dontloseyoursmiles · 4 years
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dontloseyoursmiles · 4 years
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dontloseyoursmiles · 4 years
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dontloseyoursmiles · 4 years
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
Es una gran oportunidad ⭐⭐⭐
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
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Hurry Styles!
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
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“DIGNITY”: Chile has had enough
We’re not protesting because of the subway ticket price (”it’s not 30 pesos, it’s 30 years!” as we scream in the streets), that only was the last straw:
We’ve been feeling anger and humiliation for years, and last week, the “pressure cooker” finally exploted thanks to this rise in the price for subway tickets, which made high schoolers around the city say “nah fuck this” and deciding not to pay the subway anymore under the motto “Evade! Do not pay! (it’s) another way to fight!”
Little by little, the university students and adults (even the elderly) joined the cause, to the point the capital stopped working normally, and due to the government’s ineffectiveness in handling the situation, we ended up in this chaos.
This has no political party, this has no leader: This is an act of dignity.
Years of hoping the government will do something for: The education system (you only get good education if you have money), healthcare system (people die waiting for attention everyday in the public hospitals, in some, there is not even enough medicine or doctors), public transport system (expensive, terrible service), the rise in water and electricity bills (yes, they’re private!!!), pensions (old people commit suicide because they have no money to live, or worse, have some, but the pension system (AFPs) won’t give them THEIR OWN MONEY BACK WHEN IN NEED), collusions, corruption (our president is a thief and the rest of the politicians as well… and they want us to pay those expensive tickets without even explaining to us why did they rise it? they can fuck off), the indigenous people being mistreated and even murdered by police, the murder of activists, poverty, drugs, etc… and nothing, in fact, for years it has feel like they’ve been making fun of all of us.
They’re absolutely disconnected from the reality of the rest of the country. It’s as if there were two countries in one.
And now, our president said we “were at war“.
The same thing Pinochet used to said back in the 70s/80s.
The military is on the streets right now, there is a curfew in many parts of the country (which hundreds of people are not respecting, protesting even harder on the streets in those dangerous hours).
All while there is not public transportation, because many of the subway’s station were set on fire (to make it worse, there are serious suspicions (videos) that the fires were made by the police).
This shit is terrifying.
But we won’t stop: “We’re the children of the workers they couldn’t kill”
Please support the people in Chile!
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
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La salud está en crisis, los recursos destinados son insuficientes para cumplir las necesidades existentes en los servicios de atención, por lo que están dejando a los usuarixs del sistema público sin esperanza 😞 No me cabe en la cabeza la poca contigencia que tiene esta situación y lo indolente que son las autoridades. Necesitamos protestar y que se cumplan las demadas para un sistema mejor, digno y justo! Por todos los que anhelan vivir y luchan por su propia salud pero hoy no pueden alzar la voz 📣❤ #RENUNCIAMAÑALICH #CHILEDESPERTÓ #SALUDENCRISIS La contención en momentos de frustración e impotencia es muy importante, por eso agradezco a @briaancastle por siempre estar para mi y ayudarme a ver colores cuando todo es gris 🌻 te amo ❤ (en Antofagasta, Norte De Chile.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4QRvD3F6vynZslQi1WkoZcakOA5PzfTGbK1Ss0/?igshid=1ehj7o3z2qxbi
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
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lights up and they know who you are
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
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Lights up - Harry Styles
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
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“Violence is not the way”
They said when the turnstiles were broken.
And I agree, that’s violent.
But violent is also the way in which the families of the missing detained don’t know where the bodies of their loved ones are. Violent is the way in which the drought in Petorca had their causes identified in 2014 and the reform made was an incomplete project of the state.
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Violent is the way in which Chile is the most unequal country in the OCDE, with a system “pro rich” where the taxes affect the poor severely more. Violent is the way in which the elders of 80 years have the highest suicide rate due to absence of prevention policies focused on the elderly.
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Violent is the lack of resources, inputs and lack of dignity in public health. That Quintero’s youth must close the school year due to health problems after episodes of contamination. The sexual abuse of the Church, and the protection that the policy has given to the cases. That Carabineros of Chile confiscate fruit at fairs instead of disarticulating drug trafficking in neighborhoods.
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Violent is the way our elders have to work even after their retirement because they can’t live otherwise.
Violent is that the Metro of Santiago cares more about broken swivels that people killing themselves in the train tracks.
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Violent are the ones who provoke social inequality, not those who fight against them.
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
ya saben ya
You know, another sad thing about this all is the look older people got as they saw armed soldiers out on the streets... the government promised them 30 years ago that this would never happen again and yet here we are.
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
We won't forget ✊🏼🇨🇱
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Chile está despertando
Basta de abusos
Fuerza cabros ✊🏼
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dontloseyoursmiles · 5 years
A summary of what’s happening in Chile
A day has already passed so I thought it would be a good idea to gather everything that has happened so far here regarding the protests, riots and police brutality:
- On october 6th, the government announced that the public transportation fare in Santiago, specifically the metro, would be raised to 830 chilean pesos (around $1.17 dollars). This has not been the first raise this year.
- The news angered the citizens, since both salaries and the pension system are miserable compared to the prices in transportation, education, health and electricity. Water is private, the health system is collapsing due to lack of supplies and recently we found out that our president has avoided almost 30 years in taxes, without consecuences.
- For context: minimum wage in Chile right now is 301.000 pesos, or $422 dollars. In a month, a person spends 51.460 pesos ($73 dollars) just in transportation, considering two trips daily. This is a sixth of their income. And the pensions aren’t much better: 134.000 pesos ($189 dollars) monthly. And there are people who get much less than that.
- Students decided to protest and take control of Santiago’s metro stations, inviting the rest of the citizens to evade the fare to show the general discontent of the population.
- The government replied by sending the police to fight against the protesters, hitting them, throwing tear gas bombs and even shooting them. Chilean press only shows the riots, avoiding the real facts.
- The protests got to the streets: riots and cacerolazos, and even multiple fires affect Santiago. All of this while President Sebastián Piñera is seen in a restaurant located in a wealthy área, having dinner with his family.
- At about midnight, Piñera annunces that Santiago is under Emergency State. The military goes out to the street, and the violence is harder than ever. This is the biggest event of repression Chile has faced since the Dictatorship that our country was in between 1973 and 1990.
This is still going on. Cities along the entire country are getting organized to protest, because this isn’t just about the raise of a metro fare. This is the explosion of a social unrest that’s been growing for decades, and instead of dialoguing and trying to listen to the people, the government is endorsing abuse, forced disappearances and even the murder of hundred of people.
But this won’t stay like this. We are fighting back, and we will be heard.
[Some links in english: Reuters, The Guardian, Bloomberg, BBC News]
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