dollyshious · 3 years
Wooo! Feisty redhead-! <W< Bird man is pleased.
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I’m more of a writer than a drawer, but I at least wanted to draw her hero costume this weekend. So, here’s Kohaku Arisaka, or Warp
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dollyshious · 3 years
This can be said about drama CDs and stuff too. 😂
Like, what are you doing you shady little gremlin? >.>
How do I get into the business of writing scripts for erotic audio?
Like, your voice is amazing, but I don’t know what’s happening half the time.
Hm okay, wet noises. Are we kissing or are you licking something? You’ve said ‘sexy’ like ten times in the span of two minutes. Moaning - am I touching you? What’s happening. What position are we in? Oh skin slapping - are we fucking now??? It stopped suddenly. Did you cum? Are we done already? I DON’T KNOW.
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dollyshious · 3 years
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I’m just a fucking deviant
……..spank me
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dollyshious · 3 years
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Oh my. . . ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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[Improved, more screenshot and mobile friendly version]
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dollyshious · 3 years
Glory to Automata
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detroit become human was made by androids to make all human players hate their own kind
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dollyshious · 3 years
Kanato's hips don't lie.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS 9th Anniversary
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dollyshious · 4 years
YES! I'm so glad you noticed this too! He's oddly very conscious of his partner's desires and isn't afraid to be submissive every now and then. <w<
Kanato Sakamaki’s (Probable) True Sexual Alignment
Hm. I might be wrong about this one, but…
Even though some dialovers might likely believe he’s a Do-S for sure, Kanato is probably a Su-S (Submissive Sadist). Please hear me out before throwing that rock you’re holding in your hand. This might be worth your time.
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There are 2 scenes in More Blood which I believe are proof of his submissive behaviour, both in the Ecstasy part. The first proof is the scene in the library. He takes Yui to a secluded spot and watches her reactions to his ministrations (kissing and sucking blood), then asks her what her feelings are (to know if she likes it, what exactly she likes him to do, how she likes it, etc). When she doesn’t reply, he gets upset and leaves.
The second scene happens in Yui’s bedroom. Kanato ties her with some rope and suggests three places on her body where he will bite her to pleasure her. But all that Yui replies is for him to untie her.
Now, in both stances, what did Kanato do? He initiated an action meant to engage in pleasurable activity with Yui  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°  but in neither case did he impose his will on her. He subtly encouraged her to show him what SHE wanted instead, and promptly offered to give it to her. 
A Do-S would never ask their lover what they want. They would simply take charge in bed and expect their partner to love being treated that way, no matter how rough they were, much like Yuuma does to Yui.
So there you have it. When Kanato finally warms up to Yui in More Blood, he never relinquishes control over the relationship, a behaviour typical of Sadists. However, he shows clear signs of wanting to tend to her desires, not his. Therefore, we can safely conclude he achieves his pleasure/orgasm by pleasing/pleasuring her by taking charge and rewarding their partner’s good behaviour by pleasuring them, like any typical Submissive Sadist.  
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Now, Yui is supposed to be a Do-M, right? So why did she not tell Kanato her urges? This is why Diabolik Lovers is so confusing. Plus, the game confuses personality traits, BDSM and abuse, making them seem like the same thing (whem BDSM totally excludes abuse from its practices, for example). 
(I don’t know when Japan came up with the Do-M, Do-S thing, but they shouldn’t be used to refer to personality traits or even be associated with abusive behaviour. It’s just misleading.)
Anyway, those are my two cents about the bratty, irascible, emotionally unstable purple-haired Sakamaki, aka Chibi (thanks, Subaru!). Even though he acts all high and mighty, he actually enjoys being ordered around. Only, his partner has to know how to do it subtly.
Addendum: Also, remember the scene with the soup? He offers to heal her feet (by licking them) and then asks for a reward. He submits himself to pleasure her first so he may have his own pleasure later. Typical submissive behaviour. 
Of course, because he created the whole situation which spawned it first, he’s the master in the relationship. He’s in charge. Therefore, a sadist first and foremost. But still, quite a submissive one. =)
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Important Note: I’m not a BDSM specialist or knowledgeable about Japan’s rather arbitrary system of classifying people’s personality loosely based in BDSM. Those are my views based on what Dominant and Submissive personalities would be like based on the game’s own obscure parameters, made clear by the characters’ behaviour. 
With that said, only the developers can truly explain what constitutes a Do-S or a Do-M for them and what is each character’s true nature. The rest of us fans can only speculate what they had in mind.
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dollyshious · 5 years
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dollyshious · 5 years
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Feliz halloween! 🎃🎃🎃
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dollyshious · 5 years
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Happy Halloween everyone! ☠️🕷🕸🎃👻🦇💀 sketched the sweets obsessed Sakamaki because it’s only fitting to on Halloween right? Lol 😂 I thought let’s draw Kanato as a version of Frankenstein!
#diaboliklovers #diabolikloversfanart #diabolikloverskanato #diabolikloverskanatosakamaki #kanatosakamaki #kanatosakamakifanart #fanart #fanartsketch #animefanart #animesketch #sketch #pencilsketch #halloweenthemed https://www.instagram.com/p/B4TBPFugax3/?igshid=610jdjo0bs39
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dollyshious · 5 years
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dollyshious · 5 years
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dollyshious · 5 years
How very slothful of you. Huehuehue
I bet angel Sora is a tattletale recording everyone's sins in her little black book >.>
"My mission was to record the sins of this house... I gave up when I hit page ten about an hour after arriving.”
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dollyshious · 5 years
Look at how pure and sweet she looks. But, Shuu knows deep down there's sin. >w>
@lets-bewitched tagged me in this angel making thingy… It was cute and fun to see the finished product. Thanks for tagging me! … And I’ll tag my favorite albino: @dollyshious
Here is where you can make your angel: https://picrew.me/image_maker/84797 
I kinda made Sora, with some liberties…
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Fallen Angel AU actually sounds really fun. XD Keep the boi’s as evil vampires… out to try and corrupt the angel… and pluck her wings… or maybe be ascended themselves… Ooo so many wonderful possibilities >w< !
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dollyshious · 5 years
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So @forsakenoathkeeper tagged me in this cute angel making game. She told me I need to post it so she can go to bed. <.<
Imma gunna tag umm...iunno people's usernames are different now. >n>
But, here's da link. Now anyone that hasn't done it, get to ett.
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dollyshious · 5 years
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Diabolik lovers death parade icons ( Sakamaki ) 
size: 249 x 249 px
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dollyshious · 5 years
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🌸 Commissions are OPEN-! 🌸
Hey guys! Not sure if anyone would be interested, but I decided to put the offer on the table. ^^ So, send me a message if you have something in mind!
🌸 Important things to note 🌸
▶ I only accept PayPal
▶ Prices may change depending on complexity (extra charaxters, backgounds, etc)
▶ A simple background made by me will be included, unless specified otherwise.
▶ Payment must be made before or right after initial sketch has been approved.
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