conseqvential-blog · 6 years
              ♡     .    *     –––––––––     ROUND   TWO   Y’ALL     who’s   ready   to   thirst   over   this   amazon   warrior  princess    bc   i   sure   as   hell   am   ???    we   love   us   a   tall   woman   w   brains   even   tho   she’s   a   dumbass.   this   is   𝓼𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓮,   ur   local   math   loving,   track   running,   aspiring   model   wanna-be   w   an   innocent   dumb   heart.
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*   –––––––––   𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
(   alexis   ren   •   twenty   •   cisfemale   )   look,   it's   𝓼𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓿𝓪𝓴   from   apartment   3C!   apparently   she   moved   into   moreau   apartments   six   months   ago   and   rumour   has   it,   they   can   be   quite   guileless—   good   thing   they’re   also   benevolent,   hey?   i   hear   they’re   the   SACCHARINE   of   the   building.
*  –––––––––   𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒙𝒕
sadie   leigh   novak,   child   of   the   sun,   born   in   the   heat   of   the   summer   on   june   7th,   1998,   destined   for   something   so   far   beyond   the   scope   of   herself.   the   middle   child   to   a   pair   of   high   school   sweethearts,   “idyllic”   would   be   almost   too   well-suited   to   describe   her   upbringing.   her   parents   credit   her   for   it   through   and   through——-   a   darling   child   forged   by   kind   words   and   a   work   ethic   unmatched   by   many   of   her   peers.   little   lacombe   was   the   perfect   vessel   for   her   growth   ;   she   was   friendly   and   well-liked,   a   shining   star   on   the   track   team   and   an   advanced   math   student.   earnest   and   gentle-hearted,   gullible   and   sincere,   she   would   have   been   readily   poised   to   live   the   perfect   life   in   lacombe,   but   a   love   for   all   things   beautiful   and   bigger   than   herself   pushed   her   to   make   waves   in   her   small   town   by   being   one   of   the   first   to   leave   it   in   years.   she   framed   it   as   “taking   a   scholarship   opportunity”   to   warrant   the   approval   of   her   simplehearted   parents,   leaving   out   any   and   all   mentions   of   her   aspirations   to   pursue   modeling   in   the   big   city   of   vancouver.
*  –––––––––   𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
hi   again   ok   so   sadie’s   my   lil   love   angel   she’s   so   soft   and   stupid   lmfao.   basically   she’s   just   a   rlly   nice   lil   girly   girl,   a   slave   to   the   aesthetic   but   not   to   the   point   she’s   a   real   artsy   hoe   abt   it.....   just   always   rlly   appreciative   of   beautiful   things   in   life.   she’s   like   the   living   incarnation   of   a   golden   retriever   i   s2g.   just   rlly   endearing   and   innocent   but   moving   to   vancouver   made   her   realize   she’s   gotta   branch   out   and   try   new   shit   and   just   LIVE   HA   LIFE.   she’s   half   the   mom   friend,   half   the   friend   who   needs   supervision   bc   tbh   she’s   just   so   gullible   n   soft?   will   do   anything   for   the   vine   if   u   ask   kindly   enough   and   say ‘it’s   totally   something   everyone   does   around   here.’   she’s   really   easily   SWAYED   ok   she   just   wants   everyone   to   have   a   good   time. ok   this   is   IMPORANT   but   like.....   if   she   were   to   post   on   the   snapchat   hidden   talents   story.....   she’d   b   reciting   numbers   of   pi   or   solving   a   proof   or   somethin   EXTRA   BC   !!!!   this   bitch   is   SO   good   at   math.   like   SO   good.   cady   heron   who??   sadie   was   doin   calculus   by   the   10th   grade   and   by   senior   year   she   was   being   bused   out   twice   a   week   to   the   local   community   college   in   lacombe   for   advanced   differential   equations   and   multivariable   calculus.   only   part   of   adulthood   she’s   rlly   enjoyed   so   far   is   budgeting   and   doin   taxes   lmfao.   currently   studying   electrical   engineering   at   bc   institute   of   technology   bc   she   loves   math   literally   that   much.   ummmm   in   other   news?   huge   weeb ?   genuinely   obsessed   w   cartoons   n   anime   and   lives   for   them   like   a   big   ole   dumb   loser.   loves   animals,   rlly   rlly   dedicated   to   her   friends,   n   catches   crushes   so   easily   but   she’s   real   hesitant   abt   rushing   into   things   bc   she’s   had   like   only   one   real   relationship   her   whole   life   so   she’s   kinda   inexperienced   to   the   point   it   makes   her   insecure  ( which reminds me...... gimmie this plot pls )
no   viable   life   skills   that   allow   her   to   be   livin   on   her   own   if u   want   an   example   the   first   like   45   seconds   of   this   video with   this   jessica   girl   are   like   prime   sadie   material.   can’t   cook,   can’t   figure   out   how   half   the   SHIT   in   the   house   works,   can’t   navigate   the   apartment   for   the   LIFE   of   her   but   if   a   circuit   busts   ???   she   just   needs   some   electrical   tape   n   some   wire   cutters   thats   the   ONE   non-monetary   thing   she   knows   how   to   handle   HDSKDJFKS.   in   other   news   she’s   really   in   tune   with   her   emotions   but   the   athlete   in   her   makes   her   a   lil   less   likely   to   cry   and   a   lil   more   likely   to   just   shut   down   and   detach   herself   when   situations   are   beyond   her   control   which   is   so   unhealthy   for   her   but   :/   it   be   like   that   sometimes
*  –––––––––   𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
QUICK   FACTS   /   AESTHETICS :   — not   being   allowed   the   aux   cord   because   her   music   taste   is   so   WEIRD,   people   will   def   riot.   cuddles   on   a   lazy   sunday   wrapped   in   white   sheets.   fostering   a   whole   litter   of   kittens   just   to   have   something   to   keep   her   company.   seeing   herself   in   her   first   magazine   spread   and   buying   as   many   copies   as   the   store’s   got.   bein   so   fuckin’   tall   eye   contact   w   other   women???   unrealistic.   5′11   for   those   of   u   wondering.   she   played   piano   and   danced   in   her   youth   before   track   took   over   her   life,   and   if   she   sang,   she’d   sound   a   whole   lot   like   alina   baraz.  perfectly   planned   days   starting   with   a   run   at   5   AM   and   ending   in   the   most   unpredictable   of   ways.   all   the   love   in   the   world   to   give   and   keep   giving.  (  and   giving   and   giving   and   giving. )
ZODIAC :   gemini
HOGWARTS HOUSE :   hufflepuff 
SEXUALITY :     bicurious, previously thought to be heterosexual/heteroromantic but at this point willing to try literally anything
OCCUPATION :   2nd semester as a full time electrical engineering student at bc tehcnical institute, aspiring model, part time sales associate at a small athletic clothing store uptown
POSITIVES :   benevolent,  focused,   sincere,  adventurous
NEGATIVES :   guileless,  highly dependent on others,  maladapted,  insecure
SOUNDTRACK :     cherry cola by kwuada, girl almighty by one direction, r.e.m. by ariana grande
*  –––––––––   𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈
tldr   ;   love   comes   in   all   shapes   and   sizes   and   in   this   case,   it’s   an   almost   6   foot   tall   wanna-be   swimsuit   model   who   rlly   let   her   best   friend   convince   her   that   plants   grow   better   when   they’re   talked   to   kindly   3x   a   day.   u   need   someone   to   help   prepare   dinner   or   go  grocery   shopping   ?   literally   don’t   ask   sadie   unless   its   just   to   tag   along   n   keep   u   company   bc   entrusting   her   w   adult   shit   on   her   own  means   ur   gonna   end   up   w   R EGRETS.    need   someone   to   randomly   calculate   3   figure   by   3   figure   multiplications  in  their  head   or   help   u   w   fractions   for   ur   baking   recipe   ?   someone   to   stay   with   u   through   the   night   when   u’ve   had   a   rough   go   ?   someone   who’s   willing   to   genuinely   try   anything   and   go   anywhere   as   long   as   u   ask   nicely   ?   sadie  l.   novak   is   your   girl.
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thcrsen-blog · 6 years
this is so late... and i am so sorry...
