benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
he was presently surprised by the nonchalant response he had earned- his tactlessness had landed him in quite the amount of trouble in his colourful past, so such a response begged open, metaphorical arms ( trace had never been a hugger ) and a wide, self-proclaimed, shit-eating grin. ❝ a tempting offer,❞ the words came with not only a smirk but also a tone that was teasing and as light as the now barely there joint in between his fingers.❝ but i was kinda hoping i’d have to work for it- go on a zelda-esque quest  for it, ya feel ? no pain, no gain man.❞
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“I feel,” said Benji, who, in fact, did not feel. He’d never touched a video game in his entire life, and the only thing he knew about zelda was that if he said that was the name of the protagonist in those games, he’d get slapped. “And in that case,” he began, already surveying the room. It didn’t occur to him how weird it is be so ready to help a stranger find another person to hook up with. “Let’s go find you a challenge, then.”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
the more he spoke, the more agitated she became. benzie had a short fuse, and, boy, was he getting on her nerves. “you look like you’d ought to be an extra in the snow dogs,” she remarked, giving him a mere once-over. her orbs glared into his own while she explained, coyly, “it ain’t ‘dragged up,’ it’s just dragged. as in i’m two seconds away from snatchin’ yo ass up.”
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Well, thank goodness this girl didn’t seem too upset with him, considering the great compliment she’d just given him. “Hey, thanks,” he said. “Snow Dogs is cinematic masterpiece, and I can only dream of one day time traveling back in time so I can be part of it.” Her glare had him doubtful that he hadn’t actually offended her, but he wasn’t about to assume anything. Besides, maybe if he pretended she wasn’t upset with him, then he doesn’t have to deal with the consequences of making stupid comments. “Okay, well, that explains that. I’m going to need a definition for that last one, though, because I’m pretty sure you’re not using the kind of ‘snatch’ I’m thinking of.”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
got like four more days added to my quarantine so i’ll be up today doing replies and plotting! 
feel free to like this post btw if u wanna plot and ill hit u up
but also again: if any replies i do dont make sense or are shitty, please please please dont hesitate to let me know, and ill do my best to fix it! my brain is still pretty foggy from being sick, so i might not be super clear with my writing, and youre 100% not going to hurt my feelings if you let me know that i, like, broke twenty rules of english in a reply or something
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
get you a man that gets the flu, an ear infection, and an eye infection in the span of five days lmao ,, 
anyway im really sick and wont be on today, my brain legit just doesnt work rn. if anyone wants to plot still feel free to message me, but like i cant promise any coherency! 
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
upon realizing he was everything but a paparazzi, a frown emerged across benz’s mien. “damn,” she muttered to herself before the boy’s statement made her brows furrow. “you makin’ fun of the way i talk with ya young ass?” inquired benz, her arms crossing against her chest. truthfully, she spoke that way due to her upbringing, with the elder children influence’s. “don’t get dragged up in this mansion tonight, aight, ‘lil boy?”
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“I really wish I could respond to that, honestly, but I have no idea what you just said,” replied Benji earnestly. “I mean, except-- I’m not making fun of you, I swear. It’s kind of cool you talk like a character from the movie Snow Dogs, you know, all unique and quirky.” After that sad attempt at backpedaling, he added, “But, seriously, what does ‘dragged up’ mean?”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
benz was used to eyes being on her. she had that effect on people, given her peculiar ways. however, this boy just continued to stare, making her tilt her head at him. “who’s mans is this?” she inquired, peering around the vicinity while she pointed at him. was he lost, or a paparazzi that had snuck into the gathering? “you wanna take a flick of me, too?” inquired benz in case it was the latter as she placed her palm on her hip to strike a pose.
