doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 4 years
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Maki Naro @ The Nib
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 4 years
I want to thank everyone who put this list together, thought to pass it on, and the people who are teaching these things for free...
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I believe in free education, one thatā€™s available to everyone; no matter their race, gender, age, wealth, etcā€¦ This masterpost was created for every knowledge hungry individual out there. I hope it will serve you well. Enjoy!
FREE ONLINE COURSESĀ (here are listed websites that provide huge variety of courses)
Khan Academy
Academic Earth
Stanford Online
MIT Open Courseware
Open Yale Courses
BBC Learning
Carnegie Mellon University OLI
University of Reddit
IDEAS, INSPIRATION & NEWS (websites which deliver educational content meant to entertain you and stimulate your brain)
Big ThinkĀ 
BBC Future
Seriously Amazing
How Stuff Works
Discovery News
NationalĀ Geographic
Science News
Popular Science
YouTube Edu
DIY & HOW-TOā€™SĀ (Donā€™t know how to do that? Want to learn how to do it yourself? Here are some great websites.)
Wonder How To
Do it yourself
OpenStax CNX
Open Textbooks
Textbook Revolution
E-books Directory
Books Should Be Free
Classic Reader
Read Print
Project Gutenberg
AudioBooks For Free
Poem Hunter
MIT Classics
Many Books
Open Textbooks BCcampus
Open Textbook Library
Directory of Open Access Journals
Wiley Open Access
Springer Open
Oxford Open
Elsevier Open Access
Open Access Library
BBC Languages
Learn A Language
Foreign Services Institute
My Languages
Surface Languages
OpenCultureā€™s Language links
GA Dash
Code Avengers
The Code Player
Code School
Programming Motherf*?$%#
Buckyā€™s room
Learn Code the Hard Way
Mozilla Developer Network
Microsoft Virtual Academy
Learning Yoga
Learn Meditation
Free Meditation
Online Meditation
Do Yoga With Me
Yoga Learning Center
Exposure Guide
The Bastards Book of Photography
Cambridge in Color
Best Photo Lessons
Photography Course
Production Now
Learn About Film
Film School Online
Google Cultural Institute
Music Theory
Music Theory Videos
Furmanczyk Academy of Music
Dave Conservatoire
Petrucci Music Library
Justin Guitar
Guitar Lessons
Piano Lessons
Zebra Keys
Play Bass Now
The Chess Website
First Aid for Free
First Aid Web
NHS Choices
Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Please feel free to add more learning focused websites.Ā 
*There are a lot more learning websites out there, but I picked the ones that are, as far as Iā€™m aware, completely free and in my opinion the best/ most useful.
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 4 years
Iā€™m trying to figure out how to post this without sounding smug while being fully aware that talking about Zero Waste, Carbon Footprints, and Climate Change can sound pretty fucking smug. There are researchers who claim to have worked out the mathematical formula for the perfect human voice and found the best female voice is a mixture of actress Dame Judi Dench, journalist Mariella Frostrup, and actress Honor Blackman while the best male voice is a mixture of actor Alan Rickman, actor Jeremy Irons, and Sir Michael Gambon. Perhaps you could read the rest of this in one of those voices.
Anyway. Someone I love and adore was talking about the awfulness that is happening in Australia and threw in a comment about Trump still denying the truth about Climate Change and, therefore, doing nothing to mitigate the statesā€™ impact. And I snapped. We are so beyond the point where itā€™s just up to a handful of people to pass some laws.
If you wonder what you can do to help and feel youā€™re ready to move beyond the reusable straw, water container, and buying in bulk, please consider offsetting the carbon emissions from your daily driving and diet by paying a company that offsets your carbon emissions. It really doesnā€™t cost that much.
Basically, you pay a company to plant trees that will absorb the extra carbon you add to the atmosphere when you drive, fly, eat meat, have shit shipped to you, blah blah blah. Or you could plant your own trees if youā€™re good at it. I donā€™t know your life. This is the company Iā€™m using:
For what itā€™s worth, thereā€™s so much more each of us can do, but this is so financially doable. Iā€™m including a screenshot of how it would look if you are a meat eater with a gas guzzling car who flies once a year. Up to you, of course, to decide its worth, but holy fuckballs - a chance to have clean drinking water and food in the near future? I know, Iā€™m being smug...
