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–– “everything is fine, why wouldn’t it be?”
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“I don’t know... Since Theo died, I’ve been paranoid of people hiding things from me and about the possibility of losing someone else.”
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–– “thank you and just a day. didn’t want to be away for too long.”
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“Completely understandable. Is... Is everything okay, Lux?”
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“Welcome back. How long were you gone for?”
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–– lux looked up from the picture in her hand before folding it and putting it in her pocket. “what? i just got back.”
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Ke$ha is a perfect example of how the media loves to make intelligent girls seem dumb and bitchy even though they are actually smart and caring. Ke$ha isn’t far from being a feminist icon but the media continues to label her as a dumb drunk party girl.
and Ke$ha is all for loving yourself and equality but she continues to receive harassment from mainstream media. Enough harassment to the point that she developed an eating disorder because of it. She is an example of how horrible and sexist the music industry is.
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“Just a tiny bit.” He chuckled. “Uh, well, a bunch of stuff. There’re a few books about space, some about medical stuff. I’m pretty sure that ninety-nine precent of them are about different types of mythology, though.”
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“Oo, medical books? I wonder if I have any copies. Different types of mythology is pretty cool. It makes me wonder if any of them are real also.”
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Anais pulls back for a moment to look at him. “Oh Spencer…” She caresses his cheek, frowning as she presses her forehead against his. “I’m so sorry…..Why didn’t you call me? I would have been back sooner!”
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“What happened to him though….it wasn’t your fault.”
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“I didn’t... I d-didn’t want to b-bother you. It f-feels like it... I was there. I was h-holding his hand a-as the heart m-monitor beeped. It killed m-me, Anais.”
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“A little?” Spencer laughed a little, smiling at the kid. “What’d you find, Noah?”
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“Just, uh, excuse – excuse that giant stack of books.” Noah spoke, rubbing his nose a little and resting his hands on his hips. “I found a cheap book store and I think I went a little overboard..”
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“I’m not going anywhere this time, Spence. I promise.”
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“Good.” Spencer stayed quiet for a short while before he whispered, “Theo’s dead, Anais. He was on a quest and got attacked and then brought here. I-I... I should h-have tried harder. I s-should have saved h-him. He’s gone...”
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Anais holds Spencer tight, never wanting to let him go. “Spencer,” she whispers a huge grin on her face. “I missed you too…It’s been so long.”
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“Far too long. Please... don’t leave again. I need you, Anais.”
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“Good, because I’m so fucking tired of people saying goodbye.” Spencer automatically hugged the blonde, tears of happiness in his eyes. “I miss you so much,” he whispered.
“I never can say goodbye, no, no, no, no, now. Never can say goodbye….”  
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Mattie looked up from her feet to see Spencer and a smile appeared on her face, “Hey. Everything’s fine, why?”
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“Please... Please don’t lie to me. I feel as if something’s wrong.”
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How have you been sweetie? We haven't seen you in a while.
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I’m… I’m okay. I’ve thought about spending some time in the city with my mum for awhile. Y’know, get out of here for awhile. It’ll probably do me some good.
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Ask Me Anything
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Hey Spencer! Happy Valentine’s day! I’m not a great writer so excuse how lame this is. Love you!
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“... Mattie? Is everything okay?”
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“Okay, so next week?” Mattie asked. “Yeah, next Friday.” Cooper, her uncle, nodded from the other side of the Iris message. “Alright, I’ll see you Saturday, then.” She responded quietly before waving her hand across the mist and walking out from behind the Apollo cabin. Mattie leaned against the wall on the side of the cabin and sighed.
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-Spencer laughed when he saw the sign- Aw, thanks, mate. You’re perfect, too.
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