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“Take a-- what now?” Benji, only further confused, blinked a few times, a little taken a back by being pointed at. It only took him a few seconds to come back down to earth, realize he was being rude as hell for staring, and then say something that, while he was joking, was probably just as rude: “What year is this? I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say those phrases since I was four.”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
“that’s probably best,” she responded with, what she hoped was, enough volume. yet in case of any miscommunication gabby made sure to add a nod afterwards ( even if her nods were shy and awkward –– but there was always something shy and awkward about her, the way her shoulders were pulled up slightly, the way her hands gripped together in front of her body. )
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A nod, and Benji began to walk towards the exit, out into the patio of the venue. He hoped the lack of DJ and conversations happening over each other would put this girl at ease. "So,” he began, once they reached outside. “Now that I don’t have to scream my throat raw anymore: how long have you been here in L.A.?”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
“You know, you pretty much described my whole interaction just now.” A bubbly laugh left her lips - mostly relief to meet someone friendly so early on. It beat awkwardly standing to the side of the party; which was what she’d anticipated. Israel brushed nonexistent lint off the surface of her dress, scanning the premises before making any first moves. “I’ve got a good feeling about this party though. It’s - sparkly. And an important day for us.” she said. “—  ‘Us’ assuming you’re part of the cast. Instead of a sexist, nosy journalist.” Israel grinned.
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“Yeah, well, I may not have tons of experience with this kind of thing, but from the looks of it, seems like everyone’s time with the media has been pretty much the same.” He raised an eyebrow at her, then glanced around at the venue. “Sparkly? I guess there is a lot of glitter around here... Unless you mean sparkly in, like, a metaphorical way-- But, yeah, sadly, can’t say I’m a journalist. I’m in the show, too.”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
just realized i never introduced myself lmao
anyway hey! im nate, im 19 and in est, and this is benji. his bio can be found here, and you guys are always free to message me to plot or just chit chat ! 
quick note though that i’m currently sick and my head’s a little cloudy, so if any of my replies don’t make sense or are lowkey shitty, please dont be afraid to let me know, and ill fix it as soon as i can!! 
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
“No, but I’m glad I give off journalist vibes,” he said, offering a friendly smile to someone who seemed more than “a little overwhelmed.” “You know, all smart and nosy. Always confident enough to ask really sexist questions without thinking about how sexist they are.”
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“I… gotta say, I’m a little overwhelmed.” Israel laughed, resisting the urge to look back at the cameras she’d just left. “I was expecting like, a cocktail and a few high fives. But that–” she jabbed her thumb over her shoulder, “that was a full on entrance interview.” Smoothing her hair down, Israel took a few steps farther into the residence, pushing an awestruck sigh passed her lips. “Wow I mean… God, hi. I’m Israel. – Are you like, a journalist or something?”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
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“Ew… don’t you know what a personal bubble is? Touching me is what you’re not gonna do. Got it? Thanks.” With a roll of her eyes, the former reality tv star snapped at a cameraman who had gotten a bit too close for comfort. The petite brunette took a few more moments to pose for the paparazzi before walking away from the group, ignoring their pleas for her to stay and answer a few questions. “Ugh. They’re needy as fuck, aren’t they?” 
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
“Holy shit, this girl just used ‘dog’ in the year of our Lord 2017,” said Benji under his breath, eyes wide and focused on the girl walking in. He’d met dramatic-- hell, he’d worked with some of the most obnoxiously dramatic people you could imagine. The theatre churns ‘em out like butter. This was a different level, though, and Benji couldn’t help but keep staring incredulously. 
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already full of liquid courage and substances, benz strutted through the doors of the lavish home. sporting hazy, red orbs and a ditzy grin, she proclaimed, “out there was so crazy, dog,” before absentmindedly dropping her clutch by the door, and striking a pose. “i was like this, bam!” she hollered before strutting down the entry way. clearly, she was one for the dramatics. “and then i strolled through those flashing lights like this. no lie, your girl murdered it. beyonce should’ve wrote six inch about my bad ass.”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
“I almost hope Viola Davis doesn’t show up,” said Benji, completely expecting to be struck down by God Himself for such a statement. “I mean, I’m pretty sure if I ever happen to be in the same ten miles as her, I’ll either start crying, ask her to adopt me, or shit myself.” He took a thoughtful sip of his drink. “Or all three.”
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   “Someone said Viola Davis was going to show up,” Felix said conversationally– to whom, though, he didn’t know. His eyes were locked onto his phone, where a nice little “make friends!!!! also tell chris evans i want his children” message from his sister had so gently reminded him that he was currently NOT doing the socialization thing. He clicked off his phone and took a drink from his glass of too expensive alcohol. Fucking surreal. “There’s a ninety percent chance of BS, but who knows. Pretty sure if she breathes in the general direction of this place, the show is going to be a hit.” 