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 5 years
Why is it?? That I can go through the whole day feeling fine and dandy but the second I lay down for bed impending doom settles on me?
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 5 years
ā€œThere is a path forward.
But every day we delay the path forward includes fewer of us. Build community, build resilience, work for food security, think regeneration, plant food producing trees, think perennial food production, turn your waste products into resources, eat food that does not mine the soil and is locally produced, eat meat that is grass fed in a holistic or intensively rotated (ideally holistically grazed in a silvopasture ) that is used to provide nutrients to vegetation, get to know a farmer or become one yourself, park your car, do not vote for anyone who either ignores climate change or says we can have our cake and eat it too, quit your job if it is fossil fuel related (it is better than losing it... which you will), stop buying shit, stop buying expensive cars and overly large houses and then complain that local planet saving food costs more than Costco. Stop buying things that are designed to break and be disposed-of, let go of this society slowly and by your own volition (its better than being forced to do it quickly), Rip up your lawn and plant a garden with perennial veggies, fruit bushes, fruit trees and nut trees. Learn to compost your own poop (it is easy and doesn't stink).
Buy an apple with a blemish, Get a smaller house on a bigger lot and regenerate that land, Plant a guerrilla garden on a city road allowance. Return to the multi-generational house, Realize that growth has only been a thing in human civilization for 250 years and it is about to end and make preparations for this change. Teach this to your children. Buy only the necessities, don't buy new clothes-go to the thrift store. Don't use single use plastic or if you do re-purpose it, Unplug your garberator and compost everything, Relearn old forgotten skills. Don't let yourself get away with the argument that the plane is going there anyway when you book a holiday. Understand that there is no such thing as the new normal because next year will be worse,
Understand before you make the argument that we need to reduce human population ... meaning the population elsewhere... that it is not overpopulation in China or India that is causing the current problem... It is us and our "western" lifestyle. Understand that those that are currently arguing against refugees and climate change are both increasing the effects of climate change and causing millions of climate refugees... which will be arriving on Canada's doorstep because Canada, due to our size and Northern Latitude, will on the whole have some of the best climate refuges. Understand that the densification of cities is condemning those in that density to a food-less future. Stop tolerating the middle ground on climate change. there is no middle ground on gravity, the earth is round, and we are on the verge of collapse."
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 5 years
This is such a brilliant fucking idea I could cry like a republican forced to pay his taxes.
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 5 years
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Female, presenting nipples.
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
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The first person to start the rumor that your vote doesnā€™t count was a person who was afraid you might vote. Know why? Every vote counts. Every fucking one.
Watch the election results tonight, and youā€™ll hear them reveal the exact fucking numbers of votes a candidate received. If a race is close, youā€™ll hear the exact number of how many votes separates the contenders.
You want to just hand over your rights to Nazis and the KKK? Stay home. Because they vote. Always. You want to stop them? Vote.
Donā€™t be a cunt.
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
Thereā€™s a reason the GOP try to suppress the vote: Every vote counts. Every fucking one of ā€˜em.
Itā€™s the reason the media canā€™t announce which candidate wins till the polls close. When a race is really close, it will take hours after, or days, after an election to count every ballot. And THATā€™S when they announce. Only after every ballot is counted. Every ballot.
So vote. Fire the people who are trying to fuck your life, or keep them out the fuck out of office.
Vote to keep your right to do what you, and only you, want to do with your body.
Vote to have the right to love whomever you love.
Vote to keep rapists from being nominated and sent to our Supreme Court.
Vote to have your taxes go towards teachers and firemen and libraries and safe, drivable roads instead of billionaires with friend in high places.
Vote to keep madmen with guns from killing you at school. Or in at the movies. Or at a concert.
Vote to keep your air clean or you will barely live to regret it.
Vote to keep your water drinkable, or you will very soon discover what it feels like to be really fucking thirsty.
Vote to keep bees alive, or you will soon starve and die. Not decades from now - soon.
Vote while the GOP hasnā€™t yet taken away your ability to vote. What do you have to lose except everything?
