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some stress relief 
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Made the decision to move my Marvel muse to an different blog. I'll still check in on this one but I'm more focused on that fandom ATM,and I really want to develope. Still setting up,but the rules are basically the same! Feel free to follow me there c:
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“If they stand behind you,protect them. If they stand by you, respect them. And if they stand against you,defeat them”
-18+ Blog,NSFW is tagged
-Literate/Semi-Literate Writers preferred.
-All Infinity Wars and future movie spoilers will be tagged.
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Repost to spread the word
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Hello! I'm back.
Watched Infinity Wars last night! No spoilers of course but ALL THE FEELS holy shit.
Also gonna revamp my Avengers OC lol.
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Her eyes widened at hearing the news. She shook her head empathetically, waiting a moment before responding.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, I cant imagine how rough that is...I...I'm here if you need me."
The shapeshifter patted his shoulder gently,began to pull away,paused to think and then gently hugged him, leaning her head on his shoulder. She hoped the move wasn't too bold, but he's canid instincts urged her to offer him comfort, to try to make him feel better. She said nothing, unable to the of anything to say, so she just held.the thunderer in her arms.
The party was a typical Tony style bash. Britt never really cared for large crowds of people, preferring to mingle with only a few people. She had spent much of her time shadowing the other Avengers, feeling awkward and out of place. The few times she had attempted to mingle people either asked her to shape shift into different animals as if it was some sort of party trick or questioned her about her sexuality due to her short pixie cut. She needed some alcohol to calm her nerves, and so bad wandered over to the bar to get some. When her eyes saw the large blond male at the bar a smile lifted the corner of her lips and she carefully approached Thor. She had picked up on his tiredness the instant she saw him, so she gently placed her hand on his shoulder, not wanting to startle him.
“Hey long time no see….are you sure you want to use the bar as a bed?” She asked softly.
Thor smiled when he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder. He chuckled and shook his head. “Yes, it has been a long time.” He stated with a grin. “Sorry, it’s just so much has happened since the last time I saw you.” He admitted, before taking another swig of his drink. “I lost an eye.” The thunderer sighed. “And Mjolnir.”
Of the two, he missed his hammer the most. Losing it, was like losing a loved one.
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"That it is" she smiled up at him, enjoying the relative peace away from the party. She looked up at the sky, watching the stars, feeling peaceful. Her hand still slightly tingled from touching him, and she blushed very faintly and bit her lip. Clearing her throat she looked over at him.
"So,uh,how've you been?"
She slipped her hands into her back pockets,awaiting his response.
Britt felt a wave of immense relief rush over her at the sound of Thor’s words. She had just been debating on turning into a cat and beating a hasty,undignified retreat to some dark corner to wait out the party. With a grin the shapeshifter nodded her head.
“Hell yes, let’s get out of here”
She stood up from the couch and slipped her hand into Thor’s so that they wouldn’t be separated in the massive crowd. She was so eager to get away that at first it didn’t register what she had done and when it did she blushed, grinned sheepishly and moved her hand to gently grasp his arm.
“I’ll follow your lead, my good sir”
Thor smiled as he looked down at her hand in his, which only was there for a few moments. He bit his lip a bit and smirked briefly.  He then nodded. Ready to led the way.
Which he didn’t hesitate to do. It was a gorgeous evening. The weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. “It’s quite beautiful out tonight.” The thunderer commented, the smile still on his lips.
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I hate our new neighbors
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// These idiots are running their car outside our window which is slightly below ground level therefore carbon monoxide is coming in. We can’t close the window because its hot. We were wondering why we woke up lightheaded/with migraines all the time. I don’t know why they’re parking back by our window when there’s a whole entire parking lot with spaces much closer but its annoying already.
I am so close to kicking someone’s ass. I stg.
