diverse-hearts · 8 hours
@squidsavior asked for a Starter
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"Say Cheese!" It's the only warning she'll receive before a flash would let her know that her picture had just been taken, March standing proudly as she waited for the photo to process, walking over to show the result, "Aww, you look so cute here!" "How many times must we ask for you to not take surprise pictures?", Dan Heng sighed, poking his head out from his room as he heard the two girls outside, "...when your done, come in here. I've something to show you".
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diverse-hearts · 9 hours
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i was bored at the airport so i scribbled some notes about my headcanon graha in my wols universes.. he's been through it
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diverse-hearts · 10 hours
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oh to be carbuncle
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diverse-hearts · 11 hours
@squidsavior asked for a Starter
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As usual, the alchemist seemed to have got lost within his own little world. He'd called for the other Knight to come to his lab to help him with something, yet he'd been standing staring down at some vials on his desk with such intensity, that it had been a while since he had last blinked. Only when he spotted some movement from the corner of his eye did he finally glance up, gazing at Naomi as though confused of her presence at first. "Oh, right", he picked up one of the vials, placing a stopper in the top, before turning to place it on a nearby shelf, "Sorry - I hadn't realised such time had already passed. Have you been standing there long?"
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diverse-hearts · 12 hours
@lachrymosestorm asked for a Starter
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Protecting the land around the manor was, of course, just another of the duties he performed, though there were plenty of traps set that claimed the majority of the intruders. He'd been working on fixing up a rose bush that had been almost destroyed recently by the last gun fight to have taken place in the facility, when he'd heard a noise nearby, an eyebrow raised, but otherwise no other movement was made - not until he'd fixed the roses back to the gate and replaced the damaged wall. "I am sure you are aware these are private lands", he finally called out, turning to face straight towards where he knew the intruder had quickly hidden, "I highly recommend you come out now - and quickly explain why you are here..."
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diverse-hearts · 16 hours
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//Mmkays I got things into the queue and the cramps building so I'm just gonna chill now with a little SMT before the cramp pushes me into bed for the next few days Q_Q I've been queuing up the starters so expect those over the next few days! <3 Poke me on discords or OCs if you need me ~
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diverse-hearts · 23 hours
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//Have a sneaky starter call ~ Please list at least a fandom!
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diverse-hearts · 23 hours
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//Hello! *avoids junk thrown at her* Anyways - I got my OC's queue up to a healthy number and now the goal is to repeat the same trick here. Issue is, I just started my periods and a RGP is out at the end of the week that's likely to capture my attention...BUT WE SHALL TRY. I may just end up writing a lot on laptop instead cause of cramps...*dies* Sooo yeah I'm here. I'm also still trying to track down my tracked threads?? I think there's only one in my drafts for me to reply to that hasn't been added yet from here so... ^^; Plz let me know if you'd like a thread tracked! Once I have my queues nice and full I can get back to my system of using the tracker to reply to things quicker <3
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diverse-hearts · 7 days
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//Got my boy and his weapon \o/
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diverse-hearts · 10 days
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//Have a sneaky starter call ~ Please list at least a fandom!
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diverse-hearts · 11 days
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"A bad feeling? He knows I do keep an eye on them while he's away surely", she sighed slightly. Maybe she should just be glad that Chuuya's 'bad feelings' had yet to actually interfere with a job. When it came to person like Garth though, how could you not be nervous about leaving them alone for too long? "Regardless, it will be nice to have you both back sooner - Chloe's been missing her father", she hummed lightly, the sound of rice being poured filling the air as she sealed some up for later to be heated when it was lunch time, "As have I. I do so hope Chuuya hasn't been too much of a bother".
Continued From {X} I @diverse-hearts
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He chuckled, loving to hear the playful voice of his wife as he sat at the airport. It wasn't like him to call this late but...
"I know. You said you wanted me to call whenever I got back to the hotel but change of plans. We finished what we needed and Chu got a bad feeling. We are getting on the next plane home and wanted to let you know."
He yawned lightly, relaxing as he waited at the gate.
"You know your brother. He hates leaving Garth alone for too long."
