diverseotaku · 2 years
Light & Night: Sariel Sanrio Event Voiced Lines
Please correct me nicely if I've made any mistakes as Chinese isn't my first language. Please do not repost my translations anywhere as well! Thank you :)
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When you tap the other parts of his body while putting on accessories for him
Regardless of how many times you touch me, ears will not pop out.
I’m not cold, you can leave this emperor scarf for yourself.
There are better methods to keep warm, such as gloves.
Since work makes you unable to think clearly, might as well resign.
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Options before taking a picture of him
ATTACK! I’m taking a picture now!
Cinnamoroll or fox, I choose fox!
Please make the expression I have when I see y…
When taking a picture of him
This is the last picture… except for pictures together. 
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Voiced lines log
成行幕后: 我本来就知道,你的因公参观毫无信誉。
Behind the scenes of the trip: I knew from the start, your business visit completely lacks credit. [1]
情侣装之辩: 我说了,只是色系相似,和情侣装没关系。
Couple outfit debate: I’ve already said, only the colours are similar, there is no relation to couple outfits. [2]
极限反杀: 看来某些胆小鬼,只敢问问题,不敢听回答。
Ultimate counter kill: Seems like a certain scaredy cat only dares to ask questions, but not hear the answer. [3]
读心宗师: 读笨鸟的想法,根本不需要机器帮忙。
Mindreading master: Reading a clumsy bird’s thoughts never needed any help from machines
远大前程: 作为某人乱封的终身导师,我有我的责任。
Great expectations: As a certain someone’s appointed lifelong mentor, I have my responsibilities.
爱的证明: 解释一下,我的姓名栏后面为什么画了颗心?
Proof of Love: Explain, why is there a heart drawn after the column for my name?
狐鸟让帽: 我说它看起来还可以的前提,是在你头上。
Fox Bird Hat: When I said it looks fine, it’s because it’s on your head.
(When I said that it looks fine, the prerequisite is that it is on your head.)
薛定谔的相像: 这是第十个你说和我一模一样的毛绒玩具。
Schrödinger's resemblance: This is the 10th time you’ve said that this plush toy is exactly like me. [4]
职业素养: 戴它是因为设计还不错,只是恰好作者是你。
Professionalism: I wear it because the design is not bad, it’s just that it happens that the creator is you. [5] 
Translator’s Notes
[1] The reason why they went on this date was that MC had special tickets, which she obtained as Prestine was planning a Cinamoroll collaboration series. MC said it was a work trip as an excuse to go out with Sariel
[2] In the first chapter of the event story, MC points out that Sariel’s clothes matched the Cinnamoroll theme, and QiShe tells MC that Sariel has not worn these colours n hundreds of years. Sariel then says that he didn’t do it because of the location’s theme, and says that it is because he knew that MC would dress to match the Cinamoroll theme. (Implying that he wanted to match outfits with her!!)
[3] MC asked Sariel if she was his most important person but did not dare to answer herself
[4] There was a machine that would give a Cinnamoroll plush which matches your expression, and the plush Sariel is holding in the pictures is from there
[5] MC designed some of the clothes for the Prestine x Cinnamoroll collaboration
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diverseotaku · 2 years
Light & Night: 1st Anniversary Champagne Set Letter - Sariel
Please do NOT repost my translations anywhere, and do correct me nicely if I've made any mistakes! Enjoy!
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I drew a sketch of a set of ceremonial attire even though I didn’t intend to do so. Perhaps it’s that your description of our future (wedding) ceremony was too detailed, leading me to have no choice but go along and think of certain things.
You can bring up your requests towards it. Afterward, perhaps 10 years, or 20 years, or even longer, if your thoughts do not change, I will make them a reality.
