dokidoki595 · 7 hours
I shifted into my skz dr as a male for the first time and got kicked in the balls. ⋆𐙚 ₊ ° ⊹ ♡ , which made me cry for 20 minutes straight.
aura: -7273737 (I have trauma, I will never shift there again)
However, as a boy, I was really sexy.
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dokidoki595 · 12 hours
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dokidoki595 · 12 hours
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dokidoki595 · 12 hours
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dokidoki595 · 14 hours
Don’t limit yourself y’all
(I know when I say that, it sounds like what every other LOA guide says but trust me on this one.)
Have your manifestations ever not gone to plan? For example, you wanted to manifest an A for an exam and instead it was a B or even a C? Maybe even worse?
Tell me, what did you do?
I already know what you did. You were probably like "omg why didn’t this or that come true I thought manifestation was real!"
It is real. You just need to realize that this is not the end.
Think for a moment. What is it that can change your grade in this situation?
Trick question: it doesn’t matter.
The only thing that matters is that the grade you received was not real.
Perhaps the teacher made a mistake and told you someone else’s grade, or he forgot to give you some points. It doesn’t matter what reason, just know that your grade is an A and it will be revealed that it is indeed an A.
The reason of why this mistake happened is something you can leave up to the universe.
That’s it.
You can pretty much apply this concept to anything.
Always know that you’re limitless and deserve better no matter what the 3D (the outer world) shows you.
Only your reaction counts. Does what you received match what you want? No? Then don’t react to it. That simple.
Hoped this helped someone who thought their manifestations don’t come true! Because trust me they’re yours already.
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dokidoki595 · 15 hours
girllll when i 👏🏼 tell 👏🏼 YOU! 👏🏼
i be like "literally, everything that is happening in the 3d is bcuz i persisted in a state, and didn't switch to/persist in my desired state" becuz ik the law, and often i forget to apply it 😭😭 well gurll‼️
(btw my acc got deleted 😭😭, but im back 💗, was simply focusing on life a bit, cuz life isn't tht bad ngl ☺️)
two success stories 💞
firstly, i tapped into the void state about......10 times inna row?? (it was WAYYY too simple!!) i was listening to an aff tape and my intention was to sleep while listening to it, but my mind was soo awake, so i tried to sleep by relaxing.
instead, i tapped into the void state randomly then be like "the vid ended already??", then i gradually gained my physical senses out of the state, then i was like.... "was my reality dippin?? 😭😭" it reoccurred about a few more times (each time within seconds) until i realised i was effortlessly tapping into and out of the void state 💅🏽💅🏽
the last three times, i kept forgetting to affirm cuz i didn't feel any "pre void symptoms" for me to realise when i tap into the void state, and i always try to feel my legs 🤦🏽‍♀️😭🙏🏽 but nxt time 😌
second success story: i manifested a text from my sp 🤭
gurlll, when i felt my phone vibrate... I THOUGHT IT WAS THIS GURL WHO USUALLY MSG ME 😭😭
so i was like "omgg why this chile txtin me at this time of da day 🤦🏽‍♀️" when i opened my phone, and saw who txted me.... GURLLLL 😭😭 IT WAS MY SPPP 🤭😭🥳 took 2 nights of persisting in my desired state 💅🏽 when i tell u, i lowk didn't expect the 3d to conform dis fast, but like cmon 🤷🏽‍♀️ everyone is a master manifester, but not everyone know their potential, cuz they keep spiralling (nrml reactions ofc, but sumtimes we gotta realise tht we gonna b stuck here if we dont actually apply the law 🤷🏽‍♀️🤍)
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e-blast #100
SPOTTED: @b4ddprincess, I’ve wondered where you’ve been. But you’ve been sitting at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Guess some certain people reading this have their heads so far up unmentionable places, that the rainbow after the rain is just something they aren’t willing to see. Maybe if they come up for air they’ll notice. But it’s been a while. Anyway back to you.
Once upon a time, entering the void state was difficult, until you realised it wasn’t. Because that would be equivalent to saying that breathing is difficult. And unless you’re a hysterical smoker, I don’t think many of us here can relate. And if you are a smoker, I know something that will kill you faster than a cigarette will, and it’s hope.
