littleveganme-blog · 11 years
Check out this site!
I recently came across meettheshannons and they are absolutely amazing! They have the most delicious, and pretty easy tbh, vegan recipes I have ever seen! They truly inspired me and I am planning on trying various recipes from their website. About to bake some blueberry coffee cake muffins!
Happy baking!
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littleveganme-blog · 11 years
I did more baking:)
First I need to go to bed because I just finished up and its like 1:30am… I am exhaustteeeddd!
But I did not fantastic late night baking/learning so I am really excited to share with you guys in the near future!
Good night:) here are some yummy pictures <3
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littleveganme-blog · 11 years
Cashew Salad
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I am not a fan of salads usually, but I am trying to be more healthy. So recently I have taken up making more salads, and here is one that I tried recently.
It contains: romaine lettuce, apples, peas, pecans, and lite thousand island dressing.
And, I must say, it wasn't too bad! I served it with a Boca vegan paddy with some more of the dressing with some siracha because I love spicy food. And it sure made the salad for me:)
I think I will post more salads I like in the future.
Give this a try!
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littleveganme-blog · 11 years
More cupcakes!
Apologies! I have been missing for so long... I suck I know. I've been so lazy. I've been cooking/baking but just never got around to post stuff.
So here I am trying to catch up!
First of all, some glorious vegan buttercream chocolate cupcakes with sugar decor!
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So these cupcakes are made up of (bakes about a dozen): adapted from the cake merchant who is my new obsession...
1 cup soymilk
1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp baking soda
And the frosting:
1 cup nonhydrogenated margerine (such as Earth Balance)
3  cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
3 tablespoons soymilk
And to prepare, just first mix the soymilk and apple cider vinegar together so it curdles a bit, and then add everything else.
As for the sugar decorations, which is my favoriteee:
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I used 1 cup of sugar with about 8 drops of food coloring for the flowers. Shake it in a well sealed container and add more food coloring if you want the color to be more intense. Then add about 2 tsp of water and add more if you see your cookies are falling apart.
Transfer sugar to wax paper and lay another piece of wax paper on top. With a flat object press down so the sugar is about 1/4 in thickness. Then cut out the decor shapes with cookie cutters. Let the sugar cut outs rest for about 15 before moving it around so they harden.
And viola!
Enjoy xx
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littleveganme-blog · 11 years
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Homemade Raw Ice Cream Bars
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littleveganme-blog · 11 years
I haven't posted in so long:(( I'm sorry. I have been back in college, and since I don't have a kitchen there, I never really cook/bake so I can't really blog. 
ANYWAYS. I'm back home now for summer, and I am definitely back to the vegan cooking grind.
Stay tuned for some yummy treats <3
Lil vegan me:)
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
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My lunch today with my vegan friend:) hehe
We most definitely feasted. Our trip to whole foods and the SF ferry building concluded in the purchase of  vegan cream cheese (which I discussed in the previous post), vegan mozzarella, and the most delicious herb(rosemary) slab. OMG it was sooo good. If you are in the area, I definitely recommend trying acme bakery. I think they sell whole sale bread but its so much better when its fresh outta the oven (well almost:) 
Also, since I'm obsessed with that bread, of course I did my stalking... and here's the recipe: http://breadbasketcase.blogspot.com/2009/05/rosemary-slabs-from-acme-bakery.html
I know I'm definitely trying it in the near future:P
Um, that's it. I just wanted to post this as a little update. I'm so excited for breakfast/lunch/dinner tomorrow lol
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
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5 Health Benefits of Almond Butter
1. Good for the Heart
The number one health benefit of almond butter is that it is good for the heart. It is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are the type of fats that reduce levels of cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart ailments.
2. Lower Blood Pressure
Almond butter is also known for lowering blood pressure because it can decrease cholesterol levels. When cholesterol accumulates in the blood vessels of the body, it makes it difficult for blood to flow more freely to different organs. When this happens, the heart will pump more strongly and this can result in high blood pressure.