Hey do y'all fucks remember two years ago when just before the election all these ā€œdonā€™t vote both parties are badā€ or ā€œvote independent!ā€ Posts were going around and then Trump won and now two weeks before midterms thereā€™s all these ā€œdonā€™t bother voting, revolution is the only way!ā€ And ā€œyour vote isnā€™t gonna matter and is an ineffective way to protestā€ posts are going around? Yeah knock that shit right the fuck off, donā€™t fall for it and get your ass to the polls, we are not doing this again.
282K notes Ā· View notes
doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
On a Long Journey Even a Straw Weighs Heavy
...On a short one too.
Three weeks ago I took a two day trip to Los Angeles. For me, that equals a change of underwear, a toothbrush, and maybe a second shirt. Maybe. I like to travel light and was enjoying the thought of not needing to pack even a bag for such a quickie. I am easily amused. And a little bit stupid.
Had I not noticed my recent switch to a larger handbag to accommodate all those tchotchkes I now bring with me when I step away from the house? Because thereā€™s a beautiful simplicity in Zero Waste, but it has a tare weight and can get fucking bulky, damn it.
If youā€™re reading this and asking, ā€œwhy,ā€ itā€™s because I saw that photo of the turtle living with a plastic straw up its nose and was horrified enough to to decide that I can do without a few first world conveniences to keep my share of schlock out of landfills and animals.
And yes, Iā€™m aware of the un-eco friendliness of flying. Cā€™est la vie. Jeremy Irons in A Long Dayā€™s Journey into Night had no plans on coming to me, so suck it. Muhammad must go to the mountain.
As suspected, my essentials fit in my purse -
2 pairs of underwear
Toothbrush & jar of toothpaste
Second shirt and pants
Injection bag containing shots, ice pack, & travel sharps container
Pill case with 40 pills
Wallet & keys
Phone with earbuds & charger
Journal. This beast is a bit heavy, but I never go anywhere without it. One should always have something sensational to read on the plane, right, Mr. Wilde?
Then I looked at my M*A*S*H* unit of eco-friendly supplies, glanced at my bag, and cursed like a motherfucker. The first of two problems was now obvious - my days of traveling light are over. Zero waste items take up space, and I use a lot of ā€˜em. I swapped out the purse for my backpack.
I havenā€™t traveled since I began trying to decrease the amount of garbage I create, so I visited Zero Waste blogs with travel tips and can now confidently tell you that either the writers donā€™t leave home for very long or I am totally doing this wrong. Itā€™s fine - I throw away very little these days and am happy about that, but someday, Iā€™m going to want to leave the house again, so the cities, countries, or even just restaurants I visit are going to have to meet me halfway and start making some major policy changes.
Over the course of 48 hours, Iā€™m fortunate enough to be in the habit of eating regularly and planned to continue the tradition in LA., so I grabbed my fabric napkins, bamboo cutlery, drinking glass with glass straw, and coffee mug. As instructed by the travel tip blogs, I packed food for the flight because saying No to the planeā€™s peanuts and meal means you say no to the plastic they come with. Great idea. Out comes my much loved tiffin container, and I happily fill it with charcuterie, cheese, and crackers, because I like to be fancy and shit.
On top of my own food, I grab the two gifts for the two different households where Iā€™d be staying each night - mason jars filled with candy made at a local shop. Yes, I could have bought gifts in LA, but I like this shopā€™s chocolates, and I could control the packaging at home by composting the bag so all my recipients would be left with was a glass jar and metal lid.
The backpack was now full of my essentials and the additions -
mason jar with glass straw
Coffee mug
2 mason jars with candy
3 tiered tiffin container full of snacks. The assumption that this would get lighter was not only wrong, it was the second problem, and a far greater issue than my desire to travel light.
Letā€™s just get this out of the way - in an effort to make up for all the tree deaths Iā€™ve personally been responsible for due to my love of ultra soft, mega rolls of toilet paper - and to avoid the plastic wrap that comes around them - I tried bamboo toilet paper and never felt so dirty in my fucking life. Even if I liked it, and holy shit I did not like it, Iā€™d have to carry a roll with me whenever I left the house. My solution is a portable bidet, and I take it with me everywhere. How I lived so long without one, I will never fucking know. For those of you wincing, you can fuck the fuck right off. Unless you are reading this from the shower where youā€™ve just washed your ass, mine is assuredly cleaner than yours. You could eat off of it.
