discxpulus-blog · 10 years
「 ✯ 」—- At least one of them will be useful, the boy with the wooden stick speaks far too much for Dito's liking, to even have the nerve to chastise him on how he speaks, as if that's of any real importance in this situation. How rude could he possibly be? ❝ Well all right you uppity little prick! Talk down on me again and this mutt won't be the only thing I slice in half! ❞ And he means it, he's got no problem slicing down his own teammates if they annoy him enough, the last thing he needs right now is some kid acting all holier than thou, he doesn't need to be reminded of how shitty people can be.
          His attention now turns to the gentleman who was trailing behind the other, he's got no weapon nor does he make a move to defend himself against the beast. Great, another unreliable. ❝ This is great! Fantastic, I've got two assholes on my team. A shitty kid and a lazy ass. ❞ This was truly as bad as a situation can get. He's stuck with two losers and there's a dog that wants to kill them, can't get any better than this.
          ❝ Whatever, just stand back and let me and scarface take care of this. You stand there and look pretty like a pansy. ❞ And with that, he turns his attention back to the cerberus. It wastes no time in charging them, and in retaliation, Dito also wastes no time in making his way to the creature as well. He kicks off his heel and heads straight for the creature, spear ready to pierce it right it's hind leg and out of the corner of his eye he can see the young prince also aiming for a fixed point on the beast, at least he knew how to fight and he even managed to stop the beast from pouncing at Dito, he'd hear no word of thanks though.
          With as much strength as he could possibly muster, he aims his spear right for the hind leg of the animal and thank goodness it connects and a howl escapes the creature, it may have been just a wooden spear, but Dito was not to be trifled with when dealing with monsters. He's fought way worse with Zero, he can take this thing.
          ❝ Helllllooooo! Scarface, I could use a little help over here. Try to aim for the eyes or somethin'. We gotta take this shit out quick if we wanna move along since the asshole back there ain't gonna do us any favors. ❞
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✯ ragtags } event: ariadne.
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discxpulus-blog · 10 years
✯ ragtags } event: ariadne.
「 ✯ 」---  To be suddenly swept from the comfort of the outdoors to, well, somewhere he considered far less comfortable was irritating. There he had been by Zero's side one moment and the next? She was nowhere to be found. Nothing but darkness clouded his visions for a few seconds until the scenery faded in. The air was hot, the ground beneath his boots was not stable, and the room was dim. When eyes came to focus, a large door stood in front of him, intricate designs spread across the walls he saw, murals from some civilization painted the walls as well. How annoying, to be put into some maze upon first getting here.
          Wanting to want no longer where he stood, he walks through the entrance and into the maze. Why waste time sitting around for something he has no clue about, after all. Wet soil moves beneath his boots and the wooden spear he was given drags along as he walks. With no idea where he's going, he's doomed to walk in circles, that is until the growl of a large creature can be heard in the distance and as if on cue, out from the shadows steps a two headed canine, teeth bared and mouth foaming, coat as black as the night with eyes as yellow as the moon. This was exactly what he needed when he was alone. ❝ Oh, come on! ❞ Frustrated, he throws his hands in the air, of all the things to encounter without Zero at his side, luck is surely working against him.
          With no other choice but to fight, he readies himself in a stance, spear situated in his hands ready to charge as soon as the monster decided to do so first and then much to his surprise, someone steps up next to him. Another man, tall, dark hair, and a weapon with him as well and another..taller one seems to be trailing behind him. Well, might as well see if they can help.
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           ❝ Hey, none of us is gettin' past here if we don't get rid of this ugly mutt. Can you fight? I have a feeling this fucker won't be the easiest to take down. ❞ He says, face turned to look at the other, while still keeping his attention toward the sounds of the creature before them. ❝ Gonna stand there and look pretty, or you gonna help me out? ❞ With that being said, the creature now slowly moves near the both of them, closing the distance bit by bit and Dito's hands now clench tightly around the spear, ready to attack at any moment. He waits for no answer, but instead prepares himself. ❝ Fuck it, just get ready, it's coming! ❞
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discxpulus-blog · 10 years
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discxpulus-blog · 10 years
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discxpulus-blog · 10 years
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ジュンジュンしちゃう by まんま
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