distantthoughtz · 1 year
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I never really use tumblr lol
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distantthoughtz · 1 year
So my english class just had an argument about weather or not a hotdog is a sandwich and I'm the quiet kid of the class so I didn't say anything but the whole time I was thinking to myself "but a hotdog is just a piece of meat" lol ig with a bun its a sandwich but no one specified 🤷‍♂️
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distantthoughtz · 2 years
I meant to use some of my birthday and Christmas money from the past couple years on the steam winter sale, but just realized this morning that I missed it 😔.
I wanted to buy a few games on sale after school yesterday, but because it was the first day back after break, I completely forgot 😕. Think I'm going to get superflight and terraria this week, then wait for the spring sale to get a couple more.
I would've gotten them over the break but I have to bug my mom since I don't have a debit card or phone number (she would buy them and them I would pay her back with cash) and kept putting off asking her.... Oh well lol.
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distantthoughtz · 2 years
Plans for this account....
This account is meant to be an alt for if I get some sort of presence on the internet, I'l still be able to comment and like stuff without my name attached. I still haven't picked out a name for myself yet, but have been using variants of distant thoughts for a while now. This will most likely just be rants/vents/idk what to call it, about random stuff, like my cats new cat tree lol.
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