dizzysilhouette · 2 months
He stilled at the feeling of her mouth on his body. It was a gentle pleasure amplified tenfold by their shared love for each other. He wanted to let her do what she needed and wanted, too.
Listening to her words, he felt his eyes nearly well with tears, warmth blossoming through his body from her speech alone. “Cassie,” he began softly, “I love ye so much too, with every bit of me. I always will, for now and forever, and I ‘ope I can bring ye as much joy and comfort as ye ‘ave brought me. I want to- no, I will keep ye safe and ensure ye always ‘ave a warm bed to come back to and loving arms to snuggle up in. Yer my all, and so worthy of love. I never once ‘ave doubted ‘ow I’ve felt about ye, not after that night that started all this. My ‘eart is yers and only yers, and it always will be.”
He gently nuzzled her cheek with his and lovingly traced patterns on her stomach with his fingers. “Yyou complete me,” he whispered into her ear, smiling contently.
Cast a starter here…
Moving Day- Cassie is moving into Dice’s place.
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dizzysilhouette · 2 months
His breath was warm against her skin once he finally removed her shirt, kissing down from her lips to her chest- which he ever-so-lovingly kneaded in his large, strong hands. Such strong hands being used for such gentleness was not new for him, as he always wanted to treat his beloved wife with care (even if he was being rough in other ways).
“Yer my Queen, my Queen of Everything… I eternally yearn for you…” he softly panted as he continued kissing her body, worshiping her softly with every contact of his lips upon her skin. She was indeed his everything, and he wanted to ensure she never forgot.
Cast a starter here…
Moving Day- Cassie is moving into Dice’s place.
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dizzysilhouette · 2 months
He smirked and kissed her again, then kissed her neck as he picked her up, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Off we go, then~” he purred, carrying her off to the upstairs. “This bed ‘as needed a breaking in for years now. Now’s a better time than ever~”
He couldn’t help but chuckle as he laid her down, then softly growl as he kissed her again, running his hands down her sides. “Goddess, Cassie, yer gorgeous… I could just worship you forever.”
Cast a starter here…
Moving Day- Cassie is moving into Dice’s place.
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dizzysilhouette · 2 months
Hi I just need a bit of Dice and some ice.
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
What did Dice do that he should be sorry for with Alan?
he already apologized for the “ignoring/neglecting Alan” thing (albeit in a way Alan wasn’t 100% satisfied with- but that’s a wound for another bandage) but…
the thing he should probably apologize for is being so passionate when talking about breaking up with Alan(like, really passionate) instead of just doing it and sparing Alan the agony of “will he, won’t he”.
sure, he doesn’t have to apologize, but being like “oh i’ll break up with him in a heartbeat” loud enough for his partner to hear is a bit inconsiderate and hurtful, don’tcha think?
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
Lionel: You’re the detective sort, aren’tcha?
Alan: I suppose you could say that.
Lionel: You showed me your board. That’s detective stuff.
Alan: I guess? Where are you going with this?
Lionel: Well, I talked with Daisy and they told me you have a sort of… “Alan Sense”, where you can tell the future, almost. Or, at least, you’re right about your conspiracies.
Alan: [nods and takes a sip of tea]
Lionel: I need you to do a board on Friend.
Alan: [sputters] What? For what reason?
Lionel: Ever since you’ve found out his old name, he’s been actin’ weird. I feel there’s something deeper there, and maybe if you and I can figure it out, we can help him.
Alan: I think it’s just because we found out his name is [REDACTED]. I mean, that’s such a depressing name. No wonder he changed it.
Lionel: True… I suppose I’ve been overthinkin’ it.
Alan: …[sigh] If you want me to find out more, I’ll do it. But I’m not gonna do a Friend Board. I’ll just talk to him, find out what’s going on.
Lionel: Thank you. I just worry about him, y’know?
Alan: Trust me, I do too.
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
imagining Sally…..<333
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
i feel like Alan could top Pip, idk
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
Alan: …Wow, we have so much in common! It’s so nice to talk to someone who understands.
Piper: ‘tis nice indeed! [blanks out a bit]
Alan: You’re staring, are you alright? Not that I’m trying to judge!
Piper: Y-yeh, jus’. Thinkin’ ‘bout somethin’…
Piper, internally the whole conversation: oh. oh ‘e’s cute. i could jus’. pick ‘im up like a stuffed animal and- and i could kiss ‘im if i wanted t’-
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
now im thinking more about that ask about Dice and Alan splitting up…
fuck it, character exploration time before work
Dice: Alan, I want to break up with ye.
Alan: Why? I’m not going to stop you, but it does make me very sad.
Dice: Well… Cassie and I are probably going to get married, and I… I don’t feel the same way I used to about ye.
