divinepunishment · 1 year
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divinepunishment · 1 year
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That's uh... A lot of folks that follow me now-
I took a break to RP my current favourite project swap AU knives over at @metamorphopsia but I do slowly want to get into trouble over here again. Consider this a thread call for my woowoo!
Give a like, and when I can i'll come pawing at you with some ideas
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divinepunishment · 1 year
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Pls consider; siren AU knives, but he's not the evil twin.
Coming soon? Pirate captain Legato~
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divinepunishment · 1 year
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Wolfwood eyes the pacifist suspiciously before the surrender has him settling slowly, a soft huff as he looks to the side, embarassed at his snappiness. Life had taught him to trust nothing and this out of nowhere had certainly blindsided him. Left him reeling to find his footing and recover once more. The rough hand on Vash's shirt lets go, sighing. "...No. Warn a guy before you start getting handsy would ya'?" He scowls, hating how much he'd wanted more. How easily he'd fold in mere seconds.
"What's gotten into you anyway? Drank enough you suddenly feel confident?"
Wolfwood looks back then, cheeks uncomfortably warm, looking the man over. Vulnerable, exposed but... Willing to trust. Only for Vash.
"You drink too much whiskey?"
Conti. from here || @divinepunishment
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— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — » ( ✗ )
Maybe he had gone too far. Maybe Vash should have thought things through in regards to how Wolfwood would react, the blush on his face was so adorable he felt the need to tease him just a bit. The thought that if he did it would entice him to possibly go a little further. Instead it turned the opposite way where he thought that Vash was messing with him without the heart behind it.
He quickly raised his hands in surrender.
❝ Whoa, whoa, easy ... Easy ... ❞
Maybe it was easy for Vash to say but he really meant no harm and his intent wasn't to hurt or play with Wolfwood's feelings but rather be a little more forward with his own. The hard stare made him a little uncomfortable, how could such a wonderful person get so defensive so quickly? Was this a reflex? He pauses for a moment allowing Wolfwood to calm down within the time.
❝ Have you ever known me to do anything unintentionally? ❞
He pauses and lightly touches his hands that grip the fabric of his shirt.
❝ I'm sorry, it was too far wasn't it? ❞
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divinepunishment · 1 year
Damn these plants out here thirsty. Somebody really need to mist these bitches, they’re wilting
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divinepunishment · 1 year
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If there was one thing Wolfwood was, it was stubborn. The church was not a place for the faint of heart, and not something you could simply walk away from. Acting as the law of the city, he was branded at his chest as one of them and in kind granted their boons- against his will.
The constant executions they held were frankly horrific, and Nicolas was the one who cleaned up after it all. Kept their treasured 'angel' tended to, a symbol of fear to scare the masses into compliance. Look what happened when you don't obey? What happens to sinners who don't listen to the order.
It made him sick.
So did the others there; the ones who joined willingly. He was an outcast amongst those in power and given a job the ones in power thought he wouldn't walk away from.
Instead, he'd gained his best friend... Vash.
The day he walked out of the enclosure for their 'vengeful angel' unharmed and his job acomplished he'd become feared as well, angel kin he'd been called one. A mix of man and monster if he was able to walk amongst them unharmed.
Fear at least, commanded respect. He was allowed to live and grow with Vash, their connection growing over the years. Even with the occasional beatings from jealous overseers or apostles that tried their luck, his booming voice and strength when he hit puberty quickly struck them back.
His time with Vash was sacred, and none were allowed in until he was done... Like today. His voice raises, commanding the guards to leave or risk mauling when he entered. Vash's enclosure these days actually big enough to hold him somewhat comfortably- when he wasn't aggitated and looking like a puffed up dandilion. The guards leave and Wolfwood unlocks the cage to get in, his soft reach into their shared psychic connection a deep warmth like his soul. Hey Dandelion... What I tell you about plucking? Wolfwood coos as he moves to sit, inviting his friend to invade his space and let him care for the man. An extra ration of food slipped from his robe. Even if he was bruised and nose bloody from what clearly was a fight.
