divinedraws · 4 years
a few years ago there was an exposé in the intercept about how, according to the fbi, police departments are so thoroughly infiltrated by white supremacists that it's policy to avoid working with them when possible. just something to think about
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divinedraws · 4 years
fucking losing it at the concept of a reverse Holmes and Watson like there's this genius journalist who goes around solving crimes and writes about how he does it and then there's his useless himbo assistant who does fuck all and just follows him around absolutely out of his mind on cocaine
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divinedraws · 4 years
you know what scares me? what will you do once george floyd's name fades out of the news cycle? will you go back to your "normal" life or whatever normalcy you've created during this pandemic and forget? will you stop listening, learning, speaking up? will you forget about this and disappear only to come back again until another black person succumbs to state sponsored violence? you probably will. so please don't stop learning. please don't stop listening to and amplifying the voices of black people. please don't stop speaking up. dig deep and find the courage to keep this up. insist that you and everyone you know fight for a future where black people can live without fearing for their lives. a future where white supremacy is fundamentally annihilated.
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divinedraws · 4 years
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RIP Aiyana Jones, who was killed in her sleep by police 7 years ago this week. black kids deserve to grow up too. #BLM
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divinedraws · 4 years
So I know if you’re detained you should invoke your right to a lawyer/silence, but what if a cop shows up at your house? What would the best course of action be then?
if they do not have a warrant, you do not need to answer. ignore them. do not respond. do not open the door. they are supposed to leave if they do not get a response.
however, odds are they won’t leave right away. or some scenario will come up that will force you to respond (ie, a family member is coming home soon and you don’t want them to be harassed). in this case, THRU THE DOOR ask them what they want, who they are, what precinct they are with. call the precinct and confirm their identities before having any form of dialogue with them.
if they ask to come in, SAY NO. you are allowed to speak to them without ever opening the door. if you are worried they may try to force their way in, speak to them outside. shut the door behind you. some recommend speaking to them with the chain still on your door but opened slightly, however I would hesitate at allowing any view into your home for an extended period of time, especially if you are not the only one home.
if they say you are a suspect in a crime, say you cannot speak to them without legal counsel, and that you do not give them permission to enter your home. do not speak any more than necessary. it doesn’t matter if you aren’t under arrest, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. go back inside. as soon as you are back inside, contact a lawyer.
if they say they are following up on a crime committed in your neighborhood, say you do not know anything and cannot be of assistance. go back inside.
if they say they are here because of dog barks, loud music, etc. Try to solve the issue asap, both for your own safety and the safety of your neighbors.
here is a link abt your rights when a police officer comes to your home
If they claim to have a warrant, demand to see it. inspect it as quickly as you can
“Look for a seal from the local, state or federal government or a law enforcement office. For example, if it is a federal warrant from the U.S. Department of Justice, the official department seal will be stamped on the warrant.
Check the warrant for elements common to search warrants.
Although the rules may differ slightly by state, generally, search warrants contain the date and time of issuance, specific identify of the property to be seized, and the name or a specific description of the person or place to be searched. Additionally, the warrant will contain the time or event required for the warrant to be executed, the title of the office issuing the warrant, and a listing of the probable cause required to obtain the warrant.
Call the court where the issuing official is stationed. Tell the court officer that you want to verify the authenticity of a search warrant being served to you.”
Contact nearby family/friends and inform them of what is going on. Contact an attorney as soon as possible (before the officers leave). Document names and badge numbers of anyone in your home. Record what they are doing.
If they ask for permission to open anything, say no. If they tell you to open something, ask if it is required by law/the search warrant. The warrant will specify what they are allowed to search. Do not allow them access to anything else. If the warrant is for your yard, do not allow them in your house. If the warrant is for your house, do not allow them in your shed.
Stay calm no matter what. Do everything you can to keep them from lingering. Contact a lawyer as soon as it becomes necessary.
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divinedraws · 4 years
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“Merchandise is replaceable, black lives are not" 
George Floyd memorial graffiti seen in Burlington, Vermont
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divinedraws · 4 years
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divinedraws · 4 years
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divinedraws · 4 years
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Cops are killing unarmed black men at protests about cops killing unarmed black men. I’m fucking tired. I’m tired.
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divinedraws · 4 years
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If you ever wondered what an angel is called, the answer is Rahul Dubey!
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divinedraws · 4 years
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Pride was always a protest.
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divinedraws · 4 years
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more full body roughs for my game, still a long ways from finalizing anything but I think I’m comfortable enough with this style now
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divinedraws · 4 years
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style testing for a game I’m building, using my psg ocs as guinea pigs :0
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divinedraws · 4 years
Playing through the series with some friends and we finally starting Apollo Justice the other day, so I made a little ditty in anticipation :0
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divinedraws · 4 years
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quarantine got me feeling nostalgic so I’m gonna be posting more of my old app art for my characters for the next little while  :0
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divinedraws · 4 years
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PSG styled commissions for @Elliponder on twitter of his oc Seraph and Satan from the PuyoPuyo series
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divinedraws · 4 years
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Doodled the rest of the cast, forgot how much I loved these guys.
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