dioreluhil · 1 day
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some quick lotr studies :]
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dioreluhil · 1 day
When Celebrimbor first comes out of the halls, he turns heads. The people of Aman stare plainly at him, remembering his father, his grandfather. And in truth he is very like them in face, though he stands a little shorter than Fëanor, a little narrower in the shoulders than Curufin, the jewel-smith son of a war smith; though his skin is darker and warmer with the sun, and his dark hair holds in the light a reddish hue; though he speaks unaccented Sindarin and, switching into Quenya, drops the thorn.
But soon enough the looks cease. In manner he is very unlike his grandfather, that last heir: he speaks quietly and is often content to take no part in the conversation about him, but to listen. Smiles openly and easily at anyone who might look his way. Where Fëanor was ever-rushing he is slow, deliberate and meticulous to at fault, each movement carefully choreographed, each arrangement just so. He positions himself carefully to escape notice, and fades easily into the background of a room. Like his grandfather he is ever-sketching, but his loops of interweaving designs are inscrutable, his notes jotted down in a sharp, squared language none can read. It seems he is doodling, random, meaningless things. And beyond that his interests are often grotesque and odd; there he is, reading academic studies of Necromancy with Felagund, or inquiring about the twisting of Power. His art is beautiful, and it is better not to ask about its inspiration.
Soon enough Valinor takes no notice of him. He is easy to forget.
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dioreluhil · 25 days
people tend to take the curious fact that a lot of the exiles had known morgoth personally in a somewhat humorous way, but that severely undersells the horror of it, and not only in the huge abuse of trust it entailed, imo.
I can't help but imagine how much nervous brain-racking must have followed the revelation of his non-repentance, how many people combing through their every thought and conviction, trying to find any planted by the enemy. and you're not safe even if you didn't have anything to do with him because others had.
just, the knowledge that someone attempted to model you according to his own aims and being unable to tell how far he was successful.
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dioreluhil · 25 days
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dioreluhil · 30 days
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dioreluhil · 1 month
Fic Update
One leaf of the great entrance door opened, and then Sauron was there, framed in impossibly bright light by the low-hanging late summer sun. For a moment Celebrimbor was reminded of his vision in the Mirror: the city burning, the sky itself set aflame, consumed by a sun that took up the entire horizon. He blinked, and the image was gone.
Slowly, Sauron walked down the length of the hall. The echoes of his steps hurried forward and sideways and all around his feet like little frightful animals fleeing the predator on their trail. Sauron walked quickly, determinedly. There was no languidness, no indifference in his stride, and when he stopped right at the foot of the steps leading up to the throne and looked up at Celebrimbor, there was a brief flash in his golden eyes when their gazes met.
“You have summoned me, Lord Curufinwë?”
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dioreluhil · 2 months
proposition: change the ship name for Morgoth/Sauron from "Angbang" to "Moron"
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dioreluhil · 3 months
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One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne (с)
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dioreluhil · 3 months
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Curufin at Doriath
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dioreluhil · 3 months
Last Fragment: Finale
“You wanted a quick end. Oh, don’t think I don’t know. The favour of a strike so strong and final, your body and spirit would be undone in one fell stroke - so fast you would never have to endure the terror of being stuck in mortal flesh while it slowly and painfully dies.
“You will not have it. First, I will choke the life from this form. And then I will drag your soul to the abyss, where the spawn of the deep the likes of even you have never seen will feast on it until nothing is left. This is the favour you shall have.”
This will be the last fragment posted before the fic will be published.
Other Fragments:
Fragment #1: On scars and the ambiguity of transformation
Fragment #2: On Choices
Fragment #3: On Auto-apotheosis
Fragment #4: Regret and Necessity
Fragment #5: Elementary
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dioreluhil · 3 months
Seems like an unpopular opinion but I love the idea that Annatar was suspicious not because he was too Maiarin but because he was too comfortable around incarnates. Like Mairon lived in Beleriand for thousands of years. Him and Melkor were the first to the find the elves and start cutting them up plus if Andreth is to be believed they were among humans A Long Time converting them and stuff. Seems to me he would be Too comfortable around the Children. And sure, he’s used to lording over them but as the Only Maia in Eregion I’m sure he’d be able to maintain that lifestyle almost exactly as he did before.
