dogwooddiaries · 7 hours
snippet saturday (tuesday) wip tag game
tagged by @dogwooddiaries - never apologize for tagging me; I will always say yes to a tag game!!
here's the last few paragraphs of homophobiafic I have written!
Bobby's fist hits his stomach with a solid thump. "Hey, what the hell," Johnny wheezes, but Bobby cuts him off. "Say that another goddamm time and I'll hit you worse." "Christ, Bobby, it was only a joke," Joe says, managing a weak laugh. "Where'd you learn to punch like that, anyway?" Bobby, absentmindedly shaking out his wrist, stares him down defiantly. "When people started joking about me like that."
pretty sure everyone has been tagged by now since I'm so late to the game!
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dogwooddiaries · 1 day
Snippet Saturday Sunday WIP tag game
Tagged by the wonderful @effervescentyellow ! Thanks <3
I just got back home from my travels this weekend, but here's a snippet of my unhinged stopwatch fic that I wrote before I left town!
Not every time—maybe he didn’t want Don to get too used to it—but every now and then, he’d leave the shell with the strap still tight around his thigh. He’d wait until they were back in the locker room, and had the audacity, even among the rest of the crew, to spot where Don was, look his way before hiking his leg up onto the bench to take off the stopwatch. Don would stare, note the way Bobby would have to pull the belt tighter in order to undo the buckle, the leather digging into his flesh even more, until it’d pop loose. The stopwatch would fall away from his inner thigh, and Bobby would slip the strap away from his skin, tucking the device into his locker before running his hand over the indent in his skin that the strap had left.  Don would watch, silently eat up the scene that he knew was just for him, so obscene yet going completely unnoticed by the rest of the crew.
I'm so tired/braindead from this weekend and I think everyone has been tagged already anyway?? If not consider yourself tagged now!
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dogwooddiaries · 2 days
talking a walk this morning in this Seattle like weather (overcast, drizzly, 57 degrees) when blazing summer had been assaulting us thoroughly until yesterday is putting me in such a mood to cozy up and write. but it's Monday :'(
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dogwooddiaries · 2 days
Across the Stars - Chapter 4
Previous - Next
Summary: Don secures the group's safety (for now) and grows a little closer to Bobby along the way
Chapter Rating: T
Words: 2804
A council was called the very next morning and Don sat with his friends while surrounded by those of the planet inside a large tent. Despite how close the boys pressed together, the other beings gave them a wide berth, flinching every time one of them made the slightest movement.
Eyes were trained on Don and his friends shifted under the watchful gazes of those armed with swords and guns. Don did his best to keep up with interpreting, but with his own worries, he stumbled again and again. It didn’t help that Bobby kept looking at him, turning his brain further into mush.
“They’re worried about us being followed. That we’ll bring otherworlders by the hundreds,” Don murmured as the men leaned in close to him.
“Well, there are other survivors like us,” Gordy whispered. “They’ll need help too.”
Don shook his head. “They’re not the concern. It’s the Eifhejdm.”
“It’s not like we’re leading them here on purpose,” Johnny grumbled. 
Don focused back on the leader, listened to her intense debate with the others around her. They were blaming Don and his crew for bringing the war right to their doorstep. 
“ It would have come anyway ,” Bobby butted in. “ It’s our fight just as much as theirs. ”
Curses were spat at him while others nodded in agreement, but there was no sign of a decision coming soon. Don passed a grateful look to Bobby and a quiet understanding passed between them. As arguments grew, the leader at last threw up a hand and the room went silent. 
“ The Invi is right. War is upon us and we will need all the help we can get ,” she focused on Don, her stare challenging and stern. “ Can your men fight as well as you? ”
Don nodded and hastily added, “ If not, they can learn. ”
She mused over this as Don received nudges and harsh whispers. Shushing his friends, Don waited, sparing another glance at Bobby. A small tingling grew in his mind before his sight blurred, a vision making all else disappear. 
There was chaos, fire, screams. Don saw his hands covered in blood, heard his name followed by crying pleas of mercy. One by one his friends fell until at last he saw Bobby. Bobby with a gash in his chest, choked gasps around a mouthful of blood. Don reached out towards him, but before their hands could touch, Don was forced back into his body. 