TN: In Sariel’s 1st anniversary card story, MC talked about what type of wedding she wanted to have in the future
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diverseotaku · 2 years
Tears of Themis Offical Artbook - Voice Actor Interview: Zhao Lu (Artem Wing)
Do note that this is a fan translation and I am not in any way affiliated with Mihoyo/Hoyoverse. I'm just translating out of love and support for the game and Zhao Lu. Please do NOT repost my translations anywhere, and do correct me nicely if I've made any mistakes! Do remember to read the footnote for translator notes too :) Enjoy!
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Zhao Lu's Voice Actor Interview
There are actually some differences between the Artem that I initially met and the current Artem. “Tears of Themis” is a plot-focused game, where within many small details, everyone can sense Artem’s growth. During the process of “Artem’s” growth, the voice actor also goes through constant growth as well. During recording, I will revise my tone of voice and state (of voice), trying to figure out Artem’s speaking habits, breathing rhythm, way of thinking… using all these details to show that “this is Artem”. This isn’t just me, there is also the joint effort of all the staff who gradually pieced together “a straight line” [1], and this straight line refers to the word “Artem”. Actually, during the creative process, we actually thought of trying to give everyone something different. In order to fit the different sides of Artem, I’ve also made some adjustments to my interpretation style.  For example, the Artem in “飞雪落红尘” (Gufeng event), the story was required to give Artem a huge character contrast, at that time during creation I came up with two versions. In one version, the discrepancy was still something one could expect within Artem’s core character, the other version transcended Artem’s normal core character.  The choice that was presented to everyone was actually the latter version, which was the version that had the bigger difference in Artem’s core character.
Since the first encounter, besides his professional and capable side at work, his emotionally delicate side is also becoming more and more felt. For example, in the second chapter of the personal story (Sweet Chapter), Artem and MC had their first argument. Perhaps due to MC’s sense of justice as a lawyer, she overlooked certain potential dangers. Artem, who was always concerned about MC in his heart, thought about MC’s safety, and therefore argued with MC, but this type of argument stems from good intentions, and also allows both parties to understand each other, the process of becoming even more connected with each other. In terms of work, Artem is a top student, but when it comes to emotions, Artrem actually has an inexperienced side. When I interpret the way he conveys his emotions, I will also add some thought, some prudence, some cautiousness. He previously took some “detour” [2] when showing MC his feelings towards her, for example, “Introduction to the Psychology of Love and Attraction”, “I am not a good person” [3]... However, these actually clearly showed Artem’s simplicity, kind-heartedness, and uprightness.
For Artem, his love for MC changed from “you’re someone who I can encounter but not seek for” to “you are the theme of my life”, the most important change is the word “distance”. From “‘Por Una Cabeza” (“One Step Away”, Xmas Partyland SSR), the Artem who was always one step away waiting to show appreciation (towards MC), to “Two Hearts as One” (1st year birthday SSR) where “we’re partners, so the both of us will always be two hearts as one” [4], and again with “Eternal Yearning” (1st anniversary confession SSR) where Artem confessed his love for MC in a public space with many people around. This kind of subtle change in “distance” allows for these feelings to be even more wonderful.
Artem is “a straight line” in every aspect only because he is such a simple and pure person, such that everyone can admire and like him. However, as the saying goes, “water which is too clean has few fish, and one who is too severe has no friends” [5], so the question arises, for such a limpid person, when something goes against his values, how would he choose? Not only me, I believe that everyone is really looking forward to what happens from now on in the story, when Artem encounters a dilemma, would he hesitate, be at a loss, struggle, how should he make his choice?
Finally, what I want to say to everyone is still the same line as before, choose Artem (serious face)! [6] I’m really grateful to everyone for being able to meet in this big family of Themis City, everyone’s concern, opinions and even criticism, are all embodiment of “love” towards this world (of themis), this is also all of our non stop motivation for us to keep improving.
Zhao Lu
Translator Notes
[1] He says “一条直线” here which literally translates into “ a straight line”. Zhao Lu often describes Artem as a straight line in many of his ToT related interviews and events as Artem doesn’t deviate in his actions, thoughts, and decisions in all aspects of his life before meeting MC. You can find Zhao Lu’s interview subbed here.
