distant-glory · 4 years
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The irony being that the piece of music open here is Scarlatti’s K30 sonata... Commonly known as the ‘Cat Fugue’.
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distant-glory · 4 years
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distant-glory · 4 years
You’re really Aceing it
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distant-glory · 4 years
I probably wouldn’t be so mad at the existence of billionaires if everyone else was able to live comfortably and there wasn’t a climate crisis and people weren’t being exploited to make things that I can afford because I can’t afford stuff made ethically because I don’t get paid much because billionaires are buying elections.
Like if the world were honest and there were no monopolies and governments had enough money to provide for all of us and the billionaires weren’t hurting people to make their wealth and voting was accessible and justice systems were just I probably wouldn’t care that there are billionaires.
But that’s not the world we live in so I don’t like billionaires.
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distant-glory · 4 years
wednesday addams makes a friend
okay, but imagine:
wednesday is at the local library with her father, searching the shelves for a book uncle fester told her about dangerous animals in south america. Gomez strikes up a conversation with the elderly librarian mrs. phelps to help wednesday find what they are looking for.
“That one? Or, Mr. Addams - I’m afraid it’s been checked out.”
a squeaky wheel catches wednesday’s attention, and right past her walks a girl with an ENTIRE red-rocket wagon topped full of books. the girl carefully looks over each book and drops them carefully into the book-return
that’s when wednesday sees it - the book she’s been looking for.
wednesday walked slowly up to the girl’s wagon, and touched the cover.
“I just finished that one,” the girl says. wednesday straightens up. “It has a fascinating chapter on the red-bellied piranhas of South America.”
“We’re looking at getting one for Pugsley’s tank,” wednesday says.
“A piranha? It will eat your fish,” she said.
“I’m counting on it.”
“Is Pugsley your fish?”
“My brother.” Wednesday replied.
The girl thought a moment. “You’ll need at least a dozen - they hunt best in schools.”
wednesday just barely smiled, a single corner of her lips turning up. “I’m wednesday addams.” she said, extending a hand.
“Matilda,” the girl replied, shaking her hand. “Matilda Wormwood.”
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distant-glory · 4 years
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distant-glory · 4 years
I hope Brendan Fraser is having a nice day.
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distant-glory · 4 years
your bare minimum isn’t actually that bare or minimum. my dad once told me that there’s nothing in this world that’s easy and that’s true tbh. everything we do takes energy, time, and effort. even the little things. if you feel like you’re not doing enough please try to think about your circumstances and what’s currently available to you: chances are, there’s something that’s diverting or otherwise draining you. and to pull away from that and get something done regardless? well, i think that’s really admirable! please try to take pride in the things you do accomplish in a day, no matter how small or trifling you perceive them to be. you can’t be proud of your growth if you don’t notice where you already are!
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distant-glory · 4 years
i HATE stories where, after spending months or even years working and traveling and living together and developing a found family dynamic through their shared time and experiences together, all the characters just… break up once they’ve achieved their shared goals and defeated The Big Enemy or whatever like “oh… we’ve done what we set out to do… i guess there’s no need for any of us to see each other again… it’s probably best we all go our separate ways so we can get on with our lives” like fuck THAT
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distant-glory · 4 years
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distant-glory · 4 years
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Two little dragons with zygodactyl feets, looking all picturesque next to some fungi. Making this felt peaceful. Zygo, 11x14" graphite on smooth bristol
🔸 Prints and original available here 🔸 Patreon & Ko-fi
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distant-glory · 4 years
A summary of the last...six months (dear God it’s been that long)
- Work has been absolute freaking insanity over the last two months. Ever since the government announced the shutdown of non-essential services, our sales went through the roof. We’ve only recently managed to claw back to only two days behind rather than five, but the system was never designed for this kind of traffic and it’s honestly broken. The warehouse is a sinkhole of chaos (and the warehouse manager is a jerkwad), nothing is where it should be, inventory is out, and the customers are either angels or entitled assholes with no in-between. There literally is not enough time to do everything, even though we’ve added extra staff. I’m on stress leave this week because I had a sobbing breakdown in the manager’s office on Monday morning and they sent me home.
- Still playing tabletop RPGs--we’ve had to put our D&D campaign on hold since social gatherings are banned, so we’ve been playing a Fates campaign called Glitter Hearts over Discord instead. Think Power Rangers meets Sailor Moon. It’s awesome.
- I also attended a couple of sessions with the local LARP group before social restrictions forced them to cancel. Super fun, definitely going back when they resume.
- I’ve moved into a townhouse that my parents bought--I pay them rent and utilities, but hooray for my own place! I feel like I can actually take up space here--not to mention practice the piano whenever I like.
- Related to that, I’ve been doing so much gardening over the past couple of months. It’s mostly involved ripping the ivy out of the front garden--I’ve gotten most of it. I’ve started some seeds, planted some bulbs in pots, and sown a green manure crop in what ground I could clear, because the soil around here is awful. Over the next couple of months I’m planning to build some planter boxes for my balcony and probably a stand for my lots and lots of pots and pots.
- Some of you may have heard me mention the cute guy at D&D. We were chatting in late January when I admitted to some anxiety that he didn’t like me as much as I liked him. He then leaned over and kissed me. (At least two of our friends had been shipping us for weeks. Apparently I live in an actual fanfiction.)
- He is the actual best boyfriend. His family’s main residence is in a coastal town about two hours’ away, so when the government shut down non-essential travel at the end of March, he had to go there, so I didn’t see him for almost two months. Then on Monday afternoon, after restrictions on interstate travel were eased, we were texting when he commented, “Awesome work on the garden by the way--it looks really different when you can see the ground.” Cue the ‘wait what when did I send you a photo of that’ frantic scrolling through our conversations over the last couple of days--and then there’s a knock on the door. I nearly tackled him. (He also brought me TimTams. I love him so much.)
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distant-glory · 4 years
How is everyone?
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distant-glory · 4 years
Sometimes I see posts with medieval art and somebody demanding to know what was going on during the middle ages. I therefore present to you a list:
In 897, Pope Stephen VI had his predecessor’s body dug up and tried for heresy. The corpse was found guilty and thrown in the Tiber.
In 1122 or thereabouts, Heloise de Argenteuil named her son Astrolabe.
In 1141, Empress Matilda was besieged in a castle by her cousin Steve, and escaped by pretending to be dead and getting carted out with the corpses.
In 1314 King Edward II made soccer illegal. This was the same King Edward II whose wife Isabella had him killed by shoving a fireplace poker up his ass.
In 1325 some guys from Modena, Italy, stole the bucket from the well in neighbouring Bologna. The two cities fought a battle over it. Modena won, and still has the bucket on display in a museum.
In 1355 students at Oxford rioted because a pub served them sub-par beer.
In 1374 France and Belgium suffered an outbreak of ‘dancing plague’. The affected would dance until they died of heart attacks.
In 1379 a guy named Perrinot Muet was trampled to death by pigs. The pigs were tried for murder, found guilty, and hanged.
Between 1410 and 1419, there were three different guys in different parts of Europe all claiming to be Pope. They each excommunicated the other two and all their adherents.
In 1456, Pope Callixtus the Third excommunicated Halley’s Comet.
In conclusion, a lot went on during the middle ages.
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distant-glory · 4 years
Everyday I see an opinion that I don't agree with on this hellsite, and every single day, I manage to scroll past it and not to go into someone's inbox on anonymous to explain to them why they are wrong, some of y'all should try that some time
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distant-glory · 4 years
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inktober day 16 is untitled goose mixed with dark souls. no questions please for i have no answers.
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distant-glory · 4 years
today on "hozier liked":
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