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( neels visser • 20 • male ) look, it's tyce thorsen from apartment 2A ! i heard that he is here in los angeles because they were traded to the la kings. they moved into moreau apartments one month ago and rumour has it, they can be quite insecure and closed off — good thing they’re also adaptable and easy going, hey ? i hear they’re the eeyore of the building. ( nyle, 20, est, she/them )
tyce thorsen was born in sunny arizona --- to watercolor sunsets and flat flat flat horizons; to the sand and the dry heat that fills your lungs too quickly; to an nhler who didn’t know how to give the ice up even in the desert, and passed that down to his sons.
arizona was not where tyce grew up, however; he grew up on the road, in the places between here and there, sometimes rooted for a year, sometimes barely a few months. NINE schools, NINE cities in eleven years is no way to raise a child, and yet tyce embraced it all --- ever willing to adapt to new surroundings from alaska to california to boston, to new weather and friends, so long as the ice in his veins was kept happy and kept happy it was. jonathan thorsen would not have anything different for his sons.
perhaps the first place that truly felt like home was ANN-ARBOR, home of the united states national development team program. in the end, he was only there for a year, though it could have easily been two if the university of connecticut hadn’t requested an acceleration of his education that he ultimately accepted. he graduated a year early and went on to play for uconn’s newly fledged team.
he finished his freshman season with 33 pts in 36 games and went on to be drafted by the st. louis blues in the 2016 NHL draft at 26th overall. he played his sophomore season, earning 33 pts in 34 games (missing two games due to playing in the world juniors championship where he won gold with team usa). the summer after, he sign his entry level contract with the blues.
( there’s this FEELING of wanting to be part of something for more than a YEAR, a fleeting moment of finding family only to be taken away from them again --- he won’t tell anyone this, but he’s tired of the ceaseless movement. and the only reason he didn’t STAY with the usntdp longer is because he didn’t want to get CLOSER with an inevitable deadline creeping up ).
as it turns out, this start he thought was coming didn’t come true. he started out in the AHL and got called up halfway through and certainly didn’t have the potential the blues were hoping to get from their first round pick. tyce wasn’t exactly happy with his own play either, but there was little he could do about it --- they weren’t letting him play his game, and in the nhl you do anything you can just to not get sent back down. he entered his first nhl off-season with the determination to get better.
the call from his agent came in mid-july ( “you’ve been traded” ). traded to the la kings along with a couple veteran players and a first round pick for the star center the blues so desperately needed to make playoffs ( and the one that tyce would certainly not become ).
it was a shock at first ---after all, st. louis was always supposed to be the end of all this ceaseless movement, but tyce was also the son of an nhler and as all who grow up with the nhl pipedream know: nothing is certain, and hockey is a business. he’s prided himself in being ADAPTABLE, after all. and more he learned, the more he thought about it and talked with the kings organization, the more he realized that this might just be the opportunity he needed. there’s something to be said about being WANTED, someone having confidence in you and big plans for the future.
and tyce moved to la with plans of giving them a reason he should STAY.
okay so i gave tyce the label of “eeyore” because i imagine he always has these big sad eyes and expression that make him look extremely down all the time ( even when he’s not ). he tends to always look like he has some emotional weight on his shoulders but when he smiles it lights up his whole face.
he is a TALL ASS BITCH. boi is 6′5″ and 202 pounds. he could stand to gain more weight in muscle and actually use his size on the ice a bit more. but he is a very tall man.
he’s a winger who can play right or left side. he was drafted as a center but that changed. call him a power forward. he has a very good shot and is a huge asset to the penalty kill (that was his dad’s specialty). despite his size, he is rather nimble on a ice and can skate extremely well.
personality-wise, he is very easy-going and nothing seems to phase him very much ( he just rather not waste the energy ). but that easiness masks a lot of insecurities, especially about his height and his play. he’s not as conscious about his height as he was ( used to be called bambi and has trouble growing into his rapidly changing body ) but it’s still a little disconcerting to look down at almost everyone. 
so tyce has only been in la for about a month, month and a half when he moved it prior to the season starting. he lives in 2A so i’m down for all the neighborly plots or the annoying resident above plots...
that being said, he’s also lived in a l o t of places so he could have met ur chara beforehand...
fans of the la kings, anybody??
uh... idk. im so bad at connections, i’m sorry but pls hmu!!
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dllcs · 6 years
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( ur welcome in advance for the gif ) SUP BINCHES. it’s ya girl, lenny, back with another intro. this time for my southern gentleman, dallas ! ngl, i’m recycling my old one but made a couplE changes. so give this a like if u wanna plot !
( dacre montgomery • twenty four • cismale ) look, it’s dallas delaney from apartment 6C ! i heard that he is here in los angeles because he wants to open his own auto body shop. they moved into moreau apartments 2 months ago and rumour has it, they can be quite possessive and truculent — good thing they’re also passionate and charming, hey ? i hear they’re the contingent of the building.
born n raised nashville boy so u better believe he’s got the accent and charm to match. he’s my southern gentleman raised by a single mama with two younger siblings so he had to grow up real fast
his father passed when dallas was young ( maybe like 9 so he kinda remembers him ) and dallas became the man of the house when he was a lil one, taking on the responsibility of taking care of his little sisters when he was finally old enough for his mom to get a job
they never really struggled though so this ain’t a sad story, dw. they had enough money to survive, his mom found a teaching job that she loved, and dallas really enjoyed helping around the house and taking care of his mom and sisters – it honestly just felt like second nature to him
dallas’ father was a mechanic and had a love for cars that almost rivalled his love for his wife so dallas found his passion for the work easily, finding a connection to his father whenever he opens a car hood or changes a tire
old school cars are his thing, he started buying them for cheap and fixing them up when he was 16 and got his first job at the movie theatre and began making hella money with it. he saved it all though, he ain’t a wild child, cause his father had a dream to open his own mechanic shop that dallas was determined to fulfill
however, dallas’ passion for cars is rivalled by his other love: music. his little sisters took piano lessons and he helped them practice, in turn mastering the craft on his own, and then he picked up guitar later on and fell in love and became obsessed with learning every in and out of the art, from playing to songwriting. he never really had a dream to go big but as he got better and more open with his music, it was hard to ignore the voices of his friends and family saying that he could really do it
so he’s a bit torn at the moment, between pursuing his father’s dream or creating his own
he made the move to la about 2 months back, once his youngest sister started her senior year of high school and he felt comfortable leaving his family ( not that he wanted too lmao he just knew they’d be okay )
came here because he found several empty body shops around la and has been eyeing them – but he’s not ballsy enough to buy them yet, despite having the money, because he still can’t get himself to dedicate his whole heart to one thing
he’s the definition of southern gentleman and you can definitely tell from first sight. as if the accent isn’t enough, his style has often been labelled “hipster cowboy.” he loves his button ups and jeans, sometimes wears cowboy boots but has adopted more .. casual boots since his move to la.
personality wise: he’s charming, a bit quiet and reserved at first but once he’s comfortable with you he’s outgoing and loves to have fun
his label is the contingent because he’s quite ... reliant on the company of others. he’s lonely easily ( especially since his move away from his family ) and probably too loyal for his own good in order to keep his friends by his side.
got a bit of a temper that usually only shines through when he’s drunk or stressed but he can be easily pissed off ( especially if you fuck with someone he loves )
he’s a true romantic and really doesn’t fuck around much but that’s not to say accidental one night stands / hookups arent off the table .... ;)
as for connections, i’d love some past connections with people from his hometown. perhaps a music buddy. someone he fixes a lot of things for lmao ( he’s not just handy with a guitar and a car ok ayyy lol ) perhaps a little fling/flirtationship, a past one night stand. i love me some bros, a little sister ( he’s forever the protective old brother omg ) and some ride or dies. someone who brings out his wild side and drags him out cause he can be a bit of a hermit sometimes uH IDUNNO I WANT IT ALL OK
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
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( nick robinson • twenty three • cismale ) look, it’s clement ‘clem’ farley from apartment 5c ! i heard that he is here in los angeles because nobody ever expected him to make such a big move. they moved into moreau apartments one month ago and rumour has it, they can be quite maladroit & reticent — good thing they’re also vehement & warm-hearted, hey ? i hear they’re the fumbler of the building.
