doctorodd · 4 years
Humans are Terrifying
Part 2.0 - 
Many animals and insects don’t store food like humans do. This survival advantage of storing fat during times of excess in case of famine is such a huge advantage, and it’s so strange that humans don’t really think about it all too much beyond the fact that too much fat (or it little fat) is unhealthy in the long run, or for aesthetic and cultural reasons.
What if Aliens didn’t evolve like humans did, and don’t have this fat storing advantage? Maybe they can’t store fat due to even distribution of food or that their more insect/bug-like or fish-like and physically can’t due to a biological fixed need for a specific amount of food.   
Just imagine a fish-like alien watch in horrified fascination as a human binge eat ten boxes of Twinkies or a race of spider-like beings watch in terror as the humans have a hotdog eating contest. 
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doctorodd · 4 years
All movies are silent films to deaf people.
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doctorodd · 4 years
Part 1 - Aliens would find us Female humans terrifying. We literally shred and shed our reproductive organs; bleeding for days without dying. Like what? Why?
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doctorodd · 4 years
When did jobs become such a chore to do? Why can't work life be like a studio ghibli film?
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doctorodd · 4 years
I wonder what non-americans think sloppy joes are?
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doctorodd · 5 years
I've just realised that briefcases are just purses for businessmen.
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doctorodd · 5 years
Hear me out. Just hear me out. What if a few dinosaurs survived the "extinction" and, just hear me out, were thought to be dragons during the medieval period and, just hear me out, went fully extinct because of knights slaying them. Now thoughts?
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doctorodd · 6 years
Tumblr media
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doctorodd · 6 years
Orange juice is just cold fruit soup.
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doctorodd · 12 years
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