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   friendly reminder that if we write together i do not want you to feel pressured or stressed about our thread/s. i am slow™ and i do not expect you to reply quickly, reply lengthily, or reply /at all/ if you cannot find the insp / muse for it. i will not resent you in any way if i see you replying to other threads on my dash. i will not resent you if i see you doing everything B U T writing on the dash. if i follow you and we’ve plotted or have been writing together, i enjoy seeing you on my dash. period. you replying to me in any timeline is not a condition of my liking / supporting / appreciating you. so pls don’t apologize for taking your time. pls don’t apologize for dropping threads. write what you want to when you want to and feel free to come to me if you ever want to start something new / plot something / rework a starter i’ve written you.
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Ask my muse...
HONESTY 1: What is your favorite scent?
HONESTY 2: Where do you feel the most comfortable and happy?
HONESTY 3: Whom do you admire, and why?
HONESTY 4: What is your biggest fear?
HONESTY 5: If you could have one wish, what would it be?
HONESTY 7: Which event in your life shaped you the most?
HONESTY 8: What would your ideal lover be like?
HONESTY 9: What is something you’re useless at?
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Not gonna be active because I am feeling horrible. Will be back when I can. Hope everyone is OK!
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Me: *writes something* wow that was pretty good
Me: *reads someone else’s writing* aha okay, fuck this I am the worst writer in the world
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Annnd after that extremely bold move please excuse me while I go die and panic.over whether I bothered anyone.
I'll return later, terrified Lmao.
I'm so sorry again @everyone
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/Just tagging all my mutuals in case anyone is interested please don't kill me and please feel free to ignore this of course! I am so so sorry ahh.
Zombie AU sorta thing. I just want to write this out.
TW: Gore,cursing.
Britt's eyes grew so big that they bulges out of her head. Screams rang out all around her, people running around in panic. A few feet away a woman screamed as a man,or what had been a man,bit into her throat,blood spraying all over the grass of the park.
She had always thought what she would do in such a situation. She had made so many plans.
Those went out the fucking window fast. The woman had stopped screaming,the only sound a guttural growling and wet chewing sounds as the man hungrily devoured her. Britt's legs were frozen to the spot,her heart pounding as she stared. It was only when Chance snarled, a low warning growl erupting from the canines mouth,that she snapped out of it. The man had stopped eating, and was chasing down a group of running people. The woman had woken up and stood,her guts falling out of her stomach onto the ground.
Britt ran,pulling Chance with her. She ran away from the crowds, feeling cowardly for not stopping to help anyone as they were attacked by more people like the woman and man. Not people. People werent attacking them. They were being attacked by zombies.
Fuck that. She didn't want to die. She had to get to a safe place and figure something out.
She wasn't looking where she was going, and next thing she knew she had ran into another being, the force of the collision causing her to fall on the ground.
"Ouch,fuck. I'm sorry!"
Tagging(again ignore this if you want and I'm so sorry if I'm bugging you!) @teleportingprogrammer @myspiritremains @themxghtythor @ivoryspill @drxgons-fists @supportivedeku
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@drxgons-fists sent "?" For a random generator sentence starter.
Number generated:134"This is one of my favorite places to just hang out"
The wooden bench was nearly obscured by the tall trees that surrounded it, shielding the occupants from the sun. Velvet grass grew all around, with small wildflowers and mushrooms poking up here and there. A pond sat in the midst of the shady glade, its clear blue water glimmering in patches where the sunlight still hit. Leaning against the tree that the bench was carved into Britt smiled, a happy sigh escaping her as she lifted her eyes to her companion. Nothing was more comforting than being here,to her at least, and so she wanted to share it with him, and hope that maybe they would get to know each other better.
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Anyone feel free to do this c;
Send me “?” and i’ll write a starter for you that includes one of the following sentences, randomly generated. 1-152, ranges from fluff to angst.
Keep reading
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rpers that like your muse
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rpers that understand you have a personal life
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rpers that accept your writing mistakes
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rpers that send you memes
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rpers that really care about you
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