doctor-amelia · 7 months
Amelia kept screaming in pain
"I bet Annabella has told you ALL about me~"
Who the fuck are you? And are you talking about Annie?
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
Amelia screamed out, covering her face "You don't want your little pretty girl getting hurt do you~?" Amelia asked muffled
"I bet Annabella has told you ALL about me~"
Who the fuck are you? And are you talking about Annie?
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"Oh?~ I guess I'll have to force her to eat ice again~" Amelia laughed
"I bet Annabella has told you ALL about me~"
Who the fuck are you? And are you talking about Annie?
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
Amelia growled in pain but kept strangling her "Stop hanging out with Annabella."
"I bet Annabella has told you ALL about me~"
Who the fuck are you? And are you talking about Annie?
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
Amelia growled and tackled Velvette, strangling her "COME HERE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!"
"I bet Annabella has told you ALL about me~"
Who the fuck are you? And are you talking about Annie?
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
Amelia growled and covered her mouth, blood coming out of mouth "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!???!!!" She screamed past the blood
"I bet Annabella has told you ALL about me~"
Who the fuck are you? And are you talking about Annie?
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"Yep~ I was the one who made her eat Ice~ I gave her the gap~"
"I bet Annabella has told you ALL about me~"
Who the fuck are you? And are you talking about Annie?
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"You can't expect the fact that, I was the one who hurt your mom~"
"hullo annie adopted me!'
"Oh~? Worthless Annabella~?"
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"Ding ding ding~!"
"hullo annie adopted me!'
"Oh~? Worthless Annabella~?"
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"I refuse to associate with a mishap like you" suddenly Amelia grinned "you know how Annabella has a gap in between her teeth~?"
"hullo annie adopted me!'
"Oh~? Worthless Annabella~?"
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"What's wrong, experiment 779~?"
"hullo annie adopted me!'
"Oh~? Worthless Annabella~?"
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"Bullshit, she's the same worthless Annabella"
"hullo annie adopted me!'
"Oh~? Worthless Annabella~?"
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"Oh~? You don't know her like I do~"
"hullo annie adopted me!'
"Oh~? Worthless Annabella~?"
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"hullo annie adopted me!'
"Oh~? Worthless Annabella~?"
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"awww, Pretty girl~" Amelia pushed Annie against the wall, smirking "You know your ugly and pathetic with those scars~!"
"awww, Hey there Annabella~"
"And I was finally having a good day for once... God fucking Dammit...It's Annie to you, what are you doing here?"
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
"Awww~ that's no way to treat an old friend, how are you doing after I broke your teeth~?"
"awww, Hey there Annabella~"
"And I was finally having a good day for once... God fucking Dammit...It's Annie to you, what are you doing here?"
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doctor-amelia · 7 months
I have way too many blogs
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