disneyglambert · 6 years
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I posted this on my instagram and it went mini viral yet I haven’t seen anyone talk about it on here so I thought I’d just repost.
Moral of the story: Stop believing headlines.
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disneyglambert · 6 years
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disneyglambert · 6 years
In case anyone needs it today, this link leads to a giant list of things to do when dysphoria is being a bitch.
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disneyglambert · 6 years
There’s gonna be THAT person that comes along when you aren’t expecting anything and they treat you right and everything’s healthy and they’re gonna make you feel all kinds of shit you didn’t know you could feel bitch do not let that go I’m telling you
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disneyglambert · 6 years
The best kind of people are the ones that come into your life, and make you see the sun where you once saw clouds. The people that believe in you so much, you start to believe in you too. The people that love you, simply for being you.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
Love you baby ☺️
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disneyglambert · 6 years
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disneyglambert · 6 years
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A good thread on whether “queer” is a slur and if it should be used or not.
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disneyglambert · 6 years
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disneyglambert · 6 years
In Infinity War, Banner is Loki in disguise
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So, yesterday I went to watch Infinity War again because I wanted to focus on this fact and see if it could actually be real. And guys, the answer is YES. (ohmygod!!!)
When Hulk fights Thanos it’s still Banner. But when they finish, we don’t see Hulk nor Loki for some time and that’s when they switch and Loki takes Hulk’s shape. Banner probably escapes with Valkyrie somehow. I am sure they have a plan.
Heimdall sends Hulk to Earth. Hulk?! Heimdall barely know who is Banner! He never even talked to him! Why would he send Banner and not, for example, Thor? Because that’s actually Loki.
When “Banner” arrives on Earth, he is terrified: terrified of the kind like he knows a lot about Thanos and what he does. But how can he? Do you really think they had all of this time to tell Banner everything when Thanos suddenly showed up and began to kill everyone? He could have just been another bad guy at his eyes, but no, here he was absolutely desperate and with no real reason (I hope you understood what I’m trying to say). That’s not Banner.
Banner tells Tony that Thanos destroys every planet and already has the Power and Space Stone and he is already super powerful. How can he know? When Thanos manages to hold the Tesseract, Hulk is already KO and moreover when Banner is Hulk he doesn’t understand what’s going on. Only Loki and Thor really see that Thanos takes the Space Stone. Again, how can Banner know he already has the Power Stone? For the same reason written above, he cannot. Guys, he can’t. That’s Loki.
Loki knows that Banner can transform into Hulk and, being a shapeshifter, he tries to. But eventually he will find out that he cannot because he can take people’s shapes but not their powers. So he would never have Hulk’s strength.
Banner tells Tony that Loki’s attack to New York was actually because of Thanos. Again, how can Banner know? Like if when Thanos arrived they quietly sat down and told Banner everything about Thanos. Do you realize it’s absurd?
Banner makes continuous references to New York. Why couldn’t he do it with Sokovija, for example? Because he is Loki.
It’s impossible to ignore Banner’s outburst of joy when Thor shows up in Wakanda. He laughs aloud and says he wants to see what they’ll make up now. It reminded me so much of Loki’s joyful reaction when in Ragnarok Thor was beaten by Hulk. Guys, that’s Loki as he sees his brother is still alive and badassing (thing he couldn’t be sure about, having left as Hulk through the Bifrost).
We see Banner in the Hulk Buster fighting. Now, Hulk can fight because it’s Hulk but Hulk and Banner are two completely different beings. And honestly, has Banner ever punched someone in his life? Ha. Banner is a scientist and angel, he wouldn’t touch a fly. And yet we see him punching and kicking super professionally in Wakanda, which is super weird. But if you think that that’s Loki, who can fight pretty well, everything makes sense. And if you look closely you see Loki’s technique in the fight.
You’ll wonder how can Loki know a) about Clint, b) about Vision’s technology and c) about Bruce and Nat’s relationship. a) Loki knows about Clint as he mind-controlled him in Avengers 1. b) Loki is very intelligent, he knows a lot about the Stone, he knows about how Vision came to life because in Age of Ultron he was there, hiding (hooded figure) and actually he doesn’t really know everything in such a great detail in fact when he speaks with Shuri he is in a bit of difficulty. c) Loki is a mind-reader and had the occasion to get to know Nat (during Avengers 1, while he is in the cage) and with Bruce (throughout Ragnarok and a little bit Avengers 1 too).