He fell back against his companions and the room stirred with worry as rough coughs tore from his chest. His eyes threatened to roll back up into his head, pain seizing his body. Then, there was nothing. Don pushed away helping hands and held onto himself while he caught his breath.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Don lied.
Bobby was about to get to his feet, gaze intense and brows furrowed tight while the guys steadied him. Don hoped Bobby hadn’t seen the vision. Prayed he never would. 
Someone needed to talk now. Don couldn’t take the silence much longer.
“ Get some rest, ” the leader commanded with a suspicious gleam. “ We will begin preparations tomorrow. ”
Don interpreted through his fog, uncaring if he said the right things as he was guided into standing. He just wanted to get out of here. Before he could, Bobby came over to him in a flurry and laid a hand on his chest. Don was forced to keep Joe from slapping Bobby away, every limb tensing as his soul called out. 
“ Light of the stars ,” Bobby whispered, fervent and low. “ Bring us to everlasting life. Bring forth the cosmos. The promise of eternity. ”
He repeated the prayer, again and again, until Don could feel his heart stir, his breath return to him. His fear subsided and at last, Don could see clearly again. Bobby smiled up at him as he withdrew his hand, giving a singular nod before he moved around the group and followed others out of the tent. 
“What was that?” Joe asked, still holding Don by his shoulders. 
Don shook his head. He couldn’t begin to explain, to describe the euphoria within him. It had been years since he heard that prayer, when he had been so sick his mother feared his end. She had stayed by his side, reciting just as Bobby had, until Don’s fever finally broke and his strength renewed. 
“Well, as long as he didn’t hurt you,” Joe sighed as the group filtered back to their huts. 
“No, never,” Don breathed and this got him a raised eyebrow from Joe. 
In the sanctuary of their room, Don laid down and relived the moment with Bobby. How intimate it had been, Bobby knowing him with his entire being. Don wanted to do the same, to see beyond their physical selves, to see all of Bobby. 
Tomorrow would be another day, another chance to traverse the unknown. He was excited, anxious, and sleep did not come easily. Just as he closed his eyes, someone shook his shoulder. In his haze, Don pushed them away a little too harshly. He had just fallen asleep after all. 
“Now that’s no way to greet me,” Bobby’s voice filled his ears.
Don’s eyes snapped open and he gave an apologetic smile around a yawn. “It’s not even morning ”
“Yes it is,” Bobby chuckled, coaxing Don to his feet.
Shaking away the remnants of rest, Don quickly dressed before following Bobby out of his room. The outdoors were bathed in hues of indigo, small floating bugs offering the only light. Bobby led them along carved out paths, through the encampment and towards a hill.
Silver doors sealed tight greeted them, carved into beige rockface and glowing as the dawn approached. Don had glanced at the entrance briefly on his way to the council, but a harsh word from an armored being was all it took for him to never look at it again. Until now.
He watched as Bobby traced his fingers along the stone wall, tapped out a pattern that lit the sandy brick with each striking finger. Tones sounded from the rock, a strange melody that stirred his soul. 
“It’s alright,” Bobby waved Don in when steel doors slid open. “Invi temple. We won’t get in trouble.”
Trusting him, Don ducked into the doorway, crept down the stairs that immediately followed. The walls pulsed with color, shifting, inconsistent, but beautiful nonetheless. Eventually, the narrow path widened into a large room, circular with a stream of light cutting the room in two.
“Sit,” Bobby motioned to one side of the light and settled down opposite of Don. 
With childlike curiosity, Don reached into the beam and his hand tingled with unnatural warmth. Looking up, Don searched the source but found an endless void, as if space itself was offering starlight for this one spot alone.
“What does it feel like?” Bobby asked.
Don rubbed his fingertips together, imagined that if he twisted his hand just right, he could bring a flame forth. He cupped the light in his hand, an energy flowing through him as it formed a small ball.
“Not bad,” Bobby nodded. “But let me see it. Let me experience it.”
Furrowing his brows, Don didn’t understand what Bobby meant. He wanted to say something, but he paused as his heart beat in his ears. It wasn’t enough to just think of warm days back home. He had to search within, dig out sensations that had long eluded him. 