3. Control Blood Sugar
Almond butter is a sweet and tasty dessert that will not do any damage to your blood sugar levels. In fact, it can even help control levels of blood sugar in your body by reducing the sudden increase in blood sugar and insulin which usually happens after you eat a carbohydrate-packed meal. This makes it an ideal part of the meal if you are suffering from diabetes.
4. Rich in Antioxidants
Oxidative stress is a common problem in today’s society. Free radicals that do cellular damage to your body are present everywhere.
5. Help With Weight Control
There is a common misconception about nuts and weight gain. Since nuts, such as almonds, are high in calories, many people who are on a weight loss program tend to avoid eating them. 
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
Today I discovered...
vegan cream cheese.
& its freaking delicious.
Honestly, just as good as regular if not better. NO JOKE. Go to whole foods and get stocked up with vegan goodies! Do it for the poor animals<3
Also vegan chocolate chips are legit the best things ever. I baked these banana chocolate chip muffins today and they were delishhhh. It's the vegan chocolate chips that make them:) (http://arismenu.com/vegan-banana-chocolate-chip-muffins/) I substituted the brown sugar with half brown sugar and half maple so they weren't as calorific, but its still good.
I think a lot of people are afraid to go vegan because they think you can't eat anything, but seriously you can have everything you have ever liked, just in a different way. And hey, you give and take in life. To save lives, I think its worth some change in our lives and trying new things, right?
That's just my argument. And change is refreshing/good regardless:P
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
Vegan fudgey, low cal/fat brownies!
These are great. I can't even begin to describe how much I love them.
I currently don't have any cocoa powder but I realllyyy wanted brownies. Seriously, my craving for them was killing me a little. And as I rampaged through the fridge, I found: Chocolate syrup.
And after checking the ingredients: Vegan.
I was so excited and full of ideas and so the experimenting began.
This recipe is not entirely perfect but definitely a worthy post. And 70 calories a piece seriously is not bad at all.
Ingredients for 4 brownies(which is how many I made):
1/4 cup wheat flour
1/8 cup apple sauce (I used homemade)
2 tbsp chocolate syrup
1 tbsp chocolate chip
pinch of salt
optional 1tsp of brown sugar if you have a sweet tooth
Mix it all together and bake until no longer runny, and devour.
I found that the bits with out chocolate chips were not as sweet as I would like, but definitely a worthwhile compromise for the low calorie content!
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
Couldn't-be-easier snack/sandwich
This is one of mine personal favorites. And it's vegan too!
As a snacker, I try to make my snacks as healthy as possible. And this snack sure hits the spot. It honestly is very filling and sometimes I like to have it as a quick breakfast, lunch, or dinner when I'm feeling not very hungry, or just lazy:P
Well... you will need:
Apple, walnuts, peanut butter, and optional (vegan) chocolate chips.
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Cut your apple into pieces. It would be ideal to use one of those apple core removers so you get more big circle slices but any apple slices work fine.
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Add your toppings, and spread evenly.
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Piece apple slices together...& munch away!
Mmm, I might have to have this for dinner! lol
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
I had a dream...
where I ate a cheeseburger. And then I freaked out being vegan and all. When I woke up I was so relieved haha thank god it was really a dream. A terrible one though!! Can't believe these are the things I would consider a "nightmare".
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
Vegan bagels and soft pretzels
This may look hard to make, but to be honest, it was super easy. And, not to mention delicious!! Why would you ever need to buy bagels from the store ever again?? And if you are ever craving a soft pretzel, you can just make your own:)
Not to mention each bagel/pretzel will be only about 150cal. Compared to the store bought 300cal bagel or who-knows-how-many-calories soft pretzels!
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For bagels and pretzels, you start with the same dough! Makes about 6.
1 3/4 cups of white flour
1/2 tbsp yeast
1/2 tbsp sugar
150ml water
1/2 tbsp oil
1 tsp salt
Just simply make sugar water together and wait for 5-10mins. Then add flour, salt, and oil. Knead into a ball and set in a greased bowl. Cover bowl and place somewhere warm for an hour.