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diverse-hearts · 11 days
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Tried drawing Rika without making a sketch first for fun lol 🦋💛
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diverse-hearts · 11 days
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diverse-hearts · 11 days
It was always so nice to be reunited whenever he was away on trips like he had been, the elder brother pulling his twin into a warm embrace, scanning over his form for any signs of illness, his way of showing how much he cared for his brother. It didn't much matter to him, what the adults may label them as - Astre was important to him, his other half, not just a spare - but it was wasted breath to try and get that through to them.
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"It was quite fun. I'm sure you would have enjoyed it, even if you had to remain indoors". He sighed lightly, a small shake of his head given as he hurried over to the side of the room, pulling out a small bag, "I got us a new game to try!"
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@diverse-hearts ❤'d~
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"Did you enjoy your trip with Father, Ciel?" the young boy asked with his usual soft smile. Astre would have loved to go with his brother and father, but...they saw no reason to take him. The younger twin was simply the spare, after all. Besides, with Astre's asthma and allergies, it was better for him to stay inside with his mother.
Well... Maybe he could play with his twin inside, then. He hoped Ciel wasn't busy... He always seemed to have more important things to do lately. More important than playing with his younger brother, at least. But Astre couldn't say he felt jealous. No, this is just the way things were... The heir and the spare. As it always has been and always will be.
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diverse-hearts · 11 days
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"...there's no way in which you could maybe pretend as though you didn't hear that...is there?". Riku, a figure that had always been rather stoic whenever Axel had been around, suddenly let out a scoff, quickly hiding his mouth behind a hand, Axel's rage slowly beginning to build. Why was it so difficult for people just to accept some help these days!? "And it's not my Organisation either! I'm just a member...but that's not even important! Why do you have to be so difficult!?", he looked almost as though he was about to throw a temper tantrum, taking a few deep breaths in which to calm himself, "Anyways ~ just be careful, alright?"
(( @diverse-hearts continued from Here
A subtle, but devilish smile was allowed to color her features, satisfaction clear at his reaction. Really, one had to wonder, what did he expect?
Though her expressing sobered a fraction at his remarks about his…contributions. Help? Help with what, exactly? She could only imagine that it was, more or less, the admission - unintentional though it might've been - she'd yet to get out of him directly.
"Ah… So this 'Organization' of yours is trying to follow me, then? Nice of you to finally clarify that." She replied, the tone casual, but a slight, venomous something lined the words.
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diverse-hearts · 12 days
"Discord things that make me question why my friends are still friends with me as sentence starters"
"They will say fuck you in the streets but fuck you in the sheets
"I thought you were out here simping so hard you wanted to slurp the sweat off someone"
"Sweat tea…. drool emoji
"Behold the field in which we grow our braincells. Lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren"
"I just wanna love virutal men but my muses want to cause chaos"
"Okay posted memes, pleased the owl - back to my otome"
"Today we learned you have an owl kink"
"What, you expect fictional man simps to be smart? Fool"
"Non fictional men hurt too much"
"Non fictional men hurt us, so we hurt fictional men for serotonin. I see this as an absolute win"
"Sounds like you gotta get balls deep into a bottle of wine"
"What if you put it on a spinning pedestal? Can it turn itself into a rotating poop tornado?"
"We need to discuss the definition of cute because i don't think we are on the same page here"
"He’s like bull except red don’t piss him off it make him horny."
"Can't I be in daddy daycare? I want to stay in daddy daycare!"
"Are you saying -name- is into vine BDSM?"
"The man is not afriad to beat people with a pipe and yet fears sticking it to me!"
"Soz was trying to eat nuggies and murder things"
"They are going to ship so hard though his digestive system"
"So who do you want to be vored?"
"The way I would stick my dick in it if I had one…"
"Oh no. They got into a little shit™️ war."
"Threaten her with a black hole and then go with her for drinks. Should be me."
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diverse-hearts · 12 days
So last night I was up all night looking for an ambulance that didn't arrive until half eight this morning...and man am I tired.
My mum was taken into hospital. We still don't know the full details of what's going on but we're gonna go visit. Thing is, my body is not coping well with the spoons for lack of a better term, so I'm gonna be darn exhausted when we get back.
All this to say, I will be around when I'm around but I may vanish now and then too...it's complicated. My poor brain is very muggy and don't get me started on balance...if anyone whines about me using my cane today I'm gonna wack them with it 🤣
Anyways...yeah that's the basics. I'll reply to people on the discords when I can ^^ Thanks for understanding guys ✨
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