The more he thought, the more his brain fractured. Something was crowding, stopping him in his tracks as he struggled forward. Bobby’s eyes bored into him and Don felt utterly exposed. A trickle of pain traveled along his skin before Don tore his hand away from the light with a sharp inhale. 
“Sorry, that might’ve been too much,” Bobby let out a sigh. “Let’s try this. Tell me what color I’m thinking of.”
Bobby’s lack of instruction was no help, but Don could only try what felt right. He locked eyes with Bobby and in an instant, his sight blurred. No matter how much he blinked, the fog remained, but Don wasn’t afraid. He inhaled deeply, let himself reach out to Bobby without lifting a finger.
Water lapped at his legs, a cloudy sky hung above him. He was alone in a sea, with only a slight breeze as company. The waves invited Don to reach in, so he did, fascinated by the fact that it felt like nothing at all. The waves rippled from purple to blue, then a deep crimson and Don moved closer and closer to the water until he was back in front of Bobby.
“Red?” Don guessed as his vision cleared.
“That’s right,” came Bobby’s reply. “Why do you hesitate?”
Looking down at the floor, Don shrugged. “I saw other colors before the red. I was in an ocean that kept shifting.”
Bobby shuffled forward, broke the beam of light as he reached out. Gently, he took Don’s hand, held it against his cheek before placing his own hand on Don’s face.
“Describe what your hand feels. Out loud.”
Don’s eyes darted around. To look at Bobby so near to him, there was an understanding that shook Don to his core. Still, he met Bobby’s gaze, swallowed down his nerves.
“Uh, soft,” Don stammered, his thumb moving a little. “But there’s the faintest hint of stubble. It scratches but not in a bad way.”
Don frowned, unfamiliar with the way he was speaking.
“Go on,” Bobby encouraged. “What else?”
A faint murmur entered Don’s mind and he could no longer hear himself despite his mouth moving. Images flooded in, he could see his face in a reflection, but it wasn’t him at all. The features didn’t match, his eyes were brighter. His hair glistened as if he wore a halo of sun. 
He paused, watched his strange self match his mouth forming a thin line, before it all dissolved into mist.
Bobby was in front of him again and Don let out a heavy breath.
He was sure he could see the heat rising to Bobby’s face as he turned his head just a little.
“It’s how you look in my dreams. At least, how you’ve looked these past few days,” Bobby began to explain. “I could see it too. Your perception of me that is.”
Now it was Don’s turn to blush. He might have answered too honestly, letting Bobby see just how far gone he was. After all, he knew Bobby’s face. Knew where each and every beautiful blemish sat.
“Didn’t think my lips were that pink, but if you say so,” Bobby teased.
Forcing back a groan, Don buried his face in his hands. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” Bobby tugged them down. “I like it. You’re quite the sweet talker in your head.”
Don looked up and couldn’t help but match Bobby’s soft smile. How kind he was, despite their initial turmoil. Bobby held onto Don’s hands and his tone turned serious as he met Don’s eyes.
“That’s only a fraction of what Invi can do. We’ll need to keep practicing. Make sure you’re able to control it.”
Don asked with a slow blink, nervous, unsure of the answer he would receive.
“Hm,” Bobby nodded. “If your visions seep out, start to manipulate the reality around us, nothing good can happen from that.”
“How do you know so much?” Don asked as his mind ebbed and flowed between realities. 
Bobby gave a sad smile and the image of an older man with dark skin filled Don’s mind. “I had a teacher, but he was much older. Died many time cycles ago.”
Don offered wordless sympathy, let Bobby take some time to be with his thoughts. It was only a few seconds before Bobby shook his head, focused back on Don.
“But what about you?” Bobby prodded. “Why didn’t you know?”
“I…don’t know. Maybe my parents were afraid? Bnerai is practical. Doesn’t waste time on things you can’t actually see or touch.” 
Don chewed on his lip. He had always trusted his parents to make the best decisions. Then his father unexpectedly died and his mother spent hours alone with him. At the time, Don assumed they were growing close, but now he wasn’t so sure. 
“My mother was protective. Too much sometimes,” Don started slow, his memories bubbling to the surface. “But why? Why not tell me the truth?”