It’s easy when it’s natural. Naturalness really is the key to everything. The key to a luxurious hotel room. The key to a lavish car, and even the key to somebody’s heart. 2 days? No so fast B, you might scare the lower east siders who can’t keep up!!! And you know what happens when they get mad. XOXO
- gossip girl
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dokidoki595 · 1 day
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patrol break
i wanted to post this on valentine’s day but i ended up finishing this off after midnight ahhhshehnen
i’ll be rlly inactive for a while due to uni and all that jazz sorry everyone ;;
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dokidoki595 · 1 day
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I am such a sucker for classic/retro style peter parker okay
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dokidoki595 · 1 day
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read a fic that really pulled at my heartstrings and i wanted to draw fanart of it :)
JAWorley — „We’re Not There Yet (Or Maybe We Are)”
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dokidoki595 · 1 day
buncha tonies (also one ironfather and spiderward)
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also a couple of the stacks of irl sketches i’ve been hoarding
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dokidoki595 · 1 day
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Oof it’s been so long since I made something like this
Happy Juneteenth 🤧✨💛💕 I’m proud of us
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dokidoki595 · 1 day
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dokidoki595 · 1 day
What do people like about you?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
✧ Masterlist ✧ Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: The first thing to note is: you are associated with the word "stability". People appreciate you, see what a good, devoted friend and faithful partner you are, you can also have strong ties with your family and relatives. In addition to being loyal to people, you are true to yourself, you do not betray your principles and interests, moreover, you rely on them when making important decisions. You are the kind of person who will definitely not betray himself — people like this trait in you, they admire it. By the way, they also like what a caring, kind and moderately generous person you are, the brightest moments of life and memories are created with you, people always have a good mood when you are next to them. They really like that you can brighten up their day with your presence, they like spending time with you. They also believe that you are the soul of the company because you are the one who creates the mood around others, besides you are quite a friendly and sociable person. As I said before, people like the fact that you don't betray yourself, you defend your interests. At the same time, they admire the fact that you can defend your opinion, do not change yourself and do not adapt to others. You are probably the one who speaks your opinion directly to your face, does not hide the truth. People also notice that you are a person who tries to keep a balance in everything, in all areas of your life and you also work hard at it but at the same time you know the measure and very rarely bring yourself to burnout, severe fatigue. People also like the way you treat them: you always try to be attentive, remember details from their stories, some little things. To some extent, you are an open person, you are not afraid to express your opinion and people appreciate it very much. They also appreciate that they can find support in your words, it's really important to them.
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Pile 2: People like about you what an active, mobile person you are, who does not like to sit around and is always busy with something. In addition, you can speak quite fast, you can move quickly, use a lot of gestures, you have expressive facial expressions and people are charged by your vibe, they immediately catch your mood. People admire the fact that you are a very purposeful person and are able to achieve your goals, implement plans in a short time. At the same time, they also note that you work quite hard  work, you are constantly improving, developing, learning something new or trying yourself in a new field of activity, they like that you do not limit yourself to one thing and try yourself in many ways. They think you're a pretty versatile person, they like the way you share your impressions, tell life stories and they admire your lifestyle. At the same time, they like that you are easy-going, you agree to any adventure, you are ready to keep any person company. They also like that you are an intelligent and rational person, maybe in the eyes of some you can act impulsively but in fact you often think over your steps, make a plan of action. And people like that you think ahead first, rather than acting spontaneously, they admire your responsibility. They also like that you are a person of reason, you rarely succumb to emotions, you like to act thoughtfully, considering every step and every word. People can also see you as a wise leader, able to lead people and pass on their knowledge to them, you can also be seen as an experienced mentor or a specialist who knows his business.
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Pile 3: People like your aura in general, the way you look and behave: they are attracted to your beauty, external and internal, they like how you present yourself among people, how you interact with them, they consider you very confident, very charismatic, they like your style, your image, your aesthetics in general. People also believe that you are a very conscious, wise, spiritually developed person, they admire the fact that you know a lot, understand a lot in this world and, by and large, calmly treat everything that happens. They like that they always feel calm and safe next to you. You calmly react to any changes or crisis situations because you know that all this is temporary and everything can be handled. By the way, you are ready for any changes, you quickly adapt to them, you can easily part with the past and with some people, you don't worry about it for a long time. People also like the fact that you are not afraid of new beginnings, you can easily drop something and start from the beginning or even move on to another business that interests you. Often people can turn to you for advice because your support and help really helps them a lot and affects them for the better, they can see in you a kind of mentor who opens eyes to many things in life. They also admire the fact that you are not afraid to make mistakes, you treat them calmly because this is part of life and part of the way, you are well aware of this and accept it.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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dokidoki595 · 1 day
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𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝗂𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝗌 𝗎 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖽𝖺𝗒 ♡
𝗏𝗂𝖺: 𝖾𝗇𝗀𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗁𝗂𝗅𝗅_𝗓𝗈𝗈
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dokidoki595 · 2 days
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don’t forget on pride month
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dokidoki595 · 2 days
"What if my friends secretly hate me?" What if they pray for you before bed? What if they hear a song come on and it makes them immediately think of you? What if when times are hard for them, they close their eyes and think of the memories they've shared with you? What if they study your face closely to see how you're feeling? What if they listen to your stories? What if they smile when you text them first? What if
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dokidoki595 · 3 days
HI HI HI so i just wanted to share a success story with you!!! i’ve been following your blog and all your posts stuck with me but i never really applied, and i realized that a few days ago. so i decided to look myself in the mirror and tell myself that ‘no, i AM a master manifester and all of my desires have already manifested.’
and i’ve been really genuinely believing that statement, and one of my desires was to instantly enter the void. i decided to only think about the void as if i already enter it as i wish— and i said out loud to someone yesterday that ‘yeah i always enter the void, it’s easy i just count backwards from 500 and that’s it.’ and for some reason i’d said it like that without thinking, and i genuinely believed it when i said it, so i decided to try last night to just not think ab anything and count back from 500.
i wanted to share this in case it motivates anyone and also because i want to thank you for all your posts!!
That's so great to hear 🤩🤩. I'm glad I could be of help. Let this be a motivation for others as well, you create your reality. Don't let others or even you yourself convince you otherwise.
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