hey sweedies ! im soph and this is my FIRST baby ! read my attempt at a bio below and like  /  hmu to plot ... (♡°ω°♡)
EDIT: i forgot to mention this im sorrY .. TW: drug abuse
P E R S O N A L I T Y 
♦  extrovert // introvert // in between ♦  disorganized // organized // in between ♦  close-minded // open-minded // in between/contextual  ♦  calm // anxious // in between ♦  disagreeable // agreeable // in between/contextual ♦  cautious  // reckless // in between/contextual ♦  patient // impatient // in between ♦  outspoken // reserved  // in between ♦  leader // follower // in between ♦  empathetic //  indifferent  // in between ♦  optimistic // pessimistic // in between // realistic ♦  hardworking // lazy // in between ♦  faithful // unfaithful // in between 
originally from wales
he’s an only child who was raised by his grandparents due to his mother’s struggles with addiction
he grew up in a pretty small, rural-ish area and for the most part had a good upbringing despite being taken from his mom and never having met his dad
he’s always been on the quieter side .. growing up he just minded his own business, helped his grandpa with the gardening, went on long walks with his doggos :’(
he had a small group of friends but was mostly an outcast; a blacksheep around school
he mostly hung around with the stoners and the nerds .. a weird mixture 
he moved to america  because he felt that he had to DO something more with his life .. even though it killed him to leave his grandparents behind 
nobody expected him to amount to more than his 9-5 job; nevermind move countries so !!! he’s proud of himself
he’s quite closed off and doesn’t open up easily but .. he’s working on it :///
he’s aspiring to make it as a writer :~)
he’s taking a new approach to life where he trieS to push himself to live life a little .. do more reckless sh*t
 H E A D C A N N O N S 
has a lil welsh accent 
he’s recently been in contact with his mom again but is weary of growing close to her 
lives in hoodies, band t-shirts and beanies
a bit of a #stoner 
the clumsiest, awkward dude you’ll probably ever meet .. sighs
has absolutely NO game .. yet falls in love 34084 times a day
on that note .. he’s pansexual 
he’s only been here for a month but has been in los angeles for two months; he lived elsewhere but moved to moreau apartments because his last place was .. interesting to say the least 
a HUGE people pleaser but .. he’s trying his best to change
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
blossoming friendship
somebody he knew from before he moved in ? perhaps they met at a night club / a cafe / anywHERE but he recently moved into moreau and saw them and was like ??? BRO 
late-night, deep convo confidant
fwb ; either already recently established or they’re on that path 
somebody he has a crush on because lbr ... he’s so easily infatuated 
a muse :( this will probably grow with time but .. somebody who just inspires his writing ( professionally he wants to be a journalist, but he writes lil pieces on the side just for his eyes only )
smoking buddies
somebody who’s helping him to break out his shell & live a little
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tjbcnntt · 6 years
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suP im back !!! hope y’all aren’t sick of me yet akldjfhld
( keith powers • twenty three • cismale ) looks like tevin “tj” bennett just moved into apartment 3C! i heard that he is here in los angeles because he needed to get away from his father but has been struggling – thankfully moreau has taken them in! rumour has it, they can be quite reticent and aggressive but at least they’re creative and charming, hey? i can already tell they’re going to be the phoenix of the building.
ok sO tj here is a new rendition on a faV muse of mine because i rlly wanted to bring bby keith here cause he foine as hell. i love this muse deaRLY and have been dreaming of developing him properly for like ... years lmao so i’m sorry if i ramble okSAsdlk
tw: mention of death and anxiety
a normal childhood could not have been further out of reach for tj. growing up, it was just him and his father — his mother sadly passed away after complications during his birth and despite reality promising it wasn’t his fault, tevin’s always had a deep-rooted guilt about it
his father never made it much easier on him either honestly. though calvin never outright blamed tevin for his beloved wife’s death, his attitude towards his son always seemed to hint towards it
tj doesn’t remember ever rlly seeing a smile on the man’s face — except in the few photos he found of his parents together, which only confirmed his beliefs that his father wasn’t the same man that he was before his wife’s passing
on top of that, nothing tj ever did seemed to be enough for the stone cold man, including pushing away his own passion for his fathers
art has always been tj’s first love. painting, drawing, writing, music, everything considered “art” tevin was sure to love. but his father never agreed with his love for watercolours and paintbrushes — instead he wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and go into the medical field
calvin had a practice in their hometown and was the most reliable family doctor in the vicinity
tevin always respected his father’s drive and passion for healing others but it was always painful for him to hear of all the people his father helped all while he neglected his own son
going into the medical field was the last thing that tevin wanted to do. the schooling, the pressure, everything that went along with the industry gave tevin shivers but as a young boy who wanted nothing more than the approval of his father, he saw no other option but to go into it
with no break or gap year after high school, tj went to the university of san fran for his bachelor of science and completed the program but lol the stress man
he developed anxiety and he jusT scraped by on most of his classes in his last year. the pressure of university alone was a lot but with his father’s constant watching over his shoulder and nagging about med school, it almost became too much for tevin
he graduated from usf at 22 with his ba in science but had no real motivation to apply to medical school. his fathER on the other hand was already eyeing the best ones and pressuring tj to do the same. it was a lot on his shoulders but tj fought through it for a while, trying to find his passion and motivation for med school but it just kept getting pushed to the side by something elSE
his fingers continued to yearn for the paintbrushes he’d packed away and ideas for sketches kept flashing across his the backs of his eyelids. his passion for art became a burning itch he couldn’t scratch and in the middle of summer, it became too much
an argument began between tj and his father after his father started pestering him about applying to med school and getting angry that he was “slacking.” tj, normally one to just bow down and hide away from confrontations with his father, exploded on his father and a fight ensued that ended with tj packing his bags and storming out of his father’s house
for several weeks, tj bounced between friends’ couches until the idea of a proper fresh start came to mind. he needed a new city, a new home, a new outlook. la came to mind almost immediately, remembering a friend of his in school talking about their time lived there, and tevin boarded the next bus to the city of angels
he found a job working at a local art gallery at the front desk and assisting with events, and picked up another job bartending to help save more money. he lived out of a cheap motel until he found moreau, its promise of a new start for struggling young adults catching tj’s eye in an online listing
SO now here he is. a starving artist working on gaining his muse back and finding his style. gallery worker by day and bartender by night. passionate, charming, and kind but incredibly reclusive and sheltered after a childhood lacking support and encouragement. he’s strong-willed and is willing to fight for what he wants but his fear of rejection and short temper often get in the way
as for connections?? i honestly want anything adjkh
i’d love some connections from sanfran if some ppl are from there / the area
ppl he met during his time in the motel here? patrons at the club he works at, maybe a one night stand or something, a cute friendship from the art gallery?? 
tj also dances and works out a lot to expel his restless energy so someone from that
a mUSE pls or eve n multiple skjd
total bros ofc
flirtationship / crush/ anything cute like that
asdjkh i mean, tev’s new here so we can literally just start rigHt from the first meeting ya KNOW
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( nick robinson • twenty one • cismale ) looks like ezra castner just moved into apartment 3A! i heard that he is here in los angeles because he is pursuing a career in photography but has been struggling – thankfully moreau has taken them in! rumour has it, they can be quite volatile and reticent but at least they're insightful and valorous, hey? i can already tell they’re going to be the irate of the building.
because i have had this lovely muse before   ,   there is   A LOT   of information prepared for him below   .   he is one of my favorites to write so i figured i would wanna recycle him into this lovely rp   :~)   but anyways   ,   let’s get to it   !
⟶   backstory   :
although he was surrounded by wealth   &   stability   ,   neglect was a   constant  presence in his childhood   .   ezra was never meant to be brought into this world   ,   he was never wanted   —‑   he was a   mistake   ,   his father would say drunkenly to himself during nights filled with regret   .   ezra’s mother was troubled   &  had a greedy agenda   ,  that ultimately turned out successful for her   .   she was a young broad in search of one thing   ,   &   one thing only   :   money   .   lots of it   .   the night she met one of the most eligible bachelors in the city of angels   ,   she intended on getting as much as she could out of him   .
the two were never married   ,   considering mr. castner was all for infidelity   ,   though it didn’t seem to matter to her once she found out she was carrying his yet-to-be born child   .   to say the least   ,   he didn’t approve of it   ,  in the   slightest  .   being the religious man   (  which i find so fucking ironic since he cheats 24/7   )   he was   ,  he knew he couldn’t have her resort to abortion  ,   &   would have to deal with the damage that’s been done   .   the woman wasn’t exactly what you’d consider   ‘  mother material   ’   ,   &   she knew this herself   ,   so he offered up a deal she couldn’t refuse   .   in exchange for the child   ,   a payment of half a million will be provided for her to give birth   &   then take off   ,   leaving no contact with the child   .   although it would take nine dreadful months   ,  she considered this to be the most perfect opportunity to get what she’s always wanted   .  
ezra was never told the full story  ,  though he was able to come in conclusion of it all on his own   ,   spending countless hours in thought of the first woman who’s ever broken his heart   .   a variety of nannies were deemed with responsibility over him   ,   some slightly different but all the same   ,   as all they ever felt for the boy was pity   :   the boy who was considered to be a problem rather than person in his father’s eyes   ,   &   would never be enough for him  .  his father was hardly a presence in his life   ,   only around when it came to his education   ,   got himself into trouble   ,   or to give his allowance   .   there’s a deep void in ezra’s heart because of this   ,   one that could never be filled by anyone   .