A silence edged between them as anger trickled through Don’s mind. He remembered his lonely moments of childhood seeping into his adult years. It was as if he was always on the outside, not quite fitting in, not quite right. 
“If they kept this a secret, perhaps they have many others,” Bobby began, deep in thought. “Maybe they just didn’t want you to worry as they had.”
It didn’t make sense. Don couldn’t imagine doing such a thing to his siblings or even his own child if he ever had one. He deserved to know who he was, what future awaited him.
“Don’t hold onto your anger,” Bobby cupped his cheek. “Feel it, yes, but it won’t do much good to fight the past.”
Don sighed, melted into Bobby’s touch. He was right. He was just tired, a bit overwhelmed. In the end, all he cared about was seeing his family again.
“There we go,” Bobby gave a soft smile.
With every breath, Don’s stiff posture relaxed and he touched the hand Bobby had on his cheek. “Is it always going to be this exhausting?”
The corner of Bobby’s mouth quirked, as if he couldn’t decide whether to smile or frown. “A little bit. All part of honing our skills.” He paused before, “do you want to stop for today?”
Don could only nod with a small apologetic smile.
“It’s alright,” Bobby reassured. “I’m not expecting you to learn everything right away. I sure didn’t.”
Bobby got to his feet, offered his hand out to Don, who happily accepted and they left the temple, stepping into the bright morning of multiple suns.
Don shielded his eyes, gazed out at the landscape before him. How unfamiliar this planet was, yet there was comfort and safety here. Of course, with Bobby at his side, Don was sure anywhere would be perfect. He hoped Bobby thought the same.
“Looks like your friends are searching for you,” Bobby nodded towards a group in the distance. “Come to the training grounds tomorrow. We’ll talk some more then.”
Bobby headed off, but not before giving Don one last glance over his shoulder. It sent Don’s heart fluttering and he barely noticed his name being called.
“Where were you?” Chuck asked as the group approached.
With all eyes on him, Don shifted on his feet. Where to even start, what to say was lost to Don.
“Sneaking around with the guy who tried to kill you?” Chuck raised an eyebrow and Don blushed.
“His name is Bobby,” Don said at last. 
He was met with confused, curious looks, but Don waited for his friends to ask their questions.
“Can’t believe I’m already being replaced as one of your closest friends,” Chuck teased. 
Don laughed, rolled his eyes, and let his friends ask all their questions. No, Bobby wasn’t going to kill him. They had disappeared that morning for training (Don did not elaborate). Maybe they would get to talk to Bobby one of these days. 
The boys wandered around the encampment, under the ever watchful eye of the leader as they chatted. Don only caught glimpses of Bobby, but with the way he was running around, Don figured he had plenty on his plate. He didn’t want to seem desperate, wanting to spend every moment with him.
Luckily, he himself was kept busy with interpreting, making sure his friends didn’t cause an accidental fight with the planet’s inhabitants. Around midday Don was able to split from the group, take a long needed rest. He didn’t know when he fell asleep but he was back with his friends just in time for dinner. This time however, they were joined by other families, younglings staring at them with wide eyes, mothers pushing more food onto the boys’ plates. 
Initial hostility was starting to fade and with his friends at ease, Don could relax too. His thoughts were a low hum, just quiet enough that he could appreciate seeing Jim’s smile, Johnny’s wide eyes as food spilled off his plate. 
The days that were ahead of them were still unknown but no longer as terrifying as their first day on the Husky Clipper. As silly as it was, Don was sure that they would be alright and when he heard Chuck’s laugh, saw Gordy lift up his cup for a toast, his confidence in his companions grew tenfold. 
He would rest well tonight.
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dogwooddiaries · 2 days
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been thinking about a new pfp but it feels like such a huge change
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dogwooddiaries · 2 days
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My coach (I’m a rower irl) recently was talking about a coxswain that he had in college who ate crunchy cookies on the mic to annoy the rowers, so here’s Bobby doing that to the boys :]
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dogwooddiaries · 3 days
snippet Saturday wip tag game
would love to see some of what is cooking out there in the fandom! it's always inspiring and fun :)
Share an excerpt, short or long, of something you're working on!