The bidet is neither big nor heavy but does require some accoutrements, and they come with weight and bulk. I now needed to put them in a second fucking bag.
A small container of Dr. Bronnerā€™s castile Soap
A container for water in case the toilet is not right next to a sink
15 small towels
I generally bring two towels with me for nether region-drying purposes when I run errands, but a two day trip needs more than that. I have Multiple Sclerosis and pee all the goddamned fucking time, so I grabbed enough to be safe. Et j'en passe. My water pik was staring at me.
My teeth have some crowns and dental work so not all of them can be flossed without plastic threaders to get the floss through. As a result, the pik is not just for the purpose of avoiding the plastic, but itā€™s really the best way for me to clean my teeth. The thought of leaving it home crossed my mind, but having food trapped in my teeth for two days would make me almost as ornery than all those times I quit smoking, and when I say ornery, I mean Iā€™m a downright Cunt when Iā€™m uncomfortable. As long as Iā€™m already using a second fucking bag, may as well bring it.
A second fucking bag for a two day fucking trip -
Water Pik
A pouch with my Diva Cup and Thinx underwear because you never fucking know, #wherethefuckareyou,menopause?
As for my hair, I have a bonafide jewfro and never carry product or brushes with me because they donā€™t. fucking. help.
Two bags. Not none.
Am I doing things that differently than the bloggers with their pretty, pretty pictures of shopping baskets filled with mason jars for buying food in bulk? What, Dear Reader, is in your luggage? Iā€™m not judging, I genuinely want to know. I can stop what Iā€™m doing when I travel, but that feels like the wrong decision.
I looked at all my shit, recognized that it wasnā€™t going to decrease in size except by two mason jars, and thought of that turtle. At least the weight wouldnā€™t get heavier, n'est-ce pas? Right? The bigger problem became obvious not long after arriving at the airport, but Iā€™ll have to deal with that on a day when Iā€™m not lamenting then end of the World Cup for another 47 months.
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
Long Dayā€™s Journey Into Night akaĀ I Just Know Iā€™ll Die Trying to Pet Something I Shouldnā€™t
Iā€™ve been working towards zero waste for a few years now but have finally entered the phase where I tell most plastic to go fuck itself and donā€™t bring home anything that isnā€™t ecologically friendly. My friend suggested I blog about it, but there are so many helpful zero waste blogs out there - the internet needs another one like a banana needs a styrofoam tray with plastic wrap packaging, and yes, Trader Joeā€™s, Iā€™m talking about you. Bastardos derrochadores. Besides I donā€™t blog my thoughts. Iā€™ve got the coolest fucking journal in the world, but the pages within are for me and my own warped little mind.
Leaving the house on a Zero Waste game plan can be tricky, so just before a spur of the moment trip to Los Angeles last weekend I read a number of blogs with travel tips. They told me to bring an airplane snack, pack my own straw, and stick to a capsule wardrobe. Fine advice, but they can all suck my dick.
Perhaps Iā€™m doing it wrong - and whatever Iā€™m doing, thereā€™s always a good chance Iā€™m doing it wrong - but not mentioning how incredibly bulky this game plan becomes when you leave your home makes all the advice I read a little lacking in real usefulness. In fact, not mentioning how hard it is to travel light made the sum total of advice I got as useful as a marzipan dildo.
Iā€™m eager to write down the complications I experienced on this 48 hour trip, not because I want to complain about how hard it is to create less garbage, ce n'est vraiment pas, but because some of you may be able to tell me better ways to do what I did, and because some of what I experienced was due to my expecting more from the state of California. Oui toi, California. Progressive, mon cul. Donā€™t get me wrong, Cali. I applaud you for considering a ban on plastic straws in restaurants, but I havenā€™t yet read or heard that those same restaurants will be required to compost the paper straw they give you. Ā Bist meshugeh? Yes, I asked my waiter if the straw he just gave me would be composted or thrown out, yes, he assured me he knew of no composting at the restaurant, and yes, I took my paper fucking straw and its paper fucking wrapper all the fucking way back home to Seattle where I could finally fucking compost it instead of having it end up in a fucking landfill.