⟶   his love for photography   .
ezra was never really the kind to participate in sports or   ,   the average hobbies a boy in high school would have   .   he was definitely no captain of the football team or leader of the robotics club   ,   because he considered all of it to be   bullshit   .   the one thing that managed to get him through the tribulations of his life   ,   was his first camera   .   he purchased it downtown   ,   lacking any type of knowledge for the type he should purchase   .   it was a   canon powershot   ,   not designed for a professional   ,   but the path to being one   .
he only started off with simple projects   ,   surrounding nature   &   animals   ,   before it eventually developed into photographing people   .   when ezra takes a picture   ,   he intends on gaining   truth   out of a person   ,   whether it’d be their emotions or their character   .   he longs to reveal their   inner self   ,   rather than just telling them to   ‘   say cheese   &   smile   ’   !    
this passion had never outgrew him   ,   so once he moved to california   ,   he anticipates the next four years or so to become a professional photographer   .   he figured the city of angeles has plenty of opportunities for him as a photographer   &   to be surrounded by a newer scenery     –-   it also gave him the chance to be as far away from home as possible   ,   or more specifically   ,   his father   .
i guess you could say he is so passionate at figuring out people   &   their true intentions because of his mother   ,   considering her motives were to just achieve wealth   &   leave   .   it all ultimately led to having trust issues   ,   &   the camera is supposed to protect him   ,   in a sense   .   it helps him rid of the disguises people try to display   ,   for whatever reason   ,   &   it gives him comfort in knowing who they really are   .  
⟶   present   .
when it comes to communication   ,   ezra can be particularly quiet   ,   especially if you don’t know him too well   .  he lacks trust in most people   ,   &   attempting to be close with him can be one of the most   challenging   experiences you could ever have   ,   as it certainly takes time   .   for any friendships that would come   ,   he would protect them at all costs   &   defend the other if anyone would dare to go against them   ,   both verbally   &   physically   .   he also would occasionally give them small gifts   ,   mostly sentimental ones rather than just buying them something   ,   &   doesn’t want to be given too much gratitude for it   .   it’s simply because he cares   &   is grateful for their presence in his life   .
at his   lowest   points   ,   which are quite often   ,   he’s in search for   trouble   .   intoxicated or not   ,   he’ll engage himself in physical fights as a way to release the anger that rises within him   ,   &   figures it is the only way to do it right   .   you will catch him walking around campus with bruised knuckles   ,   black eyes   ,   or a cast from a fractured bone   —-   yet almost everyone knew not to question what’s happened to him   ,   considering they are already aware of his violent outbreaks   .   ezra is often a conversation starter for those on campus   ,   &   his reputation certainly isn’t the brightest   .   though he couldn’t care less about what anyone had to say about him   ,   as their opinion meant absolutely   nothing   to him   .
in regards of his father   ,   he doesn’t really keep in touch with him   ,   as all the man can seem to do is disappoint or anger him   .   maybe an occasional text for birthdays or holidays   ,   but other than that   ,   there is a complete disconnect   .   it was sad   ,   definitely   ,   but it was a sadness he   chose   .   during late at nights   ,   part of him tends to wonder if his mother knows about his achievements   ,   &   lies awake wondering if she were proud or even thinking of him   .   it was sorrowing to think about   ,   though it was something he couldn’t help   ,   even if the likelihood of her caring at all was unlikely   .
a not-so recent development into ezra’s life is the   night terrors   ,   which began to creep themselves in when he was around   sixteen years old   ,   &   haven’t left since   .   on most evenings   ,   he awakes with beads of sweat along his forehead   &   his lungs heaving for a breath   ,   incapable of falling asleep after the dreadful dream   .   eventually   ,   dark circles began to be more prominent around his eyes   ,   due to only a few hours of sleep or none at all   .  
WOW that was depressing   .   if you got through all of that   ,   then u are literally the realest out there   ,   &   i hope u would still wanna plot with this messed up kid   .
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valcnciv-blog · 6 years
             whats  up  distinguished  guests  it’s  me  nicki  w  my  new  demon  child  VALENCIA  who  is  basically  the  human  embodiment  of  a  black  hole.  i  literally  first  wrote  her  for  a  skeleton  rp  where  she  was  based  off  of  the  color  bLACK  SO  THAT  SHOULD  TELL  Y’ALL  SOMETHIN  KSDFJDF. i  have  a  pinterest  board  for  the  original  version  of  her  muse  here  if  y’all  want  some  visuals  !
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*  tw  for  abuse,  violence, TOXIC BEHAVIOR IN GENERAL
(  lauren  jauregui  •  21  •  cisfemale  )  looks  like valencia  santillo just  moved  into apartment  3C!  i  heard  that she is  here  in  los  angeles  because she  wanted  to  escape  an  oppressive  environment  and  become  a  writer but  has  been  struggling  –  thankfully  moreau  has  taken  them  in!  rumour  has  it,  they  can  be  quite bellicose and mercurial but  at  least  they're vibrant and straightforward,  hey?  i  can  already  tell  they’re  going  to  be  the spitfire of  the  building.
this  is  gonna  b  quick  bc  i  know  y’all  are  tired  of  me  JSKDF
basically  val  is  like  5′4  of  bloody  knuckles,  mommy  issues,  and  bde.  SHE born  and  raised  in  boston  massachussetts  which  is  where  our  story  begins  !
her  mom  was  a  doctor  at  the  peak  of  her  career  who  had  no  intention  of  having  a  child  but  ALAS  she  was  stuck  with  val  anyways  after  not  realizing  she  was  pregnant  w  her  on  and  off  again  fiance  until   ‘oh  boy  are  those  contractions  ?’
suffice  to  say  val  had  an  absentee  p.o.s.  wall  street  workin  dad  and  a  mom  who  resented  her  for  taking  up  so  much  of  her  attention  rather  than  letting  her  focus  on  her  career.  she  was  emotionally  abusive  towards  val  from  a  young  age  despite  val  practically  raising  herself  ???  anywho  her  mom  eventually  began  to  get  physically  aggressive  with  her  once  val  got  older  and  started  snapping  back  to  defend  herself  and  there  were  several  instances  where  cops  were  called  and  excuses  had  to  be  made  up  :/
val  never  really  cared  for  school  since  she  only  liked  the  weird  morbid  stuff  like  war  and  plague  and  death  so  she  started  playing  ice  hockey  in  like  the  6th  grade  and  her  mom  finally  started  paying  attention  to  her !!  like ‘wow  ok  ur  finally  worth  something  to  me’  which  gave  val  such messed up self-value  issues  ?  but  the  sport  became  val’s  life  and  her  whole  existence  revolved  around  it,  it  was  val’s  sole  source  of  happiness  for  so  long  tbh  :((
val  stuck  with  it  through  high  school  &  ended  up  getting  REALLY  good  and  got  a  scholarship  to  boston  university,  where  she  studied  english  ( emphasis  in  folklore )  and  sociology.  she  took  her  team  to  their  championships  her  senior  year  &  won  but  at  a  huge  price  bc  val  got  slammed  into  the  barrier  shooting  a  buzzer-beating  shot  and  like  demolished  3  fucking  vertebrae
and  since  now  val  can’t  play  due  to  her  injury  shes  a  v  bitter,  v  angry,  v  sad  lil  bean  who  was  forced  to  move  back  in  w  her  mom  and  that’s  when  shit  got  BAD.  it  was  even  worse  than  when  she  was  a  kid  and  her  only  real  escape  was  putting  on  her  headphones  and  tucking  away  into  a  book
ended  up  running  away  to  moreau  like  a  year  ago  after  she  graduated  &  recovered  enough  to  be  back  to  normal.  she  got  into  a  beef  with  her  mom  that  was  so  bad  she  broke  val’s  nose  and  that  was  just  it  for  valencia.  val  packed  her  shit  into  a  duffel  bag,  hopped  on  her  motorcycle,  and  never  looked  back.  road  tripped  for  like  a  month  through  the  US  draining  tf  out  of  her  savings  account  to  make  it  to  LA.  she  wants  to  be  a  writer  but  knows  it’s  not  a  career  she  can  make  a  living  off  of  so  she  hops  from  small  job  to  small  job  while  she  compiles  a  poetry  portfolio  to  try  and  get  published
val’s  like,  super  aggressive  and  imposing  and  kinda  has  no  filter  ??  she’s  a  v  love  or  hate  type  person  and  it’s  not  unusual  for  ppl  to  want  to  avoid  her  bc  she’s  scary  JFKSJD.  also  can  be.....  really  unreliable  sometimes  she’s  habitually  late  and  will  legit  not  show  up  to  her  own  party  bc  she  forgot  she  had  a  dick/pussy  appointment  that  night  lmfao  she  can  be  the  WORST  but  she’s  a  loyal  ass  bitch  to  her  inner  circles
she’s  a  hedonist  bc  it  feels  good  and  bc  she’s  got  the  leftover  trust  fund  money  for  expensive  drugs  and  thats  really  it.  no  rhyme  or  reason.  she  likes  to  party  so  she  gon  seek  out  a  good  time  and  she’s  !!!  got  a  rlly  high  tolerance  for  shit  so  she’ll  b  out  here  livin  her  best  life  like  every  night  DHFS  ! 
