their weaknesses. Aperently you were going against the 'spirit'. You didn't know she could phase walk, something like turning invisible and not being able to see her. This made you nervous, looking around for any signs of her.
The gen both of you were working on 'popped' before you were about to leave you felt a sharp blade stab into you right shoulder, you let out a shocked scream. You tossed and turned while she carried you to the hook. You've only been hooked once while in a trial, you remember the extreme pain you felt. You cried as you felt the same pain and taste of blood.
You dangled there waiting for someone to rescue you. She was standing there waiting for a survivor to come and save you. Nobody can come because it would be risky to take you off the hook infront of her. You saw adam hiding in a bush, he picked up a rock and threw it causing her to check out the noise.
He ran to you, lifting you off and ran with you. You cried as he patched you up. "Why am I here?.. what did I do to deserve this?" "I don't know y/n. It's okay, we'll find a way out eventually..I promise we can figure it out together. He wrapped his trench coat around you, your tears were wiped away by Adam his hands still lingered on your face. The feeling of your soft skin was comforting to him. He smiled at you as you have him one as well. you both leaned into each other slowly, your lips meet for the first time. Eventually getting more and more heated untill you had to break it up.
You both worked on a gen together, confidence motivating you. As you both opened the gate with rushes of anxiety as you both ran out of the trial. At the campfire you were laying next to him while he read to you.
When he first arrived in the fog you were the only one around, he was scared, understandable though. You tried to teach him the ropes, of how to do gens and avoid the killer. He trusted you, followed your every move, a few trials later and you two were best friends.
He eventually started to talk to you, you both had small conversations. He told you his favorite hobby, Painting. In every round you secretly grabbed flower petals and colored plants, your plan was to make him different colors of paint. You tore of a chunk of bark from a tree kind of making a canvas.
You were both working on a gen together, the killer was legion more specifically Julie. She hated your guts. You made good friends with Frank, her boyfriend. You thought you and Frank were just good friends, sure he spared you and watched you outside of the trials but you both were just good friends.
You saw her running towards you jeff didn't she as about you stab him but you blocked her, taking a hit for him. He ran to a hiding spot as Julie laughed. She was going to put you through hell, she didn't care about the other survivors she was going to make you pay.
She draged you to the basement while you squirmed, the kicked you down the stairs making you hit you head on a locker. She laughed while she carved your skin with the knife, spelling words that discriminated you. Hamilton is what you felt as she carved the s word all over your body, you didn't have the strength to get up or fight back. She finally got up and wiped your blood off her knife still laughing. She put you on the hook in the basement, you didn't scream you just sat there maybe death would relive your pain.
You didn't expect anyone would be able to save you this time, Jeff came running to save you. When he saw what she had done to you he got pissed. He knew you wouldn't be able to walk, and he didn't have time to heal you. He carried you in his arms to the exit, running and praying you'd be okay.
When you woke up at the fire you were tired and weak. You noticed you were being cradled by Jeff he smiled down at you happy you were okay. You tried sitting up so you could give him a small peck, he knew what you were doing and helped you by leaning down and putting his mouth on yours. "Thank you for saving me." He whispered to you "any time, love you." You both stayed together for the rest of the night.
I hope that was good. Still improving
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