divine-amethyst · 17 days
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It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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divine-amethyst · 1 year
Okay guys so I need some discourse.
If you phrase something negatively during a 1 card tarot pull (yes/no) but get a positive card, how would you interpret that?
I asked if someone was losing feelings for me and I got the 6 of Wands upright which is a victory card. So I want to say no they’re not losing feelings since it’s a good card? Or would it be a yes? Do you guys see where I’m coming from lmao
What do y’all think it should be interpreted as?
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divine-amethyst · 1 year
Anyone up for a quick exchange?
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divine-amethyst · 1 year
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This response is absolutely sending me
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
hello again! it’s the s.k anon. thank for your advice! haha it’s funny you actually mention giving gifts to my flatmate. my elder sibling actually did the same thing with his flatmates and he became well liked by them fast. i guess i’ll try baking something, and offering it to my flatmate. or maybe ill offer to buy them food when we go out? thank you again ^^
Hahaha I’ve baked sweets for my roommates too!! Let me know how it goes for you. Thanks for asking for a reading!
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
(hi i wasn't sure if my ask got through since my connection went out right before i sent it in but if it did you can ignore that other one :'))
hi! i was hoping for a cartomancy if thats alright!
my initials are AAF and my sun sign is aquarius and i was just wondering what it would look like when i meet my future spouse? maybe the weather / how they would look / how i would know / etc? (these arent questions i just wanted to specify my question :'))
i hope this finds you well!!
- 🦋
Hey! I asked the deck about any distinctive details that would help you recognize your potential spouse:
Queen of Diamonds: Smart and well off, they may be very wealthy or deal with wealthy people on the regular (high profile account execs, manager in a financial sector, etc, but could also be a tenured prof so lots of interps) 7 of Diamonds: Similar to the above card, they may have recently come into some money (maybe they just went to the casino or got a raise at work, lots of possibilities on how they could've gotten this money) King of Clubs: Another card indicating he is financially well off lol, might manage their own business or be very close to the CEO of a company;
Free Readings Open (See pinned) Feedback appreciated <3 Paid Readings Open (See pinned under 'read more') Tips appreciated while I'm job searching as well <3
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
hi love! if it's not too much of a bother, i'd like a cartomancy reading please! my initials are MY and my sun sign is capricorn. my ask will be:
what's some disctintive trait of my next bf/gf that would help me recognize them?
thank you so much in advance and hope you're doing great!
Hey! These cards all flew out for you:
10 of Clubs: Ambitious in business matters, may be of higher social status in said spheres; alternatively you may meet them while either you or them are on a business trip 9 of Spades: Has a very traumatic past or one filled with more challenges and failures than an average person would go through 6 of Spades: You would likely meet them when they are entering a new chapter in their life; may have to do with the previous card if the business trip is due to a promotion he has just obtained, but it could be relationship related as well.
Free Readings Open (See pinned) Feedback appreciated <3 Paid Readings Open (See pinned under 'read more') Tips appreciated while I'm job searching as well <3
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
Hello! How are you doing?
If you’re still taking requests for free readings, may i ask for one on what to expect for my love life in the month of October?
- GSP, libra sun.
5 of Swords: It seems like any potential events happening in your love life during October will be tumultuous. Perhaps you may be too heavy on an "eyes on the prize" vibe that you may forget to think about other outcomes. This card does not outright mean things are going to be awful, only that you may not realize there are still lessons to come.
Free Readings Open (See pinned) Feedback appreciated <3 Paid Readings Open (See pinned under 'read more') Tips appreciated while I'm job searching as well <3
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
Hi there! My initials are MABS and my sun is in cancer. Can I request an astragalomancy roll please? The situation is, I want to switch the class group I'm in at university because one of the professors I have was very discriminatory to me and my friends last year and I'm going to try and get my group changed tomorrow but it may be hard.
This isn't a legal matter question btw!
So my question is, will I succeed and be able to switch groups? Thank you very much.
Hey, I'm so sorry to hear that's happening to you! Regardless of the cards, I really hope this works out for you <3
2 + 2 + 6 = 10: New beginnings or projects; it seems that you will be able to switch groups (:
Free Readings Open (See pinned) Feedback appreciated <3
Paid Readings Open (See pinned under 'read more') Tips appreciated while I'm job searching as well <3
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
hello, thank you for opening up free readings again.
may i please get a one card tarot on if i will be hired by this famous fast food chain? i went for an interview last week and havent heard back from them yet. thank you!