Am I going too far? Because Iā€™ve seen the photos of animals trapped in plastic bags with straws up their noses and rubber bands wrapped around their bodies, and I just fucking canā€™t anymore. Es iz a shandeh un a charpeh. The cruelest animal out there is still better than the best human being weā€™ve ever produced, and it kills me to see what weā€™re doing to them. If we donā€™t care enough to protect ourselves or our kids from whatā€™s coming with our mountains of garbage, so be it. Es iz a shandeh far di kinder, but the animals donā€™t deserve this shit.
So Iā€™ve been wanting to write down the things I discovered last week, but I havenā€™t been able to because thereā€™s this embarrassing bit that happened on the trip that has absolutely nothing to do with zero waste, and it seems I canā€™t write about those other things till I vomit out the humiliating one that was all my own doing. I know that someday Iā€™ll find it absolutely hilarious, but that day is neither today nor tomorrow, and I donā€™t see any day next week waving me in...
If itā€™s not readily apparent, I adore animals. When Iā€™m in your home, it wonā€™t be long before Iā€™m sitting on your floor snuggling your pet, even if itā€™s a fucking squirrel. Iā€™m the person on the street who asks if i may scratch your doggie behind the ear, and if you and yours are in the pet store where Iā€™ve just bought my own dog treats, I will no doubt ask if I may offer one to your dog. Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve come home from the pet store with an unopened bag of goodies. Animals are just lovely and amazing, and if one is in my presence, Iā€™ll spoil it as much as I can.
Now this trip I took to LA was for the sole purpose of seeing an incredible actor in what may be his final role onstage. Jeremy Irons is playing James Tyrone in Eugene O'Neill's Long Dayā€™s Journey Into Night, and while researching who knows what, I came across an interview with Irons suggesting heā€™d be fine with this being his last play.
Well, fuck me.
Itā€™s been 30 years since Steve Martin, Robin Williams, and Bill Irwin were in the 1988 production of Samuel Beckettā€™s Waiting for Godot at the Lincoln Center, less than two miles from my apartment, and I still havenā€™t forgiven myself for missing it. So if Irons is suggesting this may be his last show, and there are only 10 more performances left, Iā€™m going to have a seat at one of those fucking performances. I may live a few states away, but Iā€™ve got a fuck ton more credit than I did in ā€˜88, and for the first time in a long time, Iā€™m going to use it on something I want as opposed to something I need.
While purchasing tickets for the play and plane tickets, Iā€™m aware that the World Cup is simultaneously happening in Russia, and Iā€™m not going to be able to relax till I know where I can watch each match, including those that start at 5 AM because World Cup. I wait four years for this. It turns out my travel buddy and I have wonderfully accommodating friends in the golden state, but I do encounter one unavoidable problem - England will be playing the morning we fly back to Washington. Oy, a broch. I cannot stress how much this sucks a bag of dicks, and not a one of them is good dick.
The English Premiership is my favorite football of all the football so England has become one of my favorite national teams. If the match happened during our flight, Iā€™m guessing I could pay for in-flight internet and stream it, but it happens while weā€™re getting ready to leave for, in transit to, and going through airport security, and fuck me again, Jeremy Irons, why is your (possibly) last play happening during the World Fucking Cup? There are 47 months when there are no World Cup matches, and you (might) retire from the stage during the one when there are? Did you not think of me when you made your plans? And donā€™t anyone say DVR. Fuck DVR. This is a live event that happens for four fast weeks every four years. Either I watch it live or just tell me the score, and the thought of just getting the score for this fixture leaves me with the full body sensation of Fuck a Bunch of That. Vey iz mir. Iā€™m clearly going to have to suck this up.
We step out of LAX and see someone with an adorable puppy, but I discover that in California, Iā€™m suddenly not comfortable asking strangers if I can pet their dogs. This is a big deal for me. Iā€™ve left my own dog and husband back in the mountains near Seattle, and for the next two days I have nothing to pet. These Californians seem weird, and itā€™s a different weird than my own Weird, which I admit to be really fucking weird. But no dog I encountered on my trip felt approachable. Except one -
Itā€™s past 11 PM Saturday night, and I have been up since 5 AM because of the Belgium fixture. The day has been hectic, and now weā€™ve just sat through a heavy, three and a half hour play. Weā€™re dead tired. While standing outside the theatre discussing our next move, my friend tells me sheā€™s famished so I suggest we go back into the building and try the theatreā€™s bar for a snack that will tide her over. And there, in the doorway to the bar, staring right at me, is the sweetest little dog with no leash or owner huddling over her. There are a number of people in the room, but sheā€™s not paying attention to anyone but me, so I swarm.
