dolphinavip · 1 year
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The one and only Lady Lesso! Another fanart of her again!
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dolphinavip · 1 year
Dovey: (In the kitchen planning dinner) What do you fancy eating tonight?
Lesso: (Smirks and stares at Clarissa)
Dovey: Seriously, I need you to answer the question or we won't be eating anything tonight.
Lesso: I already know what I'm eating tonight darling.
Comment if you want to become part of my taglist x
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dolphinavip · 1 year
Secrets- Chapter 1
Warnings: None
Pairing: lady Lesso x fem reader
Word count: 1732
Hello everyone! This is my first story and I hope you enjoy it!!
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You had join the school for good and evil quite some time back yet not so long ago that most professors still considered you as new. You had began teaching only at the school for good for not too long before the two schools had merged together. Before the merge you didn't quite interact with your evil counterparts as much, only the quick glances during dinner, or in the corridors but after the merge meetings with the two sides were much more frequent.
Due to this a very unlikely friendship had sparked between you and the red head. It began with her looking at you during meeting yet ended up with late nights being spent in each others private chambers just chatting away or small walks around the gardens at night.
You sat in your office finally finishing up grading the last few papers. Long ago had night fallen yet there had been so much work to do that you didn't want to leave it till tomorrow. The clock finally struck 9 as you put away the last sheet of homework.
Dovey had asked you to discuss with Lesso about some lesson plans and her opinion about them yet you hadn't found time at all to visit Lesso. Glancing at the clock it wasn't too late and it wasn't going ti take long. Plus the lesson plan was for tomorrow and you didn't want to deal with an angry Lesso.
You knocked on the large oak doors of her office, with the light from the room peaking out. A audible groan came from the room before a voice came.
"Enter" she said sharply.
As you entered the room was in pristine condition, not what you had been expecting. Looking over at the Dean she was still busy at grading papers not even bothering to look up as you entered.
"Got lost Princess. Surely you need your beauty sleep?" She smirked briefly looking up from her papers amused at realising it was you at the door, putting down her guard.
You just scoffed making your way into her office "Dovey asked me to discuss the lesson plans with you"
"And can't you see I'm busy" she interrupted still refusing to look up as she carried writing away.
Mumbling something under your breath you stood up ready to leave which did catch Lesso's attention.
"Alright fine go on, don't go sulking" she glanced up gesturing back to the seat as she saw the annoyed look on your face.
After an hour or so of discussion a yawn escaped your lips.
"I think we should continue this in the morning" Lesso said abruptly as she looked towards the cloak, even she was exhausted from the long day.
As you got up a chess box caught your eye.
"You play chess?" You smiled raising an eyebrow.
"Have enough time to join me in one game?" She questioned, picking up the set "I think beating a princess would be quite enjoyable"
You scoffed "i want to see you try"
After a couple of games, Lesso groaned as you pushed her king from the board.
"And check again" you smiled winking as Lesso composed herself.
"That was just luck and it's just again" she acted as if she didn't care she had been beaten yet looked extremely annoyed.
"Well I should get going, it is extremely late and I do suppose you need to recover from loosing this many times" you smiled again as you began to leave the room.
"I-" Lesso began before backtracking in her thoughts.
"Hmm?" You questioned as she stopped in her thoughts.
"Nothing" she replied quickly returning to her cold demeanour and nodded as you began to leave the room. 
"Same time again tomorrow?" She asked more gently as you waved good night "of course" you smiled back closing the door behind.
Secretly Lesso enjoyed the late meetings at nights even the late night walks in the garden. Although it was always cold spending some time with you seemed to make up for it.
In the morning during breakfast you sat at your normal seat as Dovey and Emma sat beside you. Busy in their talks you noticed Lesso enter the room, her hair was more of a mess than usual and she looked like she hadn't got even an hour of sleep. Lesso couldn't hide her discomfort with her leg pain flaring up, her face contorting  in pain as she accidentally put too much pressure onto her leg. She looked up to meet your eyes which looked on with concern before quickly glancing away, returning to her cold demeanour.
Even her mood was as bad as you saw her growl towards some Nevers you came in her way pushing the roughly aside with her cane hitting them in the shin much to their displeasure. She glanced between you and the spare chair next to Dovey. Honestly she didn't want to put up with her smiles and rainbows but just wanted to sit down.
"You look even worse than normal Lesso" Emma smirked glancing over.
"Thank you for that Emma," Lesso scoffed rolling her eyes.
"You sure your okay?" Dovey asked gently clearly concerned for her counter part.
Lesso just nodded before a group of Evers had came and interrupted. Before you could even talk to Lesso classes had already begun so you had to make your way to your room.
You hadn’t seen Lesso all day, she hadn’t shown up to any meeting throughout the day nor came to your office for your regular walks in the garden.
You looked at the clock as it ticked past 8 then 9. Lesso was meant to be here an hour ago and for her to be this late was unheard of.
You had checked her office first to see if she was there. Although she wasn't you were met with a huge mess with papers all scattered across her desk, with the pot of pens and pencils spilt next to the desk. The lamp beside her desk still switched on. The room was completely a mess, a total opposite of what I was like just the day before.
Quickly switching off the light you head towards her private chambers which happened to be on the other side of the campus much to your displeasure.
"Lesso?" You asked ear against the door as you knocked on it.
Your face scrunched as you received no response from inside. Knocking again you listened impatiently from any noise from inside the room.
A loud thump brought you from your thoughts as something hit the door with quite some force.
"Nora it's me" you said more gently slightly pushing the door open.
Even though you could only peek into the room the scene in front was even worse than her office. You pushed open the doors completely searching for Lesso in the room.
"I said go away" Lesso commanded turning her back to face away from you not allowing you to see in her in this state.
Only then did you see her sitting on the floor to the side of her bed, leaned up against the frame. Her cane which she had probably thrown at the door lay beside your feet.
"Lesso..." you said barely audible reaching down for the cane.
"I do not require anyone's help" she hissed as she saw you approaching navigating round the mess of her room.
Lesso sat up straight, quickly wiping any tears threatening to fall and got up from the floor.
You looked at the state of the dean. Never even once had you seen her such in a weakened state, always being used to the cold and distant behaviour. Lesso frowned at the sight of you having pity on her- The Dean of the school of Evil. Yet here she was.
"I said I don't need anyone's help, especially from an Ever like you" she hissed once again, a tone of anger hinting behind her voice as she stood sharply.
"But..." you began
"Leave me alone" she cut you off gesturing to the the door, yet she still refused to look at you.
You paused, unsure of what to do before leaving the room and closing the door gently behind.
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dolphinavip · 1 year
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Another little fanart of Dovesso!
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dolphinavip · 1 year
Dovesso 🕊️ these two are so adorable together 🫣
My instagram is @ree_doodles
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