dirtandrosesx · 1 year
click the source for 755 gifs of actress MEGHAN ORY in INTELLIGENCE(2014).  please note that i do not approve of the 5+/- age rule. these were made from scratch and more will be added at my leisure, so please don’t edit, repost or claim as your own or i will eat you. tag me if you’re posting edited gif icons for public use. give this post a like or reblog if useful. enjoy !
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dirtandrosesx · 4 years
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“You think I need you? You ain’t nothing, I don’t need you.” | inspo.
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
Dean Boland is a colossal fuckup, pass it on!
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
People love saying the only reason why anyone cares about Rio/Manny is because he's attractive LOL but for a lot of us, we love that he's a damn good actor
!!! that shit is always the funniest to me lmao
i know a lot of people will probably argue that rio only gets that much attention on the show because of how attractive manny is and without a doubt, manny is attractive but i feel like definitely a good amount is because of the way he’s able to play rio.. for a character that didn’t have that much dialogue to beginning with, manny was able to give us so much of rio thru his demeanor and was able to play so much on body language (body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch, etc..) throughout the opening season and still does in current time. it’s one thing to act with the dialogue that is given to you but but it’s another thing to add layers and emotion to a scene without any spoken words and manny is able to do that perfectly.. so, with him doing that, it captures a lot of the audience and makes them continue to wonder what will rio do next..
so them saying it’s only about his looks is bullshit lol they can’t deny his talent and how much his portrayal of rio has been so amazing to see (especially with current season.. he’s on fire playing dark!rio).. manny is one of a kind and jenna lucked up on having him a part of the show.
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
Why does one of those new promo photos look like Rio is sitting there dissociating like “…I can’t believe this woman tried to kill me so she could make small batches of counterfeit cash in a ….Walgreens blow up baby pool.”
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
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rio promotional photos for good girls’ 3.05 “au jus” (x)
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
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1.09 // 3.02
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
The difference, in my opinion, is Turner is the “enemy” of the crime boss. Rio wasn’t going to just lie down and work with that guy; he was going to eliminate the problem.
Beth just wanted her own way. She begged to be a boss bitch and couldn’t even clean up her own messes. She didn’t shoot Rio for anything other than spite. She was mad because he called her “work” and tried to make her sort her own shit. She wanted all the money but none of the messy shit that comes along with being a “boss bitch”.
I think that’s the part of the storyline that really grinds people’s gears. 🤷‍♀️
When Beth shot Rio every single woman was like OMG, FUCK THIS BITCH!!! But when Rio KILLED Turner who had children (according to season 1) everybody is like YAAAAY, KING!!! Double standard much?
Yeah, it’s been pretty interesting (see also: pretty depressing, haha) to watch the difference, anon. 
Honestly, there’s so much to unpack in both situations - from Beth shooting a man she had been intimate with versus Rio shooting a man he (presumably) had a purely professional relationship with, to Beth shooting in the heat of the moment versus Rio orchestrating an incredibly pre-meditated murder, and I’m sure I’ll write a lot about that in the future. ;-) 
I will say though too that what I am finding very interesting is that many of the people who were so passionate about the racial optics of a man of colour being shot on screen are celebrating it now with Turner, who’s not only a MOC, but an LGBTQI man. It certainly seems to me that a pretty big portion of this fandom has just revealed themselves not to care so much about the issues they purported to care about, but rather just Rio.
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
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good girls s3 promo (x)
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
Not to mention seemingly okay with her infidel husband bedding every young blonde from one side of the country to the other (okay, slight exaggeration) and faking cancer. But noooooo, Rio is the devil. He *made* her do all that shit, she didn’t beg him for the job at all, neither did she beg him to make her an equal partner. 🙄🙄🙄
She created every mess and then wanted Rio to bail her ass out and deal with it for her even after she basically flipped him off and told him she was “done”. Okay, honey.
She didn’t really want an equal partnership. She wanted someone she could bully and act better than. 🤷‍♀️
This show makes me wanna scream, but here I am, waiting for more.
“Poor thing” &
“No kid should be without his daddy” in that voice
they’re writing Beth as a full blown psychopath on purpose, right? Right?!
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
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You might look at Beth and think oh here’s this strong, tough woman doing what she has to do to feed her family. But what is it different from what is Rio doing? [He’s] got a son, he’s got a family. There’s no difference in how they do it, it’s just on how people view it.
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
Jenna and the other writers got dragged so hard for how season 2 ended (rightfully so) so I’m very curious to see how they portray Rio in the upcoming season. They didn’t expect him to be as popular as he is/was.
oh, definitely lol.. the deserved that drag for sure..
based on some of the leaks that @riosbeth so kindly gave us (she worked behind the scenes of 2 eps of the new season); she detailed on what to expect from rio in the first 8 eps of the season which definitely has him being painted as the “main antagonist” so far which i’m not too upset about because savage!rio is my favorite rio and his antagonist is will deserved. but the only thing that does annoys me is that beth will again be viewed as the “victim” to the main audience instead of a person that deserves all of the vengeance that’s coming to her for trying to end the life of a man that has only help her financially and has also cleaned up her messes from the beginning.
she will continue to be looked as “the suburban mom who just can’t catch a break from the criminal boss” as if she wasn’t the one that came back to rio in s1; wanting another job which started the whole thing that spiral out of control. that was her doing. the last thing beth needs to be portrayed as, is a “victim” this season.. she just needs to own up to her shit like the “boss bitch” or “king” they wanna claim that she is so badly…
and 100%! i think i said this before as a reply to another message awhile back but rio was made, by the writers, to be white suburban woman’s fetish of crime and to boost her up of being more of a “bad ass” for “taking charge of her life” to white feminists. he was made to make this white women look like the superior one in any way, shape or form. he wasn’t made to be the superior or even well much liked. so the fact that a good percentage of the viewers want more scenes from rio and even a background story about him probably has jenna and her writers upset because again, like everyone looooves to remind us “the show is about the three women”.. not the money laundering/pill selling crime boss lol. and to think manny’s amazing portraying of rio did all of that.. whether it’s the way he has rio’s demeanor down to a t or just the way he’s able to control a scene with any character from the show.. he’s just that good and everyone can’t seem to look away.
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dirtandrosesx · 5 years
Beth: *goes back to the warehouse rio works and leaves her pearls behind*
Beth: *takes her husband bar hopping to find rio*
Beth: *has sex with rio in the bathroom*
Beth: *gets jealous because rio sees too friendly with another woman*
Beth: *blows open the airbags to find rios stash*
Beth: *negotiates with rio to make herself his partner*
Beth: *goes to give rio his cut, lies about not having it on her person, to lure him to her home*
Beth: *uses him for sex in her home*
Beth: *blows up rio’s voicemail*
Beth: *breaks into rio’s apartment twice*
Beth: he seduced me, an innocent, into doing bad things so that i could be his patsy!
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