her  biggest  issue  is   her  unchecked  aggression  and  attachment  issues .....  she  either  doesn’t  give  a  single  fuck  or  she’s  violently  possessive,  there’s  very  little  in  between.  she  gets  jealous  easily  and  stirs  drama  to  get  her  way.  also  will  nOT  hesitate  to  punch  a  bitch  and  has  a  lifetime  membership  to  her  local  mma  gym  bc  :)))  aggression  issues  im  tellin  u  dfadfa
teeters  between  absolute  apathy  and  like  a  calm  bubbling  rage  bc  she’s  in  emotional  anguish  and  feels  uncomfortable  w  kindness  bc  of  her  mom  and  has  no  concept  of  how  to  deal  w  her  emotions  but  !!  shes  never  learned  how  to  bc  shes  always  been  on  survival  mode  her whole  life  and  that’s  val  !!!
uhhhh  she’s  a  mf  gryffindor,  works  at  the  local  bookstore,  her  leather  jacket  and  motorcycle  are  her  most  prized  possessions.  also  pansexual  and  polyamorous  depending  on  the  situation  bc  sometimes  she’s  like ‘yeah  i  can  share’  and  other  time’s  she’s  like ‘look  at  anyone  else  but  me  n  i  will  cut  u’
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rivvcr-blog · 6 years
ok  so  i’m  late  to  the  party  as  always  but.....  here’s  river  my  lil  soundcloud  rapper.  ur  welcome  for  blessing  y’all  with  ur  favorite  ethnically  ambiguous  white  boi  fc  bc  he’s  SO  DARN  CUTE.  here’s  proof.  anyways  like  this  for  plots  ok ?
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               (  noah  centineo  •  twenty-two  •  cismale  )  looks  like river  eposito just  moved  into apartment  5B!  i  heard  that he is  here  in  los  angeles  because he’s  an  aspiring  rapper  trying  to  get  signed  by  a  record  label but  has  been  struggling  –  thankfully  moreau  has  taken  them  in!  rumour  has  it,  they  can  be  quite detached and sullen but  at  least  they're astute and pragmatic,  hey?  i  can  already  tell  they’re  going  to  be  the despondent of  the  building.  (  ooc  nicki,  18+,  pst,  she/they  )
river  was  raised  in  oakland  california  under  less  than  ideal  circumstances.  he  grew  up  exposed  to  a  lot  that  a  child  has  no  business  seeing  at  such  a  vulnerable  age.  parents  were  underaged  runaways,  did  some  less  than  ideal  things  to  keep  their  house  running.  river  became  the  eldest  of  7
their  household  was  never  the  ideal  but  river  learned  to  adapt.  he  became  street  smart  beyond  his  years  and  knew  where  to  hide  himself  and  his  siblings  whenever  the  family  business  was  going  down.  he’d  barter  in  the  streets  to  get  little  gifts  for  his  siblings  in  order  to  give  them  some  semblance  of  normalcy  in  such  a  messed  up  world
he  became  cold  and  disconnected,  his  coping  mechanism  to  keep  the  world  at  an  arm’s  length.  he  stayed  away  from  drugs  as  long  as  he  possibly  could  until  his  curiosity  got  the  best  of  him.  he’d  probably  be  on  the  same  track  as  his  parents  if  it  wouldn’t  have  been  for  music
he  took  jazz  band  in  school  and  was  a  gifted  piano  player,  a  natural  talent  that  kept  him  off  the  streets  and  gave  him  something  to  care  about.  piano  led  into  singing,  which  he  loved,  but  his  music  met  his  passion  for  poetry  in  the  form  of  his  songwriting
river  was  producing  his  own  music  by  his  senior  year  of  high  school,  keeping  to  himself  and  weaving  it  in  between  band  practice  and  being  the  primary  caretaker  for  his  siblings.  he’d  party  on  the  weekends  but  nothing  to  a  extreme,  knowing  he  could  never  escape  the  vicious  cycle  unless  he  kept  his  feet  firmly  on  the  ground
post-graduation,  he  got  enough  money  scraped  together  plus  a  scholarship  to  do  a  basic  two  year  stint  at  his  local  community  college.  took  music  classes  and  did  internships  at  recording  studios  but  knew  he’d  never  reach  where  he  wanted  to  if  he  stayed  in  oakland.  after  convincing  his  grandparents  to  help  out  with  supervising  his  siblings,  he  spent  the  last  tricklings  of  his  money  on  his  first  month  of  rent  and  a  bus  ticket  to  los  angeles
he’s  been  here  for  a  little  over  6  months  now  and  is  doing  demos  for  every  major  record  label  that  will  give  him  the  time  of  day.  it’s  tedious  and  hard  but  he  loves  it  and  knows  it’ll  be  worth  the  wait  once  he  finally  makes  it  big  and  can  provide  for  his  siblings
personality  wise,  he’s  kinda  moody  and  broody  ?  just  like  always  looking  100%  over  it  and  like  he  could  crush  u.  lowkey  grumpy  but  mostly  just  a  detached  human  being  who  clearly  doesn’t  like  human  emotion.   he  usually  stays  out  of  trouble  bc  he  likes  to  keep  to  himself  n  be  mysterious  but  he  won’t  hesitate  to  protect  his  loved  ones  bitch
once  u  get  over  how…..  annoying  and  angry  he  is  all  the  time  u  see  he’s  lowkey  a  huge  softie,  likes  to  cook  n  smoke  weed  on  the  couch  in  his  fuzzy  socks,  will  constantly  be  facetiming/texting    at  least  2  of  his  siblings,  at  any  given  moment.  has  a  decent  tolerance  while  partying  so  he’s  usually  the  dad  friend  taking  care  of  the  lightweights  at  the  end  of  the  night
he  also  has  a  really  big  heart  so  he  like…..  tries  not  to  do  hookups  bc  he  knows  he’s  gonna  get  attached  but  nobody  assumes  this  since  he  acts  all  hard  n  then  suddenly  he’s  writing  a  breakup  ep  about  someone  he  never  technically  dated  ???  an  actual  Mess
uhhhh    not  that  anybody  cares  bUT  he’s  a  slytherin,  has  a  severe  peanut  allergy,  is  left  handed,  and  his  vc  is  the neighbourhood / jesse rutherford  ;)))
the  best  friend,  lit  friend  group,  close  good  influence  friend,  ppl  he’s  heped  with  groceries,  that  one  person  he  buys  weed  from,  the  one  person  he  tried  coke  with  and  said  never  again  but  lowkey  wants  to  try  it  again,  maybe  someone  who  knows  his  music  ?  unrequited  crush,  unassuming  crush,  will-they  wont-they,  flirtationship,  really  cute  “i  get  flustered  when  i  talk  to  you  so  i  try  to  impress  you  in  other  ways”  basically  i’m  still  half  asleep  but  i  want  every  plot  imaginable
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mvrisoltbh · 6 years
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hey there demons its me ya boi
hello hello. this is my hippie, rock and roll, horoscope loving queen marisol. im m. im so excited to be here. just for reference, i have a bio for her and i also have a wc page for you to check out. pls msg me to plot or like this and i will msg you. i want D RA MA for her!!!!! thx love u bye.