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
There was a split second where he was sure he heard wrong, that he just had his mind in the gutter. But, really, whoever this guy was, he repeated the words “suck” and “dick” too many times to be about anything other than, well, sucking dick. Benji turned to face the voice, only vaguely recognizing them, but not being able to place a name or reason. “Well,” he said as casual as possible, hands in his pocket. “I’m always up for grabs.”
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he knows he recognises some of the people, whether he knows them on any legitimate level doesn’t. matter. he’s flirting and drinking and smoking and laughing like nothing has ever been wrong. he’s not sure he’s ever been introduced to such luxury before- he guesses that the glass he’s holding alone is worth more than the brookyln apartment he grew up in. it’s all bullshit, really, pure self-indulgence in it’s worst form but GOD does he love it. it almost makes him forget about the pushy, rude paps that had swarmed him before he had entered the house mansion. if you were to ask he’d insist that they were assholes, intrusive and insensitive. but really,  he revelled in feeling like someone people might give a SHIT about. it was one ego boost he sure as hell didn’t need.
with the beat of the music thrumming through his very core and smoke billowing out of his mouth, he was in one of his favourite, almost peaceful states of being. he wasn’t sure who the hell it was that was unlucky enough to be standing next to him but he spoke anyway-  
 ❝ so, ❞ his blazed brain wracked for some sort of socially acceptable conversation starter.  ❝ who’s dick do i gotta suck to suck a dick around here ?❞ whoops.
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
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THE BASS of whatever top - 40 song currently playing is deafening ; drowning out all of the insipid conversations taking place in saintgnue’s mcmansion. xavier closes his eyes , savoring the dull thunder ; the way it blunts all other senses & halts all thoughts. it’s like FLOATING : nothing feels real. he’s sprawled out on a chaise - lounge — after somehow making it through the VULTURES. white - hot flashes are still imprinted on his irises , the smell of desperation clinging to his tux jacket , rank & unmistakable. 
it’s a shame that his first foray into “ stardom ” is so … boring. 
there’s movement beside him , a swish of fabric & footsteps on the marble floor. not bothering to look , xavier stretches out a hand to get their attention.
❝ YO , ❞ one syllable , drawn out & lazy. ❝ get me a drink , will ya ? ❞
Benji had barely walked up to the guy before he heard a demand-- one in a tone of voice he was not expecting to hear now that he was “officially” an actor. Seriously, wasn’t he supposed to be the one ordering people around? Not that he would, of course, but, you know, hypothetically? He walked over to the bar, returning back, stretching out his hand and offering a class of water to Xavier. “Here you go, man.”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
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the music was so loud, so deafening. she felt as if by morning, her hearing would be lost altogether. ( but then again, she was inexperienced in these things. ) lips moved beside her, words coming out of them but unable to be heard and gabby leaned closer, furrowed brows giving away her loss of understanding. “i’m sorry, what did you say?” how did her voice manage to sound so sweet, even when she was yelling above the noise? “i can’t hear you.”
“How long have yo--” Benji began to repeat, cutting himself short as he realized his attempt was useless. The music was pretty loud, and considering he’d spent the past ten years of his life surrounded by speakers and blasting music through headsets, that was saying something. He jerked a thumb to the closest door. “Want to head outside?”
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benjaminboot-blog · 8 years
”it’s just plain exciting,” a slightly drunk anderson spoke eagerly to a journalist at the party. he was grinning from ear to ear trying to describe how excited he was for the production. his deep brown irises,  encased by his slightly red corneas, wandered around the room heavily only to make eye contact with one of his co-stars. anderson took this as a open invitation to approach them with open arms. 
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Man, did Benji love drunk people. Okay, no, he loved really drunk people, like the kind to sing really bad karaoke without a machine and reveal their darkest secrets, but Anderson was close enough. Besides, Benji was always a whore for platonic man hugs. “Oh, boy,” he began joking, embracing the person he could only recognize as one of his cast mates. “Shouldn’t I get your name first?”
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