in the javajam website, it is the beginnings of a hierarchical organization, it has a home page, and branches out from there, of the options given in this chapter, I believe that a hierarchical is the most appropriate as random isn't suitable for business needs, and the information can be taken in any order so linear organization is unnecessary as well.
the hyperlinks are poorly implemented, and could be adjusted to be more user friendly and accessible the colors are too similar and hard to look at due to the brightness, not enough contrast the website is very bland and could use more things such as banners, a logo picture, and other such things to make it stand out.
The organization of the website is very clear, everything is accessible at any time with 1 click, and the information is clear within. The website is very minimalistic, with low burden on computers and no animations or things that make it less accessible to people all of the relevant information is contained within text that can be screen read.
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Wuxiaworld.com, good website design, it grabs the focus of its audience with the coverart for the various novels on the site, while keeping bloat to a minimum, there are no/minimal ad's on the site, has several nice features such as the retracting header bar when you scroll down to save on screen space and allow the user to view the main content of the site rather than trying to have branding plastered all over.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page, bad website design, has a lot of clutter all over with related links, featured articles ect. which honestly doesn't do well with the given audience in my opinion, if you are visiting wikipedia you would likely have something in mind to look up already, and are not there to just browse random things, with that in mind the forefront here should be the search features as opposed to the clutter and random information thrown at you, furthermore they dont have any option to get rid of things like a sidebar, or to make the text bigger that are quality of life things for any website that you are reading information from.
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This is for my homework assignment to start a blog for my web development class.
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