Alan: That’s understandable. Well, if you guys get married, I’m happy for you. But you can’t live at my house forever, especially now that you and I aren’t together.
Dice: I understand… Yer taking this better than I thought ye would.
Alan: You’ve never exactly been quiet when you’ve passionately told Cassie you’d break up with me in a heartbeat to be with her. It was a long time coming.
Dice, embarrassed: I’m sorry about that.
Alan: Nah, it is what it is. I’m gonna go see Lionel so I can talk to him about all this. I can’t process it by myself, and I can’t really trust you right now.
Dice: Lionel? DeVill??
Alan: Yeah..?
Dice: ‘e’s not a Red Rank anymore, what would ‘e do to protect ye?
Alan: I said talk, not get with, guy.
Dice, taken aback: O-oh, sorry. I’ll, uhm… Ye can go do that, I’m sorry for… everything.
Alan: Don’t say sorry for “everything”. Think about the things you’ve said and done and consider which things specifically you need to apologize for. Anyway, I’m going. [leaves]
Dice: Shit…
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
“I ‘ope we can continue to do much more in our future, my dearest, loveliest wife I could ever ‘ave.” He kissed her head once more before gently rubbing her back. He meant everything he said.
Cassidy woke up next to Kingsley, rolling over she pulled him into a tight hug before slipping under the sheets of their bed and kissing his inner thighs up to his magnificent cock. Oh sure he’s had head before but she wants to make sure he enjoys *hers*.
With gentle hands and skilled lips she kisses the shaft and slowly charms him to arousal. Her tongue running across the frenulum of his glans that peeks out from the folds of his foreskin. She kisses him slowly and gently savoring the scent of his musk and the way his cock twitches and throbs as he becomes more aroused.
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
He wrapped his arms around her and gave her lots of little kisses here and there, wanting to make sure she knew he appreciated her.
“Yer so damn good at that, my goodness…” he softly said with a little smile.
Cassidy woke up next to Kingsley, rolling over she pulled him into a tight hug before slipping under the sheets of their bed and kissing his inner thighs up to his magnificent cock. Oh sure he’s had head before but she wants to make sure he enjoys *hers*.
With gentle hands and skilled lips she kisses the shaft and slowly charms him to arousal. Her tongue running across the frenulum of his glans that peeks out from the folds of his foreskin. She kisses him slowly and gently savoring the scent of his musk and the way his cock twitches and throbs as he becomes more aroused.
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
Without further hesitation, he allowed himself to release, climaxing hard and intensely. “Fuuuck! Cassie!!” He let out a long, whiny moan that hurt his throat by the end of the sound.
Eventually, he slumped back down on the bed, panting roughly. “Thank ye,” he rasped, reaching for her hand. “Cassie, I love ye. Thank ye.” Despite being so exhausted by it all, he felt so safe and content.
Cassidy woke up next to Kingsley, rolling over she pulled him into a tight hug before slipping under the sheets of their bed and kissing his inner thighs up to his magnificent cock. Oh sure he’s had head before but she wants to make sure he enjoys *hers*.
With gentle hands and skilled lips she kisses the shaft and slowly charms him to arousal. Her tongue running across the frenulum of his glans that peeks out from the folds of his foreskin. She kisses him slowly and gently savoring the scent of his musk and the way his cock twitches and throbs as he becomes more aroused.
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
Dice was absolutely incomprehensible. So many different yet insanely-delightful sensations both filled and touched and wrapped around his most sensitive places, and he felt so close, so close.
He wanted to say her name, to tell her he loved her, to tell her his appreciation, but his mind was nearly gone- lost to pleasure. He could swear he saw god rays shining down on Cassie through his teary lashes, making the sweat on his goddess shimmer.
‘So close, so close,’ he thought, nearing his brink with every passing moment, but he held on for dear life, wanting her permission before he teetered over.
“Nnnneeeed,” he whined, grabbing the sheets again. “Neeeeeed.” It was all he could muster in his hazy state, but he hoped desperately that that would convey his message.
Cassidy woke up next to Kingsley, rolling over she pulled him into a tight hug before slipping under the sheets of their bed and kissing his inner thighs up to his magnificent cock. Oh sure he’s had head before but she wants to make sure he enjoys *hers*.
With gentle hands and skilled lips she kisses the shaft and slowly charms him to arousal. Her tongue running across the frenulum of his glans that peeks out from the folds of his foreskin. She kisses him slowly and gently savoring the scent of his musk and the way his cock twitches and throbs as he becomes more aroused.
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
“Y-yers,” he stammered, his thighs quivering from the continued additional stimulus she kept giving him. Her every touch, her mouth, her fingers there- it all drove him mad beyond words.
He knew what was coming next, and he welcomed it with open legs and without question. Cassie knew what he needed and deserved (he believed he deserved very little, but she knew him better than himself in that regard), and she knew just how to undo him just as well as she could build him up.