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jasxper-blog · 6 years
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i never know how to make my intros sound Cool™ and With the Times™, but i’m dri (she/her, nineteen, pst) ur local sleepy gal from socal !! my boy jasper is kind of a mess but i love him anyway, so hmu if you’d like to plot !! i still need to write stats etc. for him, but under the cut is what i’ve got so far !! feel free to ask for my discord if ur more comfortable with that !!
( wong yukhei • twenty • cismale ) looks like jasper xu just moved into apartment 3B! i heard that he is here in los angeles because he dropped out of college but has been struggling – thankfully moreau has taken them in! rumour has it, they can be quite impulsive and stubborn but at least they’re trustworthy and intuitive, hey? i can already tell they’re going to be the reticent of the building.
jasper was born and raised in northern california, specifically the silicon valley area, and he was the youngest of two siblings, a brother 5 years older and a sister 7 years older !! they treated him with a lot of love as the baby brother but his parents did have super high expectations for him. his sister went on to practice law and his brother is in med school, so the bar had been set pretty high by the time jas entered high school.
he was practically raised to be an overachiever and it caused him a lot of stress growing up. his schedule was packed with extracurricular activities such as taekwondo and robotics, and his sights were trained to be set on going to cal for some sort of engineering when he got older. he lost sleep almost every night due to the fact that he was taking 4 ap classes by the time he reached his junior year, honors spanish and tennis serving as his two other classes. he also was in band in middle school, but he doesn’t really remember how to play the saxophone anymore because it’s been so long LOL
school was always super competitive for him and it really took a toll on his mental health :// he found solace in competitive video games, a different kind of competitive outlet that also helped him connect with his friends more. he was into league, counter-strike, etc. but it was kind of a double-edged sword because the more he played games the less time he had for homework which created this cycle of being stressed about school and having his stress relief create even more stress for school ??? basically it kinda sucked !!
uh some people fell into this belief that he was this pretentious dude who thought he was better than everyone else but he was just moody a lot because he was sleepy and stressed and i guess not a lot of people outside of his friend group were entirely aware despite a majority of the campus being the same way ??? he’s a friendly dude despite seeming intimidating and a bit awkward !!
he dated a few people in high school but all of the relationships ended on the similar basis of him not making enough time for them because he had really bad tunnel vision, especially around college application season. speaking of, he wasn’t accepted into uc berkeley like his parents hoped, and it kind of bummed him out real hard, ya feel ?? he’s had a lot of low emotional points due to stress but this pretty much did him in ?? he’s a lot of self-esteem issues, so to be rejected by his “dream school” didn’t do him much good. although, he was accepted to ucla, so that’s where he ended up going for computer engineering !! some serious talks with his friends lifted up his spirits and then he was on his way to la !!
in college, he didn’t entirely shake off the whole “one-track mind” mentality he had, but he sure was way more relaxed than he was in high school because he didn’t have to think about applying to grad school or anything. however, he still kept up his overachiever antics, naturally taking close to the max amount of units he could. he also played games (mostly overwatch) on his own time, streaming on twitch from time to time. 
going to university, unfortunately, gave him really, really terrible imposter syndrome. he managed to shake off the discouragement throughout his first year, but during winter quarter of his second year, he was taking his first upper division classes and he started to experience a bad case of burnout. he found it difficult to do much of anything due to the returned stress he felt, which seemed to be worse than it was in high school, especially since he was also going through a breakup at the same time. he felt like he couldn’t do it anymore, like he didn’t even want to pursue engineering, and he overall just felt incredibly lost. he didn’t even know what his passion was. so, impulsive as he is, he just straight up dropped out. so now he’s here at the apartments, still no clue what his next move is.
his family caught on come spring quarter because they have access to his billing account or whatever and it showed that he wasn’t enrolled in any classes and they started blowing up his phone but he just... didn’t answer. he’s basically been dodging his entire family for the past several months and they don’t really know where he is. he talked to his brother, like, maybe twice to let him know that he’s okay, but other than that he’s avoiding having to confront his parents more than anything. 
right now he’s working at a boba tea house and trying not to think about how he disappointed his family and himself SKDJGSLDGS he’s thought about going back to university but he has this whole pride thing that’s making his stick to his decision of dropping out ;/ if anyone asks him if he’s in college tho 9/10 times he says he is because he doesn’t want to explain himself. the 1/10 is if ur lucky and he trusts u.
so, yeah, that’s basically jasper’s backstory! as for his personality, he can seem kind of aloof from time to time. the type of person that you meet for the first time and think they hate you even though they didn’t express any hatred ?? does that make sense ?? in reality though he’s a sweet dude, pretty considerate but in a tsundere type of way. he doesn’t know how to give a compliment well so it sounds like he’s insulting you sometimes but then you think about it and you’re like ??? wait that was a compliment ??? like if u dress up nice he’d be like ... hey u look ... less ugly today congrats SDGDSGSD he’s the playful bullying type of friend i suppose !!
seems like he’s cool and intimidating but he’s really just shy and awkward LMAO standing up against the wall looking at his phone ?? he’s reading a web comic
his temper is relatively short, especially when he hasn’t gotten a lot of sleep, which is ... often KDSGSDSJG he’s an impatient boy
yells a lot when he plays video games; has gotten complaints (he’s very competitive if u didn’t know)
wants to pet every dog he encounters
has never seen a superhero movie but can quote one punch man and my hero academia because he’s a Nerd
can’t drink beer anymore because he threw up once and even the smell reminds him of that time ;/ he avoids kombucha too
that’s all i got for now :~)
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adriavna-blog · 6 years
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hello friends & pals, i’m bee bringing y’all a straight up mess named adrianna ! i already made a bio for her which you can find right here. it also has some wanted connections listed but if there’s something on the list that isn’t there & you’d like to plot then slide into my dms ! so yeah... i’m always bad at these ? but i hope y’all enjoy getting to know my messy child !
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chastityhq · 6 years
( cierra ramirez • twenty-one • cisfemale ) looks like chastity dias just moved into apartment 4C! i heard that she is here in los angeles because she was sick of her overprotective family but has been struggling – thankfully moreau has taken them in! rumour has it, they can be quite naive and impatient but at least they’re optimistic and enthusiastic, hey? i can already tell they’re going to be the baby doll of the building.
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full name: chastity maria dias
age: twenty-one
sexuality: bicurious
home town: austin, texas
birthday: august 15th
favorite color: baby pink
favorite movie: the princess diaries
favorite food: strawberries
aesthetic: sparkly hair pins, fuzzy sweaters, pink high heels, strawberry soft serve, fluffy white kittens, friends marathons
celebrity crush: joe keery
chastity was born to carmen & humberto dias, on august 15th 1997 in austin texas. she was the only girl, with five older brothers. her family was well known in the south, for their affiliation with a very powerful gang. her father being one of the founders of the gang, was a very feared man. as soon as her brothers were old enough, they were also inducted into the game.
for a long time growing up, chastity had never known about her family of criminals. very over protected, chastity was very sheltered. she was a social butterfly and given any opportunity to make friends she totally ran with it. making friends was easy, keeping friends? not so much. with all the mystery surrounding her family she wasn’t often allowed to play at other people’s houses, and vise versa.
she grew up very spoiled. she never wanted for anything, being daddy’s little girl. while she grew up spoiled she’s still a very kind and generous person. she would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. 
you would think that growing up the way she did she would be street smart. but thats not the case with chastity. she’s very naive. shes gullible. and she’s very trusting. maybe a little too trusting if we’re being honest.
at a young age chastity was diagnosed with severe OCD. she obsessively cleans, and her apartment is spotless (think monica geller). she has a few OCD rituals (tapping her toothbrush on the edge of the sink 10 times. knocking on a door 5 times before entering, etc.) and is on antidepressants for her illness.
when she turned twenty all chastity wanted to do was move to LA. she loved the idea. famous people, lovely weather, talent everywhere. her parents and siblings refused. but being chastity she was extremely stubborn and impatient. after finally convincing her father, she was allowed to go to LA. but she was informed that every few months at least one of her brothers would be checking up on her.<//small>
since arriving in LA, she’s gotten a job at a local boutique and is thriving. but who know’s when her brother might just pop up.
