disabledjustice · 1 year
All disabled people are disabled, but some disabled people are more disabled than other disabled people.
All disabled people face ableism, but some types of disability will be more subject to ableism than others.
We can accept both facts: there is unity among disabled people in the oppression that we face and the identity we share, and also that there is a wide range of experiences and privileges within the spectrum of disability.
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disabledjustice · 1 year
wait you also repeat things after you say them??? THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE WHO DO THIS????? THE FUCK??? Im sorry- Hi, I'm Beth, I am very surprised and overjoyed you may dm if you wish or just awsner this ask. Ive never met someone who also does this thing!!! ^-^
I do!! It's common for me to do this for a variety of reasons! Sometimes it's because it sounds good (vocal stimming), process what I said, or sometimes what I say might become a tic (this doesn't happen as much as it used to, I used to have this happen super frequently). If you want to dm me and chat feel free!
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disabledjustice · 1 year
I love everyone with a physical disability that doesn't affect their mobility
I love you everyone with gastrointestinal disabilities
I love you everyone with pelvic floor disabilities
I love you everyone with vocal cord disabilities
I love you everyone with renal system disabilities
I love you everyone with endocrine system disabilities
I love you everyone with craniofacial disabilities
physical disabilities don't always affect someone's ability to walk or move their limbs, you are part of this community, you are welcome here. you are physically disabled enough to claim the label.
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disabledjustice · 1 year
Something that pisses me off is how many times when I've mentioned chronic pain people recommend weed or CBD when I've not asked for advice.
While not proven I've hear too many people describing weed as triggering psychosis and causing paronia. I have a history in my family of schizophrenia and had some psychosis stuff in the past.
It's also not legal for me as I'm under the age of 21, and CBD isn't regulated in the same way except as use for epilepsy.
I think weed/CBD can be great for some people but please stop offering this as advice when not asked. I know most of you know not to offer advice unsolicited but just as a reminder.
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disabledjustice · 1 year
So last week I was diagnosed with gastroparesis. I still need to do an endoscopy to make sure nothing else is there but that's not until late April. The gi clinic also gave me very few resources, for example when I asked for a nutritionist referral they said that they don't do that. Luckily my primary care clinic knew of a place. I'm also confused because they haven't decided to do anything else like addional testing, and everywhere I've looked it says to address the underlying cause.
Does anyone have any tips to deal with gastroparesis? I'm trying to substitute ensure for one of my meals since I tend to eat only 2 with symptoms, so I'm getting more into me. Any recipes or advice would be super helpful!
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disabledjustice · 1 year
Okay fellow disabled college students/past college students I have a question about how easy accommodations were for you to get! *this is just about getting them! I'm going to probably make some more on other accommodations college students.*
Please rb! And you can add what you accommodations you have if you want!
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disabledjustice · 1 year
The whole thing that pisses me off about the 'would you want a cure?" debate is that for most conditions it's pointless. There's no cure for autism. There's no cure for Tourette’s Syndrome. The entire conversation surrounding such debates too is pointless because it often gets demoted into a conversation about internalized ableism regardless of the disability or why someone would want a cure. It's pointless to ask that to me because that isn't an option. I am who I am with and because of my disabilities, and there is no way to cure any of them. There are treatment options of course, but no cure. The conversation is pointless.
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disabledjustice · 1 year
something else i've been thinking about: ableism towards people with any sort of intellectual disability is EXTREMELY normalized among neurodivergent people who do not have those issues. if you're ND and "smart" or able to preform well academically, you aren't special, and you don't need to mock people for needing extra support 👍
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disabledjustice · 1 year
oh you like history? name everything that ever happened
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disabledjustice · 1 year
One of the issues I have about the autism community on a lot of social media platforms is the fact that such a high amount of low support needs autistics, as well as a high amount of late diagnosed/self diagnosed autistics. While these people are valued parts of the community, they do tend to dominate conversations, and that harms everyone.
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disabledjustice · 1 year
human nature is holding the door for people behind you. it’s buying someone their favorite candy because you saw it and thought of them. it’s going on long drives with someone just to have their company. it’s helping someone pick up the papers they dropped. it’s sharing your softest blankets and favorite snacks. it’s giving a stranger in line a little extra cash to help them cover their expenses. it’s buying someone their favorite drink because you remembered when you were getting lunch. human nature is not selfishness or greed. it’s the capacity for kindness. saying otherwise is just an excuse for dickheadery when you know you can do better.
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disabledjustice · 1 year
mfw i find out my state has a mandatory autism registry
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disabledjustice · 1 year
See the thing about having autism is sometimes I get The Feeling where I think someone is also autistic, which happens more than it should. The flipside is sometimes I think someone has autism at first but its later clear they very much don't. Let me tell you that tiktok exposes the second feeling even if someone says their autistic. Please someone tell me this makes sense.
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disabledjustice · 1 year
Tumblr media
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disabledjustice · 1 year
Also Tiktok has an insane amount of misinformation, especially regarding ADHD.
I honest can say that Additude has some stuff I've found helpful, it also led me to getting my dysgraphia and dyspraxia diagnosed.
just saw a post complaining about how hard it is to find adhd resources for adults and one of the comments said “tiktok has a lot of adhd tips” as if telling someone with adhd to enter the algorithmic quicksand of perpetual dopamine hits isn’t the most insane thing you could suggest for someone with adhd
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disabledjustice · 1 year
Growing up I was only diagnosed with ADHD I received an autism diagnosis when I was 13 but anything else wasn't until I was in high school. Also my psych insisted I didn't have autism (spoilers alert: I do).
However, since we thought everything was because of the ADHD we associated all of my symptoms and behaviors with it. This led to us believing my dad also had ADHD because we shared behaviors.
Now I suspect my dad doesn't have ADHD at all, but I suspect he has autism. So does my mom. The funniest thing is that it is so clear now, but when I was a kid we went "Shared behaviors? You must both have ADHD because that is the only thing that he [me] has! Even though none of the shared behaviors match ADHD!"
We just went with that huh.
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disabledjustice · 1 year
you are not a bad person because of your memory loss. you are not less intelligent because of your memory loss. you are not less caring because of your memory loss.
memory loss isn’t your fault and you don’t deserve to feel ashamed.
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