“Cassie,” he began, “please, I need ye. Use me however you see fit. I am all yers, forever.”
His heart, body, mind, and more were all hers, and anything she gave him- be it love, affection, or even being pegged -was more than he could ever ask for. He ached for her, needed to be filled by her, and only her.
Cassidy woke up next to Kingsley, rolling over she pulled him into a tight hug before slipping under the sheets of their bed and kissing his inner thighs up to his magnificent cock. Oh sure he’s had head before but she wants to make sure he enjoys *hers*.
With gentle hands and skilled lips she kisses the shaft and slowly charms him to arousal. Her tongue running across the frenulum of his glans that peeks out from the folds of his foreskin. She kisses him slowly and gently savoring the scent of his musk and the way his cock twitches and throbs as he becomes more aroused.
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
Kingsley couldn’t help but moan her name again, looking down at her with flushed cheeks and a drowsy-yet-horny expression. His hips bucked into her mouth involuntarily from the pleasure, and his knuckles turned white from how hard he gripped the sheets.
He could sense she had more in store for him, which made him both nervous and excited. Nervouscited, if you will. He trusted her so much and loved her surprises, so surely whatever she had planned would be divine.
Not nearly as divine as her, of course. To him, she was his dear Cassidy Dice, Wanton Sex Goddess, and he wanted to worship her, from her self to the air she breathed, down to the ground she stood upon. And his Goddess was touching him- no, not just touching him. Pleasuring him, teasing him, enveloping him in the warmth of her mouth and touch, wrapping her sweet kissable lips around the mere rod he was born with.
She made him feel wanted, and he wanted her, too.
Cassidy woke up next to Kingsley, rolling over she pulled him into a tight hug before slipping under the sheets of their bed and kissing his inner thighs up to his magnificent cock. Oh sure he’s had head before but she wants to make sure he enjoys *hers*.
With gentle hands and skilled lips she kisses the shaft and slowly charms him to arousal. Her tongue running across the frenulum of his glans that peeks out from the folds of his foreskin. She kisses him slowly and gently savoring the scent of his musk and the way his cock twitches and throbs as he becomes more aroused.
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dizzysilhouette · 3 months
Alan: Here’s the spot.
Lionel: This is gorgeous! I haven’t seen this place in years!
Alan: I know right? Come, come, help me set this up, please.
Lionel: *lays out the blanket on the grass and sets up the pillows to sit on*
Alan: Thank you. *strums guitar a few times after sitting*
Lionel: Of course…
[the two sit in the quiet, the only sounds coming from the natural world and Alan’s guitar]
Lionel: Alan, can I… be honest with you?
Alan: *still strumming* Of course, ol’ pal. What’s up?
Lionel: I… I think I might be feeling something for you.
Alan: *plays a sour note* Oh.
Lionel: I’m not tryin’ t’ say that I want you t’ do anythin’ about it, and I also never intended to feel this way, I promise. I’m- I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anythin’.
[Lionel gets up to leave, but Alan grabs his hand to stop him]
Alan: I never said I was mad at you. It just… surprised me, is all. I’m flattered, really.
Lionel: *sits down anxiously* So you’re not mad?
Alan: Not at all, luv. Trust me, you can tell if I’m mad. *chuckles and strums a few times* Anyhow, no, I’m not mad. No reason for me to be. Everyone has feelings, just in different intensities and for different things. *shrugs*
Lionel: What are your feelings about it?
Alan: Well, I, uh… *nervously shifts in place* I think about you a lot, and I like having you in my life, so… there’s that at least.
Lionel: Oh?
Alan: I… I have an unhealthy attachment to people sometimes, so I have to try to figure out what is my mental illness and what is genuine. And after some thinking… it’s genuine.
Lionel: *smiles* I’m honored, truly.
Alan: *strumming* Why wouldn’t I enjoy your company, Lion? You’ve done nothing but good for me.
Lionel: But Carolyn’s infidelity-
Alan: You didn’t know. I’m not going to blame you for her misdeeds, luv. *strums*
Lionel: *blushes* Well… Thank you. I’ve felt so guilty about it.
Alan: Porquoi? *strums*
Lionel: I accidentally helped her cheat on you.
Alan: *taps guitar body* Key word- “accidentally”. Luv, ye didn’t mean to.
Lionel: That is true… I don’t like t’ hurt people.
Alan: I know. You’ve felt guilty for so long over something that wasn’t your fault. I’m sorry if I ever lashed out.
Lionel: You didn’t. I was surprised, honestly. I believed I deserved it.
Alan: I promise you, you didn’t and wouldn’t have.
Lionel: Thank you.
Alan: Of course! Shall we go back to playing?
Lionel: *grins* Please do.
Alan: You got it, luv. Any requests?
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