Thanks @dogwooddiaries for the tag <3<3<3
“What’s this?” Don asked, picking it up.
“Oh, that’s… it’s really nothing…”
“A scrapbook?”
“Yeah, it’s… I’ve just saved articles and stuff, it’s really not–“
Don flipped it open then, an article about Bobby’s case of laryngitis from the year before staring back from the page.
Bobby winced.
“It’s sweet,” Don said.
“Laryngitis? That’s gotta be the dumbest article Brougham’s ever written.”
Don gave him a look, “You keeping all this, I mean.”
No pressure tagging @sparrow-in-the-field and @kjxlll and anyone else who’d like to share :)
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dogwooddiaries · 3 days
Snippet Saturday
Tagged by @dogwooddiaries !!! Thank you!!
Uh have some coffee shop preview ( @b00ks1ut )
“Roger!” Bobby yells, storming into the back. “What the hell?”
Roger and Chuck’s whispered conversation comes to an abrupt end with Roger cowering behind Chuck.
“He didn’t mean to,” Chuck frowns. “And anyway, who’s your boyfriend?”
Bobby’s eyes bulge and he clenches his fists. “I hardly know the damn man. Who’s been talking?”
“You’re as subtle as a brick, Bobby,” Chuck squirms away from Roger. “He really that cute?”
Tagging @strangethings-everywhere , @crushribbons , @kcsplace and anyone who’s reading this!!!
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dogwooddiaries · 4 days
snippet Saturday wip tag game
would love to see some of what is cooking out there in the fandom! it's always inspiring and fun :)
Share an excerpt, short or long, of something you're working on!
A framed photo of his family is beside the watch, one Don has noticed before but never observed closely. Stepping over, he picks it up carefully. He tilts it towards the light to inspect it, runs his finger over a younger Bobby, no less slight and sharp looking than today's version. The wide, bright grin on the boy's face makes a faint reflection tug across Don's own, even while his chest clenches with a strange melancholy. He searches the faces of Bobby's parents, finding like features and a familiarity in the strangers. Returning the frame to its place, Don runs his hand along the edge of the dresser. He traces his fingers along the handles of the top drawer. He doesn't know why.
No pressure tagging @seasidesandstarscapes, @effervescentyellow, and @arokel to kick things off but really - if you want to jump in, please do!
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dogwooddiaries · 6 days
one aspect of what I do with my life means I interact with who I would call some of the most privileged people in the world. literally. and the only thing that's more maddening than someone who is so privileged but still complains and criticizes most of the time is someone who is so privileged but still complains AND then, when they aren't complaining, they talk about how important it is to them to get along and be a team player. arrrughhhhh
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dogwooddiaries · 10 days
The Cormorant, Ch 12: The Epilogue
This is it, y'all :')
Thanks for all of the love, I hope you enjoy this final chapter!
If I take a small break from writing fics it's just me processing that this fic is actually over lol.
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dogwooddiaries · 11 days
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dogwooddiaries · 11 days
Across The Stars - Chapter 2
Previous - Next
Summary: Crashing into a planet could end in worse ways
Chapter Rating: G-T
Words: 1830
Don couldn’t remember the last time he slept.
The ship’s speed never wavered, the vastness of space muddled time and fatigue tugged at the corner of his eyes. Sleep wasn’t an option however. He needed to be there with Joe when they breeched the planet’s atmosphere. If the planet still existed at all.
Don’s mind rattled off every worst case scenario, further distancing himself from a moment’s rest. His one comfort was that somehow, the other boys had managed more sleep than him. They would all need to be ready for what awaited them.
Just when all hope seemed lost, a beige planet speckled with green appeared between the stars. The tracking systems beeped at Don and with a nod to Joe, the two began working in memorized tandem as the ship drew closer.
They had passed their practice modules, the virtual training, but this was too different. Whether it was the reality or his own frazzled nerves, Don did not know. His stomach twisted, his hands fumbled around as if he were a child again, struggling to control his movements.
A blaring alarm jolted Don from his concentration and he scrambled to hit the right buttons. Crackling echoed in his ears, the cabin pulsed with red light. A horrible screeching joined in the cacaphony and Don forced his hands to stay on the controls.
