dllcs · 6 years
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yeehaw 🔪
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dllcs · 6 years
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TASK 1: MOODBOARD — 𝕤 𝕥 𝕪 𝕝 𝕖
a closet full of plaid, old denim, and leather to create a style dubbed “hipster cowboy” by most. buttons line shirts and holes beginning to wear on jeans are a trademark of dallas’s style.
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dllcs · 6 years
ft. scwyvr‌
“don’t hate the player, hate the crappy equipment,” sawyer chimed in, grinning back at him. she wondered if dallas thought of her as an airhead. she hoped not, considering she liked to pride herself on being somewhat independent. it just so happened she didn’t have the plumbing knowledge to fix her leaky sink. she grimaced at the screen built up with what looked like mold. “yeah, i have some in the kitchen,” sawyer said, leading the way. she pushed a pile of clothes to the side, fabrics that had been cut and resewed, all tangled up together. “ignore this shit show,” sawyer groaned, thinking about how much time she had spent working on her current fashion endeavor. “i do have a piece i’m working on just for you. you’ll look so good in it, trust me,” saywer mused. walking over to the fridge, she shuffled some items around until she pulled out the little yellow bottle. handing it over to dallas, she maneuvered herself so she was sitting on the kitchen countertop. “how’d you learn all your handy skills,” sawyer asked out of curiosity. “ self-taught or?”
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dallas stood up from his crouched position in front of the sink and followed sawyer to her kitchen, gently carrying the aerator to ensure he didn’t get any of the grime covering it on her floor. he laughed as she kicked aside the mess in their way and looked down at her latest work as she grabbed the lemon juice. a brow quirked at her words and he glanced up at her, sure his surprise was plain on his features. “for me?” he questioned with a nervous laugh. he always complimented sawyer’s work whenever he was in her apartment, sneaking a peek at her latest designs, but never did he imagine she’d go as far as to actually make something for him. “do i get a sneak peek?” he took the lemon juice from her with a lopsided smile and walked over to her sink to pour the juice over the aerator he held. at her question, he looked back at her over his shoulder before shrugging. “oh, uh, i guess self-taught. i didn’t go to, like, handyman school or anything but google certainly does wonders.” he chuckled as he rinsed off the grate and watched the grime wash down the drain. “a lot of trial and error too. but, luckily this isn’t one of those times.” with a proud smile, he spun around to hold up the newly clean aerator to sawyer. “good as new.”
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dllcs · 6 years
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But you’re in my house.
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dllcs · 6 years
ft. wtfvnn‌
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FINN: turns out i’m not in the fast and the furious FINN: cause officer dickwad just gave me a $240 ticket FINN: who has some extra $$$ FINN: or a get rich quick scheme FINN: i’m down for ANYTHING
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DALLAS: you didn’t try to cry your way out of it? shocking DALLAS: $240 isn’t that bad, don’t you have anything in your savings for emergencies? DALLAS: i hear mcdonalds was hiring though if you’re looking for easy cash
snapchat ⇢ open
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dllcs · 6 years
ft. @joeyswrld
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music roared over the stereo in dallas’s apartment as he whipped up a delicious dinner for himself, consisting of mashed potatoes, asparagus, and barbecued chicken. everything was nearly done, he was just waiting on the asparagus to roast on the barbecue, and he sipped at a beer as he waited near the door to his balcony and kept an eye on the small barbecue his mother had gifted him when he’d first moved to los angeles. the only reason he heard the knock at the door was because of the short lull in music as it transitioned from one song to another and dallas’s head swung towards the door, brows creasing in confusion. he wasn’t expecting anyone but after living in moreau for a couple months already, he’d learned to always expect unexpected visitors. beer still in hand, he went to open the door and an instinctive smile found his lips as he noticed the fiery red hair across the threshold. “joey, hey,” he greeted, tense muscles relaxing slightly at the sight of the girl he considered more of a sister than a friend. “what’s up?”
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dllcs · 6 years
ft. @ohophcila
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he felt like an absolute idiot as he walked up to the door of 6a. asking a neighbour for some sugar was the corniest stereotype to ever befall the neighbour archetype and dallas never thought he’d fall to this level but he was halfway through his brownie recipe and he couldn’t stop picturing the empty sugar container in his cabinet. with a knock, his hands stuffed into his pockets as he waited for ophelia to answer the door. when the door swung open, he didn’t even wait for her greeting until the words slipped from his lips. “look, i know sounds ridiculous but i need a cup of sugar. actually —” his brows scrunched up as he thought back to the recipe. “one and a half cups of sugar.”
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dllcs · 6 years
ft. scwyvr‌
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in all fairness, it wasn’t sawyer’s fault that her apartment seemed to be breaking down. sure, maybe she got a little aggressive with objects if they weren’t working perfectly, but it was her attempt at making a repair. dallas’s attempts had a much higher success rate. “i know you’re starting to think i only call you for your tools,” sawyer teased as she left her room. she finished tucking her rolling stones t-shirt into her jeans as she escorted him to her bathroom connected to her bedroom. she turned on the faucet, which started sporadically spraying water every few seconds. “maybe im just cursed,” sawyer sighed, putting the lid of the toilet seat down and taking a seat. sure, moreau had a maintenance guy for things like this, but maybe sawyer was a little more keen on spending time with dallas versus the fourty-year-old who only spoke in grunts. 