[2] The word he used here is “弯路” which literally means detour or roundabout route, but it can also figuratively mean the wrong way of doing something. 
[3] Reference to Artem’s personal story chapter 1 (Blossom Chapter)  episode 3-01. In the EN version, they translated this line as “I’m a bad guy…duh”.
[4] The line said here was “身为搭档,永远要两心无间” where  “两心无间” is the name of this card. This directly translates to “as partners, we must always have no distance between our hearts”, where  “两心无间” means no gap between two hearts. I referenced the official English version since I didn't know how to translate this line smoothly.
[5] The sentence he quoted here is “水至清则无鱼, 人至察则无徒” which is an idiom literally translates to “the water is too clear there is no fish, one is too strict won’t have a partner”. It can indicate that one should not be too demanding.
[6] He ended his ToT VA interview asking people to choose Artem over the other male leads, which can be viewed here, and here if you need subs. Ever since this has been a recurring line that keeps being brought up (by both him and players).
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diverseotaku · 3 years
A Fairytale Like No Other - Ikemen Prince: Route Review
“I’ll never be the king. There’s no reason for you to get to know me.” - Licht Klein
You’ve always thought that falling in love would be like a fairytale, from meeting your prince charming to dancing in a palace ballroom, living your happily ever after with the man of your dreams.
Once you arrive at the palace as Belle, you realise you were wrong. As your romance with the 6th prince of Rhodolite forms, you realise that your fairytale is filled with not just happiness, but with tears and pain.
Route trigger warnings: explicit mentions of self-harm and suicidal thoughts, mentions of past suicide attempts, mentions of blood and gore
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Licht Klein is the 6th prince of Rhodolite, a lone wolf who shares a tragic past with his twin brother, Nokto. Licht used to be a bubbly cheerful boy, but since that night before the twins’ 10th birthday, everything has changed.
Behind that cold exterior of his, you grow to realise that he was one of the most kind-hearted and gentlest people. Would you be able to break his walls down and get to know him better?
“The desire to save him is a self-serving one.”
Licht’s route starts off with a darker tone, showing a flashback to a burning battlefield where Licht questions why he was still alive. This sets the scene for Licht’s character, how he is suicidal and felt that he did not deserve to live. Back to the present day, Licht’s MC settles down in the palace as she tries to get closer to all 8 princes with the goal of choosing the next king of Rhodolite. This includes getting to know Licht despite him trying to push her away, with him claiming that he would never be the next king, and hence giving no reason for her to get to know him.
Throughout his route, MC pushes to understand Licht better, never backing down regardless of how hard he tries to push her away. Slowly, Licht opens up to MC as she catches rare glimpses of how kind he actually is. She finally understands that there was no way to save him, for he has fallen so deep into the abyss, and that he could never undo the sin he committed the night before his 10th birthday.
One thing I love about Licht’s route is that there isn’t a perfect happy ending for both the suitor and MC. While they do get together and become a couple by the end of the route, they acknowledge that their relationship would bring both happiness and pain to them. Unlike the other Ikemen Series games, the ending in this route does not magically solve all their problems. While Licht is no longer suicidal, he still gets nightmares of his sin, and still believes that he does not deserve happiness. Hence, the happier he was, the more pain he felt. MC knows that she can’t cure him of his pain, but she decides to still stay together with him to share his pain and nightmares with him.
Overall Rating
Personality: 10/10 - I might be biased here, Licht is almost everything I love in an otome game suitor, a shy lone wolf with a dark past.
MC: 9/10 - It takes a very strong and persistent MC to break Licht’s walls down. She managed to get close to him without overstepping any boundaries and without being pushy.
Romance: 9/10 - His small gestures of kindness will make your heart flutter.
Dramatic: 10/10 - Prepare your heart for the events of his route.
Angst: 10/10 - His past alone is enough to rate this route a 10/10 for angst. Bonus, read the dramatic end for extra tears.
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