I love to read all the Fic where he doesn’t eat or sleep and is a little Too Inhuman but what about the reverse: he’s a glutton for new foods and fashions and jewellery ofc and loves to sleep and also to schedule and keeps time with the incarnates around him. And Celebrimbor is like… see I lived in Tirion my whole childhood and I only remember Maia being distant and in their own worlds, times, etc and not this… earthly? And that’s what sets his warning senses going instead.
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dioreluhil · 3 months
Elf names got more complicated as parents strove to create new ones instead of handling the political whiplash of reusing an old one. So if you meet an elf called ‘silver-river-water-voice’ they’re pretty young, but if some guy says ‘hi I’m Tree’ you best believe that bitch is ancient.
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dioreluhil · 3 months
d'you know what? it's TIME. Time for what? you ask. Well, my lovelies, it is time for me to finally commit to the internet the theory I've had for twenty years, since I spent the last three evenings watching the Extended Editions at the cinema and am finally possessed of the executive function to do something about it. You guys, I am convinced that Elladan, Elrohir and Glorfindel are in Return of the King, and here's why.
Firstly, the reforging the sword scene (for which several people very kindly indulged me last Innumerable Stars when I nominated 'the twins are the smiths who reforge the sword' as a worldbuilding tag):
Look (at 1:48), there's two of them, you can't clearly see both faces (so they might be identical, there's no proof otherwise), and I'm convinced the one whose face we can see is Jason Secto, who also played Orophin. This is significant because he's there in the coronation scene, and he's there twice. Look:
At 2:25, there he is on the right of the screen, at Arwen's left shoulder. Then at 2:52 he's behind her right shoulder and he has had no opportunity to move. The only explanation is that there's two of him. HAS to be the twins. (there are also two other, non-identical dark-haired Elves over Legolas' right shoulder just before Arwen appears, one of whom bears a passing resemblance to Jason Secto but isn't him, and is in the right position to be a placeholder for his second appearance, so I maintain my point. :D )
(as an aside, because I've seen some speculation that the twins are fraternal and therefore not identical, and so could be any of the Elves in that scene: while Tolkien doesn't use the word 'identical', the description of them in 'The Passing of the Grey Company' in The Return of the King is pretty unequivocal: "...two tall men, neither young nor old. So much alike were they, the sons of Elrond, that few could tell them apart; dark-haired, grey-eyed, and their faces elven-fair, clad alike in bright mail beneath cloaks of silver-grey.")
Meanwhile, also at 2:25 on the left of the screen, I am well aware that is Jarl Benzon who was on a trading card as Glorfindel (and is also seen walking ahead of Arwen's horse in the leaving-for-the-Grey-Havens scene), but I see you your Jarl Benzon and I raise you this incredibly smug-looking fucker behind Elrond's right shoulder:
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This is Sandro Kopp, and I contend that there is nobody else that he could be than Mr I-Told-You-So-Not-By-The-Hand-Of-Man-I-Said-And-I-Was-RIGHT.
*insert guy-with-red-string-filled-pinboard.jpg here*
There. I rest my case. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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dioreluhil · 3 months
I love the point where Tolkien stops pretending he's writing a mid-20th century fantasy novel and just fully writes in Old English half-lines:
Still she did not blench: maiden of the Rohirrim child of kings, slender but as a steel-blade, fair yet terrible. A swift stroke she dealt, skilled and deadly. The outstretched neck she clove asunder, and the hewn head fell like a stone. Backward she sprang as the huge shape crashed to ruin, vast wings outspread, crumpled on the earth; and with its fall the shadow passed away. A light fell about her, and her hair shone in the sunrise.
There are 3-4 paragraphs like this. It's great.
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dioreluhil · 3 months
Thinking about a re-embodied Celebrimbor who struggles to sleep, not because of nightmares of his torture, but because of the sweetest dreams about tea and late night discussions and debates and work with the person he had thought of as his heart's dearest friend.
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dioreluhil · 3 months
oh so when everyone else has a "beach era" it's a fun and funky time but when I, Maglor Fëanorion -
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dioreluhil · 3 months
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Another silm request. Caranthir for @tar-thelien :) Hope you like it!!
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