“Shit! Engine disengaged! Everybody strap in!” Joe yelled as he furiously helped Don.
The ship lurched, pulled into the planet’s atmosphere, before the sharp drop began. No matter what Don and Joe did, nothing slowed the ship’s descent towards the planet and the cabin grew hotter by the second.
They spiraled, stars turning to dust, layers and layers of air, wind, shooting past them. All Don could do was hold tight as the world blackened around him.
The crunching of metal, breaking of glass was all he could hear, all he could sense before it was still. The silence was deafening. Don was numb, wanting to cry out, but his voice had been torn from him. Hands grabbed at his body, he was being pulled but he could not help. Voices faded in and out, blurred shapes crossed his vision.
There was light. There was sun. Blue eyes stared down at him, calling his name, calling him back. He knew this man. Don reached out but before he could tug the man’s scarf away from his face, the man faded into the light.
“Don!” Joe shouted, splashing water on his face.
Don gasped, coughed as he came to his senses. Surrounding him were rocky cliffs, jagged and sharp, sand cushioned his body from underneath. Clean air filled his lungs and a soft breeze sent chills down his spine.
And Joe had wasted an entire canteen on waking him up.
Shaking away droplets from his hair, Don collected himself with heavy breaths.
“Is everyone okay?” Don managed as he struggled to sit up.
Grabbing his elbow, Joe guided him to a seated position and clapped his back. “Yeah. No worse for wear.”
“You did good, Don,” Chuck kneeled down in front of him, grabbing his shoulder. “Just don’t scare us like that again, okay?”
Don nodded, letting his gaze fall on his other companions. They were standing by the smoldering ship, watching Don with concerned looks. Not two months ago had they been strangers, brought together for training, to be the new explorers of the galaxy. Now, they were bound by tragedy and Don felt a new heaviness on his soul.
“Where is this?” Roger asked, looking up at the cliffs.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Joe shook his head. “But we can breathe and no one’s tried to kill us yet.”
The faintest of smiles appeared on a few faces and Don found the strength to get to his feet. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out his navigational compass, a gift from his father, and held it out so they all could see. Beyond a few cracks, the compass was thankfully undamaged. It lit up, changed colors from green to blue while a small diamond floated in the middle.
“Says water is to the East.”
With nods, the group salvaged what they could from the wreckage before trudging through the narrow path that weaved between the cliffs. The wind followed them and Don felt a little more at ease. Perhaps this planet had nothing more than plants and fauna, a safe haven for the time being.
The path widened and soon they were greeted by a vast landscape. There were no trees, but white plants stretched out to the other cliff side that sat far beyond what any of the men wanted to walk.
“Linaywa!” A voice shouted and the eight men spun around to see the once barren cliffside filled with beings.
They were dressed in robes, trousers and shirts, any combination with every color imaginable. How they had managed to stay hidden, Don could not say.
The word was repeated again and Don realized he understood this language. It was an old tongue, one his mother taught him in secret.
“What are they saying?” Shorty hissed as the companions clustered together.
“They’re asking who we are,” Don swallowed, holding up his hands.
He received a few shocked stares and Don tried to identify the voice yelling at them.
“Then say something,” Chuck growled.
With a harsh blink, Don struggled to remember his lessons but all he could hear was his mother’s warnings. This wasn’t supposed to be spoken outside their home. Yet he had to learn it, had to know the language as well as himself. His life depended on it.
“Come on, Don, they’re about to shoot,” Joe nudged him
Don saw the bows, the guns and he choked out his response. “We’re outworlders seeking refuge,” he spoke, the words heavy on his tongue. “Our planet was attacked by Eifhejdm.”
“Your way of speaking. It’s stilted. Old,” came a reply, but the weapons were slowly lowered.
A figure shot down and approached the group, where as they came closer, Don could see brown eyes watching him behind a brilliant red scarf.
“I would like to believe you, but you must prove yourself,” the assumed leader continued. “Knowledge of our language is not enough.”
Don nodded as the other men stared at him in confusion. “What would you ask of us?”
“A fight. A fight to the death.”
Don paled, his breath leaving him as the corner of the leader’s eyes crinkled, as if she was smirking.
“Well?” Chuck whispered.
