djxcite-blog1 · 7 years
Whiskey, ciggerettes & Tuesday’s
So tonight I’m working a gig. Just a karaoke gig at a bar. It’s a slow night. Everything goes smooth there’s the usual karaoke gods and the usual suckers that can’t sing for their life and only drink water.
After im done packing up I see a guy that escalated a shit storm that I started. I tried to clear the air, naturally he got pissed.
It all started years ago. I went to a local club with my woman of 5 years and she seen a bartender wearing leggings or yoga pants... I can never tell the difference. She had a nice butt.. well my woman at the time had a nice butt too but she just wouldn’t shut up about how great this chicks ass was and it was bigger and better. I played along and said no hunny I still like yours the most. I ended up working with said big booty at 4 different locations wher she had tended bar through the past three years. Me being the areas premire entertainer and her having an ass to make a brazzers brazillion jealous, Naturally we were attracteded to eachother. We flirted and had fun. But that’s all it ever was. One night after a Tuesday gig she needed a ride to her residence and I gave her one. Anyone would be a fool not to. We flirted, touched and kissed. Eventually I had to leave because as much as I wanted to make some memories she would soon forget I had a lady at home and realized that what I had already done was wrong so I left. We continued as if nothing had ever happen because something could of happened and didn’t.
Recently another evening I visited a bar she was working at before one of my Tuesday gigs, her sister was there. A few drinks, shots and chicken wings in I had to eventually go to work. Later on that evening the sister and another bartender from my pregaming bar arrived st my gig. I was on my way to walk outside to have a ciggerette as she abruptly stopped me and in a drunken state shouted we needed to do shots! Who am I to refuse free booze from one of my favorite bartenders and a beautiful woman. While we waited for our drinks to be poured she pressed her body against mine, told me I smelled great and tried to bite my neck. At this time I was freshly out of an 8 year relationship and she had just moved back and was with a new man. I thought to myself no great story ever starts with a good desicion however I was paralyzed my my recent grief and couldn’t do anything. Thankfully before things got out of hand shots showed up, I pounded that shit and walked outside.
As I was lighting my ciggerette I seen the original big booty sister roll up. Half way through it she was approaching me from walking out of the parking lot. We created eachother with a hug and I breifly told her that her sister was in a wants-to-fuck state. That was about all the excitement for that night.
Last Thursday I got blown off for a dinner date so I went to a local bar I would know people at. The original sister was working and slid me my usual budlight bottle and shot of jack fire. I talked to another dude who I seen around the past few weeks and learned his name as we were standing waiting for seats. While I was there we ate wings drank and had a good time. My bartender looked unusually upset. I know she was on and off with this guy who owned another bar so I asked what the hell was going on. After my recently acquired aquantance went out for a smoke she told me about her and the restaurant guy and mentioned she was uncomfortable with a situation that was brewing with my new bar buddy and her sister.
Later on we all went to party at another bar after I picked another chick up and apparently I spilled the beans to this chick after one or a dozen too many drinks. This chick must of had some type of connection with my new bar buddy because the next day I woke up to a phone call from the original woman who I concidered a friend and one of my great bartenders about everything that I wrote previous to this.
This Tuesday I didn’t visit the bar she works at becaus she was obviously upset and it would be rude. I figured she needed to cool down. Well just my luck, half way through the night everyone’s there besides the sister with the lawyer and I start getting the cold shoulder. None of them said a word to me the entire evening besides the chick who apparently started the he said she said bullshit. I was weary of her the whole night but she gave me a strange sense of comfort. At the end of the night I told everyone bye when I was unloading. Smoked a cig and ended up back inside. Somehow this dude was inside after hours too. So after a few mins of waiting to get paid I talk to him to clear the air and of course it all goes to shit.
If I learned anything from this story it’s if you want to fuck someone, do it. Even if your in a relationship. But don’t act like you don’t want to when you do because that’s when everything gets fucked up. Sounds crazy right? But everything’s been working out pretty good for them, meanwhile I’m the guy who did what would make my mother proud and they’re all pissed at.
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