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conseqvential-blog · 6 years
            ⤷     .    *     –––––––––     IF   Y’ALL   AINT   TIRED   OF   ME   YET   I   RESPECT   U.  this  is  the  last  HEADASS  u’ll  have  to  read  about  from  me.  this  is  emo,  angry,  GRUMPY,  irrationally  sensitive   𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗   who  just  wants  to  write  music  n snort  some  coke  but  he  ends  up  fuckin  his  life  up at  every  POSSIBLE  turn.   go  figure. 
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.*   –––––––––   𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
( jack gilinsky • twenty three • cismale ) look, it's 𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖘𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖔 from apartment 4C! apparently he moved into moreau apartments one year ago and rumour has it, they can be quite sullen— good thing they’re also astute, hey? i hear they’re the DESPONDENT of the building.
*  –––––––––   𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒙𝒕
child of the moon, river born may 7, 1996 into a world much too ready to crush his blossoming spirit. raised  under  less  than  ideal  circumstances, he  grew  up  exposed  to  much  that  a  child  has  no  business  seeing  at  such  a  vulnerable  age. river  became  the  eldest  of  7 with the weight of the world on his shoulders.
their  household  was  never  the  ideal  but  river  learned  to  adapt.  he  became  intuitive  beyond  his  years  and  knew  where  to  hide  himself  and  his  siblings  whenever  the  family  business  was  getting  too  dangerous  for his  own  liking.  he’d  probably  be  on  the  same  track  as  his  parents  if  it  weren’t   for  a  natural  talent   of  his   that  kept  him  off  the  streets  and  gave  him  something  to  care  about.  guitar  was  absolutely  a  lifeline  for the  teenager,  quickly  earning   him  a place   at  a  prestigious  art  school  and  out  of  most  trouble. 
singing  and  songwriting  were  a  natural  progression.   high school  had  him  keeping  to  himself,  an  attractive  boy  by  many  means with  a  visible  darkness  that  attracted  the  interest  of  countless,  only  to  be  vehemently  turned  away.  post-graduation, friendless  and  in  increasingly  escalating  conflicts  with  his  drug-dealing  parents,  he  got  managed  enough  money  scraped  together  to  do  a  basic  two  year  stint  at  his  local  community  college.  vancouver  was  the  nearest  city  with  any  promise  of  a  future in  music  for  the male.  after  convincing  his  grandparents  to  help  out  with  supervising  his  siblings,  he  spent  the  last  tricklings  of  his  money  on  his  first  month  of  rent  and  a  bus  ticket  to  moreau.
the   last   year   has   been   equal   parts   kind   and   taxing   on   river’s   psyche.   with   the   recognition   of   his   talents   comes   inklings   of   success,   paired   with   the   very   means   that   destroyed   his   family.   as   much   as   he   wishes   he   could   claim   control   over   his   substance   issues,    his   demons   seem   to   claim   more   over   him   than   he   would   ever   know   to   admit.
*  –––––––––   𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
*  demi  lovato  vc  /  mamma  mia  cast  vc  *   here   we   go   AGAIIIINNNN.....   ok   so   the   most   notable   thing   ppl   know   about   river   is   he’s   SO   moody   and   broody......   like   this   bitch   rlly   got   an   attitude   for   no   good   reason.   resting   bitch   face   forreal   tho   !!!  always  looking  100%  over  it  and  like  he  would crush  u  w  no  hesitation. lowkey  dickish  with  how  rude  he  can  come  across  at  first but  in  reality  he’s  just  a  detached  human  being  who  clearly  doesn’t  like  human  interaction. he’s  ready  to  throw  hands  at  the  first  sign  of  conflict  and  does  not  like  the  idea  of  people  testing  him.  he  usually  stays  out  of  trouble  bc  he  likes  to  keep  to  himself  n  be  ~mysterious~  but  he  has  a  tendency  to  make  bad  decisions  when  his  judgement  is  clouded  and BOI  does  that  cause  some  drama  in  his life. 
once  u  get  over  how…..  annoying  and  angry  he  is  all  the  time  u  see  he’s  lowkey  a  huge  softie,  likes  to  cook  n  smoke  weed  on  the  couch  in  his  fuzzy  socks,  will  constantly  be  facetiming  /  texting    at  least  2  of  his  siblings,  at  any  given  moment.  has  a  high  tolerance  while  partying  so  he’s  usually  the  dad  friend  taking  care  of  the  lightweights  at  the  end  of  the  night. (   that   tolerance   will   come   back   in   a   sec   don’t   think   i   FORGOT   it   we   gon   sprinkle   some   angst   in   this   bitch   like   seasoning   salt   ! )  
lowkey   but   highkey   river   is   so   emotionally   overloaded.....   like   he’s   got   such   intensity   in   his   feelings   they   tend   to   overwhelm   him   which   is   why   he’s   so   easily   set   off.   he   rlly   tries   to   just   disconnect   bc   when   he   latches   onto   something / someone   it   really   genuinely   affects   him   in   soooOOOooooOOOOooo   many   ways.   relationships   are   a   SLOPPY   MESS   for   him   bc   he’s   just   so   INTENSE.   for   someone   that   talks   entirely   in   a   monotone   and   is   just   consistently   #OverIt,   he’s   really   extreme   as   hell.   if   there’s   any   redeeming   quality   he   has   it’s   his   unyielding   loyalty   to   the   people   he   loves,   like   he   really   is   the   most   reliable   guy   on   the   face   of   god’s   green   earth   to   be   predictable.   its   the   taurus   in   him   that   he’ll   just   stick   to   what   he   knows   and   keep   his   circle   tight.    back to  the   tolerance   thing   tho.....   recently   his   life   has   gotten   a   little   complicated   due   to   his   battle   with   substance   abuse.   as   someone   who   tries   to   keep   to   himself   and   his   limited   circle,   it’s   not   something   many   people   recognize   to   be   an   issue   within   him——-   at   least   until   they   see   him   having   a   meltdown   where   he’s   smashing   furniture   and   throwing   lamps   against   walls.   coming   DOWN   from   these   episodes   give   him   the   greatest   clarity   of   mind   to   be   able   to   write   some   of   his   best   music,   but   it’s   an   increasing   worry   for   the   few   in   his   life   that   are   aware   of   it   as   an   issue :/
*  –––––––––   𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
QUICK   FACTS   /   AESTHETICS :   —  his   vc   is   john   mayer   ayyyyyeeee.   um   i   really   ain’t   got   much   else   of   interest   for   y’all   besides   the   fact   that   he’ll   usually   be   the   one   trying   to   hold   everyone   together   despite   being   an   actual   MESS   himself.   sloppily   cut   lines   of   coke,   an   aversion   to   most   forms   of   touch,   and   a   smile   so   RARE   it’s   a   noteworthy   experience.
ZODIAC :   taurus
HOGWARTS HOUSE :   slytherin
SEXUALITY :     heteroromantic, heteroflexible
OCCUPATION :   aspiring  musician,  plays  in  a  local  bar  by  night  some  days,  by  day  works  as  a  sound  technician  and  songwriter  for  a  small  tv  production  company
POSITIVES :   steadfast,   astute,   creatively  gifted,   charming in a gruff way if ur into that ig???
NEGATIVES :   sullen,   morose,   overly-sensitive,   detached
SOUNDTRACK : undone ( sweater song ) by weezer, gravity by john mayer, daddy issues by the neighbourhood
*  –––––––––   𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈
tldr ;      if   i   havent   told   u   how   much   i   hate   him???   i   hate   him.   he’s   angry   nd   gruff   and   has   such   an   unnecessary   willingness   to   square   up   like   sit   back   down   boi   omg   we   get   it   u   had   a   bad   childhood   n   now   ur   traumatized   and   unable   to   form   normal   emotional   connections.   ummm   he   sings   like   a   mf   ~angel~   but   off   stage   he’s   pretty   much   bad   news.   if   u   heard   all   these   warnings   and   STILL   want   to   be   his   friend   thats   cool   ig   just   make   sure   ur   ready   to   handle   all   the   drama   that   comes   attached   w   him.   jsfksjdhf   he’s   a   really   solid   loyal   person,   like   if   u   need   a   favor   he   will   very   rarely   turn   u   down   unless  :     a.   he   hates   u   ;   b.   he’s   way   too   high   to   function   ;   or   c.   he’s   in   his   feelings.
