Text | Will & Alli
Alli: I have plans with Michael so I'll probably go see her for a minute before meeting him.
Will: Ah. Alright. Good luck.
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I’ve been here since March. Working my butt off the past month.
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Why thank you. I’ll be sure to pass on your compliments to my mother for choosing it!
Are you new around here? I’m not sure I’ve seen you before…
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Mariana’s a pretty name. Original.
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Mariana. Or Mari for short. 
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Doctor Harley. Or Will. And you are?
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Fine… But only so the good doctor doesn’t get distracted. I never caught your name.
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Really? Congratulations!
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I’m in last year. I’m really excited!
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I wish you luck, man. How long do you have left?
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Oh that’s great! I’m going to school to be a pediatrician. 
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I-it’d be less distracting...
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A doctor, hm? Hot…
Would you like me to put something on?
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Will didn’t know how long he had actually slept - from the looks of it, it had been at least half of his day - but it felt nice to actually sleep instead of worrying about Alli waking him up or having to get up on his own to go into work. Waking up to the sound of his phone beeping, the male let out a low groan before grabbing for his phone, accidentally knocking it down to the floor and then falling off his bed when he went to retrieve it. A slight smile formed on his lips when he read the text from Mariah, quickly replying that he’d stop by soon. It was always nice to hear from a patient and he hadn’t had time to check on how her hand had healed up. 
Quickly getting dressed, he brushed his teeth before heading out of his apartment and off to Starbucks. It didn’t take too long for him to reach the building, walking in before scanning the room for Mariah as he scooted into the line. Once he had his order, he walked over to her table to find her drawing something. “This seat taken?” He asked, grinning as he watched her.
Coffee? | Mariah & Will
Sunday was a weird day to be at the island for Mariah. It was easy everyday since she was always super busy at work or doing another things in the town but since Alex and Victor left she would always feel lost on her free time, and she was not exactly up to spend the day inside watching Netflix as she heard people loved to do, it was not much of her thing, not alone. She was dressing up to just go out and wonder a bit around town when she saw the car in her hand and thought about Will, and realized she never actually thanked him for taking care of her or actually paid him coffee as she joked she would, on the day at the hospital, soafter she was ready to go she texted him saying she would be at Starbucks and if he had any free time he could show up if he wanted to. 
She made the way to Starbucks walking, not on a cab or anything because it was a beautiful day outside and once she got at the shop she found herself a nice table and started drawing something on her napkin, sipping her coffee slowly.
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I’m supposed to be a family doctor but I’m working in the ER.
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You have been working that much? What kind of doctor are you?
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I’m not really sure. i passed out on my bed as soon as my body touched it.
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Yikes. I’m sorry to hear that. This must be the best night ever then, right?
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My co-workers sent me here after hearing about a position for me in the hospital. I’m planning on opening my own practice. What about you?
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Hey Will, I’m Jen. And no, I don’t think we met before. What brings you to Hazel Run?
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How have you not came to the hospital due to exhaustion yet?
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Get in line. I have 24 hour shifts, no fun. But I wanted this job and usually I love it.
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I’m a doctor.
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What do you do? 
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Hazel Run’s just a lot busier.
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Probably because there’s not many doctors.
That’s what happens when you are a doctor.
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I’m a doctor.
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Oh, what do you do? You should get yourself some rest before you burn out.
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Despite being a doctor, I’m not used to walking into a room with a girl half dressed and.... w-wow...
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Cat got your tongue, cutie?
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Text | Will & Alli
Alli: you're right. It was a stupid idea. Never mind.
Will: Why don't you try dropping by? I can come with. She just might take ot from you before she'd take it from me considering I'm a complete stranger.
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