disclair · 12 days
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SPIRIT WORLD character design sketch by Haining
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disclair · 18 days
I played artificer all through the 5e playtest period and remember bemoaning the changes to some other D&D players not from my table.
"The set amount of magic items is hyper specific, and the crafting rules are pretty much non existent. Alchemist basically plays like a healer whos out of their spell slots! If it werent for my GMs homebrew I'd have swapped characters ages ago."
"Well yeah" they said "The class obviously needs the GM to help you come up with stuff for it to be balanced."
Like their opinion was legitimately that baked into the balance was "The GM has to step in to balance it."
Like if our table have to come up with the rules what were we paying WotC for?
One of my favorite types of D&D posts is the one where the OP observes some truth about the game as relayed by the game's actual rules text and then a D&D player jumps in to say "Well if a GM were to actually run that situation by the rules it would be bad and railroading and metagaming of the GM, because roleplaying and creativity" and like. Do these people actually like D&D the game as it exists as a text?
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disclair · 2 months
When peter jackson filmed LotR did the casting call for background hobbits select for people with chubby cheeks and big dimples or was there some sort of special makeup technique to acquire such wholesome cheek chubbiness.
like did they sting all the extras with bees at just the right level to get optimum cheek swell or what
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disclair · 3 months
People gotta realize they're a mafia crime family, where their criminal enterprise is vigilantism and tax evasion.
i think it’s time to wrap up the term batfamily until people can be normal cause wdym babs and dick dating is incest
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disclair · 3 months
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territory I think I've figured out what gets G'raha to finally follow us to Tural.
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disclair · 3 months
Reminder that Cassandra Cain was just born out of Bruce Wayne's forehead like Athena, this is how her origin happened, don't look it up.
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disclair · 4 months
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Big if true, but it's going to take a lot to top Andor having two lesbians doing an anti-colonialist terror attack where they steal all the fascists money.
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disclair · 4 months
do you think luke and leia know who’s older??? like what if “the force told him” or something
I don't think Luke is bothered about who's older, but Leia...
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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disclair · 4 months
We asked three batkids how they felt about dying, and these were their answers!
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disclair · 4 months
I think this is a totally valid interpretation.
Especially based on how Kon refuses sex with her and they end the issue going "Friends?" "Friends."
Doubly especially as sexuality is rarely portrayed in a consistent way across multiple canons and writers when it comes to Marvel and DC heroes. Plus post New 52 and onwards Cass has had pretty much zero male interactions with sexual subtext, at least that I can remember-
However I just wanna make a bit of a case for Bisexual Kon and Cass here. At least in her original 2000-2006 run.
First, the Superboy crossover kind of took over the arc, but it's really supposed to be about Cass exploring her feelings after sexy bad boy anti-colonialist superpowered freedom fighter Black Wind starts flirting with her.
Cass's response to a dude being into her for the first time since she's had a 'safe' life is to... Open up the combat simulator and fight a bunch of shirtless guys then to pause the simulation to get a closer look.
(Also please take a moment from this nerdy sexuality essay about a 20 year old comic to note Bruce's face here. It's hilarious. His role in this arc is to be the dad from Dirty Dancing)
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When Cass's body reading tells her Kon is sexually attracted to her she doesn't have an instinct to perform for it. It just makes her uncomfortable at first. So uncomfortable she initially rejects the idea and Babs rethinks the whole trip.
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But later after he endears himself to her she's the one who changes her mind and engages the kiss with him. Notably after sexy badboy anti-colonialist freedom fighter Black Wind had shown up in between these two scenes to flirt with and fight her some more.
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Then in the following issue there is explicit attention drawn to how she reads sexual attraction among other people.
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The panel right after this "I need you" "I want you" "I need you" "I want you" "I need you" stuff is Cass immediately heading to Smallville for the booty call.
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And even after Cass acknowledges that she's just lonely and craving affection they do still kiss.
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I think the framing here with the couples embracing, her going for the booty call, and then dropping it after she realizes she's acting out of loneliness is more of a "I am acting out because I'm lonely in lots of ways" type thing, rather than just being post-Stephanie-grief.
Especially as these issues are all back to back, starting with Black Wind causing her to look at the shirtless guys- the crossover happening in the middle- and then the final confrontation with Black Wind and his anti-colonialism stuff right. Ending with Cass crying over Black Wind's death.
Much later after her loneliness revelation and all the Black Wind stuff, when she's finally setting up a real life she's expressing interest in zero. Kissing him and fighting through the mosh pit to mosh with him under sexually charged lighting- Where even her signature body reading text boxes go empty while she enjoys herself.
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Then the final thing that happens before she leaves to find her mom is a date sequence with this same guy.
She even puts off leaving for the most important story of her run to hang out with him.
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She leaves Bludhaven having basically created a life there, with both Zero and Brenda flirting with her in her final issue there.
As a side tangent not about sexuality gonna take the opportunity to state the super obvious... but we were really robbed when Bludhaven got nuked. It was very clear that Brenda and Zero were intended to have more to them for Cass's run. (Zero's tattoo is all over several buildings in Bludhaven!)
But if anything's consistent in comics it's big dumb events ruining perfectly good things.
Part of me is really glad Kon was Cass's chosen male "love interest" in her batgirl series because pre black and red T-shirt Kon was just. Impossible to take seriously more than half the time. Like his solo series had some interesting stuff to say but when it came to everything else it's like the writers thought "OK how do we write the most stereotypical goofy and obnoxious teen boy" and they turned the dial so far up it became camp. I simply cannot take his and Cass's romance seriously because I can't take Kon seriously. He's trying to perform heterosexuality so hard and Cass having just discovered this as a thing is probably the only girl on the planet who could buy it. There's not a single moment where I'm like "Oh yeah she's definitely into him." but there are so many moments where I'm like "They're both trying SO hard and it's so funny because neither of them are normal in anyway and also she's clearly a lesbian."
Like if they'd gotten an actual male love interest for Cass that felt like someone she was actually into then I'd very easily see her as bisexual but the fact that she chose to "date" Kon-El, most over the top straight boy parody 8 years running, AND they decided to stay friends at the end because she realized she wasn't into the romance she was just lonely after her very intense "friend break up" with Steph? She's a lesbian your honour.
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disclair · 4 months
I want to see her use it as a one up someday, and then for that to be canonically how the family find out.
"Look that time you went to the spirit world doesn't count as dying"
"I'm not counting that time. I've died three times"
Cassandra Cain has still died more times than Jason Todd by like one and I think that's funny.
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disclair · 4 months
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shooting star
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disclair · 4 months
I'm firmly convinced that once Cass discovers the term "skill issue" it's going to become her new favorite combination of words and she is going to use it in response to literally anything.
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disclair · 4 months
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The Boy Wonder #1 (2024)
written by Juni Ba art by Juni Ba & Chris O'Halloran
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disclair · 5 months
Since Oracle is the natural evolution of Batgirl it stands to reason once all three Batgirls evolve to their final form they become the Moirai.
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disclair · 5 months
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maybe should’ve told her about her missing grandchild earlier whoops
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disclair · 5 months
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Hades siblings~
Can't wait to play Hades 2 to learn their story
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