dolly-inks · 4 years
Is Julian a Freak? PART 4
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Obviously this dude had feelings for Anneliese since the beginning of the movie. But how strong are they?
He has an Anneliese wig. He spends one-on-one time with her as her exclusive tutor. He hangs outside her window in the garden looking at flowers. He sings a song about his observations on her behaviour.
This might be more than a crush.
He goes to EXTREME lengths to protect Anneliese’s integrity when she is kidnapped. He recruits Erika and conducts a whole identity theft scheme while he searches for Anneliese at night.
Only a complete psychopath would did this.
He carelessly fell into Preminger’s grasp too. Was he blinded by his obsessive behaviour which caused him to make careless mistakes (i.e. leaning on the boarded window and making it creak)?
Silly boy. Now he’s held hostage too. Anneliese is there. And she has the AUDACITY to jokingly say she was in love with someone else.
His face says it all.
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- @dolly-inks
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dolly-inks · 4 years
Why did those lyrics never alarm me as a kid?
Is Julian a Freak? PART 3
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Julian. Oh Julian.
This man spends half of a song agonizing over Princess Anneliese. I am aware that he is in love with her. But isn’t it a little much?
Also, Isnt this man supposed to be Anneliese’s tutor? It’s a little weird for a teacher to be yearning over his student. Now yes, he is explaining Anneliese to Erika so she will know how to act.
But is “Doors close, and the chemistry grows” really a necessary description of the princess to this woman you barely know?
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It’s just a tad excessive in my mind. But what do I know. I’m not a poor man taken into the castle to tutor the princess.
- @sicklesun
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dolly-inks · 4 years
Is Julian a Freak? PART 2
(Part 1)
Can I just ask. How the heck did Julian become a Tutor in the Royal palace? If he came from a poor family, where did he get the money to become educated enough to become a tutor to the princess?
Did his family sell him to the palace or a rich family, where he was educated?
It’s almost impossible to make such a jump from low-income to upper-class so quickly. At least not without insane luck or nafarious actions.
Perhaps Julian began admiring Anneliese from afar. Innocent at first. But slowly it became his obsession to get to know her, and get her to fall in love with him. So, he does what any sane person would do and decides to start studying to become her tutor. He starts working at the palace to pay off his debt (similar to Erika) and allow him to gaze at her from afar.
I’d bet Julian started out in the gardens. We see him there a few times (like once but who’s counting?). If this man was employed by the palace to repay a debt, similar to Erika, he likely would have had some training in proper palace etiquette. (You can’t have your workers running around insulting your Royal guests by accident after all.) This would also allow him to get his foot in the door, and move into a more prestigious position when he was ready.
A little creepy. But it worked I guess.
- @sicklesun
(Part 3)
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dolly-inks · 4 years
In middle school, I purposely called Larten “Farten Crepsley” to annoy my friend and it literally ended our friendship.
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dolly-inks · 4 years
Is Julian a Freak? PART 1
Seriously? Why is no one questioning Julian having an Anneliese wig at the ready?
It seems unlikely that he would have been able to get one made for Erika in a day. Realsitic wigs take more than a couple days to slap together. So, unless Erika is walking around in a fake looking wig. I’m gonna have to conclude that the wig was already made.
So maybe it’s Anneliese’s Wig. But, why does she need one? Is she not blonde? Does she have terrible hair? And if it’s her wig, why the heck does Julian know where it is?
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Look at him. He looks so pleased.
Is he super obsessed with Anneliese, and recreating things that she owns or getting things that resemble her - i.e. the wig?
Think about it! He probably found a way to become her tutor so he could spend one-on-one time time together.
Lucky for him, she fell for him too.
- @sicklesun & @dolly-inks
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dolly-inks · 4 years
What’s your favourite song?
Me as an intellectual: Solitude in E minor
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dolly-inks · 4 years
Why You Should Feel Bad for the Airport Employee in Toy Story 2
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In this scene, you see Al giving the airport employee a hard time. He exclaims, “listen fly boy! The contents in that case are worth more than you make in a year! You got that, sport?!”
So here is Al telling the airport employee how expensive the contents in his luggage are— alluding to their significance and monetary value.
During the whole airport rescue that the toys undertake, Al’s luggage is ransacked—containing all its original contents except for the toys.
The toys that are of significant monetary value.
On the outside looking in, there was some kind of interference in the airport where the toys were stolen from Al’s luggage.
That airport employee was in direct contact with Al’s luggage—making him a prime suspect.
To avoid controversy, that employee was likely fired so as to protect the reputation of the airport and to avoid a lawsuit. So that employee would’ve been terminated, and the evidence would work against him—he couldn’t prove that he didn’t NOT steal the expensive toys. The soon-to-be toy museum artifacts.
So this dude lost his job for no reason at the expensive of the toys trying to get back to Andy.
Al could sue the airport for theft—he could put all the blame on them. He could make valuable profit from the lawsuit—likely enough money to make up for what the Japanese toy museum would’ve paid him.
But why is he shown so melancholy in the newest Al’s Toy Barn commercial?
He couldn’t risk pursuing legal action because then he’d have to come forward about stealing the toys initially (i.e. stealing Woody from a yard sale). So he’s stuck. No toys. No fortune. No options.
SO! The airport employee COULD file for unlawful termination. They COULD get their job back, but that would cost a whole ordeal. Which is all because of the rescue operation that Buzz and Woody conducted.
Thanks for collaborating on this theory @extrachegg
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dolly-inks · 4 years
Julian needs to enunciate
Honestly, for 15 years I swore this is what he said
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“She’s like a rose, that’s forever in bloom” makes so much more sense. Why did I never question myself.
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dolly-inks · 5 years
Can someone write me a story about a villan’s sidekick where they’re not an idiot, but genuinly want to be as good as their boss and hate being second best
But then they meet the hero’s sidekick and they meet on Saturday’s and discuss how their bosses are dumb, and fall in love-
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