directly-to-detroit · 2 years
someone had a nosebleed in that bathroom
and they hovered over the toilet
watching the blood drip down and avoiding the splash of water hitting their clothes
because the last time this happened
they stood over the trash can
next to the paper towels
frantically telling passerby that they were, in fact, good
because that time they had not wanted to take up a stall
and this time they did
thats why they lingered in bathroom stalls bleeding
someone forgot where their class was
right in this stairwell
and they sprinted up and down and up again so they could hesitate without stopping traffic
thats why they couldnt just stop running
someone changed in the shower room
because they had to avoid the crowd from the main lockerroom
because it was full
but the aisle with the ledge to sit on was full
and there was pee all over the bathroom
thats why they didnt use the bathroom
thats why they lingered in the showerroom to change
how dare they be in such an odd place
such an odd position
thats what i assume theyre thinking as they hurriedly explained themselves
and i just tell them have a good day
and move on with my mop and bucket
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directly-to-detroit · 2 years
the best day of your life will not start with the morning
nor will it end at night
you will not know it happened until youve already forgotten it
and forgetting will make you sadder than if it never happened at all
the best day of your life will be short
you will blink
and when you open your eyes
the people are clapping
and the parking lot is quiet and hazy
and your head is on the window of a very rattly bus
and you are laying down face first on an empty stage
you will blink again
and when youve opened your eyes for a second time
you are back in the dressing room with your costume off
you are in the car while your brother drives silently leaning back in his seat
you stumble down the steps and onto the street
and the director is calling for places
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directly-to-detroit · 2 years
how different would i be if i get my wisdom tooth out?
its been there for quite a while
what if i miss it?
it was painful at first, and annoying
but time has passed since it grew in
i gave it a name
it doesnt take up more space than it deserves
i say hello when i brush my teeth in the morning and at night
as i count my teeth
in times of stress
to make sure i havent lost one
i remember that hans is always with me
i have 29 teeth
and another one coming
would i still be the same if i had 28?
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directly-to-detroit · 2 years
in highschool
i loved when the teacher turned the lights off
aside from the lights being ugly
its the universal signal that the hard stuff is over
its how you know nothing special is going to happen
its when they think youve had enough
its when they treat you like a kid whos tired
its the classic tactic to keep kids from crying during math
aside from giving them sugar or walking them all down the hall for something that wasnt actually important
the same way to pacify an elementary schooler will pacify a highschooler too
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directly-to-detroit · 2 years
its the best way to end dinner
or the greatest contest during a silence
to blow out the candles
to see who can do it first
slouching in their chair and using as much breath as possible
there isn't always enough for everyone
that's why its a race
its how we excuse ourselves when everyone is finished
if you're bored in the conversation, you're welcome to slow roast whatever is on your fork
one head of the table will yell at you
and the other would let you learn your own lesson
but you never do
if you get restless, theres no reason why you shouldnt swipe your finger through it
if youre fast enough, it wont burn you
you can try to pinch it out, but most people dont put their finger that close to a flame
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