divineconsumption · 1 month
How do you reconnect with God when you don’t enjoy reading the Bible?
god is in appetites, in sex, in folding napkins, in the bible (read it again, this time with tenderness), in death rites and in mourning, in killing parts of yourself, in the bible (read it with violence now), in the sun on your face, in the man in your lap, in the bible (it is its turn to read you)
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divineconsumption · 1 month
‏This is Jihad. He's seven. He needs your help urgently! My friend Shaima and Mohammed are raising money for their family trapped in Gaza, the family includes Shaima's seven year old nephew Jihad (the cutie pictured above). Since October, not only has he become an orphan, his liver is failing him and he has hopes that when the Rafah border opens he will be able to go to Egypt to get a liver transplant. Unfortunately it’s not just his liver that’s failing, his heart and his blood are also giving him problems.
‏Please, please please please go to the gfm linked here and donate what you can to both Shaima and her baby nephew Jihad. If you can’t donate please share this wide so it can get more reach towards people who can. 
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divineconsumption · 1 month
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Donald Duclow, The Hungers of Hadewijch and Eckhart
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divineconsumption · 1 month
“Each time the same - I am holy, holy, holy, laid out as a banquet. His hands are plate, cup, and knife. Always a long table, a single high-backed chair. This is my body. He eats me up and I believe in transubstantiation, that I will awake someday in his veins, pound my fists against the walls of him.”
— Margaret Bashaar, “Claire and the Demon Hunter Give It Up For Jesus,” published in Vector Press
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divineconsumption · 1 month
We cannot take a single step toward God. We cannot walk (march) vertically. We only have the power to direct our gaze toward God. We do not have to search; we must only change the direction of our gaze. It is God who searches for us. We must be happy knowing that God is infinitely beyond our reach. We thus have the certainty that the evil in us, even if it submerges our whole being, does not defile the purity, the bliss and the divine perfection at all.
Simone Weil, About the Our Father
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divineconsumption · 1 month
every day i think about jesus and the samaritan woman at the well. she really said why are you bothering to speak to me? do i matter to someone? does god see people like me? and jesus really said i see you. i love you. god loves all the people you've been told god doesn't love. and honestly when i realized that i wanted to drop a water pot and run screaming about it into town too
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divineconsumption · 1 month
Above all, serve God, love well, and commit to the Bit
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divineconsumption · 1 month
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from Philadelphia Gay News, 1976
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divineconsumption · 1 month
This too shall pass but like holy fuck
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divineconsumption · 1 month
“Your childhood hunger is the one that never leaves you.”
— Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Palace of Illusions
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divineconsumption · 1 month
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This is Jihad. He's seven. He needs your help urgently! My friend Shaima and Mohammed are raising money for their family trapped in Gaza, the family includes Shaima's seven year old nephew Jihad (the cutie pictured above). Since October, not only has he become an orphan, his liver is failing him and he has hopes that when the Rafah border opens he will be able to go to Egypt to get a liver transplant. Unfortunately it’s not just his liver that’s failing, his heart and his blood are also giving him problems.
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Read that again, look at him and read it again. A seven year old, SEVEN, has lost his entire immediate family in the past year, has a falling liver and heart and blood problems. He is also stuck in a war zone. In the gfm Shaima and her family also need our help, her family has been stuck in Gaza their home completely destroyed, their father away from them doing what he can at the failing hospitals as a healthcare worker. All of them need our support. If you have even a dollar to spend the gfm is severly underfunded and they need every cent. If you've been feeling helpless and hopeless this is a way you can directly help a family.
Please, please please please go to the gfm linked here and donate what you can to both Shaima and her baby nephew Jihad. If you can’t donate please share this wide so it can get more reach towards people who can. 
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divineconsumption · 1 month
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divineconsumption · 3 months
Against conservatives, I argue that the church should voluntarily renounce any form of violence, coercion, power, or imposition on society. Against liberal progressives, I insist that the church ought to humbly but persistently make its voice heard in the public realm by the embodiment of an alternative way of life.
Daniel Izuzquiza, Rooted in Jesus Christ: Toward a Radical Ecclesiology
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divineconsumption · 3 months
what are your thoughts on fasting?
jesus fasts in the desert — does it bring us closer to god to share that with him?
jesus fasts from food, sometimes, relationships other times. but jesus also eats his way through the gospels. surrounds himself with love. some prophets restrict and others dig-in. sometimes god is all-body, other times he's never had a body at all. i am trying to tell you that what brings you closer to god is less a proscription than a rubric. and it's one that you know best. some bodies cannot and should not fast, some bodies find fullness in it. there is no scrupulosity or rigidity here, but instead, a wit(h)nessing of what feels holy
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divineconsumption · 3 months
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The remedy to despair… remember that our power is in our hope and action.
Art by Grace D. Chin
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divineconsumption · 3 months
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divineconsumption · 3 months
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— Not So. Not So., Anne Sexton. From The Awful Rowing Toward God.
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