So guys, you can see that there are many things that don’t make a lot of sense but this theory fixes them and makes them all agree with one another. Loki is the God of Mischief and I could go on forever telling why he decided to die in front of Thor and how did he double himself and about the fact that he didn’t turn into his Jotun form when he “died”, but this post is already very long (sorry!).
Now, what do you think?
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disneyglambert · 6 years
Hey guys I just want to give a heads up. The book Adam by Ariel Schrag has been turned into a movie which has been named as one of the most exciting LGBTQ films of this year. I don’t want to spoil anybody’s fun but you should know before watching that the book is about a cis boy who pretends to be a trans man in order to persuade lesbians to sleep with him. 
This post has a plot summary that explains more about this concept and why it’s so harmful.
It is deeply deeply transphobic. It is lesbophobic as it features a corrective rape narrative (a lesbian does have sex with him and then decides she does love men after all). 
Here is a review of the book by a trans man. I have yet to find one by a lesbian but will edit this if I do. 
This book gives out incredibly harmful notions about trans men and lesbians that are used to hurt them in real life. It’s so entrenched in the narrative that I don’t see how the film can be any better. You can find more info in this twitter thread
I’d like to tell people to boycott it but I can’t tell you what to do. So instead I’m going to ask that you share this because it being named as an exciting new LGBTQ film is going to make LGBTQ teens want to see it. And they should know before hand how hurtful it could be. They should be able to arm themselves with that knowledge. 
Please reblog. 
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disneyglambert · 6 years
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disneyglambert · 6 years
how many nights am i gonna sit here thinking about killing myself until i actually do it
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disneyglambert · 6 years
Dysphoria isn’t just “hating your body.”
Sometimes it’s sadness. It’s crying for the child you never got to be. It’s lying in bed, wondering who you would’ve been, if only you were cis. It’s looking at a cis guy or cis girl and feeling hollow in your chest.
Sometimes it’s anger. It’s screaming at the sky, for the unfairness of it all. It’s wondering, “why me?” It’s lashing out and resenting your family and friends, because even if they try they will never understand the pain you go through, will never understand what using your name and pronouns and supporting you in your transition means to you.
Sometimes it’s numbness. It’s looking in the mirror and just feeling empty. It’s taking a shower and staring at the ceiling, hands going through the motions, forcing yourself not to look down. It’s pushing your friends away because you can’t feel it within you to laugh or care anymore. It’s seeing someone else and hearing someone else and people talking about someone else, not you.
Sometimes it’s fear. The fear of changing in front of someone, of doctor’s appointments, of looking in the mirror when you step out of the shower. It’s the knot in your throat when you hear someone call you the wrong name but you’re not brave enough to correct them. It’s the fear that you’ll never get to be yourself.
Sometimes it’s confusion. It’s being young and wondering why those pronouns feel so wrong, why your name doesn’t fit you, wondering why your body feels so wrong but not having the words you need to explain yourself. It’s walking past a store window and being genuinely puzzled, because for a second, even if just a second, you forgot that you were transgender. It’s expecting to see something but seeing something else entirely.
Sometimes it’s exhaustion. Sometimes it’s so damn hard and you just want to sleep and never wake up again. Even if you’ve just woken up in the morning, you still feel like the weight of the world rests upon your shoulders, and your shoulders alone. It’s the feeling that no matter how much you sleep, you will never wake up to a world where you will get to be who you are without going through so much pain and effort and money. It’s wishing that someone would just hold you and tell you that they love you no matter what, no matter what- they’ll support you and fight for you and call you the right things.
Dysphoria isn’t just “hating your body.”
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disneyglambert · 6 years
Do! 👀 NOT!! 👀 Double!! 👀 Bind!!!
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disneyglambert · 6 years
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I loved taking @eikatsukiyomi as my Marinette to the Masquerade dance! It was a TON of fun and we both danced a lot, both with each other and with other people!
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disneyglambert · 6 years
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I loved taking @eikatsukiyomi as my Marinette to the Masquerade dance! It was a TON of fun and we both danced a lot, both with each other and with other people!
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disneyglambert · 6 years
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