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dallas followed sawyer to whatever thing she’d broken in her apartment now, chuckling at her teasing. “meh, i’m used to it. everyone around here usually calls me to fix something they own — you the most, though.” he smirked and watched as the faucet spewed water in every direction and frowned. “jesus, sawyer, you’ve really put this sink through hell.” the male laughed and set his tool bag down on the edge of her counter so he could kneel down and look at the faucet from underneath, hair falling into his eyes as he squinted at it. “your aerator is probably clogged up,” dallas mused, although he figured sawyer had no idea what an aerator was. with a flathead screwdriver from her bag, dallas pried the small screen from the end of the tap and held it up, showing sawyer the built up lime scale clogging it. “oh, lovely,” he said with a laugh, looking at sawyer. “got any lemon juice? it’ll clean this up real quick.”
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dllcs · 6 years
ft. @scwyvr
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a fist rapped against sawyer’s apartment door before he opened the door for himself, the knock just a courtesy notice of his entering. dallas cast a glance around the apartment in search of sawyer, one hand closing the door while the other adjusted its grip on his small tool case. the male was almost tempted to just leave a box of tools at sawyer’s — not so that she’d use them, he figured she didn’t know what half of them did, but to spare him the effort of having to haul it between their apartments whenever she sent out an sos call. “mr fix-it’s here,” he called out with a chuckle.
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dllcs · 6 years
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dllcs · 6 years
Excerpt from the book I will never write
(via especiallypeaches)
If you asked, he would gladly compare her to the coldest winter; cruel, relentless. Yet simultaneously beautiful. An exhilarating surprise. He saw what some would call her worst side, but he only ever knew her at her best.
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dllcs · 6 years
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dllcs · 6 years
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dllcs · 6 years
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( ur welcome in advance for the gif ) SUP BINCHES. it’s ya girl, lenny, back with another intro. this time for my southern gentleman, dallas ! ngl, i��m recycling my old one but made a couplE changes. so give this a like if u wanna plot !
( dacre montgomery • twenty four • cismale ) look, it’s dallas delaney from apartment 6C ! i heard that he is here in los angeles because he wants to open his own auto body shop. they moved into moreau apartments 2 months ago and rumour has it, they can be quite possessive and truculent — good thing they’re also passionate and charming, hey ? i hear they’re the contingent of the building.
born n raised nashville boy so u better believe he’s got the accent and charm to match. he’s my southern gentleman raised by a single mama with two younger siblings so he had to grow up real fast
his father passed when dallas was young ( maybe like 9 so he kinda remembers him ) and dallas became the man of the house when he was a lil one, taking on the responsibility of taking care of his little sisters when he was finally old enough for his mom to get a job
they never really struggled though so this ain’t a sad story, dw. they had enough money to survive, his mom found a teaching job that she loved, and dallas really enjoyed helping around the house and taking care of his mom and sisters – it honestly just felt like second nature to him
dallas’ father was a mechanic and had a love for cars that almost rivalled his love for his wife so dallas found his passion for the work easily, finding a connection to his father whenever he opens a car hood or changes a tire
old school cars are his thing, he started buying them for cheap and fixing them up when he was 16 and got his first job at the movie theatre and began making hella money with it. he saved it all though, he ain’t a wild child, cause his father had a dream to open his own mechanic shop that dallas was determined to fulfill
however, dallas’ passion for cars is rivalled by his other love: music. his little sisters took piano lessons and he helped them practice, in turn mastering the craft on his own, and then he picked up guitar later on and fell in love and became obsessed with learning every in and out of the art, from playing to songwriting. he never really had a dream to go big but as he got better and more open with his music, it was hard to ignore the voices of his friends and family saying that he could really do it
so he’s a bit torn at the moment, between pursuing his father’s dream or creating his own
he made the move to la about 2 months back, once his youngest sister started her senior year of high school and he felt comfortable leaving his family ( not that he wanted too lmao he just knew they’d be okay )
came here because he found several empty body shops around la and has been eyeing them – but he’s not ballsy enough to buy them yet, despite having the money, because he still can’t get himself to dedicate his whole heart to one thing
he’s the definition of southern gentleman and you can definitely tell from first sight. as if the accent isn’t enough, his style has often been labelled “hipster cowboy.” he loves his button ups and jeans, sometimes wears cowboy boots but has adopted more .. casual boots since his move to la.
personality wise: he’s charming, a bit quiet and reserved at first but once he’s comfortable with you he’s outgoing and loves to have fun
his label is the contingent because he’s quite ... reliant on the company of others. he’s lonely easily ( especially since his move away from his family ) and probably too loyal for his own good in order to keep his friends by his side.
got a bit of a temper that usually only shines through when he’s drunk or stressed but he can be easily pissed off ( especially if you fuck with someone he loves )
he’s a true romantic and really doesn’t fuck around much but that’s not to say accidental one night stands / hookups arent off the table .... ;)
as for connections, i’d love some past connections with people from his hometown. perhaps a music buddy. someone he fixes a lot of things for lmao ( he’s not just handy with a guitar and a car ok ayyy lol ) perhaps a little fling/flirtationship, a past one night stand. i love me some bros, a little sister ( he’s forever the protective old brother omg ) and some ride or dies. someone who brings out his wild side and drags him out cause he can be a bit of a hermit sometimes uH IDUNNO I WANT IT ALL OK
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dllcs · 6 years
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dllcs · 6 years
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dacre deserves all the happiness in the world 🌎
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dllcs · 6 years
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