Hey there! Have you sent a follow-up thank you note to the recruiter/person you interviewed? Extra brownie points + reminds them to follow up with your app.
For you I got:
2 of Cups: Largely indicates a new partnership. It seems you will get the job. However, if it doesn't work out, this card also indicates a better possibility for employment will be coming up for you.
Free Readings Open (See pinned) Feedback appreciated <3
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
hi! i saw you got a new deck! i really need some advice right now, no sugarcoating LMAO.. i’d like to ask, how can i become closer/more comfortable with my flatmate o.d? honestly, they’re nice and all but as someone who doesn’t go out a lot or drink, i find it so hard to talk with them. even though i genuinely want to be comfortable with them.
thank youuuu - s.k
Hey! This card jumped out for you:
6 of Pentacles: This card represents gifts and support, as well as charity. One year when I was in college, one of my three roommates was an international student. She was super sweet and would always come back after breaks with little trinkets for us that she had gotten back home. Maybe the next time you're buying sweets or flowers or something like that, get an extra one for them and offer it up; it might lead to an open conversation.
Free Readings Open (See pinned) Feedback appreciated <3 Paid Readings Open (See pinned under 'read more') Tips appreciated while I'm job searching as well <3
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
Opening up tarot readings again!
I just got a new deck (Magicseer Rainbow Tarot) and I’m wanting to break her in.
Note: she does not like spiritual questions, and she is cutthroat/verging on kinda mean lol; sugarcoating is not part of her vocabulary.
Please see my tarot rules before sending in any questions.
And feel free to tip if you feel called to, I’m still on the job hunt (I’ve probably had over 50+ hours of interviews at this point but the job market is tough).
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
Funds for Test Prep
Hey all! As you know I am still currently job hunting as well as studying for the GRE in order to get into grad school here in the USA. I'd like to bring attention to my paid services (click here or see pinned post) as I have no stable source of income and I'm looking to save up money to pay for the test prep books I need. Unfortunately buying them secondhand is not an option.
The current total is $104.99 for the books (taxes and shipping included); any and all money coming from purchased tarot readings will be going into my savings to buy these books. Please consider purchasing a reading from me! I have reviews dating back to 2016 and have been actively practicing since then as well (see my #feedback tag).
Please boost if you can! The faster I reach my goal the more time I have to use them to study <3. I will be updating the totals.
I'm currently at $0/105.
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
Feedback:I want to thank you for my reading.It was an interesting information about my information about my future spouse.That resonated for me.The part about the writer or journalist was the main part that did.As I love writing and reading and I gravitate towards people with this similar interest.So it makes sense that I might be with someone apart of those fields of work.The part about them being in a low point in life resonated.As I heard in another reading that they are not financially stable right now.The part about the cooking was nice as I am an awful cook so that part was fun to read.Overall my reading resonated and I enjoyed it.Thank you for your time and energy.As well as the reading.
Thank you so much for the feedback! I’m glad it resonated <3
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
I’m begging y’all PAC makers to learn how to use the “Read more under the cut” option while making y’all’s posts I’m tired of scrolling thru novels on my dash 😭
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
Feedback: Thank You so much for doing this for me this resonated so much with me it’s definitely something I really needed to hear at this moment in my life so thank you 😊 💗🌸
Thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate it! Im glad the reading helped <3
Free Readings Open (See pinned post; Not guaranteed to get to all) Feedback appreciated <3 Paid Readings Open Tips appreciated as well <3 Support a queer bitch during Pride Month 😝
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divine-amethyst · 2 years
Feedback 🍇
Thank you so much for the free readings <3, mostly I go for TAROT READING but i think CARTOMANCY is also great as well. With that I got all the necessary insights for the question :) I would have given u a tip but currently I also don't have much money so :(((
Have a Nice Day 💜
Hey no problem! Tips arent necessary for free readings just appreciated! Thank you so much for your feedback <3
Free Readings Open (See pinned post; Not guaranteed to get to all) Feedback appreciated <3 Paid Readings Open Tips appreciated as well <3 Support a queer bitch during Pride Month 😝
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