After offering her my hand and a few strokes across her sweet face, she turns around, sits on my feet, and leans against my shins. Neshomeleh. There a few reasons for this behavior in dogs, and I only know this because I looked it up the first time it happened - she loves me or she is making me her security blanket because she is anxious or she is marking me as ā€˜hersā€ and telling everyone, ā€œthis woman is mine.ā€ Any of these work for me. Itā€™s been 36 hours since I kissed my own dog, and I need a hit.
I sit on the floor petting the shit out of her while she licks my face, and then my newest best friend flips herself over to offer me her tummy. This little beast is mine.
Eventually I realize my human friend is saying my name, telling me our Uber is outside and about to leave. It seems sheā€™s had trouble finding me because although we were in the same room, she didnā€™t see me sitting on the floor. Where else would her 49 year old friend be? Didnā€™t she see the dog? I look up towards the direction of her voice and realize Iā€™m sitting at Jeremy Ironsā€™ feet. Heā€™s at a nearby table with friends, and despite my career in the theatre (I was a scenic artist and prop master before I retired,) I suddenly find myself pathetically starstruck and then immediately embarrassed for myself for being starstruck.
I donā€™t get starstruck.
Not for actors.
I know actors.
Actors are weird fucking people who break and misplace props.
I unfreeze myself long enough to say goodbye to my new BFF and remove myself from the premises. No, I did not interrupt his conversation to say hello or tell him how much I loved the play. He was with people, and it would be incredibly rude to bother him. And Iā€™m shyer than fuck. And ridiculously starstruck.
Outside we discover our Uber has left without us, and although my buddy says sheā€™s just hungry, Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s angry with me. Sorry, not sorry. Dog. She proceeds to talk on the phone with someone, and I walk away to give her some privacy. Thatā€™s when I see my new favorite dog outside so, of course, I walk over to offer and receive a few more moments of affection. Thatā€™s when I see her owner lean over to clip her onto her leash. And itā€™s Jeremy fucking Irons.
No one believes me when I tell them Iā€™m shy, but I am. Iā€™m so shy Iā€™d rather bond with your fucking pets, people. The thought of starting conversation with a stranger, especially one in company, is absolutely unthinkable so Iā€™m completely flabbergasted when my mouth decides to speak without consulting me first. It interrupts the poor man who is just trying to chill after his own long day with a smoke and friends, and it asks him if the dog I had just been making out with was his. To his credit, he says, ā€œYesā€œ and not, ā€œYes, Train Wreck, but this is not your station.ā€ So, of course, I sit down on the ground by his dog, again at the manā€™s feet, entirely uninvited. Idiot.
He kindly tells me his dogā€™s name and allows me to continue petting her, so I thank him by complaining that his swan song is interfering with my World Cup viewings and that my flight home the next morning prevents me from seeing Englandā€™s next match. Merde. Why he didnā€™t cunt-punt me to the other side of the street, I will never know. Are people really this nice? Because I know Iā€™m not. Iā€™m a fucking cunt.
When I finally grab my bag to leave him be, its weight reminds me that Iā€™m carrying my journal, a heavy beast that probably weighs almost as much as his dog. I hand it to him and ask that he write something - anything - somewhere within it, on any page he pleases. He flips through it before offering me a glance at his own beautiful journal. I canā€™t remember him handing mine back to me nor do I recall giving or receiving a goodbye. I only remember, once again, removing myself from the premises...
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S'il vous plaĆ®t, Jeremy, pardonnez mes maniĆØres et merci de me traiter civilement malgrĆ© eux. Vous valait bien le jeu manquĆ© et la nouvelle dette de carte de crĆ©dit.
Et mon adorable petit chien, Smudge, mayn zis bisl hunt. A sheyner veyer dank. Merci d'ĆŖtre mienne pendant dix minutes. Te mando todo mi amor et belly rubs. All the belly rubs...
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
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Not what I look like when I play cello.
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
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doll-on-a-music-box Ā· 6 years
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Cello art
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