“I, um,” Don couldn’t make himself say it. This would have to be his fight and his alone.
“I accept,” he told her.
The leader stepped back, called out to the cliffs where another being climbed down. Their movements were swift, fluid, as if they had been born on the cliffs themselves and they landed with barely a sound.
Don pushed out from his group, despite the protests, and the leader handed him an object taken from her belt. It was a sword, the same length as his arm and the hilt was wrapped in leather-like straps. The blade itself pulsed with Don’s every breath, shuddered as he turned it over. Like prey caught in a trap, the sword was afraid of Don.
“Don, what the hell is going on?” Joe shot forward.
The leader hissed, shoved Joe back and soon the other men were surrounded by the unfamiliar beings, weapons in their faces.
“It’ll be alright,” Don tried to reassure, but nerves shook his voice.
He had sparred plenty in his life but never before had he killed. A part of him hoped the day would never come. He turned to his opponent and the world faded away.
It was those same blue eyes, the ones that had saved him. There was no mistaking. Since childhood Don had dreamed of these eyes, knew they were his destiny.
“Shilboyan,” Don breathed, his hand starting to reach out
The man’s eyes narrowed and he pulled down his scarf to spit in Don’s direction. “Huasokar,” he snapped.
Don stumbled, stepped back before clearing his mind. He needed to focus on the fight, how he would decide everyone’s fate. If he managed to best the man, he could figure out his emotions later.
The call to start echoed off the cliffs and Don jumped out of the way as the man slashed at him.
Their blades hit, they shoved each other away. A swipe here, a near stab to his face, Don twisted as he nearly managed to get the man’s side. Shouts rang loud in his ears, adrenaline and fear all rolling into one as their swords clanged together. Don fell to the ground as the man hit his shoulder, rolled to avoid the oncoming blade. He tried to knock him down, sweeping at his ankles, but the man was swift and leapt back. Scrambling onto his feet, Don took a chance, risked a slice to his arm before he managed to lock the man in a chokehold. He held the sword to his neck, but did not draw blood.
The blade rippled, relaxed in Don’s hold, ready to cut a life down. A surge of bravery coursed through him and he turned towards the beings of the cliffs, met eyes with the leader.
“I am through fighting!” he yelled in the foreign language. “I will not take his life. You will let us go or help us, but let no more blood be shed. We have seen enough!”
The valley was quiet and Don looked down at the man in his grip. Anger and confusion reflected in his eyes and he scowled at Don.
“Coward,” he spoke at last.
“Am I? Or do you not know mercy?”
The leader approached Don, eyes blinking, unreadable before a hand went up. “So it shall be. We will take you to our encampment.”
Don’s hold loosened and the man shot away rubbing where the blade had been at his neck. He stopped a few paces from Don, eyebrows furrowed.
“Who are you?”
Tilting his head, Don frowned. “My name is Don.”
“Not your name,” the man sighed. “Your history.”
Still confused, Don shook his head in apology. “I come from the planet Bnerai. I…I’m nothing special. My father was a harvester.”
The man waved Don off and headed back towards the cliffs when he suddenly stopped, turned back to look at Don.
“You know me,” he said just above a whisper. “And I know you.”
Don’s stomach lurched to his chest, his breath caught in his throat. The man’s stare stripped him to his most vulnerable and Don nearly fell to his knees. Yet, before he could respond, hands fell on him and his companions blocked his view. Questions came one after the other but Don heard none of it as he tried to watch the man, who disappeared amongst the cliffs.
Spots flooded his vision and in an instant, Don’s world turned black.
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dogwooddiaries · 12 days
I finally took the time to photograph my vintage dip pen nib collection, and I need to share with you all how wonderful and diverse their designs are.
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These two are my favorite. Just look at them! One of them is named Gorille and the other Mephisto, but to me they're little pumpkins.
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And of course you gotta love the Pinocchio nib. You get to write with the nose of a tiny guy! Just not something you get to do anymore.
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dogwooddiaries · 12 days
fanfiction is so beautiful because what do you mean i can read the same characters falling in love 92737389 times in different scenarios and not get tired of it.
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dogwooddiaries · 12 days
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dogwooddiaries · 14 days
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--Mary Oliver
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