dippedinmelancholy · 1 hour
Characters who have lost their temper and had an unexpected Outburst of magic:
1. Feyre, High Lords Meeting. LoA injured.
2. Tamlin, Study, office destroyed, Feyre injured.
3. Aelin, Nehemiah's death, Chaol injured. (Not a magical outburst but fae blinded rage, yes) .
4. Dorian, in the healers office, Sorscha injured.
5. Bryce, interrogation room, room is ruined. Shielding was required.
Characters who get called abusive because of this:
1. Tamlin.
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dippedinmelancholy · 3 hours
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1.02 // 2.04
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dippedinmelancholy · 3 hours
If you manage to read how:
- Rhaenyra is the youngest dragonrider in Targaryen history (7 years old)
- during Rhaenyra's lifetime there were born the most dragons that the Targaryens ever had
- Rhaenyra's she-dragon Syrax single handedly laid clutches after clutches of eggs after mating with Caraxes
- Rhaenyra's stillborn baby daughter was DRAGON shaped - "with a hole in her chest where her heart should have been, and a stubby, scaled tail"
- Sunfyre initially refuses to burn/eat her
- Once Rhaenyra is murdered all the dragons die
And you don't conclude that Rhaenyra is directly connected to magic and dragons... You're obtuse as hell.
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dippedinmelancholy · 17 hours
already 4pm? time flies when you're dumb and your life is falling apart
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dippedinmelancholy · 18 hours
Let's talk about it
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"I’d planted images in his head of my brutalized body, the markings consistent with what Dagdan and Brannagh had already revealed to be their style. He’d describe them in detail—describe how he helped me get away before it was too late. How I ran for my life when Tamlin and Ianthe refused to intervene, to risk their alliance with Hybern. And when the sentry revealed the truth, no longer able to stomach keeping quiet when he saw how my sorry fate was concealed by Tamlin and Ianthe, just as Tamlin had sided with Ianthe the day he’d flogged that sentry …"
"For Hybern was coming—already here. I had debated it for weeks: whether it was better to claim the Spring Court for ourselves, or to let it fall to our enemies.
 It would have been easy to call in Rhys and Cassian, to have the latter bring in an Illyrian legion to claim the territory when it was weakest after my own maneuverings. Depending on how much mobility Cassian had retained—if he was still healing."
"But more than that, I had a people who had lost faith in their High Priestess. I had sentries who were beginning to rebel against their High Lord. And as a result of those things, I had Hybern royals doubting the strength of their allies here. I’d primed this court to fall. Not from outside forces—but its own internal warring."
I swallowed. “Has Hybern sacked the Spring Court?”
“Not yet. Whatever you did … it worked."
Feyre didn't show anyone the "truth about Tamlin." She lied. She altered people's memories. She's the villain in this story. Stop making excuses for her.
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dippedinmelancholy · 18 hours
friendships end. relationships end. fictional man whos doing even worse than you is forever
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dippedinmelancholy · 18 hours
I really saw someone say that Feyre Archeron is “literally Princess Diana”
Let’s not insult Lady Di like that. 😭 Feyre does not give a shit about 2/3 of “her” people, only the ones who live in their special city. She outwardly loathes the Illyrians, and consciously chooses to not thank people who are trapped in the Court of Nightmares against their will.
She also destroyed an entire court by turning the High Lord’s people against him to be petty, even when they needed an alliance more than anything at that time.
Princess Diana was for all the people, not just the inner circle royal family.
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dippedinmelancholy · 2 days
"what did Nesta go through? poverty?"
ok first of all, she's been through plenty
SECOND of all: poverty is Inherently traumatic on every. single. level. imagineable. sjm writes poverty about as well as I'd expect from a middle class white woman who has never struggled a day in her life
all three of those girls should be a lot more weird about money and food and clothes. their hair, their nails, their teeth, their bones. like. their entire developmental years growing should have been fucked to hell
yall love to wave off poverty as if it isn't one of the most debilitating and limiting things a person can go through. the closed doors, the missed experiences. literally so much is affected by poverty. SJM is just a shitty rich white lady who made my struggles an aesthetic lmao
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dippedinmelancholy · 2 days
Feyre and Cassian stop referring to Nesta as an animal challenge
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dippedinmelancholy · 2 days
Feyre painting their father but not Nesta and then giving her a painting when she was finally good enough or broken enough or what the fuck ever is my villain origin story
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dippedinmelancholy · 2 days
I know this has been said before, and y'all aren't gonna listen to me when I say it, but you can't be bigoted to bad people. Like you don't get to call Marjorie Taylor Green an NRA whore, or misgender Caitlyn Jenner, or be antisemitic to Ben Shapiro. It doesn't work like that. Not being called slurs is not something people earn by being a good person, it's something you do because YOU are a good person. And if I'm being honest, it shouldn't be that hard for you to do. You shouldn't want to say these things to ANYBODY, even if they are the devil incarnate.