You need those feathers... Gonna make yourself bald before we can escape some day. Wolfwood's tone is full of fondness, a smile just for Vash as he mades gentle grabby hands towards the great big moth.
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divinepunishment · 1 year
A dream thread idea of mine I want to do some day is Wolfwood, Vash and Livio ending up with this kid that's lost in the desert and they have to Become Parents until they figure out who this kid belongs to
The absolute chaos of these idiots being dads would be so wonderfully wholesome and dorky
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divinepunishment · 1 year
Consider this;
Wolfwood in a corset.
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divinepunishment · 1 year
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"No that's not what I- mhhf!"
Wolfwood hadn't expected his own words to shoot him in the foot so terrifically, whimpering in surprise as he fell back against the cold glass behind him and was pinned there by the commanding figure of Knives.
He was slow to respond, too shocked to comprehend what had just happened. The taste has his eyes lulling closed after a long moment, unable to move far from the plant that seemed so hellbent on gaining his affection.
Part of him wants to bite the damn tongue but... When had anybody ever truly wanted him this way? He had to admit, from such a beautiful otherworldly figure the attention was flattering, dominated by the kiss so easily.
He'd never done any of this before and it showed, an involentary groan followed by a shiver as he felt his body grow weak at the touch to his exposed chest, a step foward forced to keep up with his greedy demands.
He's forced to break the kiss for air, panting and flushed he doesn't know where to look, defenseless and frankly conflicted on what he wanted. Now he wanted something long term???
"-It's not what I said, I was asking if you had any other needs of me. Jobs, tasks-" he scowls, huffing as he tries to recover from the man's grasp still around him. "What part of abstaining from sex and relations don't you get? I have a god I serve under. Staying pure is part of the whole deal!"
The Plant hadn't pulled away, trailing lips over heated skin as he listened, grazing the thread holding the necklace around him. Ah yes. The religion. He moved back enough to watch the other, brows pinching. Cheap fuck? his face softened at that, the smile almost sweet as a bladed tendril hooked the glasses, freeing his hand to cup the other's cheek. "I had hoped you'd be interested in something far more long term. I'm delighted the idea crossed your mind as well. So we're on the same page then, good." he purred the words before closing the gap to seal their lips in a heated kiss. His thumb pressed into the other's chin gently, prying his mouth open as he tipped his head just so to thrust his tongue into the other's heated mouth. His tongue was like the rest of him, chilled to it's core yet oddly sweet and bitter, like dark chocolate or honey tinted coffee. He let out a soft sigh of pleasure, pressing their bodies ever closer as the hand slid from the other's open shirt down to his waist to tug the man closer still. As his tongue rolled over the humans, a soft bead of iced metal dragged over wet muscle. He had a tongue piercing to match the one in his lip and those in his ears. Shimmering gleams of silver like his blades slicing through his own flesh.
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divinepunishment · 1 year
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Nicolas knew the man before him was unhinged but this was almost a new level to it.
Since when had the man gained such a gaze for him? To go to such depths to keep him around? The laugh chilled his bones, shivering as Knives spoke about his plan. How everything had been orchestrated from the beginning, lips parted with a soft gasp as hips are pressed together.
His boss- Knives... Wanted to fuck?
Well, this was embarassing... Wolfwood hadn't ever done- that, before. With anyone, actually. Never had time, or it flat out didn't cross his mind with the amount of life or death situations he'd been put through. Pleasure had never been on the brain even in the rare situations he was able to relax, not for lack of trying. Ladies had pawed for his attention before in bars but usually the sight of the big cross and rosary around his neck scared them off.
Probably for the best.
"You're asking the wrong person," he speaks, head turning with cheeks alight with burning embarassment.
"If you're wanting a cheap fuck from me, you'll be disappointed. I'm a man of the cloth, abstenence is something we practice. There's no rapture to be found, 'cept death."
