doctopher · 3 years
Hey friend! Just wanted to let you know I'm a huge huge fan of yours, radio batman and your art is absolutely incredible :) I just wanted to ask how you do the voices? I saw in the notes of some Radio Batman posts that you posted a video of some of the logistics, but I've been stalking your blog (no regrets lol) and I can't find it :(
Fixed the search too! I didn't realize I had some settings turned off.
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doctopher · 3 years
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doctopher · 3 years
Hi bestie
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Throwback to our golden age my man, I would kill for those days… 
This is where Neeb lives now by the way: @neeblurats
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doctopher · 3 years
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batfam tv show but every episode is just this
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doctopher · 3 years
Damian during the world's longest breakdown, sipping a virgin margarita on a beach while he listens to his supervillain Grandpa ramble about fishing techniques & watches his bat-dragon play in the water
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doctopher · 3 years
What if Jason had changed the name of the Iceberg Lounge to Crow Bar. I think that would've been funny
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doctopher · 3 years
Did a voiceover for this post.
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doctopher · 3 years
I am sick to death with stories and readings of Joker being Batman's only friend and is the only person who understands him, it's bullshit.
You know who can be Batman's friend who understands him waaay better than Joker?
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Alfred Pennyworth - the man who raised and took care of Bruce. The man who was and is always there for him and is practically his father.
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Any of the Robins - He's raised them, he knows who they've become as adults and knows what they all went through as children.
But I can hear you say, those are family, and although family can be your friends, it's not the same. Well fuck you, what about
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Selina Kyle - his former fling turned partner. She knows Bruce well enough at this point, hell she knows the Batfamily a lot at this point to be a mother figure to the Robins and to be a pillar of emotional support for Bruce
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CLARK JOSEPH KENT - This one pisses me off the most because for every version that romanticizes Bruce and Joker's friendship, there's also a version that strains Clark and Bruce's by making them enemies. They are the goddamn world's finest, they've both been through tragic losses; Clark lost Pa Kent at a young age and Bruce lost both his parents. Both of them operate under a sense of justice informed by that trauma and by the love of their respective caretakers, Ma Kent and Alfred.
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Barbara Gordon - same reason for the Robins, but more on a mentor relationship than a parental one, however that doesn't discount the chances of two being good friends since they both know each other personally and fight for the same cause.
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JIM FUCKING GORDON - I don't even need to explain this, he's pretty much Alfred, Clark, and Barbara all rolled into one in terms of his relationship with Bruce
Buuuut nooooooooo let's go out there and say that the psychotic maniac that's obsessed with Batman is Bruce's only friend and is the only person who can understand him. Sure.
For fuck's sake, Bane probably has a better chance of being Bruce's friend than Joker
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doctopher · 3 years
i know in legends palpatine fucked with the royal guards with his sorcerer abilities of wickedness, but i cannot explain in words how much i really want them to be extremely normal people who gossip in the breakroom because they're just so far beneath palpatine's notice that he doesn't even fuck with them. like royal guard benny benson texts his best friend from the graveyard shift team, brett brettley, this picture
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with the caption "bro this is what lord vader looks like after the emperor sics that lightning on him" and the next time they meet up in the breakroom they laugh about it around the water cooler, like the deathcultists they work for don't even bother to corrupt these regular dudes, so now they're like dandelions of normalcy growing through the cracks in the concrete of actual evil wizardry. vader and palpatine are designing their absurd cruelties to the galaxy and siphoning fear and hate and pain from the force to sustain themselves like human-shaped skeksis, and these guys are back there bitching because someone reheated fish in the breakroom microwave over the lunchbreak
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doctopher · 3 years
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doctopher · 3 years
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doctopher · 3 years
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Prompt from @silmarillionno
Reference under the cut
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Possibly the most perfect vibe for Sauron I’ve ever seen. Changed the hair colour to black because that’s how I imagine he disguised himself as Annatar.
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doctopher · 3 years
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Boba Fett
Prompt from @batadine
Reference under the cut
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honestly the best prompt ever
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doctopher · 3 years
Everyone says I love you differently
Dick: “I love you, B”
Bruce: “love you too”
Jason: [barley audible] “I have to go” [awkward side hug then leaves]
Tim: [gives Bruce a small keychain Dino] “this made me think of you”
Bruce: “I appreciate it”
Damian: [sits quietly with Bruce, passes over a small sketch of some flowers]
Bruce: “This is very beautiful, you’ll make a fine artist one day”
Damian: “… thank you”
Cass: “be carful tonight”
Bruce: “I will”
Cass: “you better or else”
Bruce: [light teasing] “are you worried about me?”
Cass: [smiles] “yes”
Duke: “do you… will you watch a movie with me?”
Bruce: [is very busy] “sure, what movie?”
Duke: “um, it’s actually at the theater. The next showing in an hour”
Bruce: [gets up] “let’s get ready then”
Bruce: “don’t forget your medicine tonight, Alfred”
Alfred: “Bruce, need I remind you that I don’t need reminding”
Bruce: [smiling] “the refresher might be nice, but you’ll just have to remind me again”
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doctopher · 3 years
Some of y’all think that holding hands and sharing a bed is immediately romantic, and this is why people cannot differentiate between romantic, platonic, and familial forms of love.
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doctopher · 3 years
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“Don’t keep them waiting, Mand’alor.”
In which Boba kisses his husband goodbye in the morning as he leaves for work.
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doctopher · 3 years
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I wasn’t going to just show the WIP like this but I need the pressure... it’s starting to take shape. Once I’ve cleaned up the sketches of the rest of the mandos I’m going to start the painting process, force be with me 🙏
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