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dippedinmelancholy · 2 days
Solas: We will never lack for spirits of rage, or hunger, or desire. The world gives them plenty to mirror. The gentler spirits are far more rare. We can ill afford the loss of even one spirit of wisdom, or faith… Or compassion. Cole: I will try not to die. Solas: Do that, please. I just find this very touching and my headcanon will always, always be that Cole keeps hanging out with Solas, especially after Trespasser even though he tells him not to, spirit Cole will be somewhere nearby.
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dippedinmelancholy · 2 days
If I married Minthara I would move into an HOA neighborhood with her but not because HOAs are good or because she’d like the rules and whatnot. The antagonism she would form with the HOA president is the best enrichment you could give her while doing the minimum harm to society
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dippedinmelancholy · 3 days
Hi, while I dont know much about ACOTAR beyond what Ive read about it online, I want to ask for your opinion on why its depiction of the fae is dissatisfactory to the point they "arent fae", because in general it is accepted that there are multiple different ways to interpret mythical creatures such as vampires, werewolves, dragons and fey. Vampires have been depicted as everything from predatory, blood-thirsty abominations to cute and loveable heroes in children's media.
hii, how are you? i'm actually glad you've asked because now i have a reason to rant lmao
portrayal of every mythical creature varies but the mythical aspect is still kept in, yk? like for example,,, vampires have the oddly translucent skin, too-long fangs, the moon affecting them etc in every every every medium they've been depicted in ( or as far as i've seen ).
sarah j maas' fae portrayal is just. people. humans with powers and pointy ears. like feyre wears leggings and sweaters and teaches art class; what part of that is whimsical or fae? velaris is just new york if you could never leave. what is so special about it? where's the magic? the spring court wasn't very fae either but it had pools of starlight, will 'o' the wisps, etc. there was fantasy, magic.
to me it's just unsatisfactory because it's not magical or fantasy. i could pick up the average Dark Contemporary Billionaire Mafia Romance book and get pretty much the same dynamics. like you're telling me the court of night... has DAYLIGHT??? no. absolutely not. it should be night always, the plants grow sustained by dark magic or whatever.
like write the fae whatever way you wish but give them NUANCE, MAGIC, YOU KNOW THINGS THAT AREN'T NORMAL. like i don't want rhysand breaking the human status quo by fucking assaulting feyre, i want him to be too eerily flexible or have too many teeth or SOMETHING otherworldly. give tamlin a tail. lucien has thorns along his collarbones now. like please. be so fucking fr.
ALSOO how nesta and elain were changed by the cauldron but nothing changed about their physical appearance other than their ears??? they should have oddly translucent skin that shivers thinly over their veins because of their power, nesta's hands could be permanently tinged red to show how she wrangled the cauldron's heart from it, i'm sad at the lost potential now
anyways i yapped a lot but i hope this makes coherent sense <3 if u want some good depictions of fae in ya i'd recommended holly black's books
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dippedinmelancholy · 3 days
imagine your brother telling you that your girlfriend needs to be used to seduce his business associate and you still can't find your spine and tell him to fuck himself
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dippedinmelancholy · 4 days
i keep seeing posts about how solas needs to “repent” in veilguard in order to deserve any kind of happy not totally tragic ending and i’m admittedly very biased but also….is a thousand years of regret not enough? like, yeah, he fucked up the world (by accident, in desperation), and yeah, he’s misguided (even though his mind can demonstrably be changed through like, basic kindness), and YEAH, we don’t know his exact plans in veilguard, but they’re all born of immense regret and a sense of personal responsibility?? i also can’t imagine any of his motivations coming close to those of the gods he stopped in the first place??? the whole catalyst for his “trickster god” origin story is that he stopped an objectively evil force from continually reaping his people and i can’t imagine the “repentance” bit clicking in any way that would feel satisfying unless you hate him and find him irredeemable, in which case...i don’t think we took the same messages away from inquisition.
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dippedinmelancholy · 4 days
we were so robbed of a halloween party hosted at the cullen house in both the books and the movies. you just KNOW alice would've planned the FUCK out of a halloween party. edward in the most pretentious costume you've ever seen (some niche 18th century poet. bella and alice had to convince him to even dress up at all, so this was the compromise), alice in a gorgeous, historically accurate joan of arc costume which everyone spends the whole night complimenting and wondering where on earth she got it (carlisle's antiques collection. knowing him, it's probably the real thing), and jacob turns up 2 hours late in a shitty vampire cloak, white face paint, plastic fangs and the biggest shit eating grin you've ever seen. edward spends most of the night glarring at him from across the room while standing in the corner pretending to sip from his red solo cup. god, what a missed opportunity.
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