Yeah, that would work. The religion angle- wasn't he a big religion fan? He might actually be able to sneak by this now. The rosary just hidden beneath his shirt proved his claim and truth, looking up to Knives and refusing to be scared.
"So... Unless you wanted something else?" He tries, hoping his plan would work, sounding far more self assured than he felt.
Oh, how the other looked was truly a divine sight. The way blue tints his skin, crawled over his shoulders and pooled around the edges of his throat. He almost delightfully passed for a Plant like this. He chuckled low at the words, how cute the pup was being as he tried to lay down rules like he had a foot to stand on. He laughed then, eyes gleaming as he crowded the other. "Everything. Your devotion, your screams of rapture, your desperate cries for more, your affections and your attention. And I'd prefer it given willingly, Undertaker." he owed the other that much he supposed. Humans were always so touchy about these sorts of things, he himself wasn't one for idle talking about wants and desires, rather content to just jump in. Even if none had caught his eye like this man. "Why do you think I sent you after my brother?" he purred, shifting to brush chilled lips and iced breath over the other's heated cheek towards his ear. "I needed my distraction to be gone. But when the dust settled, I had nothing for you to do and I had to think. Stew in these thoughts, these feelings you ignite in me." he pressed his hips to the other's, trapping him flush to the glass. "And now I'm here to collect my dues."
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divinepunishment · 1 year
Livio whined as he settled on his brothers lap, pressing soft kisses against the crook of his neck. "N-Nicho~" Came the breathless mumble against his skin.
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Well now, he wasn't expecting this. Since when was Livio confident?
"Sounds like you're worked up over something," he rumbles, a hand threading into silver hair. Something sweet as nails brush along his scalp. "You had too much to drink?"
A simple out, incase this behaviour wasn't genuine. It wasn't the first time someone had done this to him and been aghast at their behaviour the next day.
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divinepunishment · 1 year
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Pressing in closer was not a reaction he'd expected.
Not from Knives at least.
...The physical contact even less so, earning a confused frown, head thunking against the tank as he moved back from the touch to try and think. Break him??? With his glasses gone the shine to his otherwise dark eyes was clear, hand twitching at his side.
Shame no weapons were allowed in here, he was longing for his punisher right now. He felt way too much like prey.
"My question stands. What do you want? I'm not giving anything until I know."
A valid and fair request in his eyes, unaware to how pretty he looked framed by the blue lighting of the tank behind him. Almost innocent in comparison to the man that had him trapped.
What Do You Want Of Me
Continued from Here \\ @divinepunishment What do you want of me Six little words rocked through his frame like venom from a snake through the bloodstream of a hapless victim. He fought down the urge to growl at the other, instead pressing in close. After his brother had been critically wounded fighting Tesla, he'd taken over her empire entirely rather than being the second in command, right after ending her useless existence. She should have stayed on Ship Five and died. He'd watched the man as he'd taken over everything, noted the changes, they were subtle, though he supposed for him nothing truly changed other than the blonde had gotten sharper. He focused on the man, lips curling wickedly as he drank in the other's scent. That coil of smoke lighting up his senses as he could feel his brother stir in the large tank. "Many things, dear Undertaker. Question is, will you give it willingly, or will I need to break you first?" he purred the words, a sultry melody in his throat as he leaned in closer, brushing their noses together as his free hand plucked the glasses away from his face to truly see the other.
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divinepunishment · 1 year
Glasses set to the side and jacket shrugged off his shoulders, Vash pauses for a second before striding with intent over to where Wolfwood is sat on the hotel bed and sits himself in the others lap abruptly, before his impulsive confidance can waiver.
Hands brush across the open collar of his shirt, ghosting the exposed skin but not quite touching, almost admiring.
Vash swallows, lean in to press there foreheads together, almost close enough for lips to touch when he whispers softly, shyly;
"...Will you touch me?"
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Wolfwood had been idly checking over his wallet for the day's expenses, sat on his bed and unaware to the blonde's indecision.
The sudden intrusion to his lap however has his eyes blowing wide, coins soon forgotten at the sudden warmth and the sweet scent that followed. His mouth goes dry when skin makes contact, eyes fluttering from such an intimate position, falling to his skinny waist.
