dogsalvatore · 11 years
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'눈'은 살바토레의 매력 중 하나
"My eyes", no one can resist falling for me
2013. 12. 1.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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"뭐 찍는 거예요? 나도 궁금해요!"
"What are you taking? Show me show me!"
2013. 12. 1.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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휴일 볕을 쬐며 살바토레는 그림자놀이를 즐겼다.
Did Shakespheare say that life is but a walking shadow?
Sunbathing on the weekend.
2013. 12. 1.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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감기 주사를 맞고 온 날. 돌아와서 노곤한지 한참 누워 있던 살바토레.
Got antibiotic shot. Must have been exhausted, Salvatore passed out.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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생각보다 긴 감기 기운에 혹시 몰라 홍역 테스트를 하다. 다행히 이상 무.
With cold he got from the shelter becoming worse Dr. Kwon suggested we test him for distemper and flu. Happy to see only one stripe each. Thank God it wasn't distemper! 
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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체온을 재는 동안, 살바토레는 난감한 표정을 지었다.
The look on his face as Dr. Kwon sticks the themometer into his ass. Oh boy.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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감기 때문에 동네 병원 방문, 두 번째. 얌전히 대기실에서 기다리는 살바토레.
Second visit to the vet in the neighbourhood because he's still suffering from cold.
He patiently waits for his turn.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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3개월이 조금 지난 살바토레의 발바닥. 젤리처럼 말랑말랑하다.
Salvatore's feet just a little older than 3 months old. Soft as gummy bears.
2013. 11. 30.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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살바토레, 문 사이로 들어오는 햇빛을 즐기다.
Sunbathing in front of the window
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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감기 걸린 살바토레에게 전용 가습기를 틀어주다.
He's still suffering from cold he got at the shelter and resting near the humidifier.
2013. 11. 30.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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살바토레, 고양이 '나로'를 처음 만나다.
Salvatore meets 'Naro' the cat for the first time. 2013.11.26.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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큰 이상이 없어 퇴원한 살바토레.
반가워서 정신없이 꼬리를 흔들다.
Thank God there was no internal damage or bleeding.
He comes home and wags his tail as he is happy to be back home safely.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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좁은 금속 울타리를 치우고 살바토레에게 공간 하나를 내 주기로 결정.
원목 안전문만 설치하다.
Got rid of the chrome fence and decided to give him a bigger space
Just a wooden fence on the door
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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자기 키보다 높은 울타리를 뛰어넘으려다 다친 살바토레, 응급실로 실려오다.
테어나서 처음 엑스레이 사진을 찍은 날.
He got hurt trying to climb over the chrome fence that is way taller than his height. Straight to emergency clinic and his first x-ray. Shock and awe.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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혹시 모르니 일단 입원하기로 결정.
중환자실에서 하루 묵기 전 면회하다.
He had to be monitored overnight in the intensive care.
Saying good night and good bye before leaving him alone in the hospital.
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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전용 유단보를 베고 자기 방에서 자는 살바토레
His own space and a hot water bottle to lean on
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dogsalvatore · 11 years
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장난감을 선물 받은 첫날, 한참 가지고 놀던 살바토레는 피곤했는지 곤히 잠들었다.
First day to play with toys and fell asleep like a dog again. 
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