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eclaircs-blog · 6 years
( bridget satterlee • twenty one • cisfemale ) look, it’s eclaire davenport from apartment 3a ! i heard that she is here in los angeles because of her modelling career. they moved into moreau apartments three months ago and rumour has it, they can be quite stubborn and private — good thing they’re also creative and endearing, hey ? i hear they’re the coquettish of the building. ( bee, twenty, est, she/her )
her name is eclaire. like the pastry but with an extra e. she’s heard all the jokes
she’s a model. her career is just kinda taking off. she’s getting a lot more jobs and campaigns so she wanted to live on her own and live it up while she can
she’s from greenwich connecticut and her and her twin brother are the babies of five children
her parents are hella rich but it’s not something she advertises. her dad is a really successful lawyer and her mom’s fan own a chain of hotels and shit. eventually they want claire to take over the hotel business so she’s just out there tryina live her life until that happens
sassy AF and coffee obsessed. the first thing she bought for her new place was a fancy ass coffee machine
she’s got a flirtatious personality. she flirts with everyone and anyone because that’s just how she is
she’s pretty private about her family because a lot of people in the past have tried to be friends with her for the perks and she just want people to like her for who she is
lowkey vain and highkey flighty. she doesn’t want to settle for something until she's seen what’s out there you know?
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
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( luke hemmings • twenty two • cismale ) look, it’s christopher ‘kit’ jenson from apartment 1A ! i heard that he is here in los angeles because he was bored. they moved into moreau apartments 1 year ago and rumour has it, they can be quite sardonic & hedonistic— good thing they’re also gregarious & intrepid, hey ? i hear they’re the devil-may-care of the building.
here’s baby number 2 ! same as before, like this post or hmu to plot !
♦  extrovert // introvert // in between ♦  disorganized // organized // in between ♦  close-minded // open-minded // in between/contextual ♦  calm // anxious // in between ♦  disagreeable // agreeable // in between/contextual ♦  cautious  // reckless // in between/contextual ♦  patient // impatient // in between ♦  outspoken // reserved  // in between ♦  leader // follower // in between ♦  empathetic //  indifferent  // in between ♦  optimistic // pessimistic // in between // realistic ♦  hardworking // lazy // in between ♦  faithful // unfaithful // in between
kit comes from a pretty well off family and has pretty much always had what he wanted
he’s never seen eye-to-eye with his parents, but has always had an incredibly close bond with his younger sister ( possible wc ?? )
he spent some time in boarding school, before he was expelled for bad behavior
he returned home for some time until he was 18, when he moved out 
he hopped from place to place for a looooong time, before he settled in los angeles
a complete hedonist  ;  he does what he wants when he wants
he’s kinda selfish tbh ://
he’s not heartless just .. a bit oblivious
a HUGE party animal
he doesn’t have much motivation but his huge passion in life is music & he’d love to actually make it one day
he does a lot of busking / free gigs as a result 
has a lot of tattoos  ;  most the result of drunken nights 
aesthetic: scruffy hair, stubble, a cap to disguise said scruffy hair, funky shirts, denim jackets
kinda promiscuous .. likes to ho around .. tends to lean towards women but really ? would sleep with anyone if he finds them attractive so i GUESS he’s bisexual
says he’s only staying here for a few more months .. but it’s already the place he’s stayed the longest since he moved out of the family home
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
close friends 
brotp  ;  ‘bro’ not specifying gender by ANY means but.. pls
party buddy  ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ 
good  /  bad influence 
drug dealer ??? 
fwb !!! he probably has a handful of these ... hehe
exes ? or at least ex fwb .. i can’t see him having had a serious relationship in one year but ??? who knows 
sibling like bond .. someone who reminds him of his lil sis & he’s very protective of .. *tears up*
someone who melts his stupid cold heart .. makes him a huge softie .. will probably come with chemistry but 
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tjbcnntt · 6 years
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suP im back !!! hope y’all aren’t sick of me yet akldjfhld below is my bby tJ and i promise this is my last intro ok. you know the drill, like and subscribe for more annoying messages :)
( keith powers • twenty three • cismale ) look, it’s tevin “tj” bennett from apartment 3C ! i heard that he is here in los angeles because he needed to get away from his father. they moved into moreau apartments 3 weeks ago and rumour has it, they can be quite reticent and aggressive — good thing they’re also creative and passionate, hey ? i hear they’re the phoenix of the building.
ok sO tj here is a new rendition on a faV muse of mine because i rlly wanted to bring bby keith here cause he foine as hell. i love this muse deaRLY and have been dreaming of developing him properly for like ... years lmao so i’m sorry if i ramble okSAsdlk
tw: mention of death and anxiety
a normal childhood could not have been further out of reach for tj. growing up, it was just him and his father — his mother sadly passed away after complications during his birth and despite reality promising it wasn’t his fault, tevin’s always had a deep-rooted guilt about it
his father never made it much easier on him either honestly. though calvin never outright blamed him for his beloved wife’s death, his attitude towards his son always seemed to hint towards it
tj doesn’t remember ever rlly seeing a smile on the man’s face — except in the few photos he found of his parents together, which only confirmed his beliefs that his father wasn’t the same man that he was before his wife’s passing
on top of that, nothing tj ever did seemed to be enough for the stone cold man, including pushing away his own passion for his fathers
art has always been tj’s first love. painting, drawing, writing, music, everything considered “art” tevin was sure to love. but his father never agreed with his love for watercolours and paintbrushes — instead he wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and go into the medical field
calvin had a practice in their hometown and was the most reliable family doctor in the vicinity
tj always respected his father’s drive and passion for healing others but it was always painful for him to hear of all the people his father helped all while he neglected his own son
going into the medical field was the last thing that tevin wanted to do. the schooling, the pressure, everything that went along with the industry gave tevin shivers but as a young boy who wanted nothing more than the approval of his father, he saw no other option but to go into it
with no break or gap year after high school, tj went to the university of san fran for his bachelor of science and completed the program but lol the stress man
he developed anxiety and he jusT scraped by on most of his classes in his last year. the pressure of university alone was a lot but with his father’s constant watching over his shoulder and nagging about med school, it almost became too much for tevin
he graduated from usf at 22 with his ba in science but had no real motivation to apply to medical school. his fathER on the other hand was already eyeing the best ones and pressuring tj to do the same. it was a lot on his shoulders but tj fought through it for a while, trying to find his passion and motivation for med school but it just kept getting pushed to the side by something elSE
his fingers continued to yearn for the paintbrushes he’d packed away and ideas for sketches kept flashing across his the backs of his eyelids. his passion for art became a burning itch he couldn’t scratch and in the middle of summer, it became too much
an argument began between tj and his father after his father started pestering him about applying to med school and getting angry that he was “slacking.” tj, normally one to just bow down and hide away from confrontations with his father, exploded on his father and a fight ensued that ended with tj packing his bags and storming out of his father’s house
for several weeks, tj bounced between friends’ couches until the idea of a proper fresh start came to mind. he needed a new city, a new home, a new outlook. la came to mind almost immediately, remembering a friend of his in school talking about their time lived there, and tevin boarded the next bus to the city of angels
he found a job working at a local art gallery at the front desk and assisting with events, and picked up another job bartending to help save more money. he lived out of a cheap motel until he found moreau, its promise of a new start for struggling young adults catching tj’s eye in an online listing
SO now here he is. a starving artist working on gaining his muse back and finding his style. gallery worker by day and bartender by night. passionate, charming, and kind but incredibly reclusive and sheltered after a childhood lacking support and encouragement. he’s strong-willed and is willing to fight for what he wants but his fear of rejection and short temper often get in the way
he’s been in moreau for 3 weeks btw lol
as for connections?? i honestly want anything adjkh
i’d love some connections from sanfran if some ppl are from there / the area
ppl he met during his time in the motel here? patrons at the club he works at, maybe a one night stand or something, a cute friendship from the art gallery??
tj also dances and works out a lot to expel his restless energy so someone from that
a mUSE pls or eve n multiple skjd
total bros ofc
flirtationship / crush/ anything cute like that
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