Swallowing he licks his lips, finding his voice after a moment of hesitation.
This feels like a bad idea, but has the rest of his life not been nothing but bad decisions since the very start? What was one more at this point?
"Show me where you want me."
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divinepunishment · 1 year
Knives leans closer to the wolf, eyes gleaming as he purred low. "Now, are you going to be a good boy for me, Nicolas?" he grins as he presses a hand to the other's chest. He will make the damn bastard self-care even if he had to strap him to a chair and throw him in the bath.
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His employer Knives was certainly something.
Rage prone and a serious case of resting bitch face he didn't much care for the man, truthfully. But he couldn't deny the man was attractive in an otherworldly siren kind of way. Pale skin, fluffy blonde hair- a far cry from his brother.
Though lately the focus seemed to have shifted... The man actually reacted these days whenever he entered the room much to his displeasure. He preferred being invisible, especially when limping to the infirmiry to get a refil of vials.
He swore he saw the man's eyes gleam at the sight of his blood on the floor once.
This however... Was entirely new.
What does one even say when pinned to a glass surface of a tank containing beings stronger than he ever could be by your maniac of a boss, hand now firmly over his tits?
"I..." He starts, confusion blooming on his face, head tilting as the glasses fall down his nose. His mind truly was drawing a blank.
"...What do you want of me?"
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divinepunishment · 1 year
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divinepunishment · 1 year
The blonde leans in, linking Wolfwood's fingers in his. His gaze is sultry as he leans in closer, the other hand rising to remove the cigarette and to prop up the glasses to look at his surprised reaction. A chuckle could be heard as he leans in farther to nibble the lobe of his ear.
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He'd returned to the lodge for the night they were renting during their time in the city, a worn down looking thing but it was enough for their needs.
As evening blues kissed the sky and twinkling lights dotted the sky he sat leaning on the front porch of their temporary property having bunked together to save on cost. A cigarette between his lips and having his last of the day, the burn in his lungs a sweet comfort in the wake of the days troubles.
The dull allure of the smoke though has nothing on Vash
He grins lazily as the pacifist joins him finally, welcoming his presence with unquestioning ease. Though surprised is an understatement when the blonde is suddenly so forwards.
"Blondie?" Nicolas asks with a hint of uncertainty, a faint scowl threatening to break out along with his frown as his tanned skin tints a deeper shade along the expanse of his cheeks.
He doesn't resist, if anything in disbelief, lips parting as the cigarette is removed, fingers squeezing gently in Vash's as though searching for reassurance. Their casual routine suddenly thrown into question.
"What's with all this?" He gets out, his defensive nature barely held back, wondering just where it would all go.
Then the laugh- the instinct was to punch the idiot. No way was he serious right now, why all of a sudden? The nibble has him grabbing at the man's shirt none too gently, fixing him with a hard glare, trying to figure it all out.
"You messin' with me right now?"
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divinepunishment · 1 year
"Did you really expect me to just stand there?" He snaps back at the other, forgetting for a moment to keep a steady hand over the bleeding wound. "I don't care what your argument is, I can't watch you get hurt!"
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This really wasn't the time for arguements with how he was bleeding, his vision swimming as he can feel a lung threatening to collapse. A fresh convulsion has him coughing up more blood, dribbling miserably down his chin.
"Vash, the v-vials-" he rasps, a terrible noise that rattled in his ribcage, hand flailing to where he usually kept it.
Shit... When'd it get so hard to lift his arms?
They'd been ambused, neither of them having expected it, they'd only just managed to get away but not without heavy injury. He'd taken 3 bullets to the torso, all narrowly missing his heart but his lungs were a different story.
If it had hit Vash though... Vash wasn't ready for the vials- whatever fucked up shit they were.
Wolfwood looks up to the man furious at him, feeling the weakest he had in a long time, sat in a puddle of his own life essence now soaking his clothes.
"Can't... Need help-"
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