Divide into 6 pieces.
For bagels:
Shape pieces into donut shapes. Boil a pot of water. When boiled, drop bagels in and boil for 1-2min on each side. Then take them out and place on an oiled parchment paper. Bake 210C for 5 min on each side.
If you want to spice up your pumpkins. you can add sesame seeds to the dough. I made pumpkin ones by adding some pumpkin puree, brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg to the dough with a bit for flour so its not super sticky. Other ideas are chocolate chip (yum--*note to self, try next*), banana, or basically anything you can think of!
For pretzels:
Shape dough into pretzel shape. Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 3 cups of water. More water probably wouldn't hurt. Bring to a boil. Drop pretzels in baking soda/water mixture and boil for 30sec and then place on an oiled parchment paper. Lightly oil the surface of each pretzel and sprinkle with salt. I found that my pretzels were a little salty, so I added some brown sugar and cinnamon on top which did the trick. Absolutely delicious! Bake for 10min at 210C or just until golden. 
Have fun:)
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
Just made the best garlic/thyme/rosemary focaccia
Dad and I gobbled it up like we haven't eaten in days lol
Recipe for that, applesauce (which can replace oil in vegan baking), chocolate syrup fudge brownies (potentially the best thing ever because I'm trying to figure out a way to hit cocoa powder and sugar with one stone--saving calories yayy), grape/rosemary focaccia, and some others are to come soon. I just have to get my butt outta the kitchen haha:)
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
Vegan wheat bread, PB&J, apple, and walnut sandwich
This is literally the best sandwich I've ever had... no joke.
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I've always been a fan of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I think they are absolutely gorgeous, but nutritionally, they aren't high up on the bladder. I wanted to spice up my PB&J life and also try to make they a bit more healthy.
Here's what I did. 
I made an original pb&j, added 1/2-3/4 of a sliced fuji apple and also added a couple of walnuts.
YUM. I can't even.
Must try!! So simple, so delicious, I don't no why you wouldn't:)
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
Vegan chinese dumplings!
Aren't they adorable?
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Don't you just wanna gobble them allll up?
What if I told you that eating all of them would be less than 200 calories??
UM what?! Stop lying, that's impossible.
Nope. Here's something that's simple, delicious, and very enjoyable to make!
For 10 dumplings/ 1 serving
Dumpling wrappers:
100ml all purpose flour (could use whole wheat mixture, which I tried, but did not work as well)
40ml water
1 tsp salt
Dumpling filling:
1 cup chopped Napa cabbage (or just any kind of cabbage)
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
1/4 cup chopped carrot
2 cloves of finely cut garlic
a bit of chopped scallion
1 tsp soy sauce (or according to taste)
1/2 tsp salt (or according to taste)
1 tsp sesame oil (optional)
1 tsp hot sauce/chili oil (optional)
You can also add tofu or corn
First make the dough. Simply mix all ingredients together and knead until completely blended together. If a little dry, add a bit more water or if wet, add a bit more flour. And set a side.
Cut up all vegetable ingredients and put into a bowl. Use dry towel/paper towel to squeeze out most of the liquid that maybe be left in veggies. Add soy sauce, salt, and hot sauce according to taste and add a bit of sesame oil.
Roll dough into a rope and divide into 10 pieces. Lightly cover a surface with flour, so when you roll out the wrappers, they don't stick to the surface you are rolling it on. First roll each piece into a ball in your hands, and then use a rolling pin to roll rough flat and as thin as possible with out breaking. It takes a while sometimes to get it right so keep trying until you get it. Be patient:) My wrappers were about 3-3.5 inches in diameter.
Lastly, fill the dumplings and pinch the edges together.
To cook, you can either boil them in water or steam them on a double boiler.
And you are done!
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Happy eating xx
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littleveganme-blog · 12 years
Sorry for being inactive!!
BUTTT I'm back!! I literally have sooo many recipes that I've just been too busy/lazy to post. They will be up asap<3 promise!!
Hope the new year is treating you guys well
*muah* xx
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