dobbieluvr · 2 years
The Zoriea
Written By: Dobbie_luvr 
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The adventure starts when Doyoung has been attacked by a mysterious guy. A group of mysterious people protected him. He has been brought to Zoriea and met a group of magical students who he became friends with. Together, they fight over the things the humans can't get involved in before a evil Imperiosus completely corrupts the Zoriea and controls the whole world.
Author’s notes:
This is completely fictional. Treasure is just an inspiration and representation. uWu
All Treasure members are main characters though it will focus more on Doyoung.
This is going to be a series. And “The Zoriea” is the first. 
There will be a lot of side characters beside Treasure. In chapter 1, it will be the introduction to Doyoung’s life. All other members will be introduced in the following chapters. (Though Yedam was already mentioned in Chapter 1.) Please be patient huhu
English is not my first/native language, I’m sorry for any ungrammatical errors. <3 
Please bear with me, this is my first time writing a story. Please comment your thoughts and suggestions so I can do better. Thank you!
Have fun and enjoy!
Chapter 1: The Dalup
On a very fine day in school, 'Mariae College of Codiamat' on the Fifth of October, Monday. The wind howled in the school. The luscious and vibrant  trees were blooming, many of the students were playing in the quadrangle, eating in the canteen, and studying in their respective classrooms. Meanwhile in-room 401, there is a student staying there studying named Kim Doyoung.
A fourth-year high school student who is friends with two of the most contradicting duo Paula Gabriel and Austin Fidelis.
He is an average student and loves to play Volleyball while Paula Gabriel is a girl with glasses and long curly hair. She loves to play games, some might say she’s addicted to some. She is a pretty woman but surprisingly turns down every man that tries to court her. Meanwhile Austin Fidelis is a man with glasses. He very much hates studying but is surprisingly still an honor student.
The three of them attended their classes as usual.  It was a tedious day as it was everyday. With long lessons boring them to insanity.
Their last subject was History. It’s the subject they hated the most because of its professor.
 “Here we go, a bad subject to end the day.” said Paula exhaustingly.
 “I know right? Can’t we just end the day without meeting her ‘cause  I’m pretty sure that she will give us tons of assignments today!” said Austin annoyingly.
Doyoung didn’t even have energy to talk about her. Then just in time, the professor entered the classroom. The moment she entered the door, the noisy classroom was silenced in a second. From her vibes, you can really tell that she is a terror teacher.
Professor Roseanne Fraintesa.Who has an average height, is at average twenty-six years old.  She is a very strict teacher that everyone hates except for one measly boy Andrei Magno, the guy who wore glasses and was considered the golden boy of the class.
“I would like for all of you to get a one-fourth sheet of paper for we will be having a surprise quiz, no erasure and wrong spelling WRONG!” She said in a raised voice. “Am I making myself understood?!” “Yes, Ma'am,” said the students as they dreaded what they were going to do.
They started the quiz and it was really difficult. Most of the questions were analytical and situational. It even has a 600 word essay. It cannot be lower or higher than that so the students must count it manually. –
Then they heard the bell ring as they were sulking in the classroom. As they were about to stand, the Professor stopped them. They all looked disappointed and dreaded as they knew what would happen next. “Shit. Here we go again. Can’t someone just knock the hell out of her?” Austin murmured quietly.
 “I would like you to answer your workbook. Pages two-hundred forty to two-hundred fifty. I would like it if you hand it over tomorrow morning. As for the next one, you would be having your first performance task as a group, you will see the details on the board. The deadline is on Wednesday at exactly 4:00 P.M. I would also like all of you to write a 2500 word essay and submit it on Thursday. And review all our lessons. We will have another long quiz at the end of the week. 150 items in 50 minutes. That’s all, you may go.” 
To say they were really pissed off was an understatement. After Professor Roseanne released them, they all went outside quickly. 
While walking, they are talking about Professor Roseanne fuming, “She is just the worst!  History is not just our only subject! How selfish does she think she is for not thinking of the mental health of students!” Austin said while walking pissed.
 “I know right! now I know why she doesn’t even have someone in her life.. No one can stand her! Also, did you know that there is also a rumor that even her co-teachers hate her.” said Paula. 
“You know what, I think we should eat. I don’t want to hear that name anymore. She’s ruining our day.” Doyoung said calmly. 
They all agreed on where to eat and went to ‘Senorita Padua’s El Resto De Poulet’. Their favorite restaurant in the town. They ordered their own favorite foods. Animatedly talking about Professor Roseanne furiously while eating. 
Subtly, a group of people entered the restaurant and caught Doyoung’s attention. There were a total of six people, four men and two women. The guys have a Jaguar tattoo on their neck, while the girls have Cheetah. 
Doyoung felt weird just by looking at them but something felt like it was familiar to him. Austin noticed that Doyoung was looking at the mysterious group. He tried to look too, and got caught by Paula. She teased him. “Why are you looking at them? Do you like the girl with the pony? Or the muscular boy?”. 
Austin looked at her, mad. “What?! No way! I was looking at them because I saw Doyoung do so. Why are you looking at them by the way?” said Austin. “I don’t know. The tattoos on their neck seem familiar.” Said Doyoung.
Paula and Austin looked at the mysterious group and directly to their neck. They looked at each other, they looked confused. “What? Why? Does it look familiar to you too?”. Said Doyoung.  Austin and Paula were stunned. “B-but Doyoung, I didn’t see any tattoos. You’re probably kidding right?”. Said Paula. Glancing one more time at the group. “What? You two are joking right? It has the sign of a jagu—” 
They were interrupted when a girl with a pretty face, long silky hair, with a book in her hand approached them. “Uhm hi- about Ms. Roseanne’s performance task, we are in the same group right? I would just like to ask if you want to talk about it now since we are loaded with school work.”  They all greet her. “Hi Jairish. Sure!”. 
Jairish blushed at the moment Doyoung greeted her. Everyone in the classroom notices that Jairish Parler acts differently if Doyoung is around. She is the top of her class with a pretty face, nice voice (member of Choir club), she is usually quiet, but has a nice personality. Whenever Doyoung is around, she is blushing.
After they talked about the project, Jairish left them after some time had passed. After they were done eating, they quickly went out. They are about twenty steps away from the restaurant ‘till Austin noticed that he left his wallet. Austin is very careless and forgetful sometimes. He went back to get his wallet leaving Paula and Doyoung on the street. 
They are standing at the front of ‘Angel’s Toys Store’. One of the most popular stores in the town. They admired the newly released toy. After 2 minutes, Austin went back, panting. Then, when they were about to leave, a loud noise from the Padua’s El Resto stopped them. 
People from the restaurant are shouting as there is a fight. One of the mysterious guys earlier is chasing a boy with a cloak. He is very tall and fit. He rushed to go outside and bumped into every person that came in his way. 
The mysterious people followed him quickly. They ran and ran. The boy with the cloak was getting closer to Doyoung. His heart was beating fast but he couldn’t move. Then Austin pushed him, he fell down. The boy suddenly seized Austin and took him as his hostage. The mysterious boy took out a very long sword and pointed his sword into Austin’s neck. Then the mysterious group came already.
 “Don’t involve the humans, Dalup!” said one of the boys. But the Dalup didn’t even move an inch. 
One of the girls from the group (the one with a ponytail) ran and tried to attack the Dalup.
She puts out a color blue hand fan. She ran like lightning. Very fast! That the Dalup didn’t even realize that she is very close. She threw her fan directly to the Dalup, then he used his sword to block the fan. She then climbed the wall then kicked the Dalup. He was caught off guard distracted by the flying fan. 
It finally let go of Austin. His sword was thrown a little bit away. The other people on the street ran for their life. They are the only ones left there. Four mysterious boys, two mysterious girls, one they called “Dalup '' and the three confused high school students. The girl tried to attack the Dalup with her fan. But he fought back. He seized the girl in her neck, then lifted her in the air. “How brave of you to fight a Laxamen.” Said the Dalup tightening his grip. “He- He's-just-a-Laxamen!” The girl shouts, stuttering.
Then one of the boys ran, he put out a wand and pointed directly to the Dalup. He shouted “Zapua!”. Then there is a blue light that comes out in his wand that shoots directly to Dalup.
The Dalup tumbled harshly then released the other girl. They all went close to the Dalup and had a big fight.
The other girl, with long curly hair, big eye glasses, stayed in the back. One boy with average height turned into a wolf. Attacked the Dalup, bit his legs. The Dalup managed to use his other leg then kicked the wolf. It was so strong. The wolf was thrown into the wall, back in his true form. 
Next, is a handsome boy. He stood in front of the Dalup, then a silver dragon came out from his body. It looks like a soul. It was so bright to the point that the Dalup couldn't see anything. The dragon passed through him, there was a change in his expression. His smile slowly faded. 
Then the last boy, put out his daggers in his hand, then attacked the Dalup. He tried to stab the Dalup. But it was blocked. The Dalup held both of his hands. Then kicked the boy’s knees. Then punched his face and he fell down.
The dalup took something out from his cloak. A small, green circle.
A grenade! Then he threw it directly to the boy that released a dragon soul. His eyes opened wide. He tried to jump but the grenade still affected him. He was thrown into the wall, knocked out.
All of the mysterious people were down. Except for the girl at the back. The Dalup looked in her direction, but it didn't seem like he saw her. 
The Dalup regained his strength. He stood up then took his long sword. Doyoung and Paula hid in the corner of a shop. “Come out little boy! The famous, whatsoever Teume!”.
Doyoung didn’t move. He wondered and thought if the Dalup was talking about him. The Dalup walked straight to Austin, who’s still stunned. He seized Austin and pointed his sword on him. 
“I will count to Five. And at every count, your friend will suffer. So you better show yourself now!”. At that moment, Doyoung knew that the Dalup was talking about him but he didn't know exactly what to do. The people who helped them were still weak and half-knocked out.
“One!” The Dalup said. He used the sword and wounded Austin's knee. Austin screamed in pain. Doyoung and Paula were really shocked. Paula grasps her mouth.
“Two!”. He wounded Austin’s arms. “You’re still hiding? You left me no choice. Where should I hit your friend? On his head? Or in his upper left chest? That would be so sweet!” The Dalup said while laughing. 
Doyoung is now having a dilemma. If the Dalup counts to three, his friend will die. 
“Three!” Dalup was about to stab Austin in his heart when he heard a voice shouts “Stop
!”. Then the Dalup stopped and faced him. He lets out a mischievous grin. “How dare you?” said Doyoung, filled with rage and anger. 
The Dalup dropped Austin and walked slowly to Doyoung. “After a decade, I finally found you. Did you know how long I waited for the return of the one and only Electus? And now he’s standing in front of me. Clueless. What a pity. A very powerful human being who doesn’t know his real identity.” 
Doyoung looked at him confused. “So why don’t you surrender your power to me?” The Dalup said with a grin on his face. Doyoung is confused. “Excuse me? I think you’re mistaken.” Said Doyoung. “No dear, I can feel your power. The only thing I chased in my whole life is you. The only one that will make me an Imperiosus.” 
But Doyoung had enough. After seeing his friend almost die, screaming painfully and suffering at the moment. He just wishes that the Dalup in front of him will just suffer slowly and die. Then, when Dalup was just about to come closer to Doyoung, the wind became stronger. 
He can’t get close, fighting the wind. The clouds became dark, lightning hitting the grounds. Dalup looked around. Then subtly, Doyoung’s eyes glowed red. The lightning was gradually approaching Dalup. But he can’t do anything as the wind is taking him closer to the lightning. 
He suddenly wears an expression of fear. The courageous man earlier is now shivering in fear and fighting the wind for his life. Doyoung stood still. The mysterious four boys and two girls were shocked by what they were seeing.
“BOY! STOP IT!” The girl with a ponytail said. But Doyoung doesn’t seem to be listening. He is still in a rage. 
While the wind took Dalup near the lightning, his skin was tearing apart. Then the girl stood up and ran fast to reach Doyoung. But the wind is too strong. And she is still weak. With her speed, it only takes her close to Doyoung. Enough distance for Doyoung to hear her. 
“Hey kid! Get a hold of yourself!”. Doyoung looked at her. “Calm down, it’s okay. Your friends are now safe. We’ll handle him. Just calm down and get a grip of yourself!”. 
Doyoung looked at his surroundings and realized what position he was in . His red eyes are now turning back to normal. The wind is going weak. Then the light has returned. The lightning that is 2 inches away from the Daluc suddenly stopped. 
Doyoung was shocked. ‘What happened?’ ‘Am I dreaming?’ Doyoung said to himself. 
The Daluc feels so weak. His skin almost turned into ashes. Then the handsome boy came close to the Daluc and touched his head. Then the Daluc fainted and fell. 
Paula comes out then goes directly to Austin, who is feeling weak. A lot of blood is coming out from his wound. He can’t stand nor walk because of his knees, he can’t move his left arm. Both Paula and Austin are crying. 
The boy who turned into a wolf approached him. “He’s injured! I think we should get him to Zoriea.” said the guy. Then went to the one with the daggers who can’t stand because he was stabbed in the knees. “Professor Raven is also seriously injured!”.
Then the girl with long curly hair approached Doyoung slowly. “I can feel something different about you. Your aura is very interesting. It is tricky. Full of courage and curiosity. Soft-hearted yet so powerful.” 
Doyoung looked so confused. The girl then looked at the other boys. “He’s one of us”. 
“What do you mean, Professor. Gail?”. Said one of the boys. “He’s a teume, Professor. Dion, and not just a normal one. I think we should get them to the Zoriea. He needs to meet the headmaster. Also, since his friend is badly hurt, we have a student named Bang Yedam that can heal others. He can help them, including Professor Raven.”. Doyoung looked at them confused. “I- I'm what? Teume? What’s that?’.
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