dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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I wish there were more Gaius/Chimeriad RPers (mostly Jiao)
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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Roleplaying with the same muse as you have a relationship can be interesting to see. You can test out a enemy, friend, or somewhat neutral feel for that character instead of the romance you have with the other user.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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REVEREIHNITION WOW WHAT A CUTE LOLI BUTT 5 star elise i lov u sao and i probably spelt your url wrong again
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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flowering-mizuho is just the most precious and kindest person ever. She plays Sheena so amazingly and it always brightens up my day whenever I see her on my dash. I'm very glad I got to know her. Thank you for being the sweetest, caring person you are. Someday, I know we'll have a great thread going on!
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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spiriaofthestars has to be one of the cutest rper's out there. It's a shame there aren't more Tales of Heart's character's in the indie scene, but they more than make up for that gap with their great posts and hilarious interactions.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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I feel nervous about rping with someone who's character is already in a relationship with the same character I'm playing. I'm afraid that by roleplaying with them I might cause the two players to become upset when all I want to do is have fun.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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Altosk is a pretty swag-a-rific Raven, and the best Papa Raven Tipo could ever ask for.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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I've known both wayofthejude and bonafidebittersweet for over a year now and they are amazing friends. We may not talk every day, but we are still the Best of Super Pals! And I love them both so-so-so much.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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Tales of OC's are always interesting to see.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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Aslanfrings and peony-ooh-la-la-malkuth's relationship between their muses is so interesting and intricate to witness. I love reading their threads.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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I love role playing a side character, because you get to do so much with them.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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I expect to see a burst of new Symphonia blogs once the unisonant pack is released - and it makes me really excited!
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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I haven't played ToX2 yet, but seekerofcanaan makes me feel like I'm already going to love Elle.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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I want to give a shout out to the following people: sunset-wings, peony-ooh-la-la-malkuth & the-booty-of-gardios (same mun), geniusconductordist, colonelfoureyes, scionoflorelei, aschthebravevesperian, lloydthedeciever, askgailardiacecil, goldenoblegardios, silent-conqueror, and syncthetempest. You guys have made my time roleplaying all the better and I thank you for it.
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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The Zelos blogs: silentsymphonia, sunset-wings, and zelosoftheredsnow deserve a shout out! Not only do they add incredible dimensions to his character, but they are all also amazing people to talk with out of roleplay. Just spending time with one of these amazing mun's never fails to bring a smile to my face. I appreciate you all so much. :)
✖ ✖ ✖
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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I just want to say thank you to all the amazing roleplayers I've met, not just in the Tales community, but other fandoms as well. Home life has been rough recently, and I'm always so excited to come back home and speak with all the friends I've made here, in and out of character. A special shoutout to silentfonons, ask-emperor-peony, the-booty-of-gardios, and yourjadecurtiss in particular. Love you all <3
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dirtylittlesylverant · 11 years
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I squeal inside every time I see the brotherly love between shadowofaknight's